Chapter 13

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Niko (POV)
I've been silent ever since Kira's ghost appeared before me for the first time in a long time. Although it only has been a couple minutes since the incident, I can tell the others noticed my behavior and emotion change right off the bat. Diane especially. She tried to get me to talk but I've said nothing. We've decided to go ahead and try to enter the Necropolis.
Hawk- Even if this Necropolis place actually exists, there's no way to get to the other side.
Meliodas- Well I guess all we have to do is die right?
Hawk- You big idiot.
Elizabeth- Share memories that are precious with the dead. If I could, when my mother died I was too young to remember. I'd love to meet her.
Hawk- That rules you out.
Xerxes- Hardly remember my ma and pa but it is what it is.
I move forward and stand side by side with Ban in an open dirt field. Only the sound of wind is heard. Then I hear it. Her voice echoes with the wind itself. It brings back a certain memory. A memory of Kira in I in a lush field of flowers that went further than the eye could see. The sun was setting then and we walked through the field of flowers hand in hand. I remember her saying that she wished the moment could last forever and that she'd always stay by my side. I remember promising her that I'd love her even after no longer living on this plain of existence. I remember pulling her into me and sealing the promise with a deep kiss. The memory fades and I snap back to reality. The empty dirt field Ban and I stood is no longer empty. It's filled with lush pinkish flowers.

Ban- What the hell?
Diane comes and observes the new area.
Diane- Elizabeth come here. Look at all these beautiful flowers.
The others quickly come.
Elizabeth- Oh my. What kind are they?
Hawk- Who cares. Who cares about a bunch of stupid old flowers.
Xerxes- I'm with the pig on this one.
I continue to stare on at the rows and rows of pinkish roses.
Diane- Niko......please talk to me.
I look up to her face and finally a slight smile crosses my face. I bend down and pluck out a handful of roses and present them to her.
Niko- I'm fine. Thank you Diane for checking up on me. You really are special.
Her cheeks redden a little bit but she graciously takes the flowers. The wind picks up making the petals of all the roses come off. They begin to swirl around us like some kind of vortex. As soon as it started, it was over just as fast but we were now somewhere different.

Xerxes- If this shit doesn't scream Necropolis to you, I don't know what does.
Elizabeth- You think my wish to see my mother opened up the pathway?
Hawk- Maybe it was all the delicious scraps I've missed throughout my life.
Meliodas- My mind was totally blank.
Xerxes- I was thinking about hunting.
Diane- I was thinking about......nevermind.
Ban sees something and takes off.
Diane- Ban!
??- Hold it!
We look to the voice to see King flying after Bam.
Meliodas- King?
Elizabeth- How did he get here?
Hawk- What the hell is going on?
Diane- Captain what are we supposed to do?
Meliodas- I guess we'll run after them for now.
Xerxes- Chief?
Niko- We follow.
We all take off in the direction King and Ban went but unfortunately we lose sight of them.
Meliodas- Ban!
Diane- King!
Elizabeth- Sir Ban!
Hawk- King come back!
Diane- Man. Where'd those two run off to now?
Something feels off and I stick my arm out to stop everyone.
Elizabeth- What is it Sir Niko?
Niko-..........We're not alone.
We scan the area but see nothing.
Elizabeth- I don't see anyone here but us.
Hawk- Yeah. No ghosts have appeared to try and scare us or anything.
Elizabeth- Actually I'd be terrified if one had.
Both of them get scared.
Hawk- There's no point in sticking around here now. Let's go look for the others. What do you say?
Elizabeth- Sounds good to me.
We continue forward but with extreme caution. That is until we come across a woman in Holy Knight attire.
Diane- Who's that?
Xerxes- Chief.
Niko- I know.
HK- Hello Meliodas the Dragon Sin. How do you do Diane the Serpent Sin. Greetings Xerxes, Horseman of Conquest. It's a pleasure to meet you Niko, Horseman of War. My name is Guila and I am a Holy Knight.

Hawk- Wait how'd you get here?
Guila- Simple, by dying.
Hawk- Uh did she just say she got here by dying?
Meliodas- Sure did.
Hawk- Then that means this lady is probably bad news.
Xerxes- She's a Holy Knight and a I can tell she's a pretty skilled one at that. Bad news is an understatement.
She draws her rapier and a little shockwave blasts Elizabeth and Hawk back while the rest of us hold our ground
Meliodas- Hawk, take Elizabeth and get out of here.
Hawk- Will do.
Hawk and Elizabeth quickly escape leaving us four against her.
Xerxes- Now then, shall we?
Xerxes and I make the first move by appearing before her in less than a second with our fists in mid swing.
Xerxes- Got you!
Niko- You're dead!
Guila- Don't think so.
We're suddenly blinded by white then blasted away by an explosion.

High in the air, gravity brings us crashing down into one of this place many crystals. And it just so happened we landed right above Hawk and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth- Sir Niko. Sir Xerxes.
Niko- The hell you two still doing here?
Xerxes- Make those pig legs move Hawk before you become my next prey!
Hawk- Are you kidding me?!!
Hawk and Elizabeth take off once more.
Niko- Really Xerxes?
Xerxes- What? It made him run didn't it?
Niko- Yeah yeah yeah.
We get blindsided by Meliodas crashing into us the same way we did. All three of us fall down to the ground afterwards.
Niko- Fucking hell.
We get covered in a dark shadow and I quickly look up to see Diane falling towards us from the sky. Using as much strength as I can muster, I catch her before she touched the ground and took all of the weight
Diane- Niko?
Niko- Don't worry, I got you.
Diane- Thank you Niko. For everything.
Niko- Of course. You're my other half after all.
Diane- (face starts to go red) Other half?
Niko- Guila's back. I'll elaborate later. For now, let's bring this bitch down.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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