Ch. 10

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Chiều cao dòng is chapter 10....I mean, 3 updates this week, amazing. Sorry, it came out a bit long...

Hope you'll like it, let me know please, vote, comments, message me, whatever, love to read them!!! Thank you all for your support and for liking my story!

Purva194 sweety, it's dedicated to you, hope you'll like it!!! xox

On the right, a pic of Ciara --> Kiki Kannibal

Cheers xox


I opened the door of my personal hellhole with caution, afraid of making any noise. Last time they kicked me out, yesterday, they yelled at me to not show my queer face around for few days. Some of their relatives from Cork were coming over and didn’t want the rant of the house around.

I was bloody glad that fecking relatives came over; it meant few days of bloody holiday for me.

The fecking door cracked slightly and I shut it the most quietly possible behind me. I darted up the stair, bloody ninja style and lunched myself in my shitty bedroom. I locked the door, because my uncle was in the leaving room, probably passed out after his night shift and my jobless cousin was in the kitchen, sure as hell drinking beer. Bloody fat tool.

I grabbed my football bag and tossed inside clean clothes, clean because I washed them myself, books and CDs. I’ll need to spend probably few days with Enna, I couldn’t possibly hoped Emmett would let me stay for longer than today. It was already a miracle he let me stay for the day, not thinking about what happened in the shower.

Bloody hell.

He really did scared me for a minute, he changed his bloody mood in a blink and turned into an aggressive and controlling sex crazed. That bloody shocked me. Good thing he realized it and asked me. He said I was the cause of his mood swings, but I didn’t get bollocks out of it. What the hell he meant?

Didn’t have the time now to think about it. Had to damn hurry and hurry fast.

I literally flew down the stairs, ready to grab to doorknob and get out of there, luckily fine and untouched, but hey, luck is a fecking bitch. With me for bloody sure.

My uncle and my cousin walked in the corridor right then and saw me. That stinky fat-ass didn’t do much, just sneered and called me names, for all I cared, he could burn in hell. But my uncle ... with two strides he was at me, grabbing my jumper.

Hell broke down.

“I told you to fucking stay away from here and you dare to show your filthy face? Do you want to let us all burn in hell? You disgusting sinful cunt.”

He would burn anyway in hell, bloody sure about that.

He shoved me against the door with such strength that I thought he would crack my skull. I gasped and coughed when he flipped me down on the floor with a hook right on my face. Fecking tool. I spat a gush of blood, cause he bloody hit hard. He then spat on me, that drunken knacker. 

“Get the fuck out of here, fag.” He kicked me, but my arms reacted before and I defended my guts from his kick. He would have broken a rib. “Out, little shit.”

I stumbled up, trying to slam deep down my anger, now rising and rising, twitching me and making me shiver. I felt a bloody bitter and poisoned taste in my mouth, I felt sick and about to throw up for the rage in my body. But I wasn’t in the position to lift a bloody finger. I steadied my balance, grabbed my bag, feeling my eyes itching with angry tears, and stormed out from that bloody and stinky hole.

I found Emmett there, looking at me with wide and shocked eyes, which soon turned into their blazing and burning state. I never saw them like that. They were furious and darkening with something I didn’t understand. Why the hell was he angry?

“And don’t show your faggot and filthy face around for few days, got that?” My uncle shouted from inside, the hell door still open. “Answer, little shit.” God, he was such a tool.

“Got it.” I yelled back, my voice barely clear in the effort to control my anger and resentment. I slammed the door shut, pretending I was shoving that knackers’ face on the wall.

“Let’s go.” I managed to whisper to Emmett, who was standing there with a dark and shocked face.

He grabbed my shoulders, with a bloody strong grip, and stopped me. His eyes were a flaming and fiery storm of mixed feelings.

“What happened Shane? Are you ok? He dared to beat you?” His voice was apparently calm, like this morning in the shower, but he was bloody enraged, for dunno what fucking reason.

I tried to smile, but my lips and mouth pained like hell. That drunken tool.

Emmett marched towards the door in the serious intention to go inside and beat to a pulp that arse head of my uncle. I wouldn’t mind that, it’d be actually my bloody pleasure to smack his ugly face, just like my stinky and dumbass cousin, but it wouldn’t solve a damn thing now. And it would get me into a bloody mess of problems. Why do you think I never defended myself? You thought I was a cunt? Beg your pardon? I simply couldn’t and can’t. I had to swallow all of that shit until I got my feckin diploma. That was the deal that saved my arse. And that signed the contract for my present journey in hell.

I stopped him clutching his sleeve, with all the force and desperation I got, because he was really strong.

