Chapter 15

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*two days later...*

Kanan's P.O.V

I opened the cabinets to see only two cans of soup. We were running low on food and planned to go shopping after Hera was done with work.

That's when the creak of the door opened revealing the said girl. "You ready?" She asked me and I nodded grabbing the list of things we need. We both headed out the door and to the shops of the big city. There were only a couple hours left before most of the stores and shops would close so the two of us had to go fast.

   "We'll split the list then meet back here when we're done," Hera said.

   "Sounds like a plan," I said carefully splitting the list in half. I gave Hera one of the slips of paper then we split. I never liked shopping even if it was with Depa, it always bore me. Even now it is boring but it has to be done or else we would go hungry for a while.

   "Hey you!" I jumped a bit but turned around to see a short guy that is fat and a tall guy that is thin. Both had very angry looks on their faces and seemed to storm over my way.

   I looked over to my left to see an alley that looked familiar.

   That's when it hit me. I looked back over to see the men coming from the store I robbed when first arriving.

   'Shoot, they must of saw me,' I thought then began to run down the alley.

"Get that, rat!" I heard the same voice say and echoes of footsteps running behind me. It was hard running while having two bags in my hands but managed for now and hopefully will lose these two men. I sharply turned corners and jumped a few things until the yelling disappeared.

I stopped and looked back to see no one chasing me. So, I set the bags down and stood there to catch my breath. I pulled out the shopping list to see that I only had two items left.

"Hopefully, I can get everything and make it back to the apartment with Hera in one piece," I muttered to myself, stuffing the list back into my pocket.

I grabbed the bags then made my way through the market. It didn't take long to find the items so then I headed to our meeting place.

*time skip*

I was sitting on a bench with the bags sitting close to me. There was no way that they were leaving my sight.

Soon, I spotted Hera walking over to me smiling. I returned the favor with my own charming smile and stood up grabbing the bags.

"Ready?" She asked me and I nodded. The two of us made our way back to the apartment. I kept an eye out for any 'unwanted guests.' Hera must of noticed my uneasiness. "Are you ok?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I just had a little run in with some people and I guess, it's just making me nervous," I admitted.

"It's okay, I'm sure we'll be fine," she replied yet it didn't help much. I returned my appreciation with a smile then began to look around again.

A couple minutes later, we turned into an alley. I remembered that this was the alley we helped that boy. I sighed in relief knowing that we were almost home. Home. Such a foreign word to me and yet I'm using it. I smiled a bit at the thought and loving the word more.

I snapped out of my thoughts when two men stood in our path. My eyes widen recognizing the two men from the store. Hera and I had the same idea and turned around. Yet to see that the path was blocked by those bullies that beat the poor boy. We were trapped right in the middle.

"You are going to pay for what you stole, boy," the short man from the store said. I turned then said, "I can pay for it."

"Your a little over due," he said with an evil smirk then pulled out a gun, "So, you'll pay with your life."

I looked over at the bullies and a couple of them had the same idea to pull out a gun. Hera and I looked at each other nervously. "So much for getting home safely," I muttered to her.

"Shut up," she muttered back. One thing Hera didn't like was being wrong.

"Any last words to your little girlfriend, boy?" The small store man said.

"The only thing I have to say is for you," I said looking at the side to see trash can tops.

"Ooo, and what might that be?" The small man said with a smirk.

"Caught," was all that came out of my mouth before snatching the lid and throwing it at the small man. To my luck, the lid hit him and he fell to the ground. That was also what caused them to fire at us. I quickly grabbed Hera and we both knelt down behind a dumpster.

"Got any more bright ideas?" Hera asked me.

"Yep," I said grabbing another lid. I peeked around the corner of the dumpster to see the tall store man. He was the only one blocking us from our freedom. I stood up aimed then threw the lid.

The good thing was that it hit the guy and he dropped his gun. I picked it up then turned to aim it at the bullies. The bad news was when I turned around to see a guy holding Hera with a gun placed next to her head. I could see fear in her eyes but played it cool by mouthing 'go.'

That was my very last option on my list and so far my only option.

"One move and this pretty little girlfriend will get a lovely hole," the guy holding Hera said with a smirk. My guess was that he was the leader of the group. My gun was aiming at the leader but Hera was in the way.

I looked at the hand holding the gun giving me an idea. I sighed and slowly tilted the gun to make sure they didn't see me move. Sweat beaded my forehead with full concentration. If I missed then it would all be over. Luckily, it was silent so it helped me with my concentration.

"You have to the count of three to put your gun down," the leader said.

"" He started but I didn't put it down.

"...two..." He counted and I aimed.

"...thr-AAAHHH!" The leader screamed after a skillfully pulled the trigger and hitting my target. "Enjoy your own hole!" I yelled. Hera had enough time to retaliate by punching him square in the nose. I flinched when a crack echoed off the walls. The others flinched too from the noise but before they could do anything, I aimed.

The group of boys fled the alley knowing that I'm a better aim than them. "This isn't over!" The leader said then fled with the rest of his group. I sighed but pain shot through me. My legs shook as I clutched my side. My eye looked down to see blood staining the left side of my stomach.

"Oh my goodness, Kanan your hurt," Hera said worried.

"I'll be able to make it back fine. Let's hurry though," I said grabbing two bags and held back a groan.

"I'm carrying the bags," Hera continued, "You watch your wound."

I rolled my eyes but agreed anyway. I didn't want to end up with a broken nose in the end.

We both walked home or at least I limped along.

After some time, the two of us made it back to the apartment. Hera opened the door then set the bags on the counter. She guided me to her room and told me to sit on the bed. I took off my shirt as Hera pulled something from under her bed. A med kit.

She sat next to me and analyzed the wound.

"It doesn't look life threatening but you can still bleed to death," she said starting to get some thing out of the kit.

"Ow," I said when a stinging pain shot through me.

"Hold still," Hera said applying more.

"I can't help it if it stings," I said flinching again.

"Ok, I'm done," she said then put a big band aid on my side. I put a new shirt on since the last one needed cleaning.

We both sat in silence as she put the med stuff away then slid it back under the bed. For some reason, we couldn't look at each other but I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was cause I didn't deny her being my girlfriend or that I shot a guy.

"Thank you," I heard her say, "For saving my life."

I looked up to meet her in the eye then nodded since no words could form. The two of us looked away again in silence. I wasn't sure what to do or say so I stood up. Hera had the same idea and we walked into each other. We both fell to the floor but I went forward right onto her.

I opened my eyes after what happened then raised my head up to meet with surprised green eyes. Our faces were so close that I could feel Hera's breath run down my neck. I gulped and felt my face flush with heat. Luckily it was dark a bit dark in the room.

   I looked at her thinking she looked beautiful. Hera was probably thinking that I'm being weird but there was just something in her eyes that I couldn't explain. I wanted to test my theory.

   I leaned down and kissed her on the lips then closed my eyes. I was afraid that she wouldn't return my feelings. That was until I felt her kiss me back. We pulled apart and stared at each other. That's when it happened. Hera smiled saying, "I love you."

   I smiled back then rested my forehead on hers and closed my eyes saying, "I love you too."


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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