21. Jaelynn

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Jae was in agony.

Her head hurt, pounding and throbbing as though it had a life of its own. Her arm felt as though it had been ripped from her body and every time she moved, new bursts of pain erupted from it, making her dizzy and the world go black around the edges.

But the worst of all, stemmed from her chest, courtesy of her broken heart.

"Jae, you scared the hell out me," the fuzzy version of Eli said. "I thought you were dead."

"Keenan?" she managed, ignoring Elias completely. She had a feeling she knew the answer and the thought of having it confirmed made her heart clench, but she needed to know for sure.

Elias didn't even need to say anything. He glanced behind his shoulder at the dark lump on the floor, where a puddle of crimson was slowly spreading, before looking back at her. The grief and sympathy in his eyes spoke volumes and Jae felt her tears, which had nothing to do with the pain, start falling down the sides of her face.

"I'm sorry, Jae," Elias muttered, placing a hand over hers in comfort, even though he had recently suffered his own, even more damaging, loss.

Deep down Jae knew that it was too late for Keenan the second Lorenzo had torn a chunk of flesh from his side. The wound had been even larger than Jonah's fatal one and everyone had been too preoccupied with killing Lorenzo to check on Keenan. What if someone had helped him?

A wave of regret crashed over her. She had been too blinded by her rage to think clearly. If she had just taken a moment to check on Keenan, possibly put pressure on his injury and slowed down the blood flow, then he might have survived.

In her heart, she knew this wasn't the case. That Keenan was dead as soon as he hit the floor. Even he had known this, judging by the look of panic that filled his eyes during his final moments. But regret was on old friend of hers, one that she could never get rid of.

It was easier to blame herself. Anger was easier to bear than grief.

"I'm sorry too, Eli," she whispered. Together they had lost so much in such a short amount of time. How many more would have to die before all this was over?

Elias nodded sadly, understanding what she meant without her needing to specify. Satisfied that he knew what she meant, Jae did her best to remain still, desperate for a reprieve from the torment of her wounds. She closed her eyes again, allowing the darkness to consume her and grant her a few moments of relief.

And then, they snapped open again as she remembered the looming threat. "Lorenzo?" she managed, choking out the word.

"Dead." Tyrell responded, his face a mask of worry and pain.

Relief filled her chest, but something wasn't sitting right with her for some reason. Was it that Lorenzo had the chip? No, that actually made sense considering what he had been doing. Was it that Eden knew how to kill him? That was strange in itself, although maybe it was a trick she had learned while living with the Pride.

No. It was neither of those things. The revelation made her blood run cold as she realized what exactly the problem was.

Lorenzo was never working alone.

Jae searched through her foggy brain for the name of the woman that had been helping him. But she could barely remember it on a good day, never mind when she had a raging headache. "What's her name!"

"What?" Elias frowned at her in confusion.

"Lorenzo's sidekick," Jae tried again, desperate to get her point across.

She had been noticeably absent from the room where Elias had killed Lorenzo, and Jae was sure that she hadn't been in the cafeteria either. This whole time they had been so focused on Lorenzo and putting a stop to him, that they had completely forgotten about the woman who was helping him kill people.

She saw the realization dawn on Elias' face as he understood what Jae was trying to say. "Delta," he whispered. "She's still out there."

"We have to find her," Tyrell insisted.

Elias nodded, his mouth set in a grim line. "First we have to sort out Jae. Her arm is definitely broken."

"I'm fine." Jae tried to prove her point by attempting to get up, immediately being engulfed in a wave of nausea as pain shot through her arm and head. She lay back down, breathing heavily.

"I warned you that your stubbornness would be the death of you," Elias chuckled softly, stroking her hair out of her face, before getting to his feet. "Tyrell, you stay here and watch over Jae and Eden, I'm going to find something to wrap her up."

"Wait," Jae cried, ignoring the pain that shot through her body as she jerked slightly off the floor. "You can't go alone!"

"I'll be fine, Jae." He shrugged, going over to the fallen knife and picking it up. "Nothing scares me anymore." And before she could protest again, he took off, running out of the cafeteria.

His parting words scared the living hell out of her. Elias was not the same person he had been when they had first met and that thought saddened Jae. Initially she had thought he was irritating and sheltered, but the more she got to know him, the more she realized he was so much more than that.

It would be a shame for him to lose the person he was. Jae wouldn't allow it.

She was also terrified about what could possibly roaming the halls of the hospital. Even if you didn't factor in the Risen, it was entirely possible that other survivors could hurt Eli. Especially if they were Lorenzo supporters.

When she guessed that half an hour had passed, her anxiety spiked. Elias shouldn't be taking so long. They were in a hospital and most of the rooms were probably packed with medical supplies. He wouldn't have had to go far to get it.

"He'll be okay, Jae," Eden soothed, showing a surprising amount of foresight for such a young age.

"How do you know?" Jae questioned, too scared to feel ashamed that she was being comforted by a six year old. Or was she seven? Jae's head was pounding too hard for her to remember.

"Because he's Eli," she stated matter-of-factly. And though others may have questioned her logic, Jae believed whole heartedly that Eden was right.

"How did you know about their heads?" Tyrell asked, interrupting what Jae would have considered a bonding moment. "That was really clever, kid."

"My dad told me." Eden shrugged, glancing around as though she had just realized something. "Have you seen him anywhere? Do you think Lorenzo hurt him like he was going to do to me?"

