Chapter 7

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     "We've just been sitting here for hours!" Barb yelled out in complaint, shaking Riff harshly as all he could do was allow the abuse. "What kind of steak out is this!?"
"Uh... the only kind?" The male rock troll stated with a shrug.

     "Oh..." the queen of rock said, finally releasing her assistant. "Well then, I hate steak outs!"

     "Which do you hate more?" Val asked, sitting beside the two trolls as all three of them hid stealthily in a bush. "Steak outs... or having your stuff stolen..."

     "Like I said before..." Barb scoffed, crossing her arms as she turned away from the light purple rock troll. "None of my stuff's been stolen. Maybe you all just need to take better care of your things..."

     "Well..." Riff said, shrugging his shoulders again. "Put yourself in the other troll's hair." Barb didn't even look at him as he spoke, remaining stubborn like a toddler having a temper tantrum. "What if the thief did steal something from you?" he continued. "Something special. Like... your chainsaw..."

     This certainly got the queen of rock's attention.

     "My... my chainsaw?" she asked, turning to Riff with a pouty lip, her eyes big and sparkly. "That thief is so dead!"

     Quickly, she jumped up to her feet, looking around the area in an angered huff.

     "Where is he!?" she yelled out, both Val and Riff trying their best to quiet her down, so she wouldn't alert the thief of their sneaking presence. "Where is... Branch?"

     The queen of rock raised an eyebrow in confusion as she surprisingly saw the light blue pop troll roaming somewhat aimlessly through the woods, his arms filled with strange items like toaster, phones, and even... bunny slippers?

     But the thing that caught Barb's eye was the thing he was carrying on top of the large pile of seemingly random items...

     "My chainsaw!" she yelled out in pure rage, fire burning in her eyes. "Get over here boy toy!"

     Quickly, she took off in pursuit of the thief, Val and Riff immediately following behind...

     "Braaaaaaanch!" Barb screamed out, but the little pop troll didn't even seem to react, almost as if he hadn't even heard her, continuing forwards before suddenly vanishing behind a tree.

     "Where'd he go?" Riff asked, scratching his head in confusion, as the three rock trolls came to a sudden halt, having lost sight of the troll they had been following.

     Suddenly, a twig snapped behind a bush, Barb smirking in fiendish delight.

     "Gotcha!" she shouted out, leaping forwards and tackling the troll who had just emerged from behind the large bush.

     "Get off of me!" the male voice shrieked out in anger, struggling to release himself from the queen of rock's powerful grasp.

     "Wait..." Val said, realizing in surprise who this pop troll was. "Officer Sparkleton?"

     "Yes, you fool!" Sparkleton shouted out in pure rage. "Now get off of me before I throw you all in jail!"

     With a slight growl of disappointment, Barb pushed herself off of the officer, rising up to her feet.

     "What are you even doing out here in the forest so late at night?" Riff asked, helping Sparkleton up to his feet.

     "Same as you," the red glitter troll responded, dusting off his uniform. "Searching for the criminal scum who's been stealing things from the village..."

     Well... the three rock trolls now knew who that thief was...

     Not wanting to rat out their friend, Val and Riff quickly looked away, not saying even a single word.

     "It was Branch!" Barb suddenly shouted, ratting out the blue pop troll in a matter of seconds.

     "Barb!" Riff and Val both yelled out in disbelief, glaring over at the queen of rock.

     "That dork stole my chainsaw!" Barb defended herself. "The run must pay..." She cracked her knuckles threateningly, scowling off into the distance with a quiet growl of anger.

     "Wait... Branch?" Officer Sparkleton questioned, not believing his ears.

     Soon a smug grin came to his face, the officer rubbing his hands together in delight.

     "I've been waiting for this moment for my entire life..." he chuckled. "That nuisance is finally going down..." 

     "N... no..." they all suddenly heard in a mumbled whisper. "I'm... I'm sorry..."

     Confused by the mysterious voice, the four trolls ventured off deeper into the forest to find who it belonged to, gasping when they finally pushed their way through a bush, seeing Branch sleeping up against a tree, the blue pop troll surrounded by all the stollen items...

     "Sorry... I'm sorry..." he muttered softly in his sleep, seeming to be having a guilt filled nightmare. "I didn't... didn't want... to upset you..."

     "My chainsaw!" Barb yelled.
"My guitar!" Val gasped.
"My beanie!" Riff yelled. "Wait... but..."

     Slowly, he reached up, feeling his head to realize that he was no longer wearing his beloved hat.

     "AHHHHH!" the male rock troll yelled out, quickly pulling up his shirt to cover his hair. "My head is naked!"

     Officer Sparkleton looked at the pile of items, gasping when he saw something that belonged to him...

     "My bunny slippers!" he yelled out in pure rage. "BRAAAANCH!"

     "Ahh! What.. where... where am I!?" Branch gasped, jumping up out of his sleep at the sudden shout. "What's happening!?"

     "What's happening is... you are under arrest!" Officer Sparkleton said firmly, grabbing hold of Branch as he roughly locked handcuffs onto the clearly confused troll's wrists.

     "Wait... what!?" Branch yelled out in complete shock, his eyes widening in horror. "But... but I didn't do anything!"
"Tell that to the judge..." Sparkleton said, leading Branch off towards the prison, the three rock trolls just watching the whole situation play out.

     "But... but..." Branch stammered nervously. "I... I..."
"You have the right to remain silent..." Sparkleton growled, shoving Branch harshly so he would stop talking. "Anything you say, can... and will... be used against you in a court of law..."


     Back in the bunker, Poppy paced back and forth anxiously, waiting for her husband to come home...

     He had been gone for hours, and still hadn't come back... what if something happened to him? What if he was in danger!?

     'Ring... ring...' the phone suddenly rang out loudly, Poppy instantly picking it up in a panic.

     "Branch?" she yelled into the phone, desperately hoping it was her husband calling to tell her where he was.

     "Uh... h... hi, Poppy..." the familiar voice said nervously on the other line. A voice Poppy would recognize anywhere. "I... uh... I won't be coming home tonight..."

     "What? Branch..." the queen of pop said, still slightly freaking out. "Where are you?"

     There was a long pause, where no sound came through the phone at all... just silence... terrifying silence...

     "I... um..." Branch started, clearly sounding even more terrified than the young queen was in this moment. "I'm... I'm in... jail..."

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