Chapter 18 - Funfair

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POV America

I flung open the door to the world conference room so hard that it flew off its hinges and landed on top of China. Okay maybe that was a tad too forceful and excited even for me and now Russia is full on glaring at me. But I didn't care. I was so happy I could cartwheel to the moon!

I couldn't believe it, it was like a dream. In fact I was pretty convinced it was a dream until I pinched myself. But I had never been so happy to be in pain in my life. England loved me back! I was almost experiencing some kind of shell shock, my whole life seemed like a lie. I'd lived for centuries convinced that England would never love me yet now it turned out he had the entire time! Also it seems like I did a pretty crappy job of hiding my feelings.

I also felt really, really bad when I found out how badly I had ended up hurting England's feelings after the revolution. I hadn't known the extent of the pain he had been feeling, mainly because we had never talked about it, but still. It also seemed like there was a reason as to why it had effected England so badly. Like he had some kind of isolation complex. I wasn't entirely sure though, I'll ask him about it.

One thing I did know indefinitely was that I was so going to thank France after I killed him. No one messes with my brother. I may act like I can't see him at G8 meetings and world conferences and go around talking about there being a ghost in the room.

But really I'm just trying to draw attention to Canada and make the other countries notice his ghostly presence. Sometimes admittedly even I don't see him and that always makes me feel terrible. I really do love my bro.

But I will deal with that later, right now I have to focus on the most important day of my life thus far! My first date with England and I was not going to screw it up! It seemed a bit weird going on a first date, it already felt like we were way past that. But that didn't mean it wasn't going to be any less super fun!

I dragged England into the middle of the room so that everyone could see me.

"Sorry everyone but you are going to have to deal without my awesome presence for the second half of the meeting because I am blowing this cake stand and going off on a date with Iggy!"

"Don't say it like that you git you have no manners! Sorry everyone but we are going to have to excuse ourselves from the second half of the meeting. Japan if you could send us both minutes of the meeting that would be much appreciated." Silly Iggy always so formal, not that I really cared. I was so happy that I felt like I could positively fly. I had a quick look round at the other countries. Some of them looked shocked, others looked murderous, some were giving us looks like it's about time.

Everyone seemed to be whispering like crazy. Hungary had immediately grabbed Japan and was shaking him like a rag doll yelling at him "UsUk is canon! UsUk is canon!" Over and over between high pitched squeals. I had no idea what she was talking about and I honestly didn't want to know. All I knew was I was very disturbed and scared. I made a mental to try not to anger Hungary. Japan himself had a very creepy smile on his face and a glint in his eye. The two of them seemed like a pair one aught not to mess with. Although that doesn't mean I wouldn't if I had too! I am the hero after all! Nothing is too tuff for me!

"Now wait a second you can't just leave you are two of the world's most powerful countries, I will not allow you to simply just-" Iggy then interrupted Germany with: "if you don't let us leave I will replace the food of the world conference meeting with my scones for the rest of eternity." And with that comment at least fifty countries rugby tackled Germany to the ground and made it impossible for him to move or talk. I grinned and dragged Iggy out of the building. If he was willing to inadvertently admit that his cooking was the bane of the world's existence then this date must be as important to him as it is to me.


"We have now arrived at our destination! Tada!" I said pointing to the location of our date for the day.

"America why the bloody hell are we at a funfair?"

"Because they are the most epic places in the world, and only the most epic places in the world are suitable for a date with someone as special as you!" Iggy was scowling but also blushing. He looked so cute. I am so going to make him blush as much as is physically possible.

"Git next time I am picking our date location so we can go on a proper date." He said glaring at me but I could tell he was secretly very happy, or at least he probably was. Either way theme parks are awesome!

"Lets go on that one first!" I said pointing at the scariest rollercoaster of the whole park. "Oh man it looks so fun!"

Once we were sat in the machine, carefully strapped in the rollercoaster began it's slow, torturous, journey up. Man this bit is always the scariest! All the anticipation, then finally the quick, stomach churning descent down.

Iggy was doing fine as the cart slowly made it's way up. This is until suddenly there was a loud clank beneath us.

"Oh my bloody Mary! America this ride isn't safe! It isn't safe! We are all doomed!" Iggy yelled into my ear.

