Floating Stars (Review Nineteen)

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Floating Stars
By Fayesther

Reviewer: Tumi771

Cover/Title: 8/10

- It's very creative and unique I love it.


Blurb: 8/10

- It's amazing, before the story starts the author has added a glossary so you understand the book more and I love that. She also has a quote that says:


(It's all connected to Astrid's story)

- It's enough to let us know that we are about to embark on Astrid's journey of self-discovery.


First Chapter: 10/10

- The first chapter was fantastic, I immediately got drawn into the book. The way the author gave us hints to draw you in and make you want to understand Astrid's life, I loved it. She was like a troubadour doing my favorite piece and I needed more.


Grammar/Punctuation: 9/10

- I didn't find any errors with her grammar and punctuation.


Plot/Placing: 9/10

- I can tell the author took time with the plot. When you start reading, you know Astrid has a past even though she  herself doesn't know yet what happened. Her dreams and paintings represent a part of her without realizing it, and she soon figures out that they are all pieces of a puzzle that she has to put together.

- Astrid was a queen meant for greatness. I love happy endings, so when Astrid got her sight back I couldn't help but to celebrate with her.

Amazing work!


Characters: 8/10

- Characters are well presented. Astrid, who's the main character meets James Hawthorne who helped her when she was stranded and didn't know who her family. He was the first missing piece before she met Amber, who she took in and ended up adopting. True, Luchinda, Ferrae, Malek etc. All who were part of Astrid's life helped her on her journey...I feel she represented them very well.


Originality: 10/10

- It's very original she kept me on my toes lol I absolutely loved it.


World Building: 9/10

- I found myself feeling like I was Astrid. The road to finding herself again, her roots, all of those things finally came together and she got the answers she looked for. She was a queen meant for great things and ended up defeating evil (Noir Astra) with good.


Imagery: 8/10

- At times I felt like I was watching it in my house. The descriptions were so detailed, it made imagining them easier. Some chapters even had visuals, allowing it to become more vivid.


Overall: 10/10

- It's an extraordinary book in my opinion!


Questions for the author:

- What do you think of the review? Did it help you improve?

- What kind of story are you going for? Tell us so we can understand you.

- What do you enjoy about writing? Tell us how it makes you feel.

- What is your writing process like?

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