Chapter 2

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     "Yeah... I've heard about the robberies too, y'all..." Delta explained after Poppy told everyone what was going on, all the leaders gathered around a large table at the special meeting the next morning. "Holly says someone broke into her house late last night and stole all her hairspray."
"Maybe that's a good thing," King Trollex shrugged. "Synth tells me she's been skipping her hair exercises lately. She may be slipping back into old habits..."

     "That's not the point," Trollzart chimed in, seeming rather angry which was fairly unusual for him. "Penny-whistle was stolen from Classical Crest last night too! We must put a stop to this foolish malarkey!"

     "Eh... I haven't lost any of my stuff," Barb scoffed, kicking her feet up onto the table as she leaned back in her chair to relax. "Maybe you all just need to take better care of your things..."
"Says the troll who's currently flossing her teeth with her guitar pick..." Trollzart shuttered in disgust. "Hey," the queen of rock shrugged. "Don't knock it till you try it, classical nerd..."
"Why, I never..."

     "Ok... everyone quit arguing. We need to do something about this theft problem..." Branch said with a slight yawn, struggling to keep his eyes open as he sat at the table with the rest of the leaders. "Maybe we start a neighborhood watch..."

     "Hey, Branch..." Delta said as she looked at the strangely tired pop troll in concern. "You ok there, lil' bud?"

     "Hugh? Oh yeah... I... I'm fine..." he replied with another yawn, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "I just... (yawn) I didn't get much sleep..."
"He was out late last night..." Poppy explained, gently rubbing her husband's back which only seemed to make him more tired. "He didn't get home until like three in the morning..."
"Sorry, Poppy..." he apologized with yet another yawn. "I was just busy is all..."

     "Can we get back on topic?" Barb suddenly asked with the slightest bit of attitude. "I want to get this meeting done and over with as fast as possible so I can go thrash with my girl, Val."

     "Well I agree with Branch's idea," queen Essence said in a soothing tone. "We should start a neighborhood watch."
"True..." king Quincy agreed. "It's the best way to catch the culprit..."

     "Ok, then," Poppy said with a smile, rising up to her feet. "Neighborhood watch it is then... the pop tribe will take first watch. Then country, techno, funk, classical, and finally... rock... meeting adjourned!"

     All the leaders got out of their seats, walking out of the mushroom to go about their day, Poppy staying behind as she looked over at Branch who was now sleeping with his head resting on the table...

     "Branch... sweetie?" she said softly, gently placing a hand on her husband's back, causing him to jump out of his sleep with a quick jolt of surprise.

     "I'm awake!" he shouted, looking around himself in a somewhat panic. "I'm up!"

     Poppy gave him a soft smile before gently kissing his cheek.

     "Why don't you head home and get some rest," she suggested, helping Branch up to his feet. "I'll finish off the royal duties for the day and then head over to pick up the kids from Gia's pod tonight."

     "Are you sure?" Branch questioned, rubbing his eyes yet again as he looked at her in concern. "There's a lot of stuff to do... I don't wanna leave you to do it all alone..."

     "I'll be fine, Branch," she assured, gently leading him towards the door. "You know me. Always multitasking..."

     The blue pop troll couldn't help but crack a smile at that statement, knowing full well how overboard she always goes with things.

     "Now... go home and get to bed," she said, pushing him towards the direction of the bunker before turning to walk away. "I'll see you later."

     And with that... she was off to do her queenly responsibilities by herself, leaving Branch to get his much deserved rest...

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