Chapter 29 - Happily ever after

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A/N: This is in fact the final chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Third person POV

"Why the bloody hell did I allow you to walk me down the aisle bloody frog!" England half yelled half whispered at France whilst glaring at the fact that their arms had to be linked together; feet clanking against the hard, checkered marble floor of Westminster Abbey.

"Why because I am so beautiful of course~ in fact you actually wanted to marry me, but you knew you were simply not good enough, so you settled for that big oaf in front of us." Replied France flirtily whilst nodding in the direction of America who was currently being walked down the aisle by Canada, a couple paces ahead of the two arguing men.

"That's funny, because I seem to remember turing you down when you begged me to marry you." Replied England curtly, who was now trying to yank his arm out of France's grip.

"Why you little-" at this point in time Austria started playing the organ noticeably louder. Here comes the bride hadn't really seemed suited to the marriage so instead a mix of America and England's Marukaite chikyuu was being played, which sounded slightly strange but kind of awesome on Westminster's organ. Then again this whole marriage was slightly strange but kind of awesome.

"Why did I expect them to manage to get along for at least the walk up the aisle?" Canada muttered quietly and forlornly.

"Dude it wouldn't have been right if they'd got along!" Laughed America in a not so quiet whisper. Luckily soon they made it to the altar where the Vatican city was waiting to wed them and France and Canada broke away from England and America.

England and America stood there smiling at each other like a pair of idiots, which they were, while the Vatican spoke. His speech seemed to fly by and suddenly they were at this part of the speech. "Speak now or forever hold your-"

"Don't fucking marry that fucking limey!" Yelled Tony over the minster.

"Tony you can't be against this! You're
my best man!" Yelled America at said alien. Japan, England's best man, was awkwardly trying to shuffle away from the screaming extraterrestrial being.

The Vatican City started at the little alien, looking slightly confused, clearly he had not previously noticed Tony. However he then shrugged his shoulders and decided to just keep reading his part.

The rest of the ceremony seemed to pass in a flash, the vows were beautiful, the I dos so completely unforgettable and tear jerking that practically everyone ended up crying. It has been an emotional and painful bunch of centuries waiting for these two eejits to get together so for many of them it provided much relief to see them finally tie the knot.

"Wait wait wait wait wait." Said France just before the two of them were about to throw their bouquets at a crazy looking bunch of nations. "Which one of you proposed first?" Asked the Frenchman curiously.

"Well America proposed first." Said England after a pause.

"First?" Said France confused and obviously already regretting asking. He should have known it wouldn't be simple with these two.

"Yes, and then I did, straight after." Replied England like that was a normal thing to do.

"Wait, so which of the proposals was accepted?" Said France sounding alarmed.

"Both." The newly wed couple replied in unison.

"What?!" Said France sounding alarmed and appalled. "Can't you two do anything right? That is not how proposals work! I bet it wasn't even romantic!"

"It was very romantic you cheese eating surrender monkey!" Said America hitting France the head with his Bouquet.

"Better than anything you could come up with frog!" Retorted England also hitting France on the head with his flowers.

"Just throw the fucking flowers you bastards!" Yelled Romano from the crowd. England of course responded by throwing his flowers and deliberately hitting Romano in the face with them.

"Yay! Roma we can you get married now!" Said Spain hugging Romano from behind.

"We're already married bastard!" The Italian yelled back at him.

"We can get married again!" Said Spain enthuasiastically.

"No we can't bastard!" Said Romano and decided it would be best to hit Spain with his newly found weapon just as England had been doing to France

Whilst laughing America threw his high into the air in a perfect arch and they flew straight into Italy's arms.

"Yay! Germany we can get married now~" sang the Italian at the stout looking German beside him.

"But you turned down my proposal." Said the man in a huff.

"I won't if you give me a ring made of pasta!" Exclaimed Italy loudly, Germany's mouth begrudgingly turned into a smile and he then spun Italy around a couple times laughing as he did.

Canada-who was had been standing in the crowd-felt the throw had been a little symbolic. Perhaps him and France were not meant to be. There was a spark between then, a hot spark, but they were just too different. He had been thinking this increasingly lately. Especially since a certain Prussian turned German seemed to keep catching his eye. However said man seemed to be hopelessly infatuated with Hungary. Yet Canada had hope seeing that the Prussian seemed to keep turning up at his door asking for pancakes. More so than America did which Canada took as a sign that Prussia was definitely interested in him.

Who knows what the future would bring for the Canadian? Canada decided he would just let things happen and see how that turned out.

