Chapter 11

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*five days later...*

Kanan's P.O.V

   I rejoiced when my job at the pawnshop ended with another long day. I started to walk to the bar when I saw Ahsoka. "Hey, Ahsoka," I called making the girl stop and turn around.

   "Hello Kanan, it's great to see you. I haven't heard from Hera or you in a while," she said then put on a smug face, "Is there something going on between you two?" I gulped with heat rising in my cheeks. "No! No, there is nothing!" I said a bit to quick and overly embarrassed.

   "Really, because your tomato for a head says a different story," she said slyly, "You like her!"

   My face heated up even more and I hid it under my shirt. "Please don't tell her," I said already feeling embarrassed enough. "Oh, I won't," Ahsoka said, "but you will."

   I sighed in relief and brought my face out of my shirt. "Thank you," I said.

   "No problem, besides I ship you two so bad," she said then waved goodbye, "I got to go, there is a load of garbage in my book bag that I need to take care of." I smiled a bit and waved goodbye.

   "Ahsoka, you seized to make my life more complicated at times," I said to myself then continued my journey to the cantina.

   I made it to the bar and entered. My eyes landed on Hera's favorite bike gang at a table slurring random jokes and stories. I found them entertaining myself when I met them and still do. "Hey guys," I said.

   "Oh look, it's the miniature cowboy," one yelled making the others laugh. I was a bit annoyed with the nickname when they gave it to me but found a way to brush it off. "Have you seen Hera around?" I asked.

"We haven't seen Nurse Hera today," Joey said which worried me.

"Ok, thanks," I said then headed over to Joe.

"Hey old Joe, do you know where Hera is?" I asked worried.

"She says that she wasn't feeling good so I let her have the rest of the day off. You should check her home," Joe suggested. I thanked him and left the running home to help out Hera.

   I opened the door and entered the small apartment. "Hera, I'm home," I called through the house. I shut the door locking it but never heard a reply. "Hera," I called out worried starting to feel panic flow through my veins.

   That's when I heard something come from the bathroom. I walked over and knocked on the door, "Hera, are you okay?" I asked.

   I heard a, "You can come in," from a raspy voice on the other side of the door. I opened the door to reveal a pale Hera leaning over the toilet with vomit on her mouth and clothes. "Hera," I said even more scared than before. What can I do? She upchucked again so I gathered her hair to remove it from her face.

   When she was done a breathlessly, "thanks," escaped her lips. I knelt down beside her and felt her shake when my hand laid on her shoulder. Then moved my hand to her forehead immediately pulling back. "Sheesh Hera, you're really hot. That fever really is getting to you," I said worried.

"It was probably from eating your black toast," she joked while I rolled my eyes.

"Even when sick your still snarky," I said then helped her up. I helped lead her to the couch and gently set her down on it. I grabbed a pillow and blanket to help make Hera more comfortable.

   "There you go," I muttered, a bit happy that I knew how to at least take care of the sick. "Snug as a bug in a rug," I added then went to the kitchen, grabbed a rag and running warm water on it from the sink. Then went back over to Hera and placed it on her forehead as her fevered eyes watched me the whole time.

   "Thank you," she said cracking a small smile. I returned the smile  and laid and my hand on hers while saying, "Anytime."

Hera gripped her hand in mine then closed her eyes before drifting off into sleep. Her grip left and I let her sleep. I stood up and went to the kitchen to make some soup. I knew how to make that at least.

So I grabbed a bowl then a can of soup. I opened the can then poured to contents into the bowl. After all the soup was in the bowl, I grabbed it and put it in the microwave setting it for a minute.

   Soon the beep came and I carefully took the bowl out of the microwave to see stem flowing from the bowl. I set the bowl on a try then snatched some crackers from the cabinet setting those on the tray too. I opened a drawer that held all the silver wear grabbing a spoon. I put spoon in the bowl of soup letting the end of the it stick out.

Carefully, I lifted the tray and brought it over then set it on the coffee table.

