Chapter 20 - UK

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POV America

"Hey England come on let's go do something fun!"

"Ugh I wish I could but but sadly westminster is about to hold a meeting, the British parliament will soon be in session." Iggy is obviously dreading the meeting.

"Well why do you have to attend that I never go to any business in Washiton DC it's way too boring."

"You dolt you should be interested in your countries politics and know them back to front! But that's besides the point I have to go in order to talk politics with my brothers!" England looked positively appalled by the idea.

"Oh you mean your bros? I have always wanted to meet them. Can I, can I please!" England very rarely talks about them, I really want to know what they are like.

"You don't want to meet them trust me on this. But you may as well come though to help keep my sanity."

"Wait they don't bully you do they?" I say worried, wondering if I would have to beat anyone up.

"No you dolt! Well I mean they did when I was very young but then I grew and took suitable revenge. Have you ever read about the Scottish wars of independence?" The way England said this made me remember that I probably wouldn't ever have to beat anyone up for him, at least not until he'd tried himself.

"No?" I said kind of worried Iggy had a nostalgic crazy look in his eye.

"Nothing to worry about, it was mainly a bunch of crazy rulers I had, although admittedly I find some satisfaction being the top dog for once. It's probably best you don't read about how William Wallace was executed." I was now starting to remember why I had decided Iggy was terrifying. "Come now, lets head off to parliament." He said happily.


"Engy ma wee lad, how are ye doing!" Said a slightly crazed looking man as he barged through the conference room doors, he had startling red hair and skirt. He was wearing a skirt!

"Dude why are you wearing a skirt!"

"This is nay skirt laddie! This here's a kilt and don't ye forget it!"

"Dude I ain't hating, I want one of them. I would look totally awesome in a kilt!"

"Aye! Someone finally sees sense, Engy who be this lad!"

"Stop calling me Engy! And you should know who this is you dolt, he's our biggest trading partner, this is the United States of America!"

"Iggy I know you have some kind of obsession with me but this is taking it too far, my biggest trading partner is Canada! Bros before hoes man!"

"Okay first off I am surprised you even remembered Canada's name Mr brother of the year, and second off if anyone is the best brother it's me! Me and my brothers are in a union and we make up a country! Are you and Canada making up a country? Or are you two separate countries! My brothers are my biggest trading partners they are just not counted as such because we make up a country! And I am not a hoe thank you very much I am a gentleman." Said England turning up his nose.

"Ah so this is the lad you've been sucking up to for all these years!" Said Scotland checking me out his eyes roaming my body.

"I have not been sucking up to anyone!" England yelled hotly. I just stood there smiling happy with an amused expression on my face.

"Oh you so do, you love him, you love him you really, really love him! N. I back me up here!" The Scotsman yelled across the room at another red head who had just entered the room. This one was shorter and had a more ginger tone to his hair rather than a dark crimson. He was currently being harassed by yet another ginger but her hair was a lush dark red and was a lovely long wave of crimson.

"Come on North you know you want to join me. I know you love me. Join me, join me, join the South!" The girl chanted, shaking the the man like a rag doll, the girl was much taller than the man who was even shorter than Iggy, she was also very intimidating, I myself was severely creeped out. I can't imagine how creeped out the other man was, I mean I thought Belarus was bad.

"Hahaha." The other laughed nervously in a prominent Irish accent. He somehow managing to release himself from her iron grip. "I'm just gonna go talk to Scotty and Engy." He said politely, flustered. And half walked half ran over to us.

"Just say near me N. I, I won't let her harm you!" Said Scotland growling possessively as he walked in front of Northern Ireland creating a barrier between the republic and the north of Ireland.

"You get away from him you filthy scotsman. North, honey come to me sweetie." The first bit was said with so much hatred and command that I nearly wet my pants, the second half was said so sickly sweet that I nearly gagged. I do not want to mess with this woman, no siry, no thanks. However if she threatened England like that I'd smash her face in.

"Sorry south but I'm just fine where I am." Said the ginger cheerfully looking happily at Scotland who grinned back at him lovingly.

