Ch. 12 (Hopefully "softer" version)

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Here is the other version of ch. 12, which I hope it will stay not private...but open. Probably the private version( only for fans) was a bit know.

Let me know anyway what you tihnk of it and I really hope you'll enjoy it anyway!! Thank you all so much for reading and voting. Pleasssseee!! Make me happier than I already am and help reach more reads and votes!! Thanks.

Dedicated to Nevermoregirl, thanks for you comments!!

On the right, a pic of Emmett

Cheers xox


When we went back to Emmett’s place, he kept sort of quiet and silent, as if he was lost in some far away thoughts. I tried to talk to him, but he would only answer in bloody irritating monosyllabic words, so I mentally cursed him and dropped dead silent, too.

Fecking hell, I mean, he told me he would make me bloody pay for what I’ve done to him at dinner and I was fucking looking forward to it, bloody hell, I honestly wanted him so much, but I already jumped him a couple of times and now I felt wanting to be chased and desired.

What a bloody strange lad was Emmett, his mood swings were the most bloody difficult part of him, because they came like nothing, changed him to his dull self or to his scary and arrogant other self and then just leave. My goodness, they gave me massive headache trying to figure out something out of it. And now, here we were, sitting on his couch, just zapping TV and him completely silent like a bloody mummy. 

I knew it.

I so fecking knew it that he would change his mind about my staying here and now he was already regretting it. I could almost bet me bollocks on that. Ok, almost, I do care for me bollocks. But why the bloody hell was he that silent and lost somewhere I couldn’t reach? What the fuck was on TV, by the way? I gave a peek and there it was, basketball. NBA basketball, two teams I didn’t recognise at first.

I shook my head annoyed and headed to bed, just munching a chewed and irritated goodnight. I didn’t want to sound too pissed off and cocky, but hell, I was damn pissed at the moment.

I wanted the arrogant, scary bastard, loving to be in charge and hot Emmett.

I fecking liked that Emmett, because he made me feel wanted, desired, sexy, hot, taken care of. And even if he was a bit scaring, I knew he wouldn’t do anything bad to me. Well, I darn hoped so.

“Night, going to sleep sham.” I chewed out, getting up from there and heading for the bathroom.

He barely acknowledged my presence and voice. The squeaking of the shoes on the basket court and the bouncing of the ball echoed in the room, the cheers and shouts filled the air with the whistles of the referee. I shot him another look. He was gone far away; where, I had no bloody idea.

Bloody annoying tool.

“Sure.” He simply replied, his voice miles far away.

I took a shower, not caring to ask him for that. He just bloody took me here, so he better let me take as many showers as I wanted. Brushed my teeth and then just dropped my tired body in bed. His bed was really comfortable, it was soft, big and smelled really good. It smelled of him and of fresh sheets. I snatched his pillow and curled around it, wanting to feel something of that tool close to me.

Emmett was so different from dinner.

What the hell happened? He got a text while we drove back to his place and suddenly he changed into that fecking dull and dry self.

I hated that.

I bloody hated that.

Anger and irritation were keeping me up and I just wanted to fall asleep and forget about the last part of tonight. I tossed around from side to side, swearing and kicking the duvet, but nothing much came out of it. I knew I was getting into deep shit with that tool, given he was afraid of relationship for bloody reason, but there wasn’t much to do about it. When he said to Ciara we were going out and then told Enna he would let me stay at his place, I can’t deny how bloody happy and sort of loved I felt. I mean, someone else that wasn’t Enna or Roman was going to take care of me.

That was fecking new to me.

And Emmett..bloody hell, I liked him too much.

The door opened and I pretended to be asleep, I wasn’t in my best mood to face his boring and annoying self. I didn’t want to get kicked out in the middle of the night. His gaze scanned the room, I could tell that and kept there a moment. My breath almost stopped, afraid of betraying my fake sleep. I heard him sign and then close the door.

Bloody tool.

I cursed a lot more and then pinned stronger in my arms his pillow. It smelled so darn good.

The fecking door opened again after a while and I stiffened even more, because he let it open, now the apartment completely silent and dark, and heard his feet coming closer to the bed, then moving the duvet and slipping in the bed. I grinded my teeth and squeezed harder my eyes, silently gulping. I felt his presence there beside me, and his heat irradiating from his body to mine.

Emmett moved closer and placed a hand my hair, gently brushing them.

“Shane, I know you’re not sleeping.” He pulled closer and I felt his bare and strong chest cupping my back. Fuck, I gulped again, stubbornly silent.