"Come on Iggy it's perfectly safe, loosen up and have some- Ahhhhh" I screamed not finished my sentence as the cart had just quickly descended turning my stomach upside down and making me scream loudly in unison with Iggy my scream soon turned to laughter and then I was yelling "woohoo!" With my arms up in the air.

Iggy however just kept screaming and only stopped when yelling at me to keep my arms down because apparently they were going to hit the metal above. Honestly Iggy and his health and safety, it's a miracle that everything in his country isn't covered in duck tape! I was going to be perfectly fine.

When we got out Iggy's hair was all ruffled and crazier than usual. It looked good ruffled, it reminded me of his punk days. But I knew he would want to look 'proper' as he called it so I gently flattened it for him.

"Hahaha you were screaming like a little girl the whole way round!"

"Excuse me!" He said angrily, face slightly red. "I'll have you know those screams were very manly."

"Manly my ass and what about your ludicrous 'this isn't safe we are all doomed!'" I say putting on a terrible British accent.

"That roller coaster is a death trap! I tell you a death trap! The next people on it are dead I tell you dead!"

"Whatever you say Iggy." The blonde just glared at me, I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the next attraction. His hand fit perfectly into mine, moulded nicely, a warm, snug fit. I didn't want to drop it for the world.

"Iggy! Iggy! Iggy! Lets go on the ghost train!" I said excited.

"First off call me Arthur you git, second that is a terrible idea because you will be terrified out of your mind!"

"Alright Artie I'll have you know I will not be 'terrified out of my mind' the hero is not afraid of anything in fact I think it is you that will be yelling and screaming."

POV England

"Ah! Ah! Ahhhh! Arthur it's a ghost! It's a ghost! It's a ghost! It's gonna kill us and we're all gonna die this is the end! I'm gonna die a virgin!" I chuckled he very much reminded me of a certain Italian. America was practically hyperventilated as he clung to me for dear life I was starting to get a picture of just how ridiculous I must have sounded on the rollercoaster. But there was valid reason to be scared there. That thing was unstable we could have fallen to our deaths! Well technically we can't die, but that doesn't make heights any less terrifying.

I stared blankly at the skeleton that had just jumped out at us, less than amused.

"Ah! Iggy look it's a skeleton it must be one of the bodies of the victims that the ghost has had before and he's showing us their body to scare us because we're next!" He squealed in a high pitch that could put most Oprah singers to shame. I would have pointed out that the skeleton was clearly made of plastic but I knew this would be pointless as America never listened to logic when in this state. Actually screw that America never listens to logic.

Besides although it was bone crushing it was nice to have America holding me like this.

As the ride continued creepy laughs were sounded out of speakers, axes swung in front of us and fake gore plastered the walls. America continued to scream, I continually stroked his hair and told him that everything was all right and that I was here. Each time I did this his screams quietened slightly and he would relax slightly into my side.

As soon as the ride ended America raced off to new rides half dragging me behind him his terror immediately forgotten. Such mood swings. The weird lad would always continue to watch the documentaries on the supernatural that terrified the shit out of him whenever he watched them. However he would always continue this process claiming that he needed to in order to maintain his honour as a hero. He really could be a bit of a git sometimes.

America ran around dragging me to ride after ride but I didn't mind in the slightest because I felt relaxed and happy. I had a giddy feeling in my stomach and I was high on America's smile. We went on a water related ride and America insisted he sit at the front of the boat to be the hero and protect me from the water. Of course I laughed at the git when he got soaked but after he chased me around dripping wet before enveloping me in a cold, wet hug. I yelled bloody murder at him but I was laughing all the while.

Afterwards we had lunch, as I sipped my tea and America slurped his milkshake, we found ourselves staring into each others eyes. I found myself, as I often did, hypnotised by his beautiful sapphire eyes. I do believe it was perhaps the one of the only moments in our entire relationship where we were both rendered speechless, not that I was complaining.

After we finished our respective lunches we headed off the climbing section. That's where everything went a little pear shaped.

POV America

"But Artie why can't we just climb over the fence it means we skip the queue." I whine.

"We can't do that it's against the rules."

"What rule I don't see any sign on the fence saying do not climb!"

