Chapter 5

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Ok so I know the last chapter was short as hell and I took weeks to update but this chapter will be longer than the others so, Read on my Faz-Berries!

Brittany's POV

That little slut's bitch of a friend killed Katy and Kerry. They need to be dealt with but it's me against all of them. How can such a whore like her have so many friends? It frustrates me to even think about her.

I need an ally or even better a few of them.

Kayla's POV

Oh this was fun! I could scream hentai without getting yelled at. "HENTAI,HENTAI,HENTAI,HENTAI,HEN-" Zindel clamped a hand over my mouth. "Not the time or place bi-" Kasey clamped her hand over Zindel's mouth.

Billy pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head,Makayla and Kitana Face-Palmed,and the others shook their heads while Miss Warren just stared at us. "Oh you are a weird bunch aren't you?" She sighed laying back.

"So what time will the cleaners be here?" Erika asked. "About 5:30 in the morning" Makayla sighed. "Wait,Makayla?" Zindel asked. "Yeah?" She said looking at her with a questioning look. "I think I know how we can escape" she smiled pointing to a vent.

This just might work!

Jack's POV

"Hey there~" I whispered walking up to a girl standing in the school alleyway with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. "Hello~" Kevin Said as she turned around. "What do you want?" She asked with the slightest hint of irritation in her voice. "Calm down~" I replied "Yeah, we just wanted to talk~" Kevin spoke. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah, we would do anything for a pretty girl like you!~" I almost yelled.

"Anything?" She asked biting her lip. This girl meant business and I like that

Makayla's POV

"Oh my god!" I yelled, I ran to the cupboards and found the tool box. "Billy can you get a flathead screwdriver?" I asked putting the tool box next to him. "Yes ma'am!" He responded opening it as I sat next to the vent with Zindel. "Wait" Lara said we all looked at her "Miss Warren can't fit through" Freyja finished. "Right" I sighed. "Me,Zindel,Makayla and Kitana will go through and unlock the door, can the rest of you wait here?" Billy asked, handing me the screwdriver. The others nodded their heads as I got the last screw un done.

"Lego!" I yelled enthusiastically. Billy climbed through first followed by Kitana,Zindel and before I knew it, it was my turn.

The vents were very dusty and it was hard to see ahead due to Zindel's ass hanging practically right in front of my face. Next thing I knew.


Now sneezing might not seem that bad to you but if you're me then sneezing can be embarrassing. "Aww, you sneeze like a kitten!" Zindel laughed.

"I do not!" I argued back unamused.

"Do too!" She persisted.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do no-"

"YES YOU DO!" Kitana called, obviously sick of the arguing.

Damn it! "Hey girls stop bitching! I found light!" Billy said "YASS!" Billy continued crawling towards it. "Billy don't crawl too far you'll fa-" Kitana tried to say but was interrupted by Billy falling out of the vent. Kitana jumped out and landed on her feet as did Zindel. "Well at least he had a soft landing!" Zindel laughed looking at him crawl out of the dumpster.

We must have taken the outside path.

"Hey,You coming? Alright that's fine I'll just sit here and wait!" Zindel yelled sarcastically.

Oh right, I jumped down and landed on my ass. "SHIT!" I shrieked in pain. "Well at least you had a smooth landing!" Kitana laughed. "On the concrete, you bastard!" I yelled my Irish accent slightly slipping out.

Kitana's POV

"I didn't know you were Irish!" I laughed walking towards the sliding door. "SHUT IT!" She yelled as I stood in front of the door it slid open straight away. Why don't they lock this thing?

We walked further into the building walking towards the First Aid room. We somehow formed a line on the way there,I was at the front with Billy behind me followed by Zindel and Makayla at the back.

We turned the corner walking past the Assembly hall.

Brittany's POV

They walked right past us. That slut was at the back of the line, perfect. It's now or never I signalled to the boys and they both waited on opposite sides of the double doors.

Makayla's POV

As I was walking past the assembly hall I heard whispers that I tried to ignore, it had to be my mind playing tricks on me. That's what I thought until a very strong hand grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

I was going to scream until the hand on my arm moved to wrap itself around my neck. "Make any noise whatsoever and you're a goner~" a male voice purred. "Do you understand?~" I slowly nodded my head and the doors slammed shut.

"Take it away boys!" A familiar voice said. "Britt-" I felt myself get pushed to the ground and my face get carpet burn. Something pricked my eye causing blood to gush out. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK!" He yelled and picked me up by the throat. I whimpered in pain,choking as I could do nothing but let them hurt me.

Zindel's POV

I heard a door slam shut and a few moment later a man yell. I looked behind me to quickly notice that Makayla wasn't there, Shit!

I ran to the Assembly hall and pulled open the door with Kitana and Billy hot on my heels. A guy with Brown hair and green eyes was holding Makayla up by the throat while Brittany and another boy with blond hair and brown eyes stood there laughing. I ran in and back handed the brown haired boy to the ground,Kitana tackled Brittany while Billy took out the other guy.

They kept getting up though and Makayla had already been through so much shit, so I did what any brave person would do. Run. That's right I grabbed Makayla and ran to the First Aid room as her fresh blood poured out of her eye and fell on her cheek. "Please stay with me Makayla, come on, YOU'RE STRONGER THAN THIS!" I yelled at her through her unconscious state. Please let her be ok!


Hai! :3 Again, I apologise for how long this took to write, well I actually wrote this within a few hours but to post it took a bit longer considering that I don't have Wi-Fi ;-; But seriously if you even take the time to read my books ..... *Hugs Reader* I Luv you!

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