Chapter 1

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Makayla's POV
My alarm clock started to buzz. I was hoping that after a while it would just turn off like the last one. But obviously not because 5 minutes had past now and it was still ring in my ear like the bitch it was.

I tried to slam my hand down on it to make it stop but surely enough being the clumsy person I am, I missed it bye a few inches. The table jumped and the alarm clock flew up in the air. It was about to fall on me but having the ninja reflexes I have, I caught it.

"LIKE A BOSS!" I yelled about as loud as Jack Septiceye does in his videos. I jumped out of bed and ran down stairs to find my mum in the kitchen. "Morning Makayla" she says either politely or not really paying attention "Morning Mum" I say back as a grab some Fruit Loops and put them in a massive bowl so I could be a hypo bitch at school.

I grabbed my bag and quickly headed to the door. "Uh, Makayla, you're not going to school like that are you?" Mum asked while pointing to me. I looked down at what I was wearing, Fuck, my PJ's. "Um, no, no I'm not" I blush quite embarrassed as I headed back up to my room.

I opened the closet and put on a black crop top with the word 'Dream' in white letters with with
suspenders, black jeans and red converses. I grabbed my brush and tamed my brown hair.

I walk back downstairs "Ok, now I'm ready" I said as I picked up the bag I dropped. "Let's go" as we got in the car and I turned on the radio, after a few seconds Nae Nae came on. Shit, I had to dance, it wasn't a choice at this point.

"Now watch me whip, Now watch me Nae Nae, now watch me whip,whip, watch me Nae Nae!" After a couple of minutes the song and embarrassing dancing I thought it was over.

Then Dessert came on. What the fuck? Does the universe love or hate me?

"What you gonna,What you gonna do with that dessert?" Finally that song was over and we were at the high school. I opened the door and slammed it shut as quick as possible when I heard the intro of Turn down for what.

"Hey Makayla!" My best friend Zindel yelled out to me. "Hey Del!" I yelled back as I walked to her and she almost squeezed me to death.

It was the first day of high school for me but she was starting this year as a year 8. "Are you excited?" She asked Hypo, she obviously had Fruit Loops too. "For what? Being a newbie? No" I said trying to keep her feet on the ground but failing.

"For all your new classes and hanging me,Kayla,Kitana,Lara,Ericka-" she stopped and began to count her fingers and all I could think the whole time she was doing it was, What is she on? Because I want some!

"How many of us are there?" I asked, big mistake on my behalf. She listed them all.

And Skittles

"Because half of them ditched us" she sighed and began to walk away.

I followed her into the Assembly hall, where we have assembly every Monday morning.

Damn she was so fast I couldn't keep up. As i finally got into the Assembly hall she was just standing there on her phone, now was the perfect time to get her back for Halloween!


"Hey Makayla can you come into the kitchen for a minute please" I walked in to see Zindel nowhere in sight as I was about to walk back out a familiar looking animatronic bear appeared in front of me.

It screamed at me and I fell down almost having a heart attack and looked down to see Zindel laughing her ass off.

(Back to now)

I snuck up behind her and glomped her while yelling out "BOOTY!!!!" She screamed and flipped over one of the chairs taking me down with her.

"Oh,you are a bitch" she whispered yelled and as we both stood up I couldn't help but smirk and give her a look that says "I know".

" I almost bet my high score in flappy bird" she whined. "Get over it" I whined back.

She rolled her eyes and sat down in her normal seat, "Uh Zindel, where am I supposed to sit?" I asked "Well the girl that used to sit next to me moved away, so sit with me babe!" She said pulling me onto the chair next to her.

"MAKAYLA!" I heard screams from the door only to be glomped by Kayla and Kitana "C-Can't.... Breathe!" I said gasping for air. "Oh, sorry!" Kitana said jumping off me. "Kayla, you wanna get off now?" Zindel said trying to hold back laughter "No, my Bae-Chan" she said still squeezing me half to death. "She's gonna die in one of Kayla's hugs, what a way to go" Kitana fake sobbed.

Then all of a sudden two arms grabbed Kayla and pulled her off. "LEMME GO SKITTLES!" Kayla screamed while punching and kicking him. "Hmm you know I thought about that, But I don't feel like losing another friend to Kayla's Glomps" He said, but when Kayla was on the ground she kicked skittles in the balls.

I tried so hard to hold my laughter back but it didn't work as I starting laughing so hard that when I stood up I just fell back over again. Yet skittles just walked away like nothing happened. Then again he has balls for brains so it doesn't really surprise me.

Kasey,Erika,Lara and Freyja ran up to us, out of breath they started muttering things I couldn't even understand. "Guys calm down and tell me what's wrong" I said trying to stop them from also being hypo.

But before they could say anything I felt two arms wrap around my waist "Did you miss me?"


Me: Haha drama

Freddy: But the person hugging you is-

Me:*Knocks Freddy out, again*

Freddy: XP



Bonnie: OMG Justin Beiber!

Foxy: BOOTY!!! *Glomps me*

Golden Freddy: *Facepalms*

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