Chapter 7

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7 Years Later

     "I can't stop the feeling! So just dance, dance, dance! I can't stop the feeling! So just dance, dance, dance! I can't stop the feeling! So just dance, dance, dance! I can't stop the feeling! So keep dancing, come on!" all the trolls sang together in the castle's large dining room, the Bergens dancing around them joyfully, finally happy without the help of eating trolls, thanks to Poppy and Branch.

     As the snack pack danced joyfully on one of the tables set up in the massive room, the Bergen Chef glared angrily over at Poppy and Branch, the two trolls dancing happily together, Branch finally having found his colors... because happiness is inside all of us. Sometimes... you just... need someone to help you find it. And for him... that someone was the troll he loved more than anything else in the world... the one who never gave up on him, though he did make it hard to keep faith sometimes... Poppy...

Furious that those pesky trolls had made it so that the Bergens no longer needed her to be happy, Chef pushed past the two guards that held her in place, as she quickly rose her two knives up into the air, ready to plunge the sharpened blades right through the trolls' tiny bodies.

     Poppy and Branch gasped as they saw her approach, knowing she was coming specifically for the two of them... they had turned the other Bergens against her, and now they had to pay...

But just before Chef could dispose of the two meddling trolls once and for all... Bridget looked over, gasping as she noticed what was happening. There was no way she was about to let that evil chef hurt her new friend, so she thought fast, quickly throwing a wooden spoon at the purple Bergen's head.

     "Grr..." Chef grumbled softly in anger, the spoon seeming to do no damage to her in the slightest... but luckily... while she was distracted by the anger from this random spoon hitting her in the face, Dj and Smidge suddenly swung down from the ceiling to shoot lemon juice into the evil Bergen's eyes.

"Ow!" Chief cried out in pure agonizing pain, as she stumbled backward, blinded by the lemon juice. "My eyes!"

     "Let's do this!" Satin and Chenille shouted out together, quickly running towards Chef to trip her with their conjoined hair.

     Just as the two little trolls had planned, Chef fell backwards into the troll pot, beginning to roll towards the castle doors as she cried out in pain, rubbing her eyes frantically to try and relieve the stinging sensation inside of them. But the trolls weren't through with her yet... this jerk had messed with their friends, and wasn't going to get off that easy...

     As Chef rolled out the castle doors, her butt stuck firmly in the round pot, Copper lit a match like a maniac, throwing it at the evil Bergen to set her off into flames...

     "AHHHHH!" she screamed out in pain as the flames engulfed her, the fire burning her warty purple skin.

     Quickly, the pot flew out the door, and down the stairs, Chef still stuck on top of it as she screamed out in pure terror, the trolls just standing their watching her burn...

     Creek poked his little head out of Chef's phany-pack, curious about what the hair was going on.

     Once he realized the two of them were rolling off into the deep dark forest, stuck in a burning pot, he quickly began screaming as well, suddenly fearing for his life as he clung on tightly to the phany-pack he was sitting in...

     Poppy smiled at the sight of Creek and Chef both rolling out of Bergen town, hopefully never to be seen again...

Full of pure joy that the Bergens and trolls could now live in peace and harmony, Poppy began to dance once again, Branch joining her as they both jumped down the stairs of the castle, dancing happily through Bergen town together.

     "I can't stop the, I can't stop the. I can't stop the, I can't stop the. I can't stop the feeling!"

     "Everybody sing!"
"I can't stop the feeling!"
"Got this feeling in my body..."
"I can't stop the feeling!"
"Got this feeling in my body..."
"I can't stop the feeling!"
"Wanna see you move your body..."
"I can't stop the feeling!"
"Got this feeling in my body..."

     Everyone danced in front of the old troll tree which was now beautifully bloomed with thick green leaves thanks to the happiness the trolls had brought into the dark and dreary Bergen town.

     Slowly, Peppy walked over to his daughter, gently placing the royal crown on her head, overjoyed that she had just saved all of troll kind. (With Branch's help of course...)

     "Our new Queen!" he announced loudly, everyone immediately beginning to cheer in celebration.

     "Yeah, Queen Poppy!" a young trolling shouted out in pure excitement, everyone jumping up and down with joy as they cheered for the princess' unexpected coronation.

     Finally happy once again, Branch walked over to the love of his life, taking her hands gently in his, as they gazed lovingly into each other's eyes, finally able to be together after all these years...

     Suddenly, the mushroom the two trolls were standing on began to rumble and shake, quickly springing into the air as Smidge lifted it up with her light blue hair to show off the new happy couple to the whole world.

     "I know it's not officially hug time... but..." Branch said, smiling shyly as he held out his arms for Poppy, hoping with all his heart that she would accept his offer...

     "Now that I am queen..." Poppy said formally, holding her chin high to distinguish herself. "I decree that hug time... is all the time..."

     With a smile, Poppy leaned over to Branch, hugging him tight as both trolls gently shut their eyes to enjoy each other's company, the blue troll's heart souring with joy to be so close to the one he loved so much...

     "Break it down! Got this feeling in my body. Can't stop the feeling! Got this feeling in my body, come on..."


     Chef and Creek were still rolling through the forest in the troll pot, the fire now completely out as they slowed down to a stop...

     Creek sighed with relief, glad to not be dead, until Chef suddenly sat up, growling angrily as she quickly grabbed hold of Creek, ready to eat the helpless purple troll in one big gulp...

     "No! Wait, wait, wait!" Creek begged, terrified to die. (Even though he totally deserves it... 😡)

     Suddenly, the hill the two of them were stuck on transformed into a giant monster, opening its mouth wide to swallow the villains whole...

     Creek and Chef looked down, their eyes wide in fear as they seemed to hover in the air for a moment, before suddenly beginning to scream out in pure terror, both of them finally falling into the monster's mouth, and quickly plummeting towards their untimely demise...

     As they fell however, Creek quickly pulled free of Chef's grasp, whipping his hair forewords to catch himself, so that he could slingshot up and out of the monster's mouth, leaving Chef to fall into the toxic liquid below, her skin and bones completely melting away as she screamed out in pure agonizing pain...

     Creek (unfortunately) landed safely on the ground after his desperate escape attempt, panting heavily in fear as he slowly rose up to his shaky feet, dusting himself off, still horrified from his near death experience.

     He looked off into the distance, trying to spot anything that could help him get back to civilization, but instead... he saw something that made his blood boil...

Off in the distance, he could just barely see Poppy and Branch dancing up on the mushroom together, hugging each other lovingly as they partied happily back in Bergen Town.

     "Grr..." the purple nuisance growled softly, seeing Branch dancing with his girlfriend. "You will pay for this Branch..." he snarled angrily. "Mark my words... you will pay..."

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