He halted and for a moment he looked even more angered and didn’t want to listen to me, but I really had to stop him. Why was he so upset? I mean, we weren’t even dating or anything, he just said he would try something with me and now he was going bloody berserk for a cut on my face. What a strange lad was Emmett.

I managed to pull him away, he took my bag and threw in the back of the car, closing the door as if he wanted to smash it. He was fuming. It sort of touch me, because he didn’t feel sorry for me nor pitied me, he just got angry for what my uncle did me. He really reminded me of Roman. But Roman’s anger was colder and more calculated, while Emmett’s was irrational and arrogant, his mood would sway and alter in no time.

I went to hug him from behind, I felt I needed to calm him down and hoped he wouldn’t freak out on me.

Emmett relaxed immediately.

“Thanks, Em.” He chuckled.

“No problem, let’s go.” He turned and brushed my hair out of my forehead and smiled.

“Don’t move so much, need to clean it, Shane.” Said Em with an annoyed voice. “C’mon, I’m running late.”

“Well, sorry lad, it fecking stink and hurt.”

He chuckled.

“What’s so bloody funny?”

“Your accent when you’re mad, it’s very amusing.”

I rolled my eyes and snorted, remembering what he told me yesterday when he had changed his mind about kicking me out. What a strange lad was Emmett.

“There, it’s done. Now, take this painkiller, it’ll help you and put some ice on your face, it’ll avoid the bruise and hit to swollen and get purple.” He handed me an ice bag and then a couple of pills. I took the pills with a sip of water. “Anywhere else where it hurts?”

I shook my head.

“Are you sure?” He examined my face and then touched around.

“This is not helping, sham...” I muttered, repressing a groan. He had such an arousing effect on me that I might have jumped him right now and I knew he was late for work.

He just smirked and shook his head.

“Ok, now I really need to fly or I’ll be late. Make yourself comfortable, I’m sorry my fridge and cupboards are sort of lame, but I’ll buy more later. You know how TV works; CD player is in the living room, on the book shelves. Do you need anything else?”

I shook my head, feeling the strange and almost unknown feeling of being taken care and spoilt. In my life it almost never happened, my family, even before dropping my bloody bomb, wasn’t exactly the best bunch around. Bloody tools just like my uncle’s family. Enna and Roman were the first actually taking care of me, but I never really let them do it too much.

“I’m grand, Em. You may think I’m a bloody brat, but amn’t. So, just go.” I pushed him towards the door.

“You’re a brat.” I grunted annoyed and shot him a dirty look, hated to hear that. He smirked. “But not in the way you think.”

What the hell was that supposed to bloody mean?

He went to open the door and suddenly something took over me. I didn’t like the idea of him leaving and for a second I freaked, as if I was sensing something, as if I were afraid of him leaving me behind or changing his mind. What the fuck was that?

I grabbed his hand and tugged him back, kissing his lips tenderly and desperately, trying to hide it and mask it as desire. Emmett didn’t detect anything strange, because he smiled softly, something else new about him, and kissed me back, pushing me against the wall and keeping me in his hands for long hot minutes. Then he pulled and cursed he was late. Before leaving he turned and smiled again.

When the door closed behind him, I dropped on my knees, feeling something bloody scaring growing inside him. I was beginning to like Em too much for my own good and I knew he wasn’t ready for any sort of real relationship and mostly, new to my world. Bloody hell, I got myself in a bloody mess. But, I wanted him. And I’d do anything in my damn power to keep him and changed his mind.

I checked my phone and saw I had several missed call from Enna and one from Roman. I sighed, shit, they must be quite worried by now. The phone rang and I jerked up, letting it slip out of my head.

“Bloody hell, what a tool I am.”

I fished it back and answered, it was Enna.

“Shane!!” He shouted with his soft and melodic voice in my ear, piercing my eardrum.

“Enna, heya, how are you?”

“How are you?? Where were you yesterday? We tried to call you many times, but you never answered. I thought of coming to your place, but Roman said it wouldn’t be a good idea.”

God bless Roman and his cool and bloody composed head.

“Don’t freak, Enna, I’m grand, I just met a friend and stayed over his place.”

“A friend? Which friend? Who’s this person? Have I met him? When did you meet him? What does he do?”

Argh, here we go with Enna’s third bloody degree.

“Goodness Enna, slow down. I met him few weeks ago, he’s a friend, relax.”

“Shane, did you get yourself in trouble?”

I knew what he meant, he was still worried for what happened in the past.

“No, don’t worry. He’s a friend, nothing to worry about, didn’t get myself in any mess.” Right, not the mess my friend meant, but sure, another fecking bloody mess. I repressed a grunt.

