Chapter 7

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Elizabeth (POV)
Meliodas- Even if I die, this sword is the one thing I'll never let go of. It's the only thing I can do. The only thing I can ever atone.
Niko- Release the sword. I won't hesitate to rip your head clean off.
Meliodas looks up at Golgius with a peculiar look

Golgius lets the sword go.
Niko- Now get lost!
Niko tosses Golgius face first out through the glass of the window.
Hawk- He's gone.
Elizabeth- I'm sorry but is it really you guys standing there? Sir Meliodas? Sir Niko?
They turn to face me and they're back to normal.
Meliodas- It's me. Hey Elizabeth. Hey porky.
Niko- Yo.
Niko (POV)
Elizabeth- Oh thank goodness. You're back to your old selves again.
Hawk- Except that he called me porky for some reason.
Niko- So question, where in the heck are we?
Elizabeth- The town of Dalmally which is right by Baste Prison.
Meliodas- Who was that weirdo?
Hawk- A Holy Knight named Golgius. It's pretty clear from the looks of things that he's after Elizabeth and that broken sword of yours. That quack over there was working with him too.
I look over to the doctor and see no one.
Niko- What quack?
Hawk- He hightailed it! Come on!
Elizabeth- Wait, Sir Meliodas and Sir Niko's injuries hasn't healed up yet.
I take off the bandages on my bare chest and I see a decent sized scar.
Something like this

Niko- Looks alright to me.
Elizabeth- It can't be. No way!
She feels both Meliodas and my scar.
Meliodas- What's with you? You're being really aggressive today you know that?
Elizabeth- (realizes what she's doing) I'm sorry! That wasn't my intention!
Meliodas- Not like I mind you feeling me up. You touch me all you want.
Elizabeth- But that's not what I was doing.
I sock Meliodas a good one over the head.
Niko- Perv. Let's hurry and get dressed.
We get dressed and leave the doctor's office. Much to our luck, we run into Golgius again.
Niko- Hiya.
Golgius- Impossible. How did they find me?
Hawk- My nose can smell slop from a mile away so you better not underestimate me.
Niko- Alright down to business. I'm going to ask you one to give up the name of the person who sent you to swipe the Princess and Meliodas's sword. Refuse and you're going to end up in a ditch somewhere barely clinging to life.
Golgius- (puts hands up) Of course. I surrender. To be very honest, I much of a coward by nature. Combat isn't to my liking. Particularly when my adversaries are the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Chief of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I sense hidden blades flying toward us from behind and I grab them out of the air without even taking my eyes off of Golgius.
Golgius- I released those blades when I raised my hands. You were able to see me do it?
Niko- You're not as slick as you think you are.
???- There you are Sir Golgius. I've been looking for you.
We turn around to see the doctor.
Hawk- Hey it's that quack!
Doctor- Now I know I wasn't able to end the boy's lives alright. But I still poisoned them as I was told. A deal's a deal. Plus return my daughter as promised.
Golgius vanishes.
Hawk- He's gone.
Meliodas- You need to stay close to me Elizabeth.
Elizabeth- Right.
Hawk- Come to think of it, when that guy first showed up in the room it came from out of nowhere too.
Golgius (voice echo)- No need to shout. I shall reunite you with your daughter.
Doctor- Thank you sir. She means everything to me.
Meliodas and I sense the impending attack.
Meliodas- Doctor watch out!
Golgius appears behind the doctor.
Golgius- I shall send her to join you in the afterlife.
Golgius impales him with his sword.
Hawk- He got em bad.
Golgius- We can't have you ruining the Holy Knights good name by revealing that we ordered you to poison the boys now can we.
Golgius vanishes once more and the doctor slumps to the ground.
Elizabeth- No!
Elizabeth runs to the doctor.
Niko- Elizabeth wait!
Hawk- Just forget about that guy!
Elizabeth- (gets to the doctor) Doctor Dana hold on!
Meliodas- Elizabeth it isn't safe here because we don't know when or where that guy is going to show up next!
Elizabeth- We can't just stand here and watch this man die!
Golgius appears appears again and goes to stab Elizabeth. Meliodas blocks the attempt with his sword and I follow up with a roundhouse kick to Golgius's face that makes him fly through multiple buildings.
Niko- We gotta run. There's no way that took him down.
Golgius- (reappears) You're correct!
We take off in a random direction while Golgius attacks from all sides. Meliodas and I are doing our best to counter but he keeps teleporting.
Hawk- Damn it. He's definitely leaving behind a metallic scent trail but now I don't have enough time to track it with him attacking us at the same time.
Niko- A metallic scent trail?
Golgius appears again and I knock his sword out the way and hit him over his head with a pele kick.
Like this

The kick buries him into the ground forming a small body sized crater. We take the opportunity to escape to an old abandoned house.
Hawk- What are we doing in here hiding in this  run down building?
Meliodas- Think it through. We've been lucky not to get the townspeople caught up in this and we want to make sure it stays that way.
Hawk- Well I guess you have a point there.
We head up to a room on the top floor and wait.
Meliodas- Let's just stay up here and see if we can wait hun out.
Hawk- I'm surprised this place is still standing. Man it's musty.
I walk around the tiny room and notice how weak the wood on the floor is around the door.
Niko- Hmm. Meliodas over here.
He quickly weakens the wood more within seconds.
Hawk- Whatcha guys doing there?
Meliodas- A little spell to keep him from coming inside.
Hawk- A little spell my pork butt. Since when have you been able to use magic?
Niko- Who says we can't?
Hawk- Is it really safe here though? We're stuck here on the top floor in a cramped dump of a building. There's nowhere to run in here. At least close the door if we're trying to hide.
Niko- What's the point? He teleports. Doors wouldn't work. Pulse he could always pop up in between us out of the blue.
Golgius appears behind Meliodas.
Golgius- Good guess. Try behind you.
Niko- Good guess. Try under a bunch of wood and rubble dumbass.
Golgius- Wha?
Little dud he know, he appeared on the spot where we weakened the wood more. The spot gives and he falls straight through the floor all the down to the bottom. I hop down through the hole and confront the now trapped Holy Knight.
Niko- Your power isn't teleportation. It's invisibility. There were gaps in time when you would vanish and when you would show your face again. I caught on to that after a little bit. Besides, someone who could teleport leaving a scent trail? Doesn't add up. All this means is that you've been moving on foot same as us. That also meant that you would be forced to come through the room's only door. Plus fighting down here means I don't have to hold back and protect Elizabeth from you. So.....
Golgius- Wa-wait!!
With a straight right hand, Golgius goes sailing through a wall to the outside and tumbles his way to a stop. I simply follow the his trail and see him sitting up against another building. He looks up at me and I meet his gaze with a right kick to the side of his face which makes a small indention on the side of the building.

Niko- So you wanna answer the question now or do I have to keep whooping your ass? I haven't even broken a sweat so I can keep doing this all day long.
Elizabeth, Hawk, and Meliodas come running out of the building we were hiding in.
Elizabeth- Sir Niko!
Hawk- I was wondering what was going on down here.
Golgius goes invisible again.
Niko- Well would you look at that.
Meliodas- Guess he ran away.
A horse heads this way and passes us.
Hawk- Horses are such scaredy-cats.
Meliodas- So that's where he went.
Golgius reappears on the horse and he flees in the direction of Baste Prison.
Niko- Looks like we know where we're headed next.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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