Chapter 17

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     "Branch!" Poppy screeched out in pure terror once she saw the troll she loved so much wrestling on the floor with Creek, trying his best to save her life even though he was currently putting himself at risk.

     There were so many emotions swirling through the young queen's mind. Happiness to see that Creek had been lying and Branch was indeed alive... fear because the purple nuisance was currently on top in the battle that was currently occurring fight in front of her... and sadness seeing that Creek had Branch pinned roughly against the floor, his hands wrapped tightly around the little blue troll's throat, trying desperately to strangle the life right out of him...

     Curiously... Branch didn't seem to be affected by anything Creek was doing to try and hurt the poor troll, finally managing to kick the purple nuisance off of himself, before jumping to his feet so that he could quickly run over to block Poppy, panting heavily in fear and exhaustion. But even though his heart was racing inside his chest... his firm glare remained on his face as he looked straight at Creek, ready to start fighting again if that jerk troll tried anything else. He would protect Poppy... no matter what...

     "Ugh..." Creek groaned softly, slowly sitting up as he clutched his head in pain, his vision twisting and turning in a big blur of none-comprehension.

     Everything had happened so fast... he never even got a chance to lay an eye on his attacker, having no idea who it was that was now in the room with him and Poppy.

     Finally, he looked up to see who he was about to kill, gasping when he saw Branch standing right in front of him...

     "B... Branch? But... but you're dead!" Creek yelled out in confused anger, glaring up at the little blue troll, as he rose to his feet, Branch keeping his position in front of Poppy to block him from her. "I killed you!"

     "Can't get rid of me that easily," Branch replied firmly, not showing his fear in the slightest. "I'm not leaving Poppy for anything..."

     Creek glared at him for a moment, not understanding how it was possible for this freak to be standing in front of him. He had seen his lifeless body flying through the air before plummeting into the dark waters of the lagoon as that Caterbus slammed into him... how could he of possibly lived through that!?

     With of soft growl of frustration and rage, Creek slowly turned his attention back to Poppy, who was cowering behind Branch, hugging him tight as he held out his arms defensively to protect her.

     "I'm not threw with either of you yet..." the jerk troll muttered softly, his hands in tight fists by his side. "That Caterbus may of not finished the job... But I will!"

     Suddenly, almost without warning, Creek charged at the two trolls in front of him, Poppy letting out a small scream of terror as she tightened her grip on Branch.

     Quickly, Branch flung his hair forwards in a big fist, punching Creek away from them, sending the purple nuisance falling back down to the floor.

     "Get out of here, Creek!" he yelled fiercely, still blocking Poppy from this threat. "I won't let you hurt her!"

     Creek glared at Branch again, and then slowly rose back up to his feet, beginning to back away, somewhat scared of what this troll could do to him.

     "You may have cheated death once, Branch..." Creek said softly but angrily. "But you won't do it again... I'll make sure of it..."

     Quickly, he turned, running out of the pod, and disappearing into the darkness of the night...

     Branch watched him leave, making sure he was actually gone, before finally turning to Poppy, as he hugged her tight, trying to comfort her as she cried into his shoulder.

     "Shh... it's ok now," he told her softly, gently rubbing her back to help her relax. "You're ok..."

     Branch's heart was still racing quickly inside his chest from everything that had just accrued, but he tried his best to not show his fear, knowing that Poppy needed him to be brave right now. She was scared... and he needed to protect her from her fears... he couldn't do that if she knew he was just as scared as she was, if not more...

     The young queen shook rapidly in his arms as she sobbed loudly, unable to calm down with all the thoughts swirling through her head...

     "B... Branch," she finally cried out in a soft whimper, hugging the love of her life tightly in her arms. "I... I thought I lost you. He... he said..."
"It's ok..." Branch interrupted softly, not wanting her to finish that sentence. "I'm right here. I won't leave leave you... I promise..."

     Sniffling, Poppy looked up at Branch, her eyes red and puffy from her tears.

     "What happened?" she finally asked in a soft whimper, needing answers. "Why didn't you show up for our date? Why... why did Creek say you were... you were... dead..."

     He looked down at her sadly, his ears drooping a bit at her words. He didn't want to tell her what had actually happened... that he had died, but risked everything to come back for her... that he was now destined for an after-life of pure pain and torture if the watch around his neck ever stopped ticking again... he didn't want to worry her with the truth. She was already so sad... so scared... he just didn't want to make it worse...

     "I am so sorry, Poppy..." he finally said softly, looking at her with sad tear-filled eyes. "I... I just got a little tied up with stuff... I'm sorry I didn't make our date. And as for Creek..." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, choosing his words carefully as to not upset her any farther. "Who knows why that jerk does anything. He was lying, Poppy. I'm right here. And I will never leave you," he promised, hugging her tight again.

     She hugged him back, crying softly into his shoulder. She didn't care that he had missed their date... she didn't care what he was doing in that time he was away from her... she was just happy he was here now. She was happy that he was alright...

     "I will always be here to protect you, Poppy," he told her softly. "I promise..."

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