Jae and Tyrell exchanged a panicked glance, unsure how to tell the poor child who had been through so much, that her father was dead. Jae had honestly thought that Eden knew what had happened to Emmanuel. Surely the little girl would have known that Emmanuel would never have let Lorenzo get ahold of her if he had been alive?

Although, Emmanuel did betray his son and sparked their search for Eden in the first place, so who knew?

One thing was for sure, Jae was not going to be the one to break the news to the poor girl. As Eden looked at her with wide, innocent eyes that were begging for an answer, Jae attempted to clear her throat, glancing desperately at the door for Eli to come back.

"Do you think I should go look for Elias?" Tyrell asked, completely avoiding Eden's question, his thoughts mirroring Jae's. "He's been gone a while."

Eden clearly thought it strange that neither Jae nor Tyrell were willing to answer her. She shot them both a confused look, one eyebrow raised. But, thankfully she didn't question it, distracted by Tyrell's mention of her brother.

She glanced to the door, her eyes filled with worry. "Maybe he's struggling to find the things he need," she suggested. Though, judging by the way she was chewing her bottom lip, she was starting to get scared as well.

"He'll be okay," Jae told her the same thing the little girl had said only a few minutes ago. "He's Eli."

Eden nodded, a small smile stretching across her face. "Are you Eli's girlfriend?"

If Jae was capable of it, she would have spluttered. As it was, her eyes grew wide and she choked slightly, glancing at the little girl in panic. Luckily she was saved having to answer as Elias himself entered the room, panting slightly but otherwise looking unharmed. His arms were full of various items, ranging from pill bottles to white bandages and a long piece of light blue material.

"Eli!" Eden forgot her question as she leapt to her feet and ran to her brother. "What took you so long?"

"I wasn't sure what to get," he admitted, dumping the load in his arms on the floor beside Jae. "Tyrell, do you have any idea how to wrap a broken arm?"

Tyrell shook his head sadly, eyeing Jae's injury. "I think we need a splint. Which part of it is broken, Jae?"

It was hard to tell, as pain radiated throughout her entire arm and filled her body. "My forearm," she decided, realizing that's where the pain seemed to emanate from. "He snapped it like a twig."

"Eden, can you look around behind the counters for water?" Elias asked, gesturing towards the far left side of the cafeteria. "Or anything to help Jae take medication."

Eden nodded, her earlier smile forgotten as a grim line took its place. She rushed off to do as he said, while Elias and Tyrell came closer to Jae, trying to inspect the damage. It took forty excruciating minutes, which Jae counted in her head as a distraction from the pain, but eventually Elias and Tyrell managed to wrap a bandage around a thin piece of wood, securing it tightly.

It was a makeshift job, one that probably wouldn't hold up for too long and they all knew it. But none of them were doctors, and they had no idea what they were doing. They would have to try and find someone who could help them to do it properly.

Jae swallowed four pain killers with the water that Eden managed to scavenge, though they did nothing to help with the agony coursing through her body. Elias made a sling out of the material he had found, wrapping it around her arm and then placing it over her shoulder so that it would be easier for her to carry.

"Are you okay?" he asked, when they had finished.

Jae could only imagine how pale she looked. Her throat was hoarse from screaming while they tried to bandage her up and she was barely managing to contain her tears. She swallowed loudly and nodded, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'm okay."

"We'll try find someone who can do a better job," Elias muttered clearly not believing her. "In the meantime, we need to decide what to do next."

"Find Delta," Jae said, as though it was the most obvious answer in the world, despite the fact that her arm was still throbbing in agony.

"Well I didn't see her in the hospital. But I did find this." Elias reached behind his back, pulling a gun from the waist band of his pants. "We can use it on the Risen. I'm sure you know that only a head shot works against them though." He smiled as he repeated what she had told him when they first met.

Despite the pain she was in, Jae managed to grin back. "Even then, that only slows them down."

Tyrel who had been watching their exchange with interest, finally intervened. "So that's our whole plan? Find Delta?"

"Whatever it takes," Jae asserted.

"Whatever it takes," Elias agreed, placing his hand on Jae's. "She may have been working with Lorenzo, but she's also a doctor. Whether we find her to put a stop to her, or find her to help Jae, doesn't matter."

"Maybe she did a runner the second she saw you march into the hospital, guns blazing, Elias," Tyrell suggested with a shrug. "She could be long gone by now."

"Then I suggest we get moving." Jae attempted to get to her feet, aided by Elias, his hand still firmly held in hers. She wobbled slightly on shaky legs, thankful that Elias was holding onto her.

"Are you sure you're alright to walk kid?" Tyrell asked, concern etched across his face. "Want me to carry you?"

Jae glanced at him, horrified at his suggestion, indignation flaring up before she could remind herself that he was only trying to help. She squashed it back down, embarrassed by her reaction. "No thanks, Tyrell. I think I can manage."

Elias pulled his hand from hers and instead placed her good arm over his shoulder, smiling down at her. "Maybe, but you don't have to do it alone."

"You guys are so cute," Eden piped up, speaking for the first time during their conversation about their next move. "I've always wanted a sister."

Jae could feel the heat radiating off of Eli's face as a deep blush coated his cheeks. She managed a chuckle, feeling so happy that she was capable of it. "Me too, Eden."

"Yes, well," Elias grunted, his face still flaming. "Let's get going."

But they had barely taken three, wobbly steps when a deep booming voice sounded from behind them, coming from the back entrance of the cafeteria.

"Elias? Eden?"

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