Prologue 3: Hera

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Hera's P.O.V

   I was at school, outside sitting on a wooden picnic table reading a book. It was our free time so the teachers thought that some fresh air would be good for us. They also thought running around would burn off energy so we wouldn't cause trouble in the classroom.

   It was beautiful day out even though it was chilly out. The leaves changed colors and fell to the ground gracefully. I always loved fall except the fact that winter will come soon. I didn't have any friends but everyone here treats me as if I were their friend. So I just read a book or swing on the swings.

   A cry of pain instantly made me perk up. I saw the three bullies of the school picking on Copper again. I was always afraid to go and stand up for people who are treated horribly but for some reason, I found some courage. I angrily shut my book and set it hard on the table.

   I walked over to the chaos then stood between Copper and the bullies. "Leave him alone!" I yelled glaring at the three boys. "Ooo, Copper you need a girl to protect you. How pathetic," the leader of the three bullies said. The other two behind him laughed as I kept my glare. "You should be ashamed of yourselves. You call yourself rich-class-material but really, you are acting like tirati Emile's!"

   The three bullies were flabbergasted at my language for a someone like me. "Dang, girl has attitude," the bully on the right said. "I suggest you leave right now," I said quietly disturbing making the three bullies walk away in fear. I calmed down and turned to a petrified Copper. "Are you ok?" I asked giving him a hand. Copper reached out and grabbed my hand. I pulled the short boy up even though he was older than me.

   Copper still seemed shocked that I helped him. I smiled and said questionably, "I'm going to say that's a yes?" Copper snapped out and nodded smiling. He took out a paper and wrote something on it. He gave it to me and I read it.

   Thank you for saving me. I thought I was a goner there for a minute. Do you want to go play?

  I looked up to see him nervous but I smiled reassuringly saying, "I would love to play with you." Copper's face glowed and he half dragged me to the swings. We both were swinging until it was time to leave. I grabbed my stuff and waved a farewell to Copper. He did the same as we both parted ways. I think I smell a friendship starting to brew.

   Once my father and I arrived home, I ran over to my mother and showed her a picture I drew. "Hera, this is amazing," my mother cooed. "Thank you," I said blushing in embarrassment. "I think a masterpiece like this belongs on the fridge," my father said hanging where everyone could see. I smiled happily as I proudly saw the picture hanging from the fridge.

   A couple hours later, we ate supper and went to bed. My happy day changed that night when my world turned upside down.

   I wasn't sure what time it was when my father woke me up but it was still really dark outside. "What's going on?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Come Hera, we need to go," my father told me. "Why?" I asked worriedly. "Your mother, she isn't well," he said which spiked my worry even more.

   I crawled out of bed and followed my father out of the room. We went and got into the car starting to head somewhere. I looked over at my dad with fear but he ignored me and kept driving. I looked back at the dark street and hope that my mom was going to be alright.

   We made it to the hospital and had to wait in the waiting room before we could see her. "Dad," I said and he looked down at me. "Yes?" He asked. "What's wrong with mom?" I asked and my father gave me a look of sadness. "Please tell me," I begged. My father sighed in defeat and looked at me straight in my scared eyes.

   "After you went to bed, your mother said that she forgot something in the back yard. I heard a scream and went to go see where it came from. I was surprised you didn't wake up," my father said trying to lighten the mood. Yet, I was to busy being scared and worried to laugh at this point.

   He frowned and continued, "I checked on you then I went to check on your mother..." He zoned out a bit that I had to shake him back to reality. "What happened?" I asked sadly. "I went out to the backyard t-to see a g-guy stabbing her to d-death," he said making me go pale.

   "It was a guy from the poor class, I could tell by his clothes," my father explained now with hate in his voice. "I knocked the guy out well enough that the police and ambulance came to handle the rest."

   "How did I not wake up when any of this was happening?" I asked with tears burning my eyes, "Why would that man try to kill mom?" At this point I couldn't hold back my tears and cried. My father held me in his arms and said, "I don't know, honey. I don't know."

   "I don't like the poor class," I said, "There a bunch of surci Emile." "We will talk about that language when we get home but for now we need to hope that your mother will be fine," dad said. I calmed down after a while and fell asleep with hope that my mother will be fine when I wake up.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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