15-The Missing Princess

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King Knox

My royal jet zipped through the sky and would be landing in United Greecia in minutes. The flight wasn't too long from Elysium, but I felt restless and irritable at the story Ira had shared with me.

Apparently, the clone was the princess that went missing twenty years ago. At least that's the story the Greecians were trying to peddle.

"Bullshit!" I had wanted to roar, the moment Ira said them. Instead, I studied him, waiting for him to crack under my heated gaze.
The Greecians had only just discovered her existence themselves a little over a month ago. Then she ran away from their palace in the night merely days ago. Ira had found her so that he could talk her into returning, but we had interrupted their reunion.

I had tried to coax more information from the bodyguard but he adamantly refused. Asking that I trust him enough on word alone that she was the Cardinal queen to the throne. Their lost princess. I obviously trusted him, since the two were not in handcuffs.

I leaned back in the leather seat, my clasped hands resting on the gold trimmed table in front me. I kept stealing glances at the princess from the corner of my eye as she spoke with Emilio.

I tried not to watch her. I tried not to find her interesting. There was lots of animated excitement and hand gesturing between them while they discussed a reboot of some clone movie from centuries ago. Her exuberance made the story interesting. And I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of her.

Her laughter, though, might be what really hooked me. I'd definitely classify it as my favorite sound it was enchanting. Not dainty and restrained like one would expect of a princess. The way her laughter bursts out of her was infectious, and warm, and bright.

A private bar at the back of the plane gleamed under the soft cabin lights. It was stocked with the finest liquors, though I wasn't in the mood for a drink, I walked over to it anyway, seeking a momentary distraction. I reached for a bottle of aged scotch, sniffing at the decanter before replacing the crystal stopper once more.

"You believe me, right, Knox? When I say my center of gravity was off because I was mid-step when Callie knocked my legs out from under me," Emilio asked as I was about to walk past them, bottle of water in hand.

Princess Calina giggled softly.

"She's a princess, Emilio. The Cardinal heir of United Greecia. Address her as such," I reprimanded.

She blew out a puff of air from between her cheeks. "Calina or Callie will do. I'm... I'm so not a princess."

"Are you from United Greecia? Did you grow up there? I don't hear the usual Greek intonation in your English accent. I don't think I've ever heard your accent, actually." I slid into the seat next to Emilio and across from her.

"I am Greek, but I was raised in Freedom. I've only been on this side of the world for maybe a week. I don't know I've kind of lost track of time," she said softly, her voice barely audible over the hum of the jet engines.

"You're a Rogue?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice. "That is a very knavish culture." I tried to mask my revulsion for that country, but it was too late.

The beautiful clone was offended.

She reeled back in her seat as if I had slapped her. A deep frown marred the perfection of her face.

"There is nothing wrong with Freedom. And calling us Rogues is extremely offensive."

"That country's over-independence has created a broken beyond repair system. It's a country that takes more than it gives. A country full of narcissistic thieves, liars, and dishonest people. The list really could go on, but I've offended you. My apologies." I bowed my head slightly, genuinely feeling guilty for upsetting her. Freedom was a country that struck a nerve every. Damn. Time.

I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't mean to insult you. It's just... that country. I'm sure you're nothing like most of the people there."

She flashed a wry grin, her gaze met mine with a hint of amusement. "I guess now would be a bad time to tell you that I, umm... liberated people out of their money with a friendly betting game of darts?"

Emilio howled with laughter, his delight echoing through the cabin. I didn't bother hiding my smirk at her innocent little admission.

"You're full of surprises, aren't you?" I said, my tone light.

"Well, it was all in good fun," Calina replied, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "And I only wagered money from those who could afford to lose it. Now, I have a peculiar question... you think I'm a clone?" She laughed gently.

"Cloning is real," I said simply. She sobered, her unusual violet eyes going wide.

"Explain," she demanded.

I bit back a grin. My military, renowned as the finest in the world, stood as a testament to my ability to lead and protect my kingdom from any threat. This usually made me a formidable presence in most people's eyes, more legend than man. Even my closest advisors approached me with some trepidation. The only exception would be Emilio. We grew up together. We were basically brothers.

Calina's straightforwardness and lack of pretense were a breath of fresh air in the otherwise stifling atmosphere of the court. Her bodyguard emerged from his seat, perhaps afraid that I had taken offense to her tone, but I waved him off with a smile.

