20-Forbidden Affection

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King Knox
♔ ⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞♔

From the moment the Princess climbed onto the examination bed days ago, I felt a stirring of emotions towards her.
She sat there with her back rigidly straight, her hands locked together, and her face carefully devoid of expression throughout the entire exam. Yet, beneath the surface, there were little embers of something brewing inside me-feelings that I couldn't quite put a name to.

Curiosity, perhaps, is what I'd call these feelings.

As I observed her, a part of me couldn't help but wonder what lay behind her composed exterior. There was a mystery about her, a depth that intrigued me more than I cared to admit.

I did discover a few things about Calina during that examination: Don't piss her off because she could hold a grudge. At least that was how I interpreted the glinting purple-tipped daggers her eyes threw at me the few times our gazes collided.

The teasing and flirty looks Princess Calina had gave me on the plane or even when she stepped into the queen's office had vanished.

Calina was livid with me, fueled by my assumptions about her being a clone. She made no effort to conceal her anger. No matter how frustrated her grandmother got with her. Deep down, I was aware that I shouldn't find her open animosity towards me endearing, but I did. The Rogue advocate could not care less about my title.

Calina's anger was like an uncontrollable wildfire, and damn if that didn't make me want her more.

Then there was the encounter in the kitchen when I saw her staring at the cupcakes rising, I realized she didn't hear me come in. There was plenty of opportunity for me to back out, but curiosity got the better of me. I didn't want to miss out on a chance to engage with her.

She had recently lost both her parents, and I understood why her anger manifested and why she seemed to get so easily provoked. But in the kitchen, baking, she seemed so relaxed, so at ease. There was a gracefulness to her movements, a quiet strength that drew me in.

Her kiss on my cheek caught me off guard. It took every ounce of control not to turn my head and claim her lips.
That simple gesture, so innocent yet so charged with emotion, sent a jolt through me. It felt like something was fizzing in my chest, it had ignited a spark that could not be ignored. In that moment, I knew for certain that these feelings went far deeper than mere curiosity.

All of my musings led me to now. I had no clue what compelled me to come down to the basement of the castle.
Actually, I did.

Another thing I discovered about Princess Calina was that she had been trained in four different styles of military combat.

Emilio had bumped into the Princess while he was in one of the smaller libraries of the Athena castle. Calina told him she had been trapped in there with her etiquette tutor for the last three hours and desperately needed to go to the dojo and utilize the punching bag.

I didn't remember actively thinking, "I'm going to follow her down to the training room."
Yet, here I stood, struggling to hold a mundane conversation with Grandmaster Sebastian because my thoughts kept wandering towards the princess. Not sure how Emilio and I beat her down here. Sebastian's class would begin soon.

Emilio furtively tapped my arm, nodding behind him.

The princess.

The reason she was late, she changed into athletic wear. Maroon lycra pants with a high waist and a matching sports bra. There was a tiny sliver of golden-tanned skin peeking between her bottoms and top. I swallowed hard, letting the image of her burn into my memory.

She barely glanced my way, dipping into a hurried but graceful curtsy. She stepped in front of Sebastian, doing a respectable three-quarter bow.

"Grandmaster Sebastian, could I have a moment of your time, please?"
He hesitated but returned the bow.

"Princess, it's an honor to meet you. You should know only my students bow to me."

She smiled. It was a sweet, infectious smile that had her entire face lighting up. I couldn't look away.
"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I would like to join your class. I've been training for fifteen years."

Sebastian chuckled, and the princess's smile faltered.
He shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I cannot train the princess in an unnecessary skill. You have bodyguards that take my classes. I promise they are well trained. Does the Queen know you're here?"

"She does. The Queen sent me here and said the decision is yours."

He laughed again. "Is this some sort of test?" He scratched the back of his neck, eyes darting to the guards in training huddled near the door.

"I'm sorry, princess, my answer is no."

She clasped her hands in front of her, staring at him with unwavering determination. Sebastian squirmed slightly under her violet-eyed scrutiny.

"I don't accept that answer," she said firmly. "Why not? I understand your concern, Grandmaster, but I assure you, my request is sincere. I need this-for myself. I will show up here every day and ask for your permission to train with the class. You will learn very quickly how stubborn I can be."

Sebastian's eyes softened, and he sighed. "Your determination is commendable, Princess, but my classes are rigorous and demanding. It's not about doubting your ability or commitment, but about the risk involved. I cannot, in good conscience, subject you to that."

She opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off and said, "How about I set you up with simulation training? It's designed to be just as challenging and effective without the physical risks. We have state-of-the-art technology that can provide you with a highly realistic and safe training environment."

Princess Calina squinted at him like she had a toothache. "Those make me dizzy. Grandmaster, did you know my father?"

He gave a noncommittal grunt and folded his arms across his chest.

"Well, if you knew the kind of man he was, do you really think he wouldn't teach me how to fight? I want your best fighter, and when I beat him or her, I would really like to train with the class." She pressed her hands together like in a prayer and pouted. Actually pouted.

I shoved my hands in my pockets to keep from grabbing her, backing her up against the wall and shutting her up with a rough kiss to those fucking gorgeous rosy lips.

Sebastian slid both hands down his face, then turned, walking into the spacious gym. Princess Calina's pout turned into a warm, triumphant grin as she followed him into the room.

"She's going to be trouble," I whispered to Emilio over my shoulder. I watched her slip off her boots and walk across the open padded floor. The princess looked so serene and in her element as she turned in slow circles, taking in the room.

Punching bags hung from beams in the corner of the room. Impressively large swords and wooden staffs were lined in rows on the opposite wall.

