Chapter 10 - Tension

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POV England

When we finally get back from the camping trip, completely exhausted, I immediately collapse onto the sofa, with America following my actions.

America's head falls onto my shoulder and I let it lay there, we sit in silence just basking in the moment.

America places his hand on top of mine which rests on my thigh and I response by interlacing our fingers. Our hands fit so snugly together. His are big and soft, mine are small and rough yet somehow they compliment each other nicely.

He lifts his head off my shoulder and I instinctively look over at him to check if he's alright.

Although I end up getting sucked into his big, blue, orbs as soon as his latch onto mine. His eyes are large and vast. You could stare into their depths for all eternity. Such a startlingly beautiful blue. A plain breathtaking blue, no concealment of other colours just a plain and timeless blue, never hiding behind other colours, out in the open, proud.

I realise that out heads are slowly, almost as if against our own wills moving towards each other. His lips are gently parted and I am tilting my head ever so slightly in apprehension for when our lips collide.

When out noses touch, that was when I snapped out of it. I jump back violently, away from America.

What had come over me? Was it exhaustion? What exactly had been about to happen? What did America think? Was he aware of what I had been about to do? What we had been about to do? Were we even going to do it? Was this all in my head?

This is wrong, this is all so very wrong. I have to fix my urges and fix them fast before something like this happens again.

He is my brother, I can't allow myself to be in love with him for his sake.

I am his guardian and I will stay as such. He trusts me and I cannot, will not break his trust by falling in love with him.

I am a thousand years older than him and his sibling. He would be completely disgusted and feel betrayed by the one man he trusts above all else.

I will shove these feelings away and continue being his trusted older brother. I am not going to let my feelings destroy this bond which this lovely boy had given me the pleasure of sharing. Without him, I would not know the feeling of love, I would be a much worse person than I am today. I have much to be grateful for solely because of him. I will not repay his amazing show of kindness by having horrible pedophilic feelings for him.

I will be his protector and older sibling, give him the bond he wants and not the bond I want.

He needs to be happy, not me.

POV America

After jumping away from me Iggy briskly walked into the kitchen, presumably to get away from me and start on dinner.

I wasn't entirely sure what had been about to happen, one minute I was hypnotised by his amazing emerald green eyes, the next minute I think we had been about to kiss. Then Iggy fled to the kitchen and now everything is incredibly awkward.

Had we really been about to kiss? Why hadn't Iggy stopped it sooner? Why had he stopped it, was he disgusted by me?

Well of course he must of been disgusted by it I mean why would he want to kiss someone like me.

He could have anyone he wants and I'm just plain old me, there is nothing interesting or exciting about me at all.

I'll just have to work hard on becoming bigger, stronger, better, more interesting. More the kind of person Iggy wants!

But for now I'll go help out in the kitchen, I really have to break the awkwardness before it becomes a problem.

I walk into the kitchen confidently. Iggy has his back to me and is trying to reach something on one of the higher shelves, well he's never going to reach it by himself. Without a second thought I grab him by his thin waist and host him up so he can reach the higher shelves.

He lets out a quick gasp and a kind of suppressed squeal and freezes up before recovering and starts yelling: "what the hell do think your doing? Put me down this instant you bloody wanker or you'll feel the wrath of-" and I never quite found out exactly who I'd feel the wrath of because as Iggy had been ranting he'd started thrashing about in my arms and had ended up leaning back a little too far making me loss my balance causing me to topple to the ground, Iggy following quickly after.

I found myself chest to chest pinned under a very dazed looking Iggy. I somehow found myself once again trapped by his gaze. As if I was forever cursed to stare into his mythical eyes. It didn't seem like much of a curse to me. I would happily be forced to stare into his eyes for all eternity. His eyes are so mysterious and vast as if they held all the secrets to a world long forgotten.

Countless shades of green seemed to battle within the plain of colour. You couldn't help but get sucked into them, you could stare into them for hours but never get any closer to working out the ways of the man that owned the hypnotising orbs.

I don't know how long Iggy lay on top of me before he suddenly jerked off me as if he had been snapped out of a dream.

He offered me a hand up and I took it gratefully, he jerked his hand away out of my grasp as soon as I was up though as if my touch was poison.

"Could you, erm get that glass from the top shelf please." Said Iggy quietly staring at the floor intently as if it held the key to all life's problems."

"Uh sure." I said awkwardly in response and retrieved the glass for him. I stood silently and watched him make dinner. The awkwardness was tangible, I was certain I could have poked it if I put my mind to it.

Good going America, you came here to make things less awkward but somehow now things are ten times worse. Oh well, I think with a sigh.

Things are also quite awkward over dinner, thankfully we manage to get into the flow of one of our usual conversations and are soon laughing as per usual.

Iggy yells at me while I'm doing the dishes and says I'm doing it completely wrong. I sigh and go read some comic books.

The cursed awkwardness managed to somehow make its return again when we shared the bed at night. Then again sharing a bed with Iggy has always been awkward ever since his return. But now it seems worse. Still there is nowhere on this earth where I feel safer than in the comfort of Iggy's arms.

He's so warm and the familiar pattern of his breathing soon sends me gently into a deep sleep.

A/N: Sorry about the short chapter, it was really just a filler, a lot of drama is going to be happening in the next chapter though so be prepared. Thank you guys so much for reading, I honestly did not think anyone would and it means a lot that you guys are. Your comments are awesome, I love reading them and I really appreciate the votes. See you in the next chapter!

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