A while later, Hera woke up. "Rise and shine," I said as Hera blinked her eyes. "I made some soup for you and don't worry, I actually know how to make it," I said making her roll those green eyes. I helped her sit up then carefully set the tray on her lap. Her eyes widen then rasped, "Wow, this is so thoughtful of, I really can't thank you enough can I?"

As she ate, we both started to talk. "So...where are you from?" She asked and I almost flinched. "I guess I should give you some answers. It's not fair that your telling me your secrets and I'm not. I just wasn't ready to let go of the past I guess," I explained.

   "Trust me, I'm still so much of an open book myself," Hera said smiling.

   "Yeah, there are secrets that people will keep at any cost and I get that but still...I never really told you even the simplest of things. It's time that I should tell you cause....I trust you," I said earning a bigger smile from her.

   "I'm from Lothal in Capital City," I said.

   Hera set the tray aside and sat in a sitting position. I was going to protest until she patted the area next to her. I just stood up from the ground and sat next to her. we sat in silence until she broke it, "I'm from Ryloth."

   I took and shaky breathe in and out then began to say, "My name isn't really Kanan Jarrus..." That got her attention and she turned her head facing me but I kept staring at the ground blankly. "So what's your real name and why are you hiding it?" She asked.

   I turned my head to meet her eyes that exploded with curiosity. "My real name is Caleb Dume and the reason I'm hiding it is cause of the troopers."

   "The troopers?" Hera said confused.

   "Yeah," I confirmed, "They are still looking for any survivors of the police. I was under the care of a police officer so anyone is or lives with an officer is supposed to be killed o sight."

   "Wow, that's a lot to take in," she said, "No wonder you were so secretive."

   I nodded, "The police made new weapons called clones. They walk and talk like us but are programmed to follow orders. They went behind our backs after months of being in the police force by killing the officers."

   "That's why you didn't trust me because you thought that I might of gone behind your back," she said.

   "The clones were apart of the wealthy class too. That was another reason," I said scratching the back of my neck.

   She laid her head on my shoulder and said, "I will never turn you in. You don't deserve to go through any of this."

   My eyes were burning but I calmed down with Hera's comforting presence. "Thank you, for listening and understanding," I said.

   "Thanks for telling me," she said, "I guess it's my turn."

   "You don't have to," I said, "I don't want to force you into telling me."

   "No, you shared with me, now it's my turn cause I want to," Hera said. Even through a fever she can pull off arguing very well. "Before my mother died, I was always shy. That changed when she did die. My father started to drink and abuse be but I ran away to here," she explained.

   I felt bad for her. I knew what it was like to get abused by a guardian that took you under their care.

   I slung an arm around her and said, "I know what it is like to be abused by someone that took you under their care."

   "Your parents abused you?" Hera said a bit surprised.

   "I never knew my parents. I've been sent to different homes almost my entire life and everyone sent me back expect for one," I said.

   I could tell Hera was heart broken but still full of wonder yet didn't want to keep forcing me to talk. So she just stayed silent. Yet, I kept talking to the point that I felt like I was almost going to cry.

   "S-She was amazing. She inspired me and kept her promise that she wouldn't send me back. She taught me some things and actually fed me. I was awful to her the first time we met but she still kept me," I said, "Her name was Depa."

   "I think I've heard that name before," Hera admitted, "I think my school played a video with her talking about safety."

   He smiled at the thought, "She was always about safety and always stayed calm in the worst of situations."

   Then I realized something, "Sorry I'm rambling."

   "It's okay," Hera said, "I like that you're being more open."

   I heard thunder outside then the pitter patter of rain hitting the window. I looked at the clock and said, "I think we should go to bed.You need to get some rest."

   "You're right," she said sleepy then yawned. I gently picked her up and carried her to her room. I laid her in the bed then placed my hand on her forehead. I smiled a bit when it reduced the last time I checked. "Sweet dreams, Hera," I cooed then left the room shutting the door behind me.

   I went to my own room with a new feeling swirling inside me and weight that was lifted. I climbed into my bed feeling more and more at home knowing that I would be fine.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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