Life (Review Thirty-Six)

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Remember that the point of this review is to guide you to improvement. If you have any questions, do not before afraid to talk to your reviewer or to @ericson119. We are here to help you, not review your book and simply move on to the next one.

By: Prarthana_dinesh

Reviewer: The_Scarlet_Writer


Cover/Title: 9/10

- The title is very simple but also pretty interesting.
- I really like the cover, it's so nice!


Blurb: 9/10

- I think the blurb is really cute, especially the first two lines.


First Chapter: 8/10

- In my opinion, the first chapter is a nice start for a book of this kind, starting with the types of humans.

- There are though some technical remarks that I'll be focusing on in the rest of the review.


Grammar/Punctuation: 7/10

- I think the punctuation needs a little bit of work, such as linking a couple of very short sentences together if they complete the same idea.

- You don't have too many grammatical mistakes, and the ones that you do have can easily be fixed with thorough editing. For example, in the chapter about "fears" : "being drown" should be "being drowned" or "drowning".


Vocabulary: 7/10

- Overall, you have a wide range of vocabulary, but I do advise you to make sure you don't have too many repetitions, such as in chapter "words", paragraph 5, you used the word "same" many times in a row.


Plot/Pacing: 9/10

- I like the pacing of the book in general; we started with an introduction and then kept going into deeper subjects the further we got through the chapters.

- As for the chapters themselves, I like how you start each one by posing the problem, then listing some arguments and examples, until we reach a conclusion.


Character/ Character development: 9/10

- I feel a development in your words, a progression of thoughts and beliefs. The more I read, the more I realise stuff I never thought about before.


Originality: 9/10

- It is rare to see such a book on wattpad, and I'm glad you had the courage to write one like that; God knows many of us need it.


World building: 9/10

- If you keep on going like this, you'll have yourself a beautiful community of kind people supporting each other through their hard times. This is the most important thing in my opinion.


Imagery: Neutral

- I feel like I shouldn't write anything here since this is a book of real life situations where imagination has no place.


Overall: I think your book is really good, and just needs some editing xx.


Questions for the author:

- What do you think of the review? Did it help you improve?

- What kind of story are you going for? Tell us so we can understand you.

- What do you enjoy about writing? Tell us how it makes you feel.

- What is your writing process like?

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