Chapter 30

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Branch walked through the forest as if following his map, sneakily looking behind himself every so often just to make sure Creek was still following him...

Every time he looked back, he saw a quick glimpse of the purple troll trying to be sneaky as he followed close behind, thinking that Branch had no idea he was even there... all part of the plan...


Finally, Branch reached his destination, stopping at the edge of a steep cliff as he looked at the large waterfall running down the side of it. This was it... no going back...

The sun was just beginning to set up in the sky, as Branch placed the map in his hair, taking a deep breath before slowly turning around.

"You can come out now, Creek," he yelled off into the forest, waiting with a firm glare on his face for the purple troll to show himself...

Slowly, Creek stepped out from behind a tree, smirking over at Branch with a cunning look on his face.

"So... you knew I was following you..." he said in a calm voice, seeming amused by the situation.

     "I'm not dumb, Creek," Branch replied, glaring angrily at the purple troll in front of him, trying his best to hide his overwhelming fear. "I would never lead you to Poppy..."

"Doesn't matter..." Creek shrugged, giving Branch a cunning smile, the little blue troll standing his ground, his hands in tight fists by his side as he tried his best to not punch that jerk right in the face. He had to stick to the plan... to protect Poppy... "I'll find her eventually... and even if I don't..." He paused, taking a few steps closer to Branch before continuing... "You're alone right now... no one around to protect you..." the purple nuisance chuckled, cracking his knuckles threateningly. "You're dead, mate... and you'll never see your little girlfriend again..."

Branch shook his head, struggling to hold back his tears as he kept his firm glare, staring right at Creek with no fear...

"You're right about one thing, Creek..." he said softly. "I won't see Poppy ever again..."

Creek smirked, cracking his knuckles some more. He was going to enjoy this...

"But..." Branch suddenly continued, Creek raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Neither will you..."

Suddenly... without any warning whatsoever... Branch pounced, tackling Creek to the ground, as they began to wrestle around in the dirt, violently punching, kicking, and biting at each other, both of them trying desperately to gain the upper hand.

Although Branch couldn't feel any of Creeks painful blows... he was still getting beaten up pretty bad, gaining some nasty looking cuts and bruises, his nose even starting to bleed as he fought hard to pin Creek to the ground.

     Fortunately for the little blue troll... Creek did feel pain, struggling to gain control in the brutal fight...

Finally, Creek forced Branch off of himself, quickly jumping up to his feet before suddenly charging at him yet again, ready to restart the battle...

"Ruuuuugggghhhhh!" the jerk troll screamed out in pure rage as he ran quickly towards Branch who thought fast, jumping right back up to his feet before punching Creek square in the face...

As Branch's fist collided with Creek's bright orange nose, the purple nuisance flew backwards, instinctually reaching out for something... anything... that he could grab to stop his fall...

     Unfortunately... the thing he got a hold of was Branch's watch, the ribbon snapping as it was pulled right off of the little blue troll's neck...

"UGH!" Branch cried out in pain as he suddenly fell to the ground, clutching tightly at his chest to try and relieve the crushing feeling gripping at his heart. "AHHH!"

Slowly, hearing the pained scream, Creek sat up, looking over at Branch in confusion.

What had happened? He didn't even touch him...

     "N... no..." the helpless troll begged as he lay weakly on the ground clutching at his chest, unable to force himself back up. "No... g... give it... b.. ba... back..."

     Give it back? Give what back? What was this fool talking about!?

Finally, Creek looked down at the watch he now had in his grasp... the watch Branch had been wearing ever since he came back from the dead...

With a quiet chuckle, Creek smiled fiendishly as he realized the power he now held in the palm of his hand... this watch... was the only thing keeping Branch alive... and now that he had it... oh... this troll was so doomed... 😈

"What's the matter, mate?" Creek asked mockingly as he slowly rose up to his feet. "Not so tough without this... are you?"

"C... Creek..." Branch stuttered, looking angrily up at the purple troll who stood above him.

     He tried so hard to force himself to stand up... to get his watch back so he could protect Poppy... but another sharp pain suddenly shot through his chest, sending him flopping right back down to the ground...

"Ugh..." he groaned in pain, struggling to breath as he held his eyes shut tight, unable to keep them open any longer...

"Tough break, mate," Creek chuckled. "Guess you won't be saving the princess' life after all... you can't even save your own..."

     "C... Cre... ek..." Branch cried out, struggling to open his eyes back up to gaze weakly over at the evil troll who literally held his life in his hand... "P... p... please..."
"Now... if you'll excuse me... I need to have a little...'chat'... with Poppy..." the purple nuisance laughed, turning to walk back towards the village... "N... n... no..."

     Again, Branch tried to get up, but it was no use... there was just too much pain shooting through him, causing his body to weaken as he struggled with all his might to stay awake and aware of his surroundings...

     "L... leave her... a... a... alone..." he begged, tears coming to his eyes as he helplessly watched the jerk troll walking away, leaving him for dead... "D... don't... hur... hurt... h... her..."

     "Good bye, Branch..." Creek chuckled maliciously, suddenly turning back to the little blue troll as he chucked the watch over the edge of the cliff behind him...

"No!" Branch cried out through gritted teeth, unable to do anything but watch as the only thing keeping him alive soared through the air before falling down towards the water far below, the hands slowing down more and more with each passing second...

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