44-A Single Glance

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Musicians took their positions, the first notes of a beautiful, soft medley unfurled into the air.
The strings of violins and cellos intertwined with the rich timbre of horns and the melodic trills of flutes.
The melody flowed like a river, guiding dancers across the expanse of the ballroom in graceful synchrony, their footsteps melded into a gentle cadence, a steady rhythm that echoed off the marble floors.

Laughter and conversations, mingled with the strains of music. The murmur of guests engaged in animated discussions formed a backdrop to the elegant melodies, their voices rising and falling like waves upon the shore.

It was a beautiful and enchanting night. But, I was so over it. I wanted to sulk alone in my room.

A prince from some country I didn't hear introduced himself then asked for a dance. I accepted the invitation with a distracted smile. I was trying to give this prince my full attention. I just couldn't. My gaze kept drifting to the man that pulled on my heartstrings.

I leered over at him, up and down, in a way that was meant to be dismissive but I probably looked more like I was ogling him.

While taking a sip of his champagne, he had me locked in his gaze, a wicked grin flickered on his soft lips.

The man looked damn good, and my traitorous heart concurred with my greedy little eyes. All it took from him was one single glance and I was hooked. Knox was my weakness.

I shifted my focus back to the prince in front of me.
"Are you enjoying your self tonight?" I asked the prince with a faint smile gracing my lips, maintaining eye contact with him.

The prince returned my smile, his hand tightening ever so slightly around mine as we twirled across the polished floor. "I must admit, dancing with you has been the highlight of my evening."

Flattered by his compliment, I felt my cheeks flush slightly. "Thank you. That is so sweet."

We moved gracefully to the rhythm of the music and fell into an easy conversation. Which I wished were enough to keep me distracted but it wasn't. The prince didn't seem to notice that my gaze kept drifting to a certain someone in the crowd or at least he didn't call me out on it.

Maybe I should let Knox explain? Because let's be honest, I was way too curious to just write him off. Though he deserved it.

I excused myself from the kind prince, making my way off the dance floor. My escape wasn't as easy as I had hoped. I was stopped on four separate occasions, each time by total strangers eager to talk or offer a dance. Politely, I declined each invitation, my mind preoccupied with finding a quiet place to speak with Knox.

"Fine, let's talk," I grumbled, walking past Knox and making my way out of the ballroom.

He didn't follow immediately, which was good; we didn't want anyone to notice us leaving together. It would have caused a spectacle.
I wandered down the hallway to an alcove far from the ballroom, ensuring we wouldn't be overheard.

A few minutes passed, and I heard soft echoed footsteps against the marble floor, growing closer. Finally, Knox rounded the corner, his gaze traveled over my face and down my body, dark and possessive like a lover's touch.
He moved closer until I could feel the heat of his presence, making the air between us crackle with unresolved tension. I wet my lips, dying to touch him, taste him.

"I've missed you," Knox admitted, while keeping his hands in his pockets.

A few excruciating heartbeats passed as I tried to work through the conflicting emotions unfurling through me.
Despite everything, I missed him too. I wanted to tell him that, but when I opened my mouth, bitterness spilled from my lips.

"Say your piece, and then we go our separate ways, King Knox."

"King?" A growl rumbled in his chest. "Are you trying to distance yourself already? We get into one argument and you're ready to walk away from us?"

"Why not? You did," I hissed.

"I had something important to attend to that was delayed because you played games with your life."

"Wow, I was not playing games. I just wanted to be alone one more time before my life changed again.
I needed to find Raine. I had to know why she disappeared, why she cut off all contact. And I found out...she's not the same person she used to be. She doesn't want anything to do with me."

Knox's anger seemed to wane slightly, replaced by a flicker of understanding. "And you thought going alone was the best way to handle it?" he asked, his tone softening. "You scared the hell out of me when you vanished like that. It scared everyone. Wait, Raine? Your friend in Freedom? You went to the Rebel lands alone?"

Shit. I forgot that no one other than Alice knew about my travels to Freedom.

"So what? Freedom isn't the hellscape you think it is. Other than officially losing a friend nothing bad happened while I was there. It was the closure I needed. I visited my childhood home and my parent's graves. I didn't get robbed until I returned to Greecia. You would know all of this if you didn't take off because you were mad at me."

He snorted a humorless laugh. "I didn't leave because I was upset with you. I left for an entirely separate reason. Besides, you didn't even try to contact me. Not once, Calina."

"You are the one that walked away. Not me. Do I seem like the begging type," I trailed off as our eyes locked.
His eyes were so green and filled with so much warmth in their depths. Suddenly, my tongue felt swollen, the unbridled anger deflated the longer I held his stare.

I had missed him, and I was furious that I could barely hold myself together over a guy. I groaned into my hands, careful not to smudge my make up. "What was your reason for not reaching out to me? We can't both be inflexible but I really don't think I should have had to reach out to you. I didn't walk away." My voice was softer this time.

He shook his head. Some inner battle warring in his mind.

"Are we done?" Knox asked.

"Sure," I seethed, walking around him. His hand latched onto my wrist, preventing me from getting too far away.

"No, that's not what I meant. Are you ending things between us?"

The weight of his question hung in the air between us.

