15. Jaelynn

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Jae sat up quickly, throwing her feet off the bed and pulling her shoes back on. Her heart pounded in her chest and her hands shook as she struggled with the laces. "What do you mean gone?"

"Tyrell and I were taking turns to keep watch," Keenan explained frantically. "And he accidentally fell asleep during his. They must have snuck past us and out the door."

Jae looked out the window, where the sky that peaked through the curtain was a dark navy. It was too late to be out now, too dangerous. "Where would they have gone?" Jae asked, doing her best to keep her panic at bay.

"I don't know about Jonah." Elias paused for a moment, glancing between Jae and Keenan, as though he didn't want to continue on his train of thought. Jae wished it was lighter in the room so she could read his face. "But, I think I may know where Kenji would have gone. I spoke to him earlier, he was devastated about losing Martha, said he had nothing to live for."

Jae started towards the door, leaving her one shoe unlaced in her haste. Eli trailed behind her as they followed Keenan to the living room. "You think he went to end his life?" she asked incredulously, almost hoping he would deny it. When a moment passed and Elias still said nothing, she thought of something else. "What about Jonah, then? Why would he have gone with?"

"Maybe he went to try and find him?" Elias suggested as they entered the lounge. Tyrell looked up at them, pausing in his apparent pacing across the room.

"I'm so sorry, guys," Tyrell said, in his deep booming voice. He resumed walking back and forth, wringing his hands together in front of his chest. "This is all my fault."

"Don't blame yourself," Keenan soothed, approaching him and grabbing ahold of his arm so that he stopped his incessant pacing. Tyrell took a deep shaky breath, nodding slightly at Keenan.

"All that matters is what we do now," Keenan continued, releasing his friend and addressing everyone in the room.

"We find them, obviously," Jae stated, placing her hands on her hips in determination. "We've already lost too much, I refuse to lose anyone else."

"Jae its dark outside," Keenan argued. "The Risen could be wandering around. It's too dangerous."

Jae opened her mouth, a retort ready on her tongue, and then closed it again, knowing he was right. But, they couldn't just sit and do nothing. Jonah and Kenji's lives hung in the balance and every second that passed made it seem even more unlikely that they would come back.

"I'll go," Tyrell spoke up before she could. "It's my fault that they're gone. If I don't at least try to save them, I'll never forgive myself."

"I'll help," Elias volunteered.

Keenan, Tyrell and Jae all looked at him in surprise. "Eli, I don't think that's a good idea," Jae said softly, worried that he would get hurt while trying to play hero. Elias was too innocent for this life, too gentle and naïve. She was terrified that something bad would happen to him again.

"Are you forgetting who saved you the last time?" he countered with his eyebrows raised, clearly unimpressed at her lack of faith in him.

"Neither of you are going," Keenan decided, the finality in his tone leaving no room for argument. "Elias, you still need to find your sister and Jae, you need to help him. Tyrell and I will go."

"Wait," Jae grabbed his arm as he turned towards the door. She swallowed hard, scared to lose the person she had come to look at as a sort of father figure. "You're coming back right?"

She found herself dangerously close to tears as she looked at Keenan's kind face. Damn Elias had unlocked the emotional flood gates. She blamed him for tearing down her walls and opening her up for the inevitable pain and fear that came with caring for someone.

"We aren't going to go far," Keenan assured her. He took a step back from her and she lost her grip on his arm. "We'll be back. I promise you."

"Lock up the house behind us," Tyrell insisted as they headed for the door. "Don't let anyone in besides us."

Jae watched them go with tears in her eyes. She did as Tyrell said, sliding the deadbolt across the door, before moving to stand vigil at the window. Opening the curtains a bit so she could peak through them, she sat on the carpeted floor, crossing her legs. After over an hour of silence, Elias finally went to sit next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her the same way she had done for him.

"I used to think they were just a group of people I tagged along with," she confessed, fidgeting with her hands, her palms sweating despite the cool night. "But I was wrong. They're all the family I have left."

She was aware that she was being weak, but right now she really didn't care. Martha was already gone, and for all she knew Kenji and Jonah were too. Now, Keenan and Tyrell were out there somewhere, possibly walking straight into a trap.

"They'll be back soon," Elias tried to reassure her, his words falling flat as the silence outside stretched on.

"Will they?" Her eyes me his, blazing and angry. "Martha's already gone thanks to Lorenzo, now I might lose them all, too. No wonder Keenan calls us the Lost."

Before, the name had seemed ridiculous, now it seemed sadly fitting. Their numbers had slowly dwindled down, until it was only the six of them. They had become a tight-knit group because of it, their connections made stronger because of the losses they had shared.

But, losing people was all they seemed to be good at. They really were Lost.

Elias' hand slipped from her shoulder and he looked down at his lap. "I don't think Lorenzo killed Martha, Jae."

Her head snapped towards him as she eyed him incredulously, unable to believe the nonsense that just came out of his mouth. "What do you mean? Of course he did."

