22-A Fragile Ceasefire

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"Princess, wait. Please," Henry's voice echoed through the grand staircase, stopping me in my tracks. Reluctantly, I turned toward him. There was no containing the annoyance that simmered in my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, impatiently, the sharpness of my voice a well-honed blade slicing through the air.

Henry flinched. It was subtle, but noticeable.
What was his deal? Any normal person could pick up on my cues. . I wasn't hiding my desire to escape from him. Yet, he continued to seek me out. My mind was made up. I didn't like him and I wasn't going to suddenly change my mind because he was being friendly.

Henry took a deep breath. "Calina, I know our engagement has been far from ideal, but I thought of a great way to bridge the gap between us. Maybe we could take an evening stroll along the beach? A chance to trade stories, to seek out that elusive common ground between us." His mouth curved up with a small smile.

Intrigued, my expression softened, curiosity replacing my initial resistance. "Am I allowed to leave this castle?"

Henry nodded, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. "It would be the beach near the castle, but yes. Just a small escape from these stone walls."

I contemplated his proposal, drawn by the allure of a brief escape from the confines of my royal duties. Okay, admittedly, my royal obligations were rather limited, primarily revolving around lessons with my etiquette tutor, Lady Beatrice. However, I found myself woefully behind in the expectations of royal comportment. In an effort to catch up, the Queen insisted that I was scheduled for two three-hour sessions with Lady Beatrice each day-one in the morning and one in the evening. I was certain the Queen would be delighted to hear that I was spending time with my so-called fiancé. Perhaps she would even be forgiving of my absence from a lesson.

This little excursion would be an opportunity to gain insight into his intentions and perhaps uncover a weakness.
"Well, Henry," I replied slowly, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, "I suppose I can spare some time for a stroll. But let me be clear-it is a temporary truce between us, a fragile ceasefire." With each word, I cemented the boundaries of this newfound agreement. There would be no illusions of an easy reconciliation.

With a wide smile, I darted up the stairs. The thought of finding common ground with Henry, however improbable it seemed, kindled a flicker of hope within me. Though, I was probably reading my emotions all wrong; most likely, I just wanted to escape this gilded cage.


Wisps of delicate clouds drifted lazily across the sky, their edges tinged with a soft pink blush as they caught the last rays of sunlight.

With each step I took, my feet sank into the soft, white sand. This unexpected rendezvous with Henry had ignited a flurry of emotions within me, making me feel incredibly awkward. My heartbeat had thumped so loudly against my eardrums it drowned out the sound of the gentle waves in the distance.

With every passing moment, my nerves intensified, and a flurry of thoughts raced through my mind.

This was dumb. This little outing would only confuse him more. I chastised myself.

Henry stood not too far off from the weathered wooden walkway, his gaze fixed on the horizon as the waves lapped gently at his toes. He had dressed down a bit in his simple soft blue linen shirt and khaki shorts. I felt overdressed in my outfit that Alice had picked out, a flowing, off-the-shoulder blouse in a playful floral print, and a pair of high-waisted denim shorts that hugged my curves just right. Alice was way too excited for this friendship date with Henry. She thought he was charming and handsome. Just hearing him breathe had annoyed me.

Maybe there was a chance I could run back inside and change.

Damn. It was too late. Henry turned unexpectedly, his eyes sparkling with genuine affection.

He approached me with a warm smile.
"Callie, thank you for gifting me with this time together," Henry said, extending his hand, a hopeful smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Reluctantly, I placed my hand in his, allowing him to guide me towards the water's edge.
"Don't think this changes anything," I said, tugging my hand from his.

Henry chuckled, his copper eyes sparkling with delight. "Of course not, my lady. Consider it a moment of peace between us."
I found myself smiling in response, the tension slowly dissipating.
As we exchanged pleasantries, I tried really hard to let go of my preconceived notions, allowing curiosity to replace my initial resistance.

We strolled along the shoreline, side by side. Henry shared tales of his childhood adventures and his love for nature.
I listened halfheartedly, playing a scavenger hunt in my head that my parents used to play when I was a little girl. Whoever found the most unique seashell would win ice cream. Of course, I always won.

My eyes caught a tiny spot of blue peeking through the white grains. I bent down and gently brushed away the sand, revealing a seashell unlike any I had seen before. The shell had delicate ridges and swirls of light brown, its stunning shade of deep blue oddly reminiscent of my father's cerulean eyes.

Carefully scooping it up, I held the seashell in my hands, an unexpected rush of emotions consuming me. The memories of my father flooded my mind like a gentle rain, each drop a bittersweet reminder of the love we shared. Countless nights, he had tucked me into bed, weaving whimsical tales of far-off galaxies and enchanting adventures, his laughter resonating like a comforting melody.

My heart ached for the warmth of his presence, the wisdom he imparted, and the unconditional love both of my parents bestowed upon me. How I missed those carefree moments when my parents would dance and twirl in the living room, their laughter filling our home with joy. But those moments were now frozen in time, forever cherished but forever out of reach.

I traced my fingers along the curves of the shell that seemed to hold a power over me, unraveling the tightly wound emotions I had tried to keep at bay. I could never cry in front of Henry. I didn't even understand why this stupid seashell was making me so sad. My father didn't even like the beach. He hated the sand. He always preferred the quiet of the mountains.

The sound of seagulls and crashing waves filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere that sharply contrasted with the turmoil brewing inside me. Shoving the shell in my pocket, I lifted my gaze to the sky, its endless blue stretching across the horizon. I couldn't seem to escape from that color. Why did my heart choose this moment to ache for them? This wasn't the time to be vulnerable. Determination hardened my expression as I fought to suppress the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes.