"Your set of inner rules, your inner gentleman! You should automatically know that climbing over a fence to skip a queue is wrong!" Inner gentleman? Oh dear lord help me, and who cares about rules they were made to be broken! But no, now we have to stand in a long and super boring queue!


Haha I climbed to the top of the podium in record speed and stuck my tongue out at Iggy who was only three quarters of the way up his, before jumping off the podium and letting the harness carry me safely to the ground, I unclipped myself and handed the ropes to the next person in line. I looked up at Iggy's podium and saw the man standing there glaring at the ground. Oh dear, clearly he is not going to move.

"Artie dude, come on down dude! Wait a sec, you're not scared are you?" Oh my god England is scared of heights. Priceless, the famed pirate of the seven seas, terror of the world has been defeated by a wooden pole.

"I'm not scared I just don't want to move there is a lovely view from here I'll have you know, and before you ask I'm not moving I once sat in the same spot for an entire year because of a bet with Francis so give up, I'm not coming down!" Yelled the anger Englishman his voice shaking slightly, oh man this is just too funny and adorable.

"Come on Artie jump! I promise you I'll catch you."

"What difference will that make you git if I jumped off an thousand metre cliff regardless of whether I landed in yours arms or not the fall would kill me!" He yelled crazily, nothing can kill us Iggy could jump off cliffs all he liked and heal quickly however I couldn't yell that because I would sound like a loony so instead I settled for: "But! As soon as you landed in my arms you'll swoon and go light headed because of how dashingly handsome I am and with my awesome hero powers I'll be sure to save you! Plus Artie your wearing a harness."

Clearly deciding to gloss over the former part of my speech he proceeded to say: "yeah but how do I know it won't snap!"

"It's tested equipment Artie totally safe, it's definitely not gonna snap!"

"The Titanic was ment to be 'totally safe' and it was meant to definitely not sink!"

I groaned. "Artie why did you climb this thing if you scared!"

"Because of my pride! You challenged me you sod!"

"Come on Artie jump! Please, do it for me please!"

"If I die I am coming back to haunt you!"

"You'd be the only ghost I'll ever willingly spend time with!"

"You know that's weirdly romantic."

"Iggy stop stalling and jump of the fucking pole!" And with that he stepped off the podium, his expression was terrified but it soon relaxed when his harness caught him and lowered him slowly down into my arms. I caught him at the waist placing one hand on each of his love handles.

"Aw your so cute and light!"

"Shut up you git!" He said before leaning down and giving me a gentle kiss on the lips, if this was his new form of shutting me up then sign me up!

A couple of aws could be heard from various females around us, one who sounded suspiciously like Hungary. And even a couple aws could be heard from men, one of them sounded weirdly similar to Japan. Some people however were being less pleasant.

"Stop doing that in public, it's disgusting, you need to consider other people's feelings, not everyone is comfortable with the unnatural."

"There are a lot of things I am willing to tolerate but I will never tolerate ignorance, I don't give a damn about your opinion, people like you are the reason the world is so fucked up so grow up! I have a knob he has a knob, so what, who gives a fuck, it doesn't and shouldn't matter! How would you like it if you were told kissing the person you love made others uncomfortable? People who aren't straight shouldn't have to be careful about every little thing they do because they are worried about peoples reactions, it's unfair and frankly the whole thing is moronic!" A very angry Iggy yelled at the offender.

"Do you want a go you fag? As if you can take on me!" Said the very buff, tall woman in question.

"I can more than take you on I have taken on people ten times stronger than you could ever be!" Said England a dark aura surrounding him, still managing to look very threatening while being held in my arms. He was right, there were only twenty two countries he hadn't invaded, I don't think anyone really scares him or if they do he will attack them anyway. That lady should be scared, very scared, because not only was she dealing with England she was also dealing with me.

A couple of the people around her started giving her glares. Then a couple of people started yelling at her and soon a great mob of people were screaming at her. She walked off in a huff and everyone cheered, the cheers then tripled in sound when I pulled England down for another kiss.

Life at that moment seemed perfect, seemed like there was some good in the world and it reminded me that some day gay marriage and marriage in all forms would be accepted in all parts of the of the world. Because there are people who will fight for what's right, some day, hopefully some day soon. The whole world will accept marriage in all forms and all woman will be allowed education and religious intolerant and racist laws will be abolished world wide.