“Bring him over.” Enna ordered, which was funny to hear him order people around, with his soft and musical voice, his skinny frame, feminine elegance and gentle attitudes. “Shane, bring him over. And where are you know? In school?”

“No, amn’t in school, we have no school today.”


“Enna, not lying, it’s true. I’m at his place, had a bit of a bloody arguments with my knackered relatives yesterday.”

He sighed and I could see him shaking his beautiful long and albino-blonde hair around.

“He let him stay over his place? You slept there?”

“Bloody hell, Enna, relax, nothing happened.” Almost. I smirked, thinking about our shower. I fucking couldn’t wait to have more of him. He might be slightly scaring, but I bet me bollocks he must be a bloody devil in bed. Emmett would never allow me to fuck him; that was positive.

“Bring him over tonight for dinner.”

“What? Wait, I don’t know if he’s free or...”

“No arguing on the matter. Bring your sexy and his ass here. Or I’ll send Roman looking for you.” I chuckled, as if Roman would do it. Well, he would do anything for Enna, so ... fuck, had no alternative.

“Grand, but let me first ask him. Deal?”



“Yes, Shane?”

“May I stay over your place for a couple of days? They told me to not show around for few days.” I hated to ask him for that, I felt like imposing my bloody presence and messed their sex life. Ok, I wasn’t messing it. Roman wasn’t the shy type and Enna was the shameless and naive type, bloody nice, uhm?

“You don’t need to ask, sweety.”

“Thanks, indeed.”

I stared at my phone in silence and thought about Emmett. He would hate the idea, I could tell that without having to bloody think too much about it. Will he go berserk? I hoped not.


I rubbed my forehead, feeling headache forming for the long day and for what my students told me. They had a point in their previous behaviour; still, I couldn’t encourage it as a damn teacher. Two of my students were gay, openly gay, and ought to admit, for being that young, they had plenty of guts. They unfortunately became the other class’s target for bullying and beating, but not in school, outside school. Shitty bratty cowards. I wished I could catch them red-handed, not that I could do much in my position, but be sure hell will break down on them.

I told my students to keep me informed on the matter. I wanted to know and in case, I’d talk to the other teachers. I sighed and rubbed again my temples. The other teachers...I don’t think much help will come from them. What a joke. Whatever. One problem a time. I had a fucking full day and now I couldn’t wait to go to the gym and exercise a bit. Shit. I had few clients today. I damn hoped not stupid and time-wasting girls, I sure wasn’t in the right mood.

My morning worries became now true and my mind started to ask me what the hell have I done yesterday and today, letting that brat coming into my life, agreeing in trying something with him. Who was I kidding? I wasn’t ready for anything, nor I wanted anything. Why I got myself in this stupid and ass-pain situation? And Shane, he had plenty of shit in his life; I was pathetic and a real coward, a disgusting coward. I was already backing away, scared of what would come. That slimy and suffocating voice commenced to hiss and lap its disturbing reptile-like tongue in my ears, in my head, down my spine. I shivered, trying to shut it up.

Then Shane’s eyes flashed in front of me, the eyes he had this morning, the bruise and cut on his face.

I swallowed and tried to regain calm and composure.

I promised I would try. But, would I be able to really do it? Would he stand me for long? Could I give him anything? He said we all need something. What was that he needed?


I knew what he needed, but I couldn’t give it to him.


I scrolled my head and shoulders, tossing everything away from my mind, and marched inside the gym, shutting everything up and pushing it deep down, where I couldn’t reach it for the moment.

Once I got back home, I found Shane laying on the couch, wearing a rugged pair of washed jeans and a black polo; he looked good with that. His hair was still messy and tousled around his head. He was snoozing, curled up on his side, looking completely defenceless and vulnerable, a brat in his sleep. I sat on the other couch and stared silently at him for a while, in clear and annoying confusion.

Too many voices and feelings were crowding my head and shouting at me different things.

What was I doing with him? I should just let him go and cut all our ties, it was pointless to keep this up, I wasn’t capable of doing it, I had no energy for that.

I walked to him and knelt down, to wake him up, but his eyes opened before I could touch him. They widened at first in surprise, then smiled softly and chained mine with their jaded and blue ocean strings, letting me breathless. We both kept silent. Something flashed in his eyes and I could tell he guessed what was on my mind. He sat up and looked outside the window, then sighed.

“Hey, you’re back.” He murmured.

“Yes.” I didn’t know what to say. I felt horrible and just a little piece of pathetic crap, a man on my passport, but not in reality.

What I felt this morning in the shower and last night hit me damn hard.

Don’t let him go, dickhead.

I need him, he brought me back, he brought US back.