"But how would he have known about you guys? I made sure never to say anything about you," he muttered, still refusing to meet her gaze. "Also, burning people to death is not his style. He would rather use them for his experiments."

"You didn't tell him about us?" she questioned, her eyes wide as she stared him down. "Why not?"

He finally looked up at her again. "I wanted to protect you."

Back then he had barely even known her. In fact, he still didn't really. It was just another example of what a good person he was. She was glad this world hadn't hardened him the way that it had done to her. It would be a shame for Elias to lose the person he was, he was too kind for that.

Elias was truly one of a kind, in this cold cruel reality they lived in.

"Thank you Elias." She took a deep breath and rested her head against his shoulder. "You're a good... friend."

And though it was hard for her to admit, she meant it with every fiber of her being. They sat like that for hours, as Jae kept her vigil and Elias continued to comfort her. Eventually, the sun started to rise and Jae's hope diminished to nothing. Her eyes drifted closed as a lone tear made its way down her cheek.

"They're not coming," she whispered, choking back a sob.

She turned into Elias' chest, allowing him to wrap his arms around her in a hug. He smelled terrible, stale and sweaty, and yet she didn't care, so distraught that none of her group had made its way home to her. And then, Elias nudged her, drawing her attention to the window.

Down the street, three figures approached the house, one of them being supported by the other two. Even from their spot by the window it was impossible to mistake Keenan's ebony head and Tyrell's towering height. The man in the middle, with his unruly curls was definitely Jonah.

Jae leapt to her feet, running to the door and throwing it open as they made their way towards it. After a few more minutes, they finally arrived, limping into the house. Tyrell and Keenan struggled to the couch, placing Jonah carefully on it. His once green shirt was stained crimson and his face was getting paler by the second. His chest moved quickly as harsh, ragged breaths came from his lips.

"What happened?" Jae burst out, panic threatening to swallow her whole. "Where's Kenji?"

Keenan, Tyrell and Jonah exchanged a pained glance and kept silent. Jae didn't need them to speak, she could tell by the look on their faces what Kenji's fate had been. Her heart clenched and she held back a sob as Jonah started taking.

"I woke up to find Kenji gone," Jonah admitted sadly, each word seemed like a struggle for him. He took another rattling breath, licking his lips to moisten them. "So I went to try and find him."

Jae wanted to ask why he hadn't bothered waking anyone else up to help him, but she didn't want to interrupt his story. He was clearly fighting just to stay conscious, desperate to tell them what happened before the darkness consumed him.

"He was a few streets over, shouting loudly for the Risen to come and get him." Jonah coughed loudly and when he drew his hand back, Jae was alarmed to see that his palm was covered in crimson. She looked at his lips, which were stained scarlet, her heart lurching erratically.

"He was killed by a Risen," Kennan took over the story, though Jae could see he was trying to spare her the details. She was torn between wanting to know exactly what happened to Kenji and grateful to Keenan for not telling her. "Jonah barely made it out when we found him."

"And the blood?" she asked, worried at the sheer amount of it. Jonah's shirt was still damp, which meant that it was definitely his. The fact that he was coughing up more was scary, Jae had never seen it happen before.

Jonah lifted his shirt where a huge chunk of flesh was missing. A large gaping hole filled with dark crimson blood took over the entire left side of his stomach. Jae's eyes widened at the extent of the damage and the torn skin. She turned to Keenan, silently pleading for him to tell her it wasn't as bad as it looked. But he met her gaze, shaking his head sadly, sympathy and pain etched across his features.

Bile rose in her throat at the grotesque sight and she choked it back, her eyes filling with tears. It was a fatal wound, the kind the Jonah would probably never recover from. But, she still held a small spark of hope that they would be able to wrap it up enough to get him to a hospital and search for supplies.

"There must be a first aid kit here somewhere," Elias said, his voice clouded in panic. Jae almost wanted to thank him for following her own train of thought. He started toward the bathroom but Keenan stopped him, grabbing his arm softly as Elias attempted to move past him.

"It's too late," Jonah muttered with finality. He sounded as though he knew he was fighting a losing battle, as though each word could be his last. "I knew as soon as it happened. All I will do is slow you down."

"We can't just leave you here!" Jae insisted. "We can still fix this!"

But she was grasping onto straws and she knew it. Her desperation was taking over her common sense as she watched the blood continue to pour out of him and his face get paler.

Keenan, Tyrell and Jonah exchanged another look. "Jae, I have the chip," Jonah admitted softly, meeting her gaze with pain filled eyes.

Jae stepped back. Deep down, she had always suspected it, but the revelation was still a bit of a shock. Her mouth opened as she prepared to argue, but nothing came out and she closed it again, allowing the tears to run freely down her cheeks.

"You can't just leave me here," Jonah said sadly, hammering the final nail in his own coffin. "You have to burn my body."

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