Watched (Review Fifty)

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Remember that the point of this review is to guide you to improvement. If you have any questions, do not before afraid to talk to your reviewer or to @ericson119. We are here to help you, not review your book and simply move on to the next one.

By: GinaGreendale

Reviewer: SilentLover0224


Title/Cover: 10/10

- Very catchy and creative title.


Blurb: 10/10

- I love how mysterious it is! The watcher becoming the watched totally sold the idea. Great job!


First Chapter: 10/10

- You were able to describe the situation perfectly! I could see that Daisy was truly stalking Bethany, and that she was in love too.


Grammar/Punctuation: 9/10

- There are some minor mistakes, but you really have to look for them to see them.


Vocabulary: 10/10

- Good word choices! They fit perfectly into your sentences.


Plot/Pacing: 10/10

- The events happen when they need to, and not a moment sooner.


Characters/Character development: 9/10

- Some characters are rough around the edges, but they are well thought out, and replayed perfectly.


Word building/Structure: 9/10

- Again, there are some minor mistakes, but you'd have to look for them.

Imagery: 10/10

- I could see the world you were describing!!! It was like I was living it!


Overall: I really enjoyed reading this! Keep up the good work!


Questions for the author:

- What do you think of the review? Did it help you improve?

- What kind of story are you going for? Tell us so we can understand you.

- What do you enjoy about writing? Tell us how it makes you feel.

- What is your writing process like?

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