31- End In Sight

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In the opulent halls of the grand palace, I anxiously waited for my meeting with my loving but formidable grandmother. Restless pacing typically calmed my nerves, but today it only heightened my anxiety. Leaning against the wall, I gazed up at the magnificent chandelier suspended from the vaulted ceiling. Its intricate design resembled the outstretched branches of a majestic tree, adorned with clusters of crystal droplets that shimmered on the marble floor below.

I lived in an honest to goddess castle. It still felt surreal. It still held little excitement for me.

My heart felt heavy with the burden of the unwanted engagement to Henry; I didn't want to tie my life to his. This meeting with Queen Ekko was possibly my last chance to voice my feelings and negotiate changes to this impending engagement. It seemed like a bad omen that she was running late, as if she knew that once I saw the contract, I would want to run away. Maybe fate itself was hesitating about the path I was about to embark on. How likely would it be that they lost the marriage treaty? That it simply vanished.

"The Queen has left some old family albums for you to look through while you wait. Her prior meeting will be over in ten minutes," Theo, the queen's assistant, informed me while he opened the door to her office.

Theo gestured towards a small table near the sofa where the albums lay neatly arranged. I approached, running my fingers lightly over the worn leather covers "Wow, still photos? Why aren't these digital?"

"The Queen loves the look and feel of printed photos," Theo explained with a fond smile. "She likes being able to hold the memories in her hands."

I nodded. "Thank you, Theo," I replied with a faint smile.

He left me alone in the beautifully decorated chamber, the walls adorned with rich tapestries depicting scenes from the kingdom's history, showcasing brave warriors and wise rulers who had come before Queen Ekko. Gilded frames held portraits of her ancestors, each one exuding an aura of power and wisdom.

My nerves were bouncing all over the place like I'd just downed seven espresso shots.
Needing a distraction, I grabbed a mini pastry and the album from the oval coffee table in front of the elegant couch and settled into the comfort of a high-back white vanity sofa under the bay window. As I flipped through the pages, I immersed myself in the captured memories of my parents as chubby babies and adorable tweens, finding solace in their smiles and joy.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the heavy oaken door creaked in protest as it opened, and Queen Ekko entered the room with an aura of regal grace.

"The excitement in my heart of having you back grows a little more each time I see you. While at the charity events, I almost mentioned you on four different occasions," Queen Ekko said by way of greeting as she glided into the room. The billow of scarves wrapped around her neck whirled behind her.

With a smile, I stood from the chair, and she wrapped me in a tight hug, the faint scent of lilies surrounding her.

"Where did you get these?" I asked, twirling the beautiful green and orange scarves around my fingers.

"The king of Australundia gifted them to me. Aren't they adorable?" she asked in a whimsical tone.

"Umm... yes, very. Wait, are you blushing? Do you have a crush on this king? Show me pictures now!" I tried to hide the amusement from my demand.

She narrowed her brow and waggled her finger.
"Now, now Calina, don't let that lewd Rouge culture take over your senses. We need to direct that energy to other matters, like the announcement of your arrival to the world. I'm thinking a midnight blue dress. It will really complement your eyes. Have Alice pick up a variety of blue fabrics," she directed, turning her attention to Theo.

My grandmother skillfully evaded my question while also steering the conversation back to matters of what she thought was important. It made me smile, but I really did want the gossip. Did she have a crush on this king and how could I go about setting her up on a date.

She had such an effortless way of doing that, blending playfulness with responsibility. I wondered if I would ever develop such tact.

My grandmother pulled me over to her desk and held up a dark blue fabric swatch near my face, carefully considering the shade.

"What if I want to make a loud statement? I'm thinking... hot pink." I tapped my chin with a stoic expression, fluttering my lashes to play up my innocence as I leaned back on her desk.

She gave me a you-cannot-be-serious side-eye. Her lips quirked up the slightest bit.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. Theo, add bright pink to the list as well. How about a neon pink bow?" Her fingers combed through my wavy hair, lifting a few dark strands closer to her eyes for inspection. "Yes, neon pink should bring out your natural chestnut highlights. Great idea, sweet pea."

One eyebrow lifted while I studied her face. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not.

