Chapter 4

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"Happy birthday dear, Poppy! Happy birthday to you!" the entire village sang cheerfully as they gathered around a large cake to celebrate their princess' fourteenth birthday.

Poppy smiled at all of her friends, happy they were there to celebrate this special day with her, and then finally blew out the candles on her cake, making a special wish.

"Yay!" everyone cheered excitedly.
"Now let's eat some cake!" Smidge yelled out in her deep voice, getting super pumped for the sugary treat.

     Poppy's parties always had the best cakes. The humongous dessert had a section for each troll's favorite flavor, which always made her guests feel extra special. She even made sure to always include a chocolate piece for Branch, just in case he ever decided to come...

Fuzzburt walked over to slice the cake, giving everyone a piece with their favorite flavor, a singular chocolate piece being left behind once everyone got a slice. Just like always...

Poppy looked at the piece sadly, before finally sighing in disappointment, taking her slice, and heading over to sit at a table all alone, as she poked at the frosting with her fork, her head leaning gently on her hand.

"There's my little Princess," Peppy greeted, giving his daughter a quick kiss on her head.

She smiled up at her father, pretending to be perfectly fine, but she wasn't fooling him one bit. He could see the sadness on her face from a mile away, her beautiful pink eyes glossy with tears...

"What's wrong, cupcake?" he asked in concern, sitting down next to her as he placed his arm comfortingly around his little girl's shoulder.

"Nothing..." Poppy sighed, looking away from him in sadness. But she knew he wouldn't give up until he she told him what was on her mind. Plus... maybe it would help her feel better to get this issue off her chest. She had to come clean... "It's... it's just..." She looked back up at him sadly before continuing. "I was just really hoping Branch would come... but... he didn't..."

Peppy smiled slightly, kissing his daughter's head again, as he hugged her comfortingly.

"You have the biggest heart," he praised with a slight smile, so proud of who his daughter grew up to be. "But Branch... he..." The old King sighed, pulling away from the hug to look his daughter in the eyes. "He's just going through a tough time right now..."

"I know that," Poppy said sadly, looking up at her dad with tear filled eyes. "And I just want to help. But... he won't let me..."

"Give him time. He'll come around eventually," Peppy advised, gently wiping the tears from his daughter's eyes. "He likes you, you know..."
"Really?" Poppy questioned, looking up at her father in surprise. "He sure doesn't show it..." She sighed, looking away once more.

"I remember when you two were little," the old king continued. "You were the best of friends."

Poppy looked at her father once again, a bit confused by his words.

"No we weren't," she told him. "I mean... I was always trying to get close with him... but he just kept pushing me away."

Peppy smiled, shaking his head slightly at his daughter.

"Before he was grey..." he added.

Poppy gasped at the old king's words, her eyes widening in shock. She knew Branch when he still had his colors? Why couldn't she remember that?

     "We... we were?" she asked, completely stunned by her father's statement.
"Yep," Peppy chuckled, recalling how the two children used to play and laugh together all day, having the greatest time of their lives. "But then..." He sighed, looking away sadly as he remembered why Branch pulled away from everyone... why he turned grey... he was just so young...

"What? What happened?" Poppy asked, looking at her father intently. "Why did he turn grey? Why did he push everyone away?"

The old king looked up again, smiling slightly at his daughter. He knew why Branch was grey... he knew what had happened to his grandma... but he felt like it wasn't his place to say. If Branch wanted her to know... he would tell her himself...

"Poppy..." he finally stated softly, looking back up at his daughter. "You've gotta understand that sometimes... people just need space. He'll come to you when he's ready..."

Slowly, Peppy rose to his feet, walking away from his daughter, hoping his words had helped her feel better.

Poppy sighed, looking back down at her cake, as she began poking it with her fork once again.

     "I just wish he'd come to me now..." she whispered softly to herself.

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