Chapter 1

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Caleb's P.O.V

It has been three months since Depa adopted and saved me. This has also been the longest time I've ever stayed in one home. At times I was afraid that I would screw up and she would kick me out, yet I'm still here. Depa reassured me to the point I felt comfortable messing around a little but not to much.

For the first time in my whole life, I actually felt cared for or even loved. None of my other homes that I stayed at never made me feel like this before. I was happy and safe from the dangers of the world, finally a place to call home. Depa was like a mom that I never had and she was amazing. Yet, I never told her that she was like one to me, I'm to nervous to tell her. She inspires me to do my best and helps me when I fall.

A couple weeks ago, Depa brought me to the police station and showed me something cool. The police needed help around the station so they made these 'clones.' "They are genetic soldiers that look exactly alike and are programmed to follow orders with a chip in their neck," Depa explained to me. The clones looked like actual humans to me that it was hard to tell if they were a clone or not.

Today, Depa brought me to work with her to show me the clones that had been working with her for the past couple of weeks now. I was really excited to see an meet them and actually talk with them like a real person, not a clone.

I hopped into the car overly excited to meet my mother figure's partners. Depa laughed at my childish display of excitement. "Don't get to over joyed or a rainbow might pop out of that big head of yours and make a hole in the car's roof," Depa joked. I shrugged with the same goofy smile on my face.

Depa rolled her eyes and pulled out of the drive way. The whole drive to the police department, I couldn't hold still in my seat. I could tell that Depa was smiling the whole time.

Depa parked and exited the car. I looked at the building that I always thought of as horrible nightmare that I was repeatedly sent to. This time, I was excited to come here to see the new future of the police.

   Depa and I entered the police department and was greeted by Kenobi. "Hello Depa and Caleb, you here to see the clones?" Kenobi asked and Depa nodded. "He couldn't hold still in his seat the whole way here," Depa said giggling. I sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of my neck. Kenobi and I are finally getting along after so long of disagreements.

"You know where to find them," Kenobi said and walked off to probably do more work. Depa guided me down different halls until we reached a room that said 'Break Room.' Depa knocked on the door and someone on the other side said, "Come in." Depa opened the door and I followed behind her into the room.

I peeked around her and saw a bunch of people that looked exactly alike. No wonder they are called clones. "Hello Depa, is there something you need," one of the clones asked Depa. "I wanted you to meet Caleb," Depa said and moved to reveal me.

I looked up curiously at the clone. He extended his hand and said, "My name is Captain Rex. It's nice to meet you Caleb." I smiled and shook Rex's hand. "The both of us work together as partners," Depa explained, "This is the rest of the cell squad."

"What's a cell squad?" I asked. "A cell squad is one of many other groups of police so we have more groups doing different things like solving cases and arresting. Rex and I lead one of the many other cells of police forces," Depa explained. I nodded understanding and scanned the room at the other genetic soldiers.

   These men were going to do amazing things and I wanted to be a police officer, just like Depa. Help people, solve mysteries, and just be there for the ones that I used to be, an orphan. Kenobi did everything to make sure I had a nice home, he never gave up on me like everyone else did and I appreciate all that he did.

   "Come Caleb," I turned to see Depa gesture that it was time to leave. "Bye Rex and the everyone else," I said waving and smiling. "See you later kid," Rex said saluting. Depa and I left the police station and went to go get something to eat. "So, did you like them?" Depa asked me while driving the car. "Yeah, they are really cool," I said brightly. Depa laughed a bit then a walkie talkie turn on saying, "We need back up on the west side of Lothal."

   When we came to a red light, Depa messed with the walkie talkie before setting it back down. "What's the problem?" Depa said while driving the car. "Our clones are- AH!" the guy in the walkie talkie went silent. I was a bit scared of the situation but Depa seemed cool and collected. "Caleb," she said and I turned my head to face her. "Yeah?" I asked.

   "Our lunch is going to be a little delayed," Depa said, "We are going to see what's up with the clones then get something, ok?" I nodded my head cause at that point I wasn't able to talk. "It will be alright, don't worry," Depa reassured me and I smiled. Yet, I had a bad feeling about whatever was going on over there. Over in the poor class section. My section.

   I had the guts to tell Depa what section I was from and she didn't care that I was from the poor class. I still smile at the thought that someone higher and who is from a status that doesn't like people like me, loves me. At least, I think she loves me, I never heard her say it but I just have to be patient. Right now, duty calls.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😒😁

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