Her head tilted down, and the most proper titter of laughter spilled out from her mouth. I joined in with her laughter, but mine wasn't nearly as prim. "Scratch the last bit off the list, Theo. Now, sweet girl of mine, what brings you by? Our usual topic?"

Still smiling, she gently tapped my hip for me to remove my butt from her desktop. I settled into one of the two chairs in front of her desk. She lowered herself into her ergonomic seat.

"Yes. Henry sent you the contract. I just want to review it. Possibly add some revisions?"

"As long as the revisions aren't calling it off, I'm sure you and the prince can work something out. Did you want to wait for Prince Henry before you review the contract? Theo, send for the prince," the queen said before I could even reply to her question.

"The prince is in a meeting with the king of Elysium, your highness," Theo announced, sitting on the sofa near the bay window.

"Whatever for?"

I sucked in a fortifying breath to steel my nerves. "Me. Probably." Blowing a frustrated puff of air past my lips, I casually inspected and picked at the iridescent polish coating my nails.

The queen stared at me in disbelief for several long seconds. "What did you do, Calina?" she tsked with a stern tone, before diverting her attention to the tablet on her desk.

That tone was what I had hoped to avoid. The queen did not like for me to spend unsupervised time around the king of Elysium because she was afraid I'd put my Rogue foot in my mouth and offend him.

"I...uhh... kissed Knox."

Her head snapped up from the tablet she was typing on with comically round eyes. "You kissed King Knox? Was he offended?"

"Wow, I'm wondering if that should offend me? I'm fantastic at kissing, grandmother."

"Not the point. How did that transpire? You don't fit the King's usual criteria for the women he dates. They are usually a decade older than him."

Well, that was certainly going to give me a complex.

Why did he only date older women? Why the hell did he let me kiss him if I was not his type? I sighed and rubbed my temples. Great. Now, I was in my head.

"The kiss had been building for a while, actually. Trust me, it was long overdue, at least for me. I was waiting for him to make a move. He never did. So, I took the reins." I shrugged indifferently, but on the inside, there was a cluster of confusion clouding my mind. Maybe there was a reason he didn't kiss me first. Was it because I wasn't old enough for his mature taste?

"Alright. How far did you take it?" my grandmother questioned, returning her attention back to her tablet.

Heat traveled up my neck as I recalled the kiss. The connection and chemistry in that kiss had made me swoon. The rough stubble along his jaw scratched my soft palm when I touched his face. Having his lips so close to mine, plus the faint scent of him flooding my nose-some sort of spice and rosewood-everything about him was so masculine it made my brain overload, and common sense steamed right out of my ears.

So I kissed him.

Tongues. Lips. Nibbles. Deliciously intense. His mouth completely owned mine. I felt it from the crown of my head to the tips of my curling toes. It was so intense that it sort of scared me. That was the type of kiss from a man that collected hearts.

"Just one kiss. No sex. I didn't want to get attached and then wind up married to my nightmare, anyway. Which is why I am here."

"Because of your nightmare?" Her eyebrows dragged down inquisitively before they darted back up. "Oh, you mean the prince." She chuckled lightly.

"Are you even trying to embrace the reason behind this marriage, Calina?"

"You mean deal with the fact that I'm a political pawn in your game of monarchy?"

The Queen listened attentively, her expression unwavering. "I know this is difficult for you, Calina, but I can promise you are not a pawn. Now, you are being given the opportunity to restore honor back into the Ariti household."

The queen's gaze softened, and she reached across the desk and placed a comforting hand over mine. "After your parents left, it was my responsibility to rebuild trust with alliances and neighboring countries. Their abandonment of the throne did a tremendous amount of damage to our country. But your marriage can solidify everything I've built from the damage caused by your disappearance. Going back on that promise will cause more harm than good. Lives lost in a war. Is that what you want?"

"Of course not." I slid my hand out from under hers and sat back in my chair. "But can the marriage simply be a political one? I feel like this marriage is already stripping away my choices, my identity. I refuse to produce heirs with Henry. I'll agree to this if he lives in his castle in Romarvia and I remain here in United Greecia. I don't want to bring any more shame upon your country."

