10-Princess or Prisoner?

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Two sinister, faceless men dressed in all black from head to toe materialized out of the shadows. The pressure of a choking scream built and built in my chest. Terror ripped from my body, briefly paralyzing my senses. My heart pounded furiously against the walls of my chest, urging me to take flight. With wide eyes, I sprung up from the desolate bench. Without a second thought, I took off into the depths of the trees. My assailants chased me through the dark, winding forest, turn after turn, but when I spun around, I had nowhere to go in the dense, thick maze. I was disoriented and dizzy, but continued to stagger forward even as the rough branches snagged and tore on my skin. I desperately needed to get away. Cold, menacing fingers of steel gripped my arms, and I snapped awake.

With a heavy groan, I rolled over in bed, pulling the blanket over my head to cocoon myself in the warmth. The fresh, inviting scent began to lull me back into a deep, unforgiving sleep.

Did Debbie wash my sheets for me? Why was my bed so plush and soft?

I dragged the blanket down my face and stared up at the crown molding, blinking against the bright sun shining through the window. When did my dorm room get crown molding?

And... was that a chandelier?

Startled, I threw the sheets off and sat upright in bed, the bizarreness of the situation sinking in. "What the... where the hell am I? This room is... well, it's gorgeous."

Confusion gave way to astonishment as I surveyed my surroundings, realizing that I was no longer in my tiny dorm room. Instead, I found myself in an enormous space adorned in opulent hues of pearl white and plum.

The room exuded a provincial elegance, from the ornately carved headboard to the mirrored wardrobes with their tall, arching frames against the far wall. An involuntary smile tugged at my lips as I traced my fingers across the soft duvet on the oversized bed. Strangely, the bedding was in my exact favorite shade of purple. Wisteria.

What a weird dream. This couldn't be real.

Taking a deep breath, I climbed off the bed and approached a set of imposing double doors. My heart gave a prattle of excitement when I saw the stunning bathroom. It was like something you'd see on an interior decorator's website.

My eyes widened at the sight of the sunken bathtub, accessible via two steps of smooth granite. The sheer extravagance of it all made me pause, and I found myself tapping my fingernail against my teeth in contemplation. I wondered if I wished hard enough, would bath bombs magically appear in my hand, allowing me to soak in that lavish tub.

Seriously, what a strange dream.

Licking my lips, I suddenly became aware of how parched my throat felt for the first time. Turning away from the gorgeous bathroom, I retraced my steps in search of something to drink. On the nightstand, I spotted a glass of water, with condensation sliding down the side.

Without hesitation, I wrapped my hand around the glass, immediately feeling the coldness.

What the hell? Reality sunk in so suddenly it made me feel like I was falling, throwing my stomach up into my throat. I dropped the glass on the carpet.

This wasn't a dream.

I hadn't believed them. Not really. My parents. I hadn't believed them. Their tale of being royalty. My life being in danger but I had been abducted from my dorm room. A cold, damp sweat broke out over my skin, and I felt feverish.

Think. Think. Think.

I twisted around, desperate to escape my gorgeous prison and find water because my throat was seriously starting to ache, dangerously close to closing up. The thrumming behind my ears had turned into a full-blown migraine. My combat boots and trusty black bag caught my attention by the door. I snatched my backpack off the floor and ripped it open, finding everything still inside, including my emergency cash and knives.

What the hell kind of kidnapper would take a person and not go through their belongings?

I was still wearing the same clothes from... I don't know, yesterday? The last time I was conscious. What the hell did Henry and Silas think-that just because they drugged me and brought me to... wherever the hell I am, that I was going to stop fighting?

I sprinted into the en-suite bathroom, locking myself in. I used the sink to quench my thirst and washed off as much stink as possible, trying to regain some semblance of control over my situation and well-being. Then slipped into the only change of clothes I had packed in my backpack: simple black leggings and a white scoop neck shirt. I pulled my hair up into a topknot and laced up my combat boots.

"Time to kick some ass," I muttered to myself, mustering the determination to do whatever it takes to escape. Fear was the reason I got caught, and fear would no longer rule my actions - I had learned my lesson.

Slowly, I rubbed my temple. Glancing around the room, I wondered if they knew I was awake?

"What's the play, Henry and Silas?" I asked the room, in case there were cameras hidden somewhere.

I walked over to the door and twisted the handle. It opened with a light pull.

"Holy shit!"

I ducked down and grabbed a switchblade from my bag, sliding it into my boot. With the straps of my bag slung over my shoulder, I cautiously moved further into the hallway.

Were these guys idiots? Maybe I hit them a little too hard and knocked the sense right out of them.
No one was even guarding the door to my room. I stayed close to the wall and made my way further down the hall.

It looked like I was being held captive in a museum. Breathtaking paintings adorned the walls. The long hallway was illuminated by the soft, diffused light spilling through stained glass windows. Crystal vases were nestled in rectangular nooks in the wall, overflowing with vibrant flowers.

I came to a halt at a large open area that led to a set of grand double-wide marble stairs, a dark red carpet running down the middle of them. It was a risky path to take, leaving me exposed with nowhere to hide, but I knew I had to take this chance.

I tried not to dwell on the fact that I hadn't passed a single soul in this museum. Maybe it was a mansion?

This had been too easy. The sound of my heart throbbed and beat against my ears like a demented drummer. My teeth were on edge. I picked up my pace down the stairs, keeping my head down. I couldn't get caught up in all the beautiful tapestries and art on the walls.

After a few twists, wrong turns, and hiding behind statues and plants, finally, I saw a way out. The double doors were wide open and there were, I presumed, waitstaff fleeting in and out.

