Chapter 25

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I'm giving a warning for this chapter... it gets dark...

     Branch walked through the halls of the prison with Sparkleton leading him towards the courtyard.

     It had been a few hours since the last time he was outside, and it was a requirement that the inmates got fresh air at-least once every four hours. (Not counting at night of course)

     Finally, they reached the fenced in yard, the red glitter troll un-cuffing Branch before turning to stand guard of the other prisoners.

     Of course, Branch went right to the bench, sitting down as he shut his eyes, taking in a deep calming breath of the fresh air...


     Nearby, a game of hugball was just getting started, the team Captains being Club and Keen...

     The way the inmates played, each captain would take turns picking a player for the opposite team...

     "You get Marcowskey," Keen said, a green pop troll with a cast on his arm heading over to Club's side.
"Well you get, Jenkins," Club snickered, a dark blue techno troll heading over to Keen's side.

     "Ok... you get Arnold..." Keen said as a turquoise rock troll headed over to join Club's team. "And you get..." Club started, looking around the courtyard for another player...

     That's when he spotted Branch sitting peacefully on his bench, the young pop troll just minding his own business...

     Club smirked, a fiendish plan popping into his head...

     "And you get Branch..." he announced loudly with a quiet chuckle.

     Branch looked up in shock at the sound of his name, Keen smiling when he found out his cell mate would be on his team.

     "Jokes on you, Club," he laughed in the rock troll's face. "Branch here is a hugball expert..."

     Branch gulped, standing up from his spot to walk over to the rest of the team.

     "I... uh... just kinda want to be alone right now..." he said softly, just loud enough for Keen to hear.

     "Oh come on, kingey... don't be a party pooper," the large green pop troll joked, gently punching Branch's arm. "Game on!"

     The game started, the ball instantly being passed to Branch...

     He gulped, his eyes wide as he watched the other players running at him...

     The reason he didn't want to play wasn't because he didn't like hugball... actually... he loved the sport and was actually pretty good at it... but he had watched the other inmates playing earlier and it looked more like a game of football, both teams tackling whoever held the ball...

     Quickly, Branch jumped into the air, leaping over the oncoming stampede's heads as he shot the ball, making it into the basket with ease...

     "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Keen cheered, giving Branch a quick victory high five before continuing the game.

     Club smiled as the ball was passed back and forth, everyone paying complete attention to it... this would be the perfect moment to strike...

     Stealthy, the maroon rock troll reached into his hair, pulling out the knife the mystery figure had given to him before creeping up behind Branch, who had no idea of the approaching threat...

     The ball was passed to Branch, the little pop troll getting ready to shoot his shot, when a large hand suddenly wrapped around his mouth to muffle his screams, the sharp blade jamming deep into his stomach...

     Branch's eyes widening in shock, the ball fell from his hands as the knife was twisted quickly in his gut, causing him to wince in pain before it was ripped out of him, the little blue troll instantly flopping to the ground as he clutched weakly at his stomach...

     "Ugh..." he groaned softly, the little troll unable to even call out for help...

     With a sinister grin, Club dropped the bloody knife to the ground, turning to walk away with pride...

     "Yo, Branch! Shoot the ball man!" Keen shouted, turning away from the basket to look at his cell mate.

     The large green troll gasped as he saw Branch on the ground, surrounded by a puddle of his own blood, the king of pop (yes... I said it 😏) barley conscious...

     "Guards!" he quickly shouted out in a panic, Officer Sparkleton looking over at the sound of the fearful shriek...

     Sparkleton's eyes widened when he saw what was going on, instantly blowing a whistle to gain other officer's attention before quickly rushing over to Branch's side...

     "Branch? Branch!?" he said in a panic, dropping down to his knees to cover up the little pop troll's wound, trying desperately to stop the bleeding. "Branch, can you hear me!?"

     Slowly, Branch weakly blinked his eyes open, his vision blurry as he stared off into space, not seeming completely aware of his surroundings as he breathed deeply, each breath taking a great deal of effort...

     "You need to stay with me, Branch," Sparkleton informed, keeping a firm pressure on Branch's stomach. "Stay awake..."

     The entire courtyard of inmates surrounded the scene to see what was going on, all of them seeming slightly worried about the pop troll's fate...

     Soon, other officers ran up, surrounded Branch to try and stabilize him.

     "We need to get him to a hospital!" Sparkleton instructed in complete panic, Branch still looking weakly up at him, not able to do anything else... "You'll be ok, Branch..." the red glitter troll assured, trying to comfort the dying troll who's breathing was becoming slower and slower by the second. "Just hang in there! You'll be ok!"

     But Branch could no longer hear the officer's calming words... he could no longer hear anything... the entire world seeming to slowly fade from around him...

     "Po... Pop... py..." he sighed, his eyes slowly falling back shut, everything going black...

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