“C’mon brat, give me back my pillow.” Em’ voice was looming over me and it was already accelerating my heart and breathe’ speed.

I kept silent again, afraid I would say something that would really piss him fecking off.

He sighed.

“Shane.” He slipped a hand across my waist and pulled me back to him. “Are you trying to annoy me?”

“No.” I said, now worried he would really kick me out, but instead he chuckled.

“I knew you weren’t sleeping.”

I didn’t say anything else nor dared to move. He strengthened the grip on my waist and now our bodies were pressed together. Bloody hell.

“Can I have back my pillow, now that you have the real thing?” His voice was different now, not anymore so distant and empty. Was he back to my favourite self?

I tossed the pillow back to him and he laughed. That wasn’t an everyday sound and I heard it only a couple of times, but I loved it.

“Wanna do pillow fight?” He joked.

“Who’s the brat here?” I retorted back.

“So you’re talking to me again, brat.”

It irritated me so much when he called me like that and I knew now he was doing that on purpose. What an arrogant tool he was. But I liked it.

“You were the one not talking to me.”

“I know, I’m sorry Shane...I just got a message from an old friend, someone I didn’t hear in almost three years.”

I turned around to face him, his voice held a strange note of sadness and regret, something I couldn’t understand well. What happened to Emmett? I noticed for the second time that when he would watch basketball on TV, his mood would wonder lost and empty somewhere very far from here, his eyes would cool down and become nothing more than two pieces of dull and dry rock, completely lifeless. Why it was like that?

I breathed deep and closed my eyes. I had to ask him.

“Emmett..” I hesitated, because I wasn’t sure how he would take it, but I had to know. “Did you play basketball in the States?”

He felt silent for a couple of minutes and then his hand travelled up to my face, brushed my cheek, then his fingers studied the line of my lips. He moved to touch them, briefly and softly.

“Yes, I played in the NBA.”

Bloody hell. I was right.

Bloody hell. NBA?

I wasn’t expertise of basketball, but knew what it meant, he must have been awesome at that.

“In one of the team we saw before?” I dared to ask more, trying to look in his eyes in the dark room, only bathed by the moon light.

“Yes, in one of them. I was the best scorer.” His voice was almost dead when he said that and it broke me and pierced me painfully. I held by breath, not knowing what to say. I knew he wasn’t a common lad. I simply let my hand hug his side, snuggling myself on him. He didn’t protest, but pressed me harder. “How did you guess that?”

“I saw you tonight and last night, watching basketball on TV, you were distant. I didn’t like it, it sort of scared me.” Fuck, I was about to shooting my own leg saying that.

“Why it was scaring?” His hand caressed my back through my t-shirt and his lips brushed my forehead.

Should I tell him or keep my mouth bloody shut? Was there even a point to keep my mouth shut now?

“You felt bloody distant, as if I couldn’t reach you and felt like you would leave me back.” I knew that feeling very well, because I’ve been kicked and left back so many times in my bloody life, that I was almost getting used to it.

He sighed.

Fuck, this sigh wasn’t good at all.

“I’m sorry Shane, I told you at first I had some issues and wasn’t ready for anything.”

Bloody hell, here it was coming. I shut my eyes so tight that they were hurting.

“I really don’t want to hurt you, you don’t deserve it.”

Bloody fucking hell, it was coming, it was so fecking coming. I gulped and gripped him stronger, feeling like I was about to lose everything for good.

“Shane?” He called me.

I didn’t want to look at him, so I just shook my head.

“Shane, it’s not what you think.”

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

“What do you mean? I don’t understand you.”

“I’m not trying to say I don’t want to see you anymore.” I immediately open my eyes, pulled myself up and met his burning look in the shade. “I took the decision of trying to not run away this time, to try to be someone strong for you. I have no idea if and how it will work out, you might get fed up with my attitudes and my moods, but I am not backing off from that Roman bastard.”

Oh, I see. The two of them had a talk and from the tone of his voice Roman irritated Emmett. Right, Em didn’t like to be challenged and didn’t like people getting cocky and arrogant with him, he had a overly confident and egotistical character and Roman was another strong and scary guy. So that was the only bloody reason?

“Is Roman the only reason?”

“No and you know it.”

“Sorry lad, I know nothing, you’re quite bloody difficult to understand.” I admitted.