"Come to me now! Damnit now! Leave the United Kingdom right this instant or else I'll-"

"Southern Ireland this an intrusion of a British parliament meeting, kindly leave the premises this instant or we will be forced to take actions against you!" Said England dangerously with a cold, threatening look on his face, I have to admit it was kind of hot. The two brits glared at the Republic of Ireland. Dark auras surrounding them, I glared too, any enemy of Iggy's is an enemy of mine.

"I'll get you yet North mark my words, you'll join me and love me whether you want to or not!" She shirked as she left, a terrifying blood lust and also lust in her eyes.

"Stay the bloody hell away from him!" Both Scotland and England yelled after her.

"Are you okay?" Scotland asked Northern Ireland hugging him gently.

"Yes I'm fine!" Said the irishman brightly, his accent strong and chipper, he then gave Scotland a quick kiss on the cheek, I smiled happily at the couple. Then he turned and looked at me. "Top of the morning to you laddy! I'm Northern Ireland and who might you be?"

"Oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GOD!" I squealed having a bit of a fangasm, I finally realised just exactly who I was talking too. "Dude! Your holiday is like my second favourite holiday!" I yelled pointing at him.

"Huh? Oh you must mean St Patty's day right! Ah yes it truly is the greatest holiday! The holiday of drink!" He yelled enthusiastically with a bright grin.

"Don't let England anywhere near it though!" I said teasingly.

"Aye!" Both brothers yelled in unison.

"You gits are just as bad as me!" England pointed accusingly at the other green eyed men.

"Nay mate I can hold ma drink just fine!"

"Fine? Fine!" England yelled. "You're drunk every hour of every day! In fact your drunk now!"

"Aye mate! And I'm proud! Only scotch whiskey runs through these veins!" Yells the scotsman loudly.

"Aye! And only whisky runs through mine! Sorry tay have ta ask again but who are you?" Says the perky irishman?

"Only the United Stated of Awesome!"

"Oh so you're our wee Engy's boyfriend!" He said ecstatic. "It's a pleasure ta met you, I don't know how you put up with Engy though." He says teasingly.

"Hey shut up like your any better!" Said England childishly brows furrowed in annoyance. This was priceless England was acting like an immature little kid.

"Must be in the same way that I manage to put up with Scotty." He says winking at me and pulls the scot down for a quick snog before the scotsman could yell in annoyance.

"Stop it you two this is meant to be a professional meeting!" England yelled!

"Yer just jealous cause ye ain't getting any!" Yelled Scotland before kissing Northern Ireland again in defiance.

"I'm getting plenty!" England yelled angrily before grabbing my tie to pull me down and kiss me passionately to prove his point, I happily reciprocated the act. If this was going to happen at all meetings the UK parliament then sign me up! His brothers were hilarious. They could rile up Iggy better than me. I'm going to have to take notes.

"Ah ma wee baby is all grown up." Said Scotland pretending to cry.

"They grow up so fast!" Northern Ireland interjects pretending to cry as well.

"I remember when he were wee, he used ta be so adorable, what went wrong?" Said the scotsman grinning.

"Now don't worry Engy we'll protect you and guide you through the troubles of your relationship." Said Northern Ireland eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You two are only a couple of years older than me you twats! And I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself and my boyfriend! If fact I probably take much better care of myself than you!" Oh my god this hilarious, it's almost impossible to keep my laughter in but I just stand quietly, throughly amused. Scotland and Northern Ireland are masters, France and I have a lot to learn.

"Ah ha! So ye admit it! Ye are in a relationship!" Yelled Scotland with a proud look on his fave like he had just solved a particularly hard mystery.

"I never denied it!" England said hotly.

"England and America sitting in a tree K I S S I N G!" Sang the two.

"Shut up you bloody sods! Wales help me out here!" England yelled at yet another new comer, this one had lovely dark brown hair.

"Whatever England said was right." Said Wales in a bord monotone voice.

"Wales your opinion doesn't count you side with that eegit no matter what crap he says!" Yells the scotsman.

"That's because he's correct compared to you, I mean a giant inflatable unicorn to stop the harsh rays of the sun after global warming destroys the ozone layer? I mean really?" He says raising a massive eyebrow.

"Dude that's a brilliant idea! We totally gotta tell Japan!"

"See someone appreciates ma genius!"