"We weren't really together, Knox. We just wrinkled the sheets, that's all."
Okay, so apparently, not all of my anger fizzled out.

"Fuck. You are maddening. I can't... I don't understand you... you are.." He blew out a hard breath in frustration.
"We stayed up talking for hours every night. Do you really feel nothing for me at all, Calina?"

I really liked him. Knox saw all my scars and ugliness and still found me worthy. Somehow, when we were together, he filled the cracks in my heart that I never thought would be whole again. But I couldn't tell him that. Not when I wasn't sure how he really felt about me. He wanted to be more serious but bolted the second I upset him. It was too draining.

I didn't reply. Masking my fury with indifference.
Knox rubbed the back of his neck. Something he did when he was afflicted.

"Fine. I'll admit I walked away out of anger. I didn't want to say anything that would break us up. The reason I didn't contact you was for an entirely separate issue."

"So, you keep saying. What is the reason?" I crossed my arms, fixing him with a hard stare.

"I am sorry for getting pissed at you. I overstepped. It probably won't be the last time. Look. Actually giving a damn in a relationship is new for me but I want to be better for you. I really and truly care about you, Calina, and I can't force you to give us a chance. I just hope you will at least consider it before pushing me aside. Do you want me to beg for your forgiveness? Because I will." The grin he flashed was infectious. A genuine smile tipped my lips, my anger ebbing.

Knox stepped closer. His fingers brushed along my sides. I could feel the heat of his skin through the thin fabric of my dress when his hands settled on my hips. His touch was gentle. Until I tried to pull away, his grip tightened, forbidding my escape. A delectable heat shimmered across my skin.

"Look," he continued,"I know I've messed up. I know we both have things to work on. But I'm willing to try if you are."

His thumb brushed the underside of my breast as he nuzzled my neck. Lust shot straight through me. My heart was crashing so hard in my chest I wondered if he could hear it.

Knox leaned back. The intensity of his gaze when he cupped my face had me fixed in place. Then, he kissed my forehead and the tip of my nose. Each kiss was like a bandage over my bruised heart. My adamant resolve was crumbling. If I were being honest with myself, I really liked him. It frustrated me that my heart wouldn't heed my brain's warning that giving my heart and soul to Knox was too risky. It was impossible to think straight when his touch stirred these terrifying affections.

"I'm sorry. Will you please forgive me?"
His words hung in a moment of suspended silence between us. I met his gaze, searching his eyes for any hint of deceit. What I found instead was a raw openness, a vulnerability that mirrored my own. He was offering himself up, laying his emotions bare, asking for a second chance.

Taking a deep breath, I whispered, "Knox, this isn't easy for me."

Before I could continue, a sharp, nasally voice cut through the tension.
"Wow, you have got to be kidding me. We dated for six years, King Knox, and not once did you ever apologize to me! And you broke my heart plenty of times."

The gorgeous Princess Alivia stood with her hands on her hips in a shimmery emerald gown, tears glistening in her turquoise eyes. She was taller than I had realized, her stilettos making her nearly the same height as Knox's six-foot-five frame.

Knox scratched at the scruff on his chin when I stepped out of his embrace.
"We technically only dated for five years, Alivia. We didn't speak for a year."

"Well, it is not like I have stopped missing you in that year. I love you and that will never change like I told you at lunch a few weeks ago." Her fingers stroked down the diamond necklace dripping from her throat, cascading between the space of her enormous breast.

My gaze flicked up to Knox to see if he followed the trail of her fingers. His eyes remained on her face, agitation ticked through his jaw.

Her words were meant to sting, a reminder of a shared past I couldn't compete with. How she still had her hooks so deep in him that she stole him away from a date with me. I didn't bother taking the bait. How mature could Knox's thirty-two-year-old ex be if mascara tears were streaking her cheeks like some heartbroken teenager?

"We've been over this. Our relationship is in the past. That lunch was your closure," he said firmly.

She stepped closer, her eyes pleading. "But it doesn't have to be. We had something special, Knoxy. Don't you remember?"

I couldn't bear to watch this unfold. I took a step back, feeling like an intruder in a moment that should have remained private.

"Knox, I think the Princess of Ithraland needs a moment of your time. I will get out of your way so that the two you can speak privately."

Yeah, throw him back into the arms of his ex. Brilliant, Calina.

I tried to walk away, but Knox gently caught my elbow, stopping me.
"Mi Reina, we still have a lot to talk about. Nothing else matters. All I care about is us."

"Your Queen? Do you plan on marrying her? You hardly know her. She just got here," Alivia whined.

I turned to face her, my gaze steady. "Princess Alivia, my birth right is future queen of this country. I don't need a king for a title that already belongs to me."

Alivia's eyes narrowed, but I didn't give her the chance to respond. Instead, I addressed Knox directly.
"I want things between us to be official. I want the world to know about us. My heart is all yours, Knox." Smiling softly, I pressed my lips against his in a kiss that was entirely too brief.

"You can leave now, Alivia. Right now, I owe my girlfriend an explanation."

Alivia burst into a loud mocking cackle, I gritted my teeth, trying not to be offended.
"Sorry to break it to you," She stage whispered once she regained composure of herself. "You mean nothing to him. He always comes back to me," Princess Alivia hissed, sauntering off with an extra swing to her hips.

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