Chapter 27 - Teardrops and Stars

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POV America

Oh Jesus Christ! This is terrifying. Why on earth did I think this was a good idea?! This is a terrible idea! This is going to end in disaster, possibly world war three, and maybe the end of humanity as we know it-snap out of it! I yelled at my mind, mentally slapping myself. This was no time for being a wuss! I scolded myself, besides we're here now! I have to go through with my plan. Besides heroes never wuss out!

England and I were standing in a field. Not just any field mind you, the most important field I know! The field where I first met England, Finland, France and a bunch of other countries that wanted to colonise me.

But that's not important. What's important is England became my big brother here! I practically grew up here in this field, near the quant little cottage where I grew up. I still often stay in that cottage in Summer. I'll have to invite England over coming to think of it.

But that's not important right now either. What's important is England. England and I, and the question I'm about to ask him.

"Ah I haven't been here in ages, it's still as beautiful as ever." Said England smiling nostalgically, the sunset illuminating his face. I swallowed deeply, and forced myself to stare directly into England's eyes. He raised an eyebrow at my intense gaze. I smiled nervously, glad to have his full attention.

I pulled the little box out of my bomber jacket pocket and put my hands behind my back. England noticed the movement and stared at me in complete shock. Oh God he's realised what's happening, well, there's no going back now then.

There's nothing to be worried about. I love him, I have for centuries and I know he loves me back. I relax and grin as I get down on one knee and slowly open the small box that sits happily in my palm.

"England," I say then gulp nervously. "This is the exact spot where we first met. And this place holds so many beautiful memories for the both of us, that well, I thought that there was no place better to ask the most beautiful, intelligent, kind, cunning old man, if he would do this git the honour of becoming his husband?" I asked hopefully holding the ring up to England. Said man had a couple tears falling down both cheeks, but he was smiling, so I hoped they were tears of joy.

"America that was beautiful." Said England wiping his cheeks. "But I'm afraid I have to decline." What?! I thought, my world shattering around me, I was about to fall into some firm of depression when England got down on one knee himself. Now I was just confused.

"Um Iggy?" He stared at me intensely as if daring me to further question him.

"Sh." Said the country softly putting a finger to his lips. He had his own box out and open, which revealed his ring for me. I was not very sure what was happening, if it had ever happened before, or if it was suppose to happen. But at least it wasn't rejection so I would just let it happen I decided.

"America ever since we met you have been the centre of my universe. We've caused each other so much pain. But equally we've given each other so much joy. And I like to think. No, I know that there have been so many more good times than bad." He smiled and laughed a little as he said the next bit. "I love you more than I love tea. You will forever be my hero and if you want me to, I will always be by your side, never leaving you, no matter what my politicians try. I love you now and forever, will you marry me?" Tears were streaming down my face now. I started laughing. Of course he was going to beat me at sappiness I should have known, but that's sort of why I love him so much.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! But only if you agree to my proposal as well!" Then it was England's turn to chuckle.

"Of course you have to get something in return, you never do change do you you git? And of course my answer's yes! I mean I know I just said no, but that was just because I wanted to propose. Because...  Well... I mean... well, I've been a gentleman for over two centuries and I would be damned if-" I cut off his crazy ramblings by placing my lips on his and tackling him into a hug. Then I gave him a quick nose nuzzle before I proceeded to slip his ring onto his ring finger, as he did the same to mine.

It fit snuggly around my finger, though it was slightly cold against my skin. It was a thick band of gold with a single, five pointed star, just like the fifty I had on my flag, only this one wasn't white. It was a beautiful emerald green, the exact same shade as England's eyes.

I smiled, it seemed we had the same idea. England's ring was a tad thinner and held a single sapphire teardrop. The same shade of blue as my eyes.

"Is this because it always rains in my country?" England growled. I laughed a little.

"Hahaha, no no Iggy. It's just, I know that sometimes our relationship will be a long distance one. There may be times when we have to go months without seeing each other, and I wanted this to serve as a reminder to you, whenever you look at your hand, that I love you. I know you're insecure about whether or not I love you. You're always worried I'll forget you, or replace you. So you constantly try to impress me to keep me happy, which I love. But England, you don't and never will have to do that. I love you and every moment I'm not with you and I'm given some time alone to think, I'm crying on the inside, or I feel like crying or I am crying. And, this is going to sounds as cheesy and sappy as can be, but whenever we are not together I feel like there's a rift in my heart, it actually hurts sometimes! That's what the teardrop represents. And that's what I want you to remember whenever you look at it. I love you, always have, always will. So um anyway, what does the star mean?" I said awkwardly, England was looking at me with a kind of awe and proceeded to wrap his arms around me tightly. I was glad he was happy but he didn't have to look so impressed, I do think things through sometimes... Ok I really don't, this was the first tine in ages I actually tried. Why did I stop? I seem to remember there was a reason, a really important reason, but I forget what it was.

"Thank you America, that was beautiful, and I promise I'll always remember." He says smiling looking at me sincerely, tears dotting his eyes.

"As for the star well... You're always worried about what other people think of you, you cover it up, but you're always sad when you think you've disappointed someone. You pit a huge burden on yourself trying to keep everyone happy and that can be over whelming especially when you're a superpower, sometimes everything just seems pointless and it feels like the whole world is against you. But the star represents you're a hero to me, you're my hero. And you always will be. But also other countries think you're a hero too, they just don't say it, but they think it. And that's to remind you of that." Now it was my turn to be shocked, I guess we do know each other better than anyone else or even ourselves. I felt so touched and, happy that he understood that about me. That's exactly how I feel sometimes. This ring is exactly want I needed, I hope England feels the same about his.

As sappy as this sounds, we spent the rest of the night just staring up at the stars, in a comfortable silence, thinking about the future, and what it would bring.

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