"Scotland anything this git agrees with is doomed, his support of your idea tells me it's even more of a pile of codswallop than I thought it was in the first place!"

"Yer just jealous because your animal is a pathetic lion while mine is a mythical unicorn!"

"Really that's so cool mine is the bald eagle!"

"Unicorn beats eagle lad!"

"No way the eagle is totally more cool!"

"Nothings beats unicorn!"

"Guys please dragon obviously wins." Said Wales, England was giving us all a look which said I am surrounded by idiots.

"Would anyone like some black pudding?" Northern Ireland asked.

"Yes please." Said England and Wales immediately.

"Aye!" Said Scotland really quickly as if trying to prevent some kind of catastrophe by agreeing really quickly. England then kicked me when Northern Ireland wasn't looking and whispered under his breath at me to accept the bloody pudding. I was a little confused and just whispered back I wasn't hungry and that it was British food and would suck. England muttered something like fine you git but don't say I didn't warn you.

"America would you like some?"

"Nah that's alright dude I'm not hungry."

"Oh come on won't you just have a little bit?"

"Really dude it's alright I'm fine."

"Oh go on just have a little piece."

"Dude that's okay I'm-"

"Oh go on go on go on, ya will ya will ya will."

"Nah dude I'm-"

"Come on just a little piece? Go on you have room for a small bit, just a small piece!"

"Really dude chill I ate okay I'm-" he interrupted once again.

"Oh come on just a little bit, just a wee bit, come on you won't even notice and it took me such a long time to make and-" This was clearly a losing battle.

"Okay dude fine, okay fine I'll take a bit." What harm can small portion do? I asked accepting the pudding, turns out a lot of harm this was as bad if not worse than England's cooking no wonder he had to be so persuasive.

Just then a little boy entered the room. He had startling red hair with white streaks through it, big crimson eyebrows, green eyes and a curl which looked eerily like Norway's.

"Sealand go the bloody hell away- Oh Scotland it's yours." Said England sounding relieved.

"Don't compare me to that brat I am a recognised micro nation you big bully!"

"Shetland go home! Ye canna be here!" Yelled Scotland at the new comer.

"I'm a part of the UK too I should have a say in how it's run!"

"Yer a part of Scotland! I'll tell ye anything ye need ta know!"

"Your mean! I liked being Norway's brother much better!"

"Well sorry wee man yer my brother now! Life's nay fair I'm afraid laddy ye got it!"

"Hey I'm old enough and mature enough to be here! I'm way smarter than you!" I sort of recognised a part of myself in the little guy, the poor guy just wanted to be big and strong like his brothers, he just wanted to be on the same level as them. I wondered if he would want independence from Scotland when he was older. He probably wouldn't get much older though so probably not.

"Hey guys let him stay." I said feeling his pain. England looked at me with those wise eyes of his and I knew that he knew why I was suggesting such a thing.

"Hey Scotland he can't stay in the meeting but try to involve him a little more with your affairs, teach him some things, give him, give him some more freedom. Ask him want he wants to do." I smiled at Iggy warmly, I felt like the words he had spoken had fixed some unspoken tension between us, like he had admitted he was wrong and was explaining what he would do better next time. England had actually in fact given me quite a lot of freedom as a colony at least compared to some colonisers, but it had never been the kind of freedom that I wanted, it had always been the kind of freedom that he wanted me to have. Scotland gave England a confused look but seemed to accept the idea.

"Alright laddy how does that sound? I'll involve you more and in turn you will stop pestering me at these meetings!" I smiled happily, I doubted Shetland would ever grown up, he was probably always going to be dependent on Scotland because his nation was so small and underpopulated, but I knew he needed to feel noticed and free and I was glad he was getting that chance.

"That sounds good thanks Scotty!" Scotland moved to give the little boy a hand shake but to his surprise Shetland gave him a warm hug, Scotland smiled overjoyed and happily hugged him back.

Once Shetland had exited the room Scotland still had a pretty big smile on his face.

"I never knew that was the answer ta ma problem thanks Engy. I think I'll try the same thing with Orkney."

"I never knew it was the answer either." Said England sounding nostalgic. His brothers looked at him weirdly, only I knew what he was talking about.