"It's your country now too, Calina. You serve the kingdom of Greecia. It is your birthright. And what is good for the country is taking Romarvia into our fold and helping them rebuild from their desolation."

"I can only agree to this if Henry agrees to my terms. Could I see the contract?"

The queen nodded and typed something on the nanocomputer. She waved her hand above the red beam shooting from the top of the cube, and a hologram screen appeared directly in front of me.

Immediately, I scrolled down to the bottom of the page. My father's signature was in blue ink. Seeing the betrayal hit a lot differently than hearing about it. My heart drummed a frantic beat in my chest. I swallowed down the bile in my throat. I wouldn't cry.

I started back at the top, reading it through once.


After the third reread, I glanced up at my grandmother. "This doesn't say anything about marriage. It only states what was supposed to happen when the Romarvian king took legal guardianship."

Theo stepped beside me and scrolled through the emails with a wrinkle in his eyebrows. "One second. My apologies. I thought I had both lined up. Ah, there it is."

My eyes automatically traveled down to the signature on the bottom of the page. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the unmistakable flourish of my father's signature, a stark reminder of the weight and finality of his decisions. The signature instantly blurred as my eyes filled with tears, I swallowed hard and scrolled up to the text above it.

"This agreement," I whispered reading aloud, "stipulates the conditions under which the union between Calina Ariti and Henry Stoica will be considered valid and binding."

My breath caught in my throat as I continued reading.

"This document outlines the expectations for both parties in the engagement and eventual marriage. Prince Henry Stoica and Princess Calina Ariti will fulfill their roles in uniting Romarvia and United Greecia through matrimony, thus ensuring political stability and fostering mutual growth."

My throat felt tight. I couldn't read anymore, blinking several times to clear my vision, I scrolled back to the bottom of the page.

I blinked. Blinked. Frowned. And finally, processed.

And holy mother of everything pure in this world, the weight in my heart lifted.

It was fake.

The signature at the bottom of the page was nothing more than a copy of the signature from the previous document.

My father had always elaborately designed his name. No two ever looked the same. He liked to make over-the-top art every time he signed. He would always say the art within was his real signature style.

"Has my father always added style when signing documents? I mean, even as a king?" I pointed to the curlicues of the L. He even incorporated small leaves on some of the swirls.

She smiled, her cerulean eyes briefly losing focus. "Ever since he was a young boy. He wanted to be an artist. That was his little quirk. He never rushed his signatures."

"Good to know some things never change." I pinched my bottom lip, deliberating on how best to inform the queen. "One of these two documents contains a forged signature. I'm willing to bet it's the one on the marriage document."

With wide eyes, she looked between the two documents side by side. Her fingers covered her mouth in shock.

"I was there the night your father agreed to the marriage between our countries. He threw the tablet with the rights to legal guardianship at the Romarvian king. It shattered to pieces and I heard your father threatening the king, something about being tricked into signing the wrong document. Your father never explained how. He never shared that burden with me. Maybe his intentions were to only sign the marriage contract, but somehow the two got swapped?" She frowned, mumbling to herself, fingers pressed together under her chin. "If we scan the documents through our analysis, the council would have questions. I could ask King Knox to find out which document is forged. He will need to confirm the forgery discreetly before making any moves. Theo, send for the king and prince with urgency."

Theo bowed and exited the room.

"So what happens if the marriage contract is fake?"

"It's definitely forged. I never understood what your father meant when he said he was tricked into handing you over. I thought he meant because of his grief, he agreed to whatever was asked of him. The Romarvian king has been known to be quite skilled with deception. He must have gotten one over on your father while his defenses were down."

Her fingers drummed against the desk while she mumbled to herself in Greek.

"I tried to help that country, I swear, but their king is a deceitful liar. My hands are tied. We have grounds to nullify the marriage.
The prince will make a statement to the press, calling off the engagement and accepting full responsibility for the consequences. If he refuses, then we will press charges against them." She affirmed her decision with a single nod and stood from her desk.

"Do you think Henry had anything to do with that signature?"

She swatted her hand through the air. "No. I stand by what I said. The prince is a good man. His father? Not so much."

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