"Princess, I'm not sure why I'm agreeing to this, but if you win, you can join the class. If you lose, I will train you separately. Either way, it's a win-win."

She flashed him a cocky smile and nodded once, walking to the back of the room to stretch and grab training gloves.

"I can't believe he agreed to this." I kept my voice low, glancing over at Emilio.

Emilio smirked, his eyes following Calina. "She took out two Ghosts Elite and knocked me on my ass. I feel bad for the chump that's up against her."

That was true. I had somehow forgotten about that. Maybe because I didn't want to be pissed off that my Ghosts didn't know how to contain a five-foot-five woman.

I leaned back against the wall with my ankles crossed, hoping she wouldn't walk away from this with a bruised ego. Sebastian told the class to line up against the wall moments before the prince of Romarvia walked into the room.

"There he is! My star pupil!" Sebastian announced.

Princess Calina looked up and noticed the prince standing beside Sebastian. Her eyes radiated with pure joy. She leapt off the floor with the most enticing smile I had ever seen.

"Fuck," I growled, plowing a hand through my hair. I had forgotten the princess was engaged to Prince Henry.
Apparently, she was into him.

"Prince Henry, the Princess wants to join the class. But she has challenged you for a spot." Sebastian's loud voice bounced off the walls. It seemed like he was hoping the prince could talk some sense into his fiancée.

Prince Henry stared at the princess in shock, frozen in place before adamantly shaking his head.
"Don't do this. The last time we fought, I was not actually trying to hurt you. I really don't want to hurt you, Princess."

What the fuck did he just say? The last time they fought? I pushed off the wall, flexing my hands. I should walk over there and punch the prince in his mouth. Emilio stopped me with a brief fist against my chest and a small shake of his head. I forced myself to relax, my eyes locked on Calina.

She stood her ground, her gaze unwavering as she faced Prince Henry.

"Don't stress about it, Henry. I'm not asking you to go easy on me. Put your gloves on." Her smile turned venomous.
She tossed the gloves at him, and he caught them just before they hit the ground.

So maybe the princess wasn't a fan of the prince?

Henry shook his head and flashed a pleading look over at Sebastian while he crammed his hands into the fingerless gloves.

Sebastian cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "This will be a standard sparring match. No weapons, just hand-to-hand combat. The first to yield or be incapacitated loses. Understood?"

Henry's jaw clenched, . "This is a bad idea, Calina."

Sebastian intervened, his voice firm. "Prince Henry, the Princess has made her choice. Either you accept the challenge, or she gets her spot uncontested. And if you back down from a challenge, you will be out of my class."

Henry sighed, and he finally nodded. "Alright, Princess. But don't say I didn't warn you."

They took their positions in the center of the room, the tension palpable. The class watched in silence, their anticipation growing.

"Begin!" Sebastian commanded.

She stepped closer to Henry, slow and graceful as a lion stalking its prey.

"The last time we fought, fear drove me; it took front and center in my mind. I want this, hell, I need this. Don't worry about me, little prince," the princess said conversationally as they circled the mat.

She landed two solid punches to his face before he had a chance to raise his arms and block her assault. With a swift twist, she kicked and her foot connected with a wicked body blow.

Anger contorted his face; he cried out in pain and stumbled back. His knee slamming into the floor before he jumped back up to his feet. Prince Henry took a half-hearted swing at her face. She pivoted so quickly on the balls of her feet; the move spun her behind him. She did not miss a beat, striking him in the back with an elbow.

"Let's go, little Prince, put some effort into it," she taunted, kicking him in the shoulder.

He growled out his anger, holding his side as they circle the mat, each trying to find an opening.
The prince took a step closer to her. Instead of stepping back, she allowed him to come into her space, baiting him.

They engaged, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Henry's strikes were powerful and calculated, but it was as if Calina was in his head. Every move he made she blocked and made a lightning quick counter move.

He swung out with a punch. She blocked him with her right arm, driving the heel of her left hand into his diaphragm. He jumped back. "Okay, you're faster than I remember," he wheezed, rubbing his chest.

Princess Calina's face was calm and calculating, her lips tilted up in a smirk.

I couldn't believe I was infatuated with another man's fiancée.

Henry twisted, raising his leg in a side-piercing kick. She stepped out of his striking distance, catching his leg and raising it higher, throwing him off balance. The second his back slammed on the ground, she brought her knee down into his chest, hard. The air that hissed out of his lungs was cut off when her narrow fingers wrapped around his throat. She raised her other hand, fist tight and elbow high. Just before she could strike him with her fist, Henry tapped out.

Princess Calina jumped to her feet with a broad smile, spinning to look at the stunned face of Sebastian. The guards all shared equally shocked expressions.

She didn't even break a sweat. The entire fight was over in less than a minute. She was fast, calculating, and ruthless with her strikes. The princess was an absolute force to be reckoned with.

Sebastian slow-clapped with a chuckle, walking towards Princess Calina.

"Princess, you were incredible. Your father did an exceptional job training you."
He reached out an arm to Prince Henry, pulling him to a stand and clapping his shoulder once before turning to face the class. "Everyone, this is Princess Calina. She will join the class. Everyone pair up for sparring."

I regret giving into my curiosity where Princess Calina was concerned. I should have left days ago, but it seemed I had a slight weakness for the violet-eyed princess. It was wrong to be so deeply intrigued by another man's fiancée.

Sebastian bowed as I exited the dojo.

I needed to leave the Athena castle. It'd be the right thing to do. Lusting after an engaged woman wasn't a line I was willing to cross.

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