"Does this mean your gonna give Sealand more freedom too?" I asked Iggy mainly just to piss him off. But I was also interested in his answer.

"No that brat doesn't need any encouragement!"

"But Iggy you said." I said patronisingly.

"Oh alright fine! But he is staying an unrecognised micro nation you hear!" He said angrily. I was kind of surprised by his response but also happy, I felt like this was another of Iggy's ways of trying to make amends. Though I full heartedly agreed with not recognising him as even as a micro nation, we would never hear the end of it.

"You guys totally need to come to the G8 meeting this week! Iggy why do they never come?"

"We used to all go." Said England thoughtfully. "But when we became the United Kingdom the other european countries refused to work with all four of us, now that it was no longer necessary to. They made their decision because apparently we 'fight too much' which is a load of tosh if you ask me, we barely fight at all, or at least no worse than them! We had to pick one representative, I was chosen because these lazy gits jumped at the first chance of no work. And also because I was the strongest." Scotland growled slightly at that comment. "I was officially named the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a result for the sake of the meetings, however my name is still also England because England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were not dissolved to create the UK, we all still exist so the UK is my name, but I prefer to be called England because it just sounds more like an actual name, it's less confusing and I have an attachment to the name. I use the UK only as a title really. It's a little complicated but when I was renamed it wasn't an one hundred percentage normal renaming process as I never lost any of my memories or culture or anything like that. However I frankly find the while thing rather stupid and unnecessary, I see no reason why we all can't go I mean it's been centuries I'm sure we've matured plus with the amount of arguing the others do I call bullshit. We should all go that way I won't have to constantly relay knowledge back to you gits!"

"Aye it sounds like fun! Plus I haven't seem Franny in ages!"

"Sounds like fun to me! And south won't be there cause it's a G8 meeting!"

"If England's going I'll go."

"Alright woo hoo!" I yelled fist bumping the air! "This is gonna be great!"


Third person POV

France was sitting at the G8 conference room table, surrounded by the other nations, they were just waiting on England. So typical of the Brit, France thought, always patronisingly going on about the importance of manners and then he himself is late! France smiled over at the Canadian who, as always was being sat on by Russia. Canada smiled back over joyed. Just then though he got a familiar noggie on his head messing up his perfect hair. Oh Scotland sure was going to pay for that! France had put extra effort into his hair today! However he was happy to see the Scot.


"Ecosse! It feels like I haven't seen you in aeons mon ami!"

"It were only last month ye eegit!"

"Ah yes throwing pine cones at Angleterre from up in trees how could I forget! Where is Angleterre anyway is he ill?"

"Ill? Nay laddie unfortunately not. He's as well and as irksome as ever."

"Then where is Angleterre?" Said France suddenly starting to get a little worried, he was having a bad feeling about this.

"I assume he's just running a tad late, bloody hypocrite always talking about bloody British manners when I'm earlier than him!"

"Wait a second did you say Angleterre is coming?"

"Aye! Course he is the four of us are, America invited us, I thought it would be a right laugh." France immediately felt the colour drain from his face.

"France-san are you okay? You suddenly look rather pale?"

"A-Angleterre's brothers are all going to be in the same room together and we will be trapped here with them!" France said panicking, sounding slightly crazy and a little terrified.

"What's wrong with that? More people just means more souls to crush da?"

"Non non non, you don't understand you won't be able to crush their souls the arguing will be too intense!" Said France almost hyperventilating.

"France dude calm down his bros are cool, we are gonna have such a blast!"

"You idiot you have doomed us all! Have you ever been in a room with England's brothers when they argue about politics! It's a disaster zone!" Said France sounding terrified. "Italie Italie!" Said France shaking Italy vioently. "Tell them, tell them the horrors of the four brothers when united!"

"Wait a second do you mean England's brothers and England are all going to be here at the same time! Ahhh Germany! Germany! HELP!" He yelled grabbing Germany's waist and clinging onto him tightly.

"What is it Italy?"

"E-England's brothers, they are all coming here!" He yelled through panicked sobs. "I'm a virgin, I'm too young to die!" Germany himself hugged Italy back when he heard the news and started shaking. "Dear gott we are all doomed." He said shaking with fear looking terrified. America then started to feel worried, he had never seen Germany scared before, ever. Just what exactly had he done?