Don’t you dare to let him go, you pathetic and lame asshole. Man up, stand on your feet and face your troubles, you useless excuse of a man. Do you hear me, ha?



I shouted at him, but he was more powerful than I was. My old self was merciless with my new self, now getting weaker.

Man up, you disgusting coward. Grow back your balls.

I want him, I need him.

You want him as well, don’t you? You lust for him. Deny it, if you can.


And I couldn’t. I lusted and craved for Shane.

I fucking did so.

Shane went to move, probably sensing my swinging mood, but I pushed him back and he shot me a heated and annoyed look. He narrowed his eyes and arched his eyebrows. Now, that was annoying for me. Was he challenging me? I shook my head, what the hell was wrong with me? Life wasn’t a basketball match, snap out of it.

I tempted a smile, which miserably failed. So screw with that, I slammed him back on the couch and kissed him long and hard, darting my tongue immediately in his mouth and dominating the kiss. He gasped surprised, but then melted on my lips and grabbed my hair, pulling me closer to him. Shane was now in my hand. My tongue rubbed his, and danced together in a craving and heated dance. He moaned and the sound set me on fire. I deepened the kiss, feeling again that burning sensation of being alive.

It was amazing.

I took his mouth longer and skimmed my finger all over him, now hovering over him, both stretched on the couch. God, he had such an effect on me. Why him? Why Shane of all people?

I pulled back and smiled again, now not failing.

“How was your day?” I asked, murmuring on his sweet and velvety lips.

He studied my eyes, with his liquid and hypnotizing blaze, making mine burn in response.

“Are you ok, Emmett?” His voice was unsure and hesitating. I preferred when it was arrogant and cocky.

“Now I am ok.” That was true. I lost again in his eyes, so alluring, so inviting, so vivid and burning. “You’re eyes are beautiful, Shane.” I whispered.

He widened them in surprise and then looked away, stirring slightly embarrassed and shy. Now, that was a new. Shane shy?

“You are so bloody strange, Em.” He murmured, pressing his mouth my neck and hugging me tight.

“I know, it’s not easy to deal with me. Sorry about that.” I really need to grow back my old and squared balls. “So, what did you do today?”

I noticed he had his bag ready beside the couch.

“Nothing much to be honest. I watched some TV, read and .... used your bench press. You mad at me?”

I laughed, making him look at me as if I were a mad lunatic.

“Why should I be mad at you? I told you to make yourself comfortable.”

He grinned and began to trail light kisses all over my neck, making me shiver in soft and growing pleasure. But his phone rang and he cursed on my skin.

“Bloody hell, must be Enna.” He reached for it in his pocket and answered, me still on top of him. He started to argue with this Enna person and then sighed exasperated and almost defeated, but not in a bad way. He looked at me hesitating and I arched my brows, not understanding the problem. He sighed again. “Enna would like to meet you and has invited you over for dinner, but you don’t have to...” The person on the other side cut him off. “Bloody hell, Enna, take a breath!”

Shane stared back at me, uneasy and I guessed a bit worried. Worried for my reaction. God, have I behaved like a bipolar asshole to him? I fetched his phone and he gasped, trying to catch it back, but I held him still.

“Hello, here is Emmett, Shane’s friend.” That’s how I heard him call me.

Hello Emmett, I am Enna, it’s a pleasure to speak to you.” God, he had such a soft and tweeting voice that was more feminine and charming than most of the girls. “Will you like to come over for dinner? Shane told me you guys are friends.”

“If it’s not a problem for you, then thank you, I shall come.” It was clear he was worrying for the brat and dinner was an excuse to see with whom the hell he spent the night and the day. But no harm in that, if anything, it made me like this person at first. He truly cared for Shane.

“Wonderful, then we’ll wait for you and Shane at seven. Is that good for you?”

“Yes, we’ll see you at seven. Bye.”

Shane snatched the phone back and shot me a dirty and annoyed look.

“He already hung up.” I told him, smirking another dirty and challenging smirk.

“You didn’t have to do that, you know?”  He sounded pissed and stressed.

“Why are you so annoyed? It’s just a dinner and it was crystal clear he was worried for you.”

Shane sighed and tried to sneak away.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I challenged, slightly too commanding. His cocky and daring smirk was back.

“No-bloody-where.” And that dark light was back, now shining with lewd and desiring shadows. I liked it very much.

We continue our hot session of this morning, my body madly aroused and raging to have more of him. But not now. Not now. He growled angered with me and hissed what a pussy coward I was, but it wasn’t fear what held me back. It was something else.

Shane scanned me with his liquid jaded blue eyes and licked his lips, while walking to my SUV.