"I've always found the ocean to be a calming presence," Henry remarked, completely unaware of my inner turmoil. "Its vastness reminds me that there's so much more to the world than our predetermined roles."

I couldn't help but scoff lightly, bitterness creeping into my tone. "I suppose you find solace in that," I begrudgingly admitted. "While I am stuck playing the obedient princess."

Henry, undeterred by my sarcasm, found a comfortable spot on the sand and unfolded a simple picnic blanket that Silas had provided. He patted the space beside him, inviting me to join him. For a moment, I hesitated before reluctantly taking a seat, keeping a safe, friendly distance between us.

As we settled in, Silas approached with two steaming cups of hot chocolate, the warm aroma wafting through the air. I glanced over at Henry, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Thanks for the hot chocolate, Henry," I said appreciatively, taking one of the cups from Silas.

A genuine warmth shone in his eyes as he responded, "Of course, Callie. I thought it would be nice to have something warm to sip on while we enjoy the sunset."

"How did you convince Hattie to make it for you?"

Henry chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Ah, well, let's just say I may have employed a bit of charm and persuasion," he admitted with a playful grin. "She did not find me charming one bit. Fortunately, your maid stepped in and rescued the situation, assuring Hattie that the hot chocolate was indeed for you."

I raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. "Ah, I see," I replied, suppressing a laugh. "Leave it to Alice to smooth things over. She does have a knack for getting things done, doesn't she? I'm lucky to have her by my side."

Taking a cautious sip, the rich, chocolatey goodness enveloped my taste buds, offering a momentary respite from the weight of missing my parents. The gentle breeze rustled through my hair, carrying with it the salty scent of the ocean, while the rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves provided a soothing backdrop to our surroundings. We watched as the sun began its descent, casting a kaleidoscope of colors in the sky. Shades of orange, red, and purple painted the horizon.

Interrupting the tranquil silence, Henry's voice broke through, filled with a nostalgic tone. "You know," he began, his gaze fixed on the vibrant tapestry of colors above us, "I used to come to this beach when I was a child. It holds so many fond memories for me."

Intrigued, I turned my attention towards him. "Really? The one here at Athena castle?"

Henry's eyes blurred with nostalgia. "Well, my family used to visit this beach every summer. We would build sandcastles, go swimming, and have picnics right here. With your grandmother. Queen Ekko is like family to me."

My icy heart softened some. "It sounds wonderful," I admitted, my voice filled with a hint of wistfulness. "I wish I could have grown up with Ekko in my life. She is so kind and affectionate."

For a brief moment, I allowed myself to imagine what it would have been like to have a grandmother figure in my life. The warmth of her presence, the gentle guidance, and the cherished memories we could have shared.

"When was the last time you made a sandcastle?" Henry asked, sliding off the blanket. His empty mug abandoned as he knelt in the sand. He scooped mounds of dry sand in a circle, and his brow furrowed in concentration.
"Henry, I'm not sure if castle-building is your forte," I teased playfully.

Henry chuckled, brushing the sand off his hands. "Well, it seems I might need some practice. But hey, it's the effort that counts, right?"

"I suppose," I nodded, pushing my mug into the sand beside me. "But, lucky for you, I happen to be an expert sandcastle architect."

Determined to enjoy the remainder of my time outside, away from all things Princess-related, I waved Henry over near the water's edge. We got down on our knees and began molding the sand, our hands working in harmony as they shaped towers, walls, and intricate details. Our laughter mingled with the sound of seagulls overhead. Henry decorated our slightly lopsided masterpiece with seashells he had collected along the shore, giving it a touch of whimsy.

As we stepped back to admire our creation, a smile stretched across my face. The castle stood tall against the backdrop of the endless ocean. Maybe it could be a symbol of a budding friendship.
"Not bad for amateurs, wouldn't you say?"

Henry grinned, his eyes shining with delight. "Definitely better than my initial attempt. I guess I owe you for the sandcastle lessons."

I playfully nudged him with my shoulder. "Consider it a debt to friendship, then."

Our exhausted laughter floated on the breeze, mingling with the sound of the crashing waves. We settled down on the blanket Henry had laid out earlier.

Time seemed to slip away unnoticed, and as I glanced at the night sky, I realized how late it had become.

"Calina, thank you for today," Henry spoke softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "It's been a long time since I've felt so carefree and genuinely happy. I've cherished every moment. Today, I saw a side of you that's so full of life and joy, and I'm grateful to have experienced it."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, unsure how to respond to Henry's confession as we sat side by side with our toes buried in the sand. Instead, I turned my attention to the twinkling stars above, pretending to be captivated by their celestial dance. I really hoped this day didn't confuse him further.

Standing up, I brushed the sand off my shorts and legs, a sudden urgency fueling my movements. While the evening at the beach had brought moments of fun and relaxation, my determination to find a way out of the arranged marriage remained the same.

"I think I'd like to walk back to the castle alone," I announced quickly before Henry could offer to accompany me.

The moonlight cast a gentle glow, illuminating the path ahead as I began my solitary walk back to the castle. In the hushed stillness of the night, I glanced over my shoulder and noticed Ira trailing a few feet behind, always my shadow, just as he had promised.

Playing in the sand momentarily felt like a past life. I hadn't felt joy in a while. I kind of hated that it was Henry who made me smile and laugh. Yet, I couldn't allow myself to be swayed by fleeting emotions. I didn't want to confuse him and make him think my feelings for him would ever change.

As I walked, thoughts swirled in my mind. Perhaps I could maintain a cordial relationship with Henry, perhaps even form a genuine friendship over time. But the boundaries were clear-I wouldn't allow it to develop into anything more

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