"You eejits are all over reacting you wusses. We are nay that bad!" Said Scotland slightly miffed at the other nations.

The three europeans sat in the corner of the room shaking slightly hugging each other. The four non europeans and Scotland stayed at the table but they were all a bit worried now. Watching the door in anticipation.

Slowly the door creaked open and in walked England, Wales and Northern Ireland. They then sat down in seats next to Scotland and smiled at each other.

"Sorry we're late, Northern Ireland couldn't find leprechaun and we had quite some trouble finding him." Said England brightly, dear god, Russia, Japan and Canada thought, they are just as crazy as England with their belief of 'mythical creatures' and they all have those crazy eyebrows too and those striking green eyes, why is the one France called Ecosse wearing a skirt, and why do I feel like this is the calm before the storm.

"Well what's the topic today?" England asked and was met with silence. "Oh come on you tossers we are not that bad, how about we start with the way in which we should go about reaching world peace?"

"Do you know how we could have kept world peace Engy? We could have helped kept it if we'd stayed in the EU!"

"Oh not this again! I made a decision, the decision has been made! Will you just let it go already!"

"I will nay let it go! Do you not get how stupid yer decision was? All the 'we need control of our borders migrants are stealing our jobs' grow up England! You're being racist and for christ sake migrants help the economy! We have an ageing population! Look at that beautiful man!" He yelled pointing at Germany. "He has taken in eight hundred thousand refugees and how many we taken in? Two hundred and sixteen England! Two hundred and bloody sixteen! That's not enough!"

"We don't have the space Scotland! And besides we are sending lots of money to the war front where the actual crisis is!"

"Stop making excuses these people need help and we have more than enough space!"

"Scotty's right these people need help, we are meant to be an accepting multicultural nation, but look at us cutting ourselves off from the world and being racist what the feck were you two thinking!" The Irishman yelled, his happy peaceful nature replaced with a passionate, loud mouthed man hungry for justice.

"We are doing what we thought best and helping the war effort the best we can!" Yelled the welshman.

"Southern Ireland's arse we are helping to our maximum ability! You two screwed up all our alliances with other countries!" The scotsman yelled throwing a pencil at England head which hit him square in the forehead.

"We are still in NATO!" England yelled back throwing his water over Scotland.

"NATO don't do anything!" Yelled the Irishman grabbing the welshman's hair.

"Silence you four we have a meeting to run!" Roared Germany having regained his composure.

"Shut up you damn kraut this is a British affair and is none of your bloody business!" England yelled now in the middle of a physical fight with his brothers, blood streaming from his nose, and he had one arm wrapped around Scotland's neck. America shivered, normally anyone would shut up when Germany interjected, but not them.

"Why are they called the 'United' Kingdom?" America whispered to France terrified, watching the intense wrestling match that was taking place on the floor, all that could be heard was occasional yell of 'Brexit!' or 'refugees!'

"I have been asking myself the same question for years mon ami, however if you mess with one of them you mess with all of them. Ever since the United Kingdom was formed they have been scarily closely bonded, trust me mom ami, the other three nations are a terrifying force against the one who has harmed their sibling. Even after all their feuds and all their differences in culture the United Kingdom has never broken apart since it's creation, even after the brexit scare Ecosse and Irlande du nord still want to stay in the United Kingdom." The hellish arguing and physical fighting went on for what seemed like hours. When it was finally over America went over to England.

"Dude that was a big mistake on my part, sorry about that don't worry we'll make sure it's just you next time."

"What are you on about, we barely argued at all I thought it went great!" Said England happily.

"Dude you had a three hour hard core wrestling match! I thought one of you was going to die!"

"That's nothing, just a little friendly fighting, if you thought that was bad you should see us on a bad day! You know I was dreading that meeting America but it went great! It's the best we've gotten along in years during a political debate!" America was now deeply scared, if that was a good day he dreaded to think what a bad one was like. He made a mental note to send Canada many gifts and tell him he was the greatest brother a man could ask for.

"Come on lets go get some ice cream in celebration of the meetings success!"

"Ice cream!" America yelled completely forgetting all previous worries already looking forward to the cold treat.

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