"There was a Greek scientist who was successful with cloning in the past. I couldn't tell you all the logistics, but ideally, a geneticist would have taken Ariadne's DNA, reproduced it, then introduced it to a donor egg, which creates an embryo. Scientists have successfully cultivated these eggs and grown them to maturity. Actual clone babies. And theoretically, they can grow up as functioning adults. The clones that have had any success over the years have always been in a vegetative coma."

"Wow, wow, that... I can't... but like what if I am a clone? I mean...my father did say he worked for the government. Queen Ariadne looks just like me. Really, I look just like her. I...Am I not an actual person?"
She clutched the front of my shirt, kneading at her chest

"Secret after secret. Is that why my parents stayed so tight-lipped? I thought it was because they were trying to hide the fact that they were royalty."

"Breathe, Princess Calina," Ira said, sliding into the seat beside her. She took long deep breaths as he rubbed small circles on her back.

"Your father was a wanted fugitive. He couldn't have worked for the government without exposing your location. Also, You're not a clone. You are the biological child of Leo and Ana Ariti.

She seemed to sag in relief at his words. "I thought my parents did something so unethical, I'd never be able to forgive them. Why did he say he worked for the government?"

"My guess is that you were getting too curious." Ira said dismissively.

I leaned forward, wanting to offer comforting words but I genuinely had no idea if she were a clone or not. Her resemblance to Queen Ariadne was uncanny. Even the sprinkling of the freckles across her cheeks and a few on her nose was identical, as if someone had tossed them with a careless hand.

"I understand that this is a lot to process. It's not something anyone would expect to encounter in their lifetime," I said.

Not exactly comforting words, but they were all I could muster. I didn't want to get to know her, not until I had definitive proof that her features were purely coincidental. Because if she were a clone, I would ensure her death was immediate.

The jet began its final descent, and Athena Castle came into view as we neared the tarmac. Princess Calina glanced out the window, her expression full of apprehension, as she stared at the majestic castle atop the mountain, its ancient stone walls bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. She had run away, and I realized I was so caught up in who she resembled that I had forgotten to ask why. Why would she run away from the chance of being a princess, from the opportunity to change parts of the world for the better?

As the plane touched down smoothly, I stood, straightening my jacket, leading the way to the exit, Emilio, the princess, and her bodyguard following close behind. The door of the jet opened, and a rush of warm air greeted us.
A contingent of Greecian guards awaited on the tarmac, their faces a blend of curiosity and anticipation.

"Your Majesty," a tall man with a distinguished air stepped forward, bowing slightly. "Welcome to United Greecia. I am Theo the queens liaison. We have prepared accommodations at the royal palace. It will be secure and comfortable.
The staff will take your belongings to your room. The queen is waiting for your immediate arrival."

It had been many years since I've been in Greecia, but I remembered Theo. He held many titles as the queens assistant. I was fairly certain he and the queen were best friends. They had worked closely together for longer than I'd been alive.

"Theo," I acknowledged, shaking his hand. "It's been a long time."

"Indeed it has, Your Majesty," Theo replied, a gentle smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "We have much to discuss." He escorted us to a convoy of sleek black cars waiting nearby, I glanced at the princess as she was led away to a separate car. She looked lost in thought as she slid inside and out of my view.

The convoy made its way through the bustling streets of United Greecia.

My thumb drummed against my knee while I stared out the window. Greecia was a beautiful sight. I only caught glimpses as we zoomed through the winding picturesque streets. Clear blue ocean, whitewashed walls of buildings stood like sentinels, their pristine facades gleaming under the Mediterranean sun, creating a sense of timeless elegance. The lush green foliage growing out of the sand and dirt added a vibrant splash of color growing out of the white sand and pale dirt.

"Why would they clone someone so world-renowned? Why would they be so blatant with their crimes? Queen Ekko has had my utmost respect since I was a young boy. I can't wrap my head around this," I said to no one in particular, despite Emilio being in the car with me. I just needed to get the words out.

"Perhaps they didn't. Callie was telling me about her childhood in Freedom. Her parents raised her as a normal child. Her childhood was unsullied by the responsibility that most royal children have to bear. She spoke highly of her parents and her life. The only unusual piece to her life was that she was trained in several different styles of combat and she can hold her own against the Ghost Elite." Emilio smiled a little. "I thought she was really charming."

"Don't grow too fond. If she is a clone...I will kill her." I declared staring out the window as our car pulled through the gold-tipped wrought-iron gate of the Athena castle.

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