This will happen in the future I am sure of it, we just have to wait and in the mean time protest against injustice! That new world won't perfect, in fact it will be far from it, but it will still be a slightly better world than the one we have today.


POV England

We were sitting in a ferris wheel cart together, hand in hand, soaring away up into the night to join the twinkling stars and look down on the earth.

We got to the highest point on the wheel and I looked over at America, he was grinning like an idiot, staring at me with love struck eyes already leaning forward slowly to close the gap between us.

But then, just before our lips could touch a familiar form of magic that I knew all too well surrounded us. I also knew the magic had stopped the ferris trapping us at the top. I recognised the song before I noticed the man who was now sitting opposite us in our cart. And it would have been the perfect kiss too I think annoyed.

"On Earth Hell can be like this-
The cooks are British
The police are German
The mechanics are French
The lovers are Swiss
And the bankers are Italian!
On Earth Heaven can be like this-
The cooks are French
The police are British
The mechanics are German
The bankers are Swiss
And the lovers are Italian~♪" I just stared at my former ruler completely and utterly dumbstruck.

"Dude what the fuck, what the actual fuck. Who does that man! Who invades someones awesome ferris wheel date and interrupts them before they are about to snog! Why would you do that man! How did you even get in here? I meant to ask last time, are you a ghost? Iggy he's a ghost! Also why am I not in your song! I'm the United States of awesome! I should have a whole verse written about me!" The Roman Empire smiled happily at him.

"I just wanted to see little Engy wengy again! Or my little britainy as I used to call you, do you remember you were called Britannia back then! Look how big you've grown! And you've got such a hottie too! Now remember always use protection and if you don't want to do it then don't let him force you into doing anything you don't want to England, you are a strong, independent man and you can make your own decisions!" Kill me now, please kill me now dear god this is possibly the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me. America was laughing like a lunatic.

"Wait a sec, wait a sec is this your dad?" He said in hysterics. Struggling to breath.

"No I am his grandpa!"

"You are not my grandpa you git! I don't need this lecture! I grew up aeons ago! I am not some naive teenager! My empire became bigger than yours ever was you hear! It was the biggest in the world! If anything I should be lecturing you!"

"Aw little Engy thinks he's grown up into big boy! But you are a big boy now aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are." Rome sang using a baby voice that you only use for toddlers as he grabbed my cheeks and swished them together. "Aw your still so cute! Much cuter than that terrifying red head Scotland. You were easy peasy to take over being all adorable with your little bow and arrows, but that crazy ginger? Don't go near him, he ran around naked and covered in blue paint. I took one look at him and was like, nuh uh, no thanks. That wall was definitely a good idea, why did you take down my wall anyway? It took me a long time to build that wall!"

"I took Hadrian's wall down because I don't need it! I am much stronger than all my siblings combined! The population of London is larger than the whole population of Scotland combined!"

"Oh of course you're strong baby, you're my strong little man!" He said patronisingly. "Take good care of Engy America! Ciao!" He said and with that he disappeared, teleported away with the same magic he had taught me.

"We shall never speak of this again!" I said as the ferris wheel started moving again, I held my face in my hands my cheeks so red I thought they were going to explode.

"Nuh uh, no way you are ever living that down, that was quite frankly the funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my life!" Said America still having a laughing fit, tears had started rolling down his cheeks and he had fallen off his seat with laughter. The ride couldn't end soon enough when it was over I dashed out the wheel determined to run as far away from it as possible. I was never entering one ever again.

After that travesty we headed home and shared a bed again for the first time in centuries. I felt so content and at peace with the world. Having America nuzzling into my neck, his head lying on my shoulder as he hugged me tightly like his favourite teddy bear. My world was finally whole again. With the warmth of my fluffy pyjamas and America surrounding me I reflected on the day. So much had changed in just one day. It didn't seem possible, it didn't seem real. Today though, despite all the shenanigans had been quite frankly been one of the best days of my life so far. I wouldn't change a second of it, not for the world.

A/N: I swear this chapter was meant to be normal but then yeah it became kind of crazy. As for the Grandpa Rome's appearance I was trying to work out who raised England and then I realised it was the Roman Empire. He was everyones grandpa if you think about it! Also yesterday I found out that England and France are the same height, I swear England was actually shorter but it turns out he's not!

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