The Desert: A Lands of Ralosia Story (Review Twenty-Nine)

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Remember that the point of this review is to guide you to improvement. If you have any questions, do not before afraid to talk to your reviewer or to @ericson119. We are here to help you, not review your book and simply move on to the next one.

The Desert - A Lands of Ralosia Story By: Sanch250

Reviewer: The_Scarlet_Writer


Cover/title: 8/10

- The title is pretty simple (in a good way) and interesting.

- The cover is nice. I liked seeing the desert so that it can be related to the title, but I'll admit I'd find it nicer if the pic you'd chosen had a little more life to it.


Blurb: 10/10

- I'd say this is a perfect blurb!


First chapter: 9/10

- Amazing first chapter, I enjoyed reading it.

- I like that with you, there's always some action to keep us hooked with the right amount of descriptions.


Grammar/punctuation: 9/10
- I didn't found much here. Good job!


Vocabulary: 10/10

- There's no point to write much here except that you've chosen well your vocabulary, and the way you use it is very lovely.


Plot/Pacing: 9/10

- You keep us on our toes, which I like a lot.

- The pacing is also really good, not too slow for it to drag on and on, but not too fast either.


Characters/character development: 9/10

- I love Corri and Rojo, I'd say they're my favorites.

- You were able to project the characters' personalities through their actions, and I really like that.


Originality: 9/10

- I told you this before, but it's very original and the idea of it all is new to me; a breath of fresh air.


World building: 10/10

- It's very apparent that you built a whole other world with this series of yours; it's my second time reading one of your works and I'm more convinced by the minute of how good you are.

Imagery: 9/10

- Imagining the scenes was smooth and easy; very fun too.


Overall: Another wonderful story! Keep going!


Questions for the author:

- What do you think of the review? Did it help you improve?

- What kind of story are you going for? Tell us so we can understand you.

- What do you enjoy about writing? Tell us how it makes you feel.

- What is your writing process like?

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