~ eleven ~

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What does that nickname even mean? He's only ever said it once before and that was when I walked away at the water park. Maybe he really likes the color blue? Or maybe he dislikes the color and that's why he calls me it? I don't know, he sped away in his shiny Silverado before I could even repeat it.

I walked through my front door to find my parents sitting at the counter, pouring over their laptops and textbooks. This is a rare occurrence. To have more than one member of our family in one place at the same time almost never happens. My parents typically leave before I get up and normally don't make an appearance till I'm already in bed. And, as you guys know by now, allegra doesn't like me much so we avoid each other as much as possible unless I'm in the mood to annoy her. Typical sibling syndrome.

"You're home later than usual," mom remarked, not even bothering to look up from the screen in front of her. Dr. Alison Kensington, well renowned psychiatrist and mental health doctor. Her blond hair hangs in ringlets around her face and her blue eyes, deep in concentration, resemble mine perfectly. It's all i seemed to have inherited from her aside from our "I don't give a damn" personality streak.

"I'm surprised you noticed." I open the fridge to pluck an apple from its depths. "You always gone and not exactly caring and stuff."

"That's not fair, Asteria. With us working and you in school after all." Dad speaks up. The infamous Augustus Kensington in the flesh. Also a renowned Neurosurgeon and spinal specialist. I feel as if he is really ever the only one on my side in this family, although he gets extremely wrapped up in his work as well. But our relationship isn't stretched as thin as the one I share with my mother.

I just shrug my shoulders when they don't bother to say anymore, grabbing my apple, cheetos, Dr. Pepper, and a bag of the new trolli gummy worms that just came out. Don't throw any judgment my way, I'm still a size two. Although, my parents tell me it'll catch up with me one day. Got to take advantage of it before it does!

I make my way upstairs and into my room, setting down my load before slipping into more comfortable clothes. Once in a t-shirt and shorts, I flop onto my bed, pulling out the Psychology papers.

How is your relationship with your parents? What is your favorite childhood memory? Are you more of an extrovert or an introvert? Would you rather live in the city or the country?

Why would she give us these kinds of questions? Why would she give us this project at all?

I roll over to my stomach as a groan escapes my throat. "This has got to be the last thing I want to do. Especially with him." I think back to his attitude at the cafe. The coldness at questioning his family, his home life. I couldn't help but sympathize with him. Maybe his arrogance is just how he covers up his hurt. All I do is run, I don't know which is worse.

Run before the temptation gets too bad. It's better to break then be broken. These are the things I live by. I may not have been through much, but I know one of the worst things ever has got to be a broken heart.

I shut my eyes and try to even my breathing as memories rack my brain. The pain of past love, lies, and darkness. I will never go through that again. No matter how close we get, I can never let him complete me. 


Hi! I'm sorry this was so short but I have been extremely busy and suffering from writers block already. But Asteria needed this interaction with her parents, otherwise she would seem completely parent less. I'll just try write more often and send updates your way! If you have made it this far, please don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed! Add this book to your libraries to know when new updates are out, and I'll be back soon. 

~ Hazel Rae ❤️

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