With faux confidence, I stepped out from behind my hiding spot and strode towards the door as if I owned the place. All while mentally preparing to fight anyone who tried to stop me.

No one even looked my way. Why didn't they realize I was their prisoner? My eyebrows tugged down in puzzlement while I jogged further away from my prison.

I whipped around, walking backward to get a better look at the building I had just evacuated. My sudden halt nearly made me stumble on the crushed seashell pathway beneath my feet.

It was a castle!

Closely set stone in different shades of grey, white, and tan created a mosaic within the walls. A bunch of windows of various shapes and sizes, nearly wall-to-wall in some corners of the castle. I'd hate to be the one stuck cleaning them.
The lean archways and towers with gold domes glistened in the afternoon sun, creating a profound warmth and beauty to its grandiose size.

With a mixture of awe and disbelief, I squeezed my eyes closed for a moment, then hooked my thumbs in the straps of my bag, hoisting it up higher. I turned my back on the castle. No one had attempted to stop me. If Henry thought that would deter me from leaving, he was sorely mistaken.

I was leaving from wherever he brought me, and I'd gladly take the easy way out. There were trees a few miles to the east. The woods were as good a place as any to put distance between me and that castle. Remnants of my nightmare bubbled up in my mind as I started my pace at a slow jog.

"Princess! Princess Calina, wait!"

My heart jumped into a staccato overdrive. And so the madness begins.

With a huff, I stopped and turned toward the voice, ready to fight my way out if need be. A group of men in dark navy matching military uniforms were a few feet behind me.

My gaze narrowed on the man towering above the rest, standing front and center. His hands were up, palms out in surrender. He took a cautious step forward, approaching me the way one would a frightened animal.

I slowly shifted my foot to widen my stance, ready to attack.

His observant gaze didn't miss a beat, and he halted his movements. He made an obvious effort to diminish his height and bulky build. Was this some ploy to get me to let my guard down, or was he really relinquishing?

His hands stayed up in surrender as he spoke. "Princess, my name is Ira. I'm part of the queen's guard. She would like to speak with you."

Princess? I believed he meant prisoner. My eyebrows dragged down in confusion. I took a chance and glanced behind me.

I pointed a finger at my chest and shook my head. "You might have me confused with someone else, buddy." I snorted a laugh and said, "I'm definitely no princess." I kept him locked in my gaze, flashing him a lopsided grin before reaching down inside my boot.

When I released the catch on my switchblade, the air crackled with tension. The guards' distraught eyes shifted to their obvious leader. His expression was unreadable, but I thought I saw a slight shake of his head before his hands lowered.

"I won't willingly be anyone's prisoner."

"No, princess, you misunderstand," he responded in a softer tone. "The woods beyond are dangerous. Just a few kilometers away, there's a sudden drop-off near a cliff's edge." He gestured behind me. "And if you go in that direction..." He pointed behind him. "Behind the castle, down the hiking trail, it leads to a beach. If you truly wish to leave, the only viable way is to follow the cobblestone road through the gates. It's the only exit without requiring a boat. I would gladly accompany you. You are not being held captive. You are free to go. However, the queen, your grandmother, would like to speak with you. Wouldn't you at least want to meet her?"

My gaze flickered over his shoulder, eyeing the six guards behind him.

"They are here for my protection, princess. Prince Henry said you were... umm... volatile."

At that, I laughed loudly. What a little shit. Henry kidnapped me, yet somehow I was the problem.

"Where is that ass hat, anyway?" I inquired, sliding my switchblade back into my boot. The tension in the air seemed to dissipate simultaneously.

Ira glanced back and spoke rapidly in Greek, "I'm sure I'll be fine. Head back inside."

"So Henry brought me to United Greecia?" I mused aloud, more to myself, but Ira nodded in reply.

"I am on your side, princess. I know a lot has happened for you in the last few days, but I'm here to protect-"

"Hey, wait... I know you," I interjected, stepping closer because I was straining to recall where exactly I recognized him from.

Snapping my fingers, I closed the distance between us. "I saw you in a restaurant, a little over a month ago. It was when I was meeting my parents to have dinner. You shook my father's hand and walked right past me, even though I smiled at you, hoping to catch your attention. I totally thought you were cute. Still do." Shrugging nonchalantly, I stood so close the tips of our shoes were touching.

A blush gracefully traveled up his cheeks, adding warmth to his golden complexion. He lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck, sheepishly.

"So what's your deal? Why are you here and what is your connection with my father?"

"I think that's really more for the queen to answer, your majesty."

I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth, rolling my eyes.

"And what? I'm just supposed to follow you inside because you're attractive?" I asked with a teasing smile. It was kind of fun watching him blush from my shameless flirting.

He cleared his throat, his gaze dropping slightly. "Please follow me inside, princess? I can tell you this... I gave your father my word I would keep you safe. I'd give my life to keep you safe. I've never made a promise I couldn't keep." His eyes, as dark as maple syrup, bore straight into mine.

And damn, if I didn't believe him.

"Why not? I've always been a sucker for brown eyes," I quipped, a faint smile playing on my lips as I gestured for him to take the lead.

I tilted my face toward the sky for a moment, taking a deep breath, before falling into step a few paces behind him. This was probably a bad idea. I was heading right back into the lion's den, but he piqued my curiosity.

Damn my curiosity.

When I asked my father about the stranger, his response was cryptic. "That man is a trusted friend. Give me time, Callie girl, I'll explain. Just remember he has my trust."

By that point, I was so used to not getting answers, I forgot all about the handsome stranger before the main course even showed up.

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