Japan was also feeling conflicted. Now that he was finally with China he didn't really feel, well anything really. He wondered if he had ever been in love with the man at all, or if it was mistaken brotherly love. The only time he ever got that feeling of butterflies in his stomach which everyone talked about getting when they were in love, was when he watched a couple from afar. That's how Japan found true satisfaction. Either by watching Germany and Italy or America and England. He could simply sit and watch them for hours and never get tired of it. Completely and utterly satisfied.

Most people hate being a third wheel, but Japan had never understood that. Being able to just sit and watch two people hopelessly and utterly in love? Why there was nothing better. And what's more is none of your own emotions were at stake.

However with China there was just nothing, no spark. They got on well but it was just, well boring. Besides Japan could sense, and perhaps deep down he had always known, that although China loved him the man he had always had a stronger attraction to was Russia. But China had always been too frightened of Russia's response to his feelings to ever tell him. In fact Japan suspected that China had probably convinced himself to have deeper feelings him so he could avoid his confusing, scary feelings for Russia.

Japan decided then and there that it was his new mission to get the two of them together. He was already squealing inside imaging how cute they'd be together.


Wales and Northern Ireland were currently throwing excessive amounts of confetti at America and while said man was trying to spit it out of his mouth Scotland was busy winding up England.

"I cannae believe you would leave me for him!" Said Scotland deliberately over dramatically while wiping non existent tears out his eyes with a tartan handkerchief.

"For the last time Scotland! We are not married!" England yelled at him.

"Union of the crown Engy. Union of the crown!" Normally England would attack his brother but he decided that on his wedding day he would instead go help out his twat of a husband.

He turned the man around away from the confetti stream and America proceeded to wipe his tongue clean and them to flick the salivated pieces of confetti at England who decided that although he would not attack the wedding guests nothing would stop him from attacking his new spouse.

Instead of getting into a just hitched car the two countries were getting into a just hitched jet to fly off to America for the after party. The other nations and various human relations would be following shortly in their own planes, but for now they just waved off the happy couple.


The couples first dance had been A thousand years which everyone agreed had been beautiful and touching. However everything went downhill from there. America then made England dance to I need a hero, so England then made America dance to American idiot who then made England dance to fuck you England and then England made America dance to Canadian please and the cycle of song wars continued.

Both countries were refusing to stop dancing in some kind of battle of wills when France managed to drag England away during UK visa versa.

"As lovely as your dance moves were I simply had to drag you away so you could talk to the beautiful me." England glared at the man sensing the underlying sarcasm. France smiled sexually in response.

"Says the frog with four left feet." France pretended to look offended but then his expression changed to a serious one.

"Ok, in all seriousness, I just wanted to thank you for letting me give you away. I was very touched. I always thought you'd ask Scotland." England responded by looking down at his feet before saying.

"Well if I let him do it I think Wales and N.I would have been offended... But that wasn't really why, the truth is, well you've always meant more to me ok? My brothers spent my entire childhood bulling me and then you took me under your wing and taught me things and although that involved a lot of fighting it was suddenly fun, because I felt like I matched you, instead of being bullied it was like equal ground ok?"

"Haha Angleterre, you really are always très amusant. I already knew all that. I just wanted to hear you say it." England at this point had a raised fist but France rapidly said, "non non non non! Wait a second! I just wanted to say, likewise. Whenever Canada and I get around to tying the knot you will give me away."

"Wait really?" Said England sounding shocked. "What about Spain and Prussia?"

"Like you said, it wouldn't be fair to choose between them. And besides, I don't have quite the same bond with them that I do with you." England laughed joyfully in response and then, to everyone including his himself's shock, spontaneously threw his arms around the man. France, mildly shocked, accepted possibly the weirdest thing yet to happen on planet earth and hugged back.

The room was now dead silent apart from the music in the background as every nation had turned to stare in shock at the phenomenon in front of them. Most were rubbing there eyes or pinching themselves and some had fainted. They were all quite convinced that this was the start of the apocalypse.

This however was broken when America pulled England off France.

"Back off Frenchie! He's officially mine now! And I am officially his and there ain't you can do about it!" Said America sticking his tongue out at the long haired blonde. France responded by chuckling and England responded by kicking America's leg.

"You are already too obsessed with saying that." Grumbled the Brit.

"Yep, and I'm not going to stop, so get used to it old man!" England responded giggling and then kissing America lightly on the nose and calling him a git, although he said the word with much affection. This caused Japan and Hungary to join the people who had fainted on the floor and France to admit privately in his mind that the pair were actually kind of romantic and cute.

However the two blondes noticed none of this, because as cheesy as it sounds they were too busy staring into each other's eyes. They were contently slow dancing but then, the two suddenly found themselves thinking about all the things they wanted to say to the other. All the different things they wanted to experience with each other. But although they both knew that rushing into something could be a hell of a lot of fun, they also thought, why rush? After all, there's simply no need to when you have all the time in the world.

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