“You look bloody hot tonight, know that?” He said, leaning closer. Something stirred in me and I automatically took his hand in mine, having him breath in surprise. I was surprised myself. I guess he never saw me wearing normal clothes, only gym clothes. I didn’t wear anything fancy, simple dark jeans, a grey Hugo Boss shirt tugged in and a leather jacket, it wasn’t that warm outside.

I looked at him, wearing tight light blue jeans, black Converse and a simple white long-sleeves t-shirt. It wrapped his body and evidenced his lean muscles.

“You look good, too.”  It was true.

We got inside the car and I drove to his friend’s place. When we reached the house, it was a nice white house with bright red entrance door and an impeccable garden.

I rang to doorbell and someone opened the door.

I think I blinked a couple of times. Was this Enna? Was he a dude, right? He had very pale skin, long white-blonde hair, straight and soft, designed and black eyebrows and thin red lips. His eyes were of an intense blue, almost black, and he had that stuff on called ... mascara? Was that how you call it?

“You must be Emmett.” He giggled, making us get inside. God, he was more beautiful and feminine than most of the girls I met in my life.

“Yes, that’s me, nice to meet you.” I shook his head. “And you must be Enna, right? Shane told me you are like family for him.”

“Indeed, nice to meet you, too.”

He saw Shane and greeted him with a kiss on his lips. Something twitched in me and I didn’t like that. Shane had to kiss me and only me. Shane seemed used to it and smiled back the most sweet and joyful smile. That was dazzling; it was free, open, relaxed. Amazing.

“My sister is coming over.” Enna chirped, grabbing Shane’s hands and mine and dragging us to his living room. Shane snorted.

“Also Ciara is coming? Oh, bloody hell...sorry Em, she’s super hyper.” I smiled back and winked.

“Roman my love, come, Shane and Emmett are here.”

A guy, the one I spoke to the phone yesterday, got in the room and we immediately studied each other like two wolves. We were made of the same mould, I tell you. He was tall, almost like me and very well equipped with muscles and dark looks. His shining dark hairs were slicked back, making his dark eyebrows and piercing eyes more dim, with strong facial features.

“I guess it was you last night, right?” He said and I immediately recognized his voice. He had strong and confident attitude, intimidating, but not for me. I challenged back his stare and stepped forward.

“That’s correct, it was me.” I stretched my hand, keeping my eyes hard and fixed to his. “Emmett.” I simply said. He shook my hand, both gripping iron-like and glaring intense and dark.

“Roman, Enna’ partner and Shane’s friend.” He said the last two words with a subtle menacing tone, as to warn me.

That’s not going to work with me, man.

“I know.” I warned him back.

I heard Enna and Shane gulp and we turned both to look at them. They had wide eyes and looked a bit taken aback.

“Have you finished going at each other throat?” Asked Enna with now an amused expression.

“For now, I suppose we have.” Roman answered, going to kiss his man and then hug Shane.

“Guess he’s right.” I said. Shane smiled at me and he didn’t know what to think of my reaction, that was written all over his face. He hugged his friend back.

“You’ll have to explain us few things later, roger with that?” Roman had a strong and deep voice, he had a marked accent I couldn’t detect clearly. Then he turned at me. “Emmett, I take from your accent you’re not Irish, right?” Very straightforward. Still challenging, still studying me.

“Correct, I’m American, from Boston. I take you too are not Irish or am I mistaking?” He cracked a smirk at my same being direct and upfront.

“Indeed, I’m Ukrainian.” Now I see, he had really a strong accent.

The doorbell rang again and made both of us snap out of our pacing-around-like-wolves state. Enna went to open the door and he followed him. Shane walked beside me and studied my face. He was worried I was going to be mad or pissed, but I wasn’t. Honestly.

“Relax Shane, I’m fine.” I brushed his lips gently and we lingered a bit in a soft kiss.

“OH MY GOODNESS!! SOOO HOT!!” Shouted a tinker-bell-like voice, very high-pitch and giggling.

We broke apart and my eyes met a girl, which I guessed at first must be Enna’ sister. She was skinnier than a model, same long straight albino hair and same wide and shining eyes.

“Ciara, heya.” Greeted Shane, letting go of my hand. Why he did that?

“Shane!” She jumped at his neck and kissed him on his mouth.

I swear, I had to repress a growl. What the hell was with these siblings? Shane tried to push her back. Then she jumped off and looked at me. She wasn’t going to do the same right? I damn hoped not. She studied me for few second and then cracked a child-like huge smile.

“Shane-babe, your boyfriend is super hot, where did you catch him?”



Shane gasped and looked at me with worried eyes.


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