Author's Note

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And that was the end.

I can't believe it.

Honestly, this book has been such a journey for me. I've learned a lot in the process of it and I believe I've really excelled during this work - and I know that I couldn't have done it without you and especially those of you who came back for every new update and spread the love every time.

If you're reading this, you've probably read the author's note at the beginning too, so you know that this story was part of the Open Novella Contest and that this was my first time uploading a story while writing it, something that made me so nervous. But I was focusing on getting better at writing and being a better writer in the sense of writing consistently instead of the schedule I used before this - write one day, forget about the project for three months, then write another chapter to forget about it soon after. And I wanted to work on my characters, for which I had great help from a lot of amazing reviewers and writers offering me feedback on this work.

But what I didn't expect was that I had fun. I had so much fun.

I got a lot of love from you guys, which I already mentioned when uploading the second chapter that your support was so unexpected and overwhelming. It made me not want to let you down, which is always a great motivation.

So I kept on writing, and it felt good. From writing 200 words a day, I went on to a little more (500) and just a little more, and eventually I was writing whole chapters every day for a consistent amount of time and sometimes even two a day--and I was never dreading the moment to grab my computer again and work on the story. I was so incredibly motivated, something that I hadn't felt in a long time.

This was right, everything about it was right. And I was enjoying writing again.

It was the greatest thing anyone could have ever given to me.

Do know that I've been writing since the age of ten. I've always loved stories, reading books at the speed of light and writing small stories in notebooks because I didn't have a computer yet. And never have I known what I know now. This has made me realize that this is something I never want to let go off. Writing is so precious, storytelling is amazing in ways that I can't put to words, but it's also a lot of hard work and for the first time, it felt worth it.

So, thank you for everyone who motivated me, pushed me through it or helped me in any way. Every little vote that said, "Keep doing what you're doing," or, "You're going great." Every comment cheering me on. I'm not sure how I can thank you, but let me just tell you that it means the world and more to me.

And without all of you, I wouldn't have gotten to the point where I am today, and it's the best thing that could've happened. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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