“You’re right. I’ll try to be more clear. In a way yes, that arrogant bastard sort of triggered something into me, he wouldn’t let go of his superior-feeling-like attitude and warned me.” He snorted. “As if someone could just stand above me and look down on me. There is no fucking way I admit it and let it pass like nothing. So I warned him back.” He smirked in such a wolfish and dark way that bloody hell, he was scaring. “But that wasn’t the main reason. I simply realized I didn’t give a damn what people would think of us and that you need something as well. You said so yourself, we all need something.”

I just nodded, because I couldn’t believe my own fecking ears.

“I decided to stop running away Shane and believe me, that’s something big for me. That’s also why I wanted you to stay here, well, that and because I wanted to learn more about you.”

I stared at him speechless.

I wanted to hear that so much, but now I didn’t know what to bloody say. He smiled and kissed me for a long minute, simply resting his lips on mine.

“So...what does it mean? We are...what?” I was still a bit confused.

“As I said to that super skinny doll, we are going out and let’s see how things go. I want to really try it with you, Shane. It seems that my old self really likes you and wants to keep you very close.”

Fuck, did he really have double personality’ disorder?

But who gives bollocks about that.

Emmett just told me he really wanted to be with me and keep me close to him. Bloody hell, I didn’t know what to say. I mean, my heart was about to burst out of my mouth and run wild around the room and my blood went up to my brain, making my head spin and then back to my lower regions, now making me in need for his touch. I breathed hard and heavy. Emmett wanted to really be with me.

“You really mean it?” My voice was uncertain.

“You know brat, I prefer when you are cocky and arrogant, don’t like when you’re nervous and hesitant, it doesn’t suit you at all.”

“What a tool you are, Em.” I groaned annoyed.

He softly growled and dig his finger deep in back.

“Be careful with your words, brat... But that’s something I do really enjoy.” His voice was so hot and hoarse, that made me moan, I swear, I fecking moaned and grinded on him.

He was a damn strange lad and somehow my arrogant self fired him up. I knew that from our first encounter that provocations worked the right way with him. And I was bloody right. They kicked awake some side of him that hated to be challenged and disrespected and Emmett would turn into a hot bastard.

“Thank you.” I murmured on his neck.

“For what?”

“For letting me stay here and not running away.”

He chuckled and then slipped his hand under my t-shirt, rolling it up. In a bloody blink, he pulled me on top of him and peeled away the t-shirt.

“There, you don’t need it. I like to feel your skin on mine.” He tossed it away and travelled my back with his hot hands, tasting every inch with his fingers. He kept his eyes closed and I couldn’t help the shudders of pleasure in body. He smirked satisfied, liking to know he affected me. What a bastard he was. I leaned lower on him and slowly rocked my now hard member on his, feeling it getting harder. He groaned low in his throat.

Bring it on, sham.

“You said before you wanted to make me pay for I have done during dinner.” I provoked, whispering in his ear and brushing it with my lips. He gripped my sides and rocked me down, now he was hard rock.

“And I will, brat, but not now. I’ll make you pay when you least expect it.” Emmett grinned like a devil and then I bloody knew that when he would make me pay, he would literally fuck and screw my brain out of my skull. No bloody doubt about it.

“But I don’t wanna sleep now..” I sulked, running my nose on his neck.

“Who said you could sleep?”

“You just said that now..” He cut me off by shoving his tongue in my mouth. I moaned instantly, because he rubbed my tongue and at the same time, he cupped my ass in his hands, gripping it strong. Fuck, that turned me on and hot like hell, thinking back to this morning.

“I just said I’ll make you pay another time, not that I’ll let you be.” His tongue invaded me another time and I grabbed his shoulders, trying to push him further deep in his bed, trying to gain dominance in the kiss. But it was an almost impossible task.

He growled at my struggle and trapped my legs with his, stroking his hard-on on mine. Bloody hell, this was driving me nuts. I felt his hard length rub my shaft hard and wanting, up and down and in slow circles. Damn it, my moans increased speed and got louder in his mouth, wanting more than that. His fingers dug deeper and then stroked again between my ass cheeks. Fecking teasing bastard.

“’re such a dirty unfair player...” I grunted, pulling away from his ferocious lips. His eyes blazed more and they burned me, melting my inside.

“But you like it, Shane.” Overconfident son of a bitch.

Me bollocks, he was right, I liked it.

“Are you sure you have never been with a guy or not even liked one? I mean, it’s sort of bloody hard to believe it.” I asked, licking the line of his lips with the tip of my tongue. He spread more my legs with his own. I gulped in dreadful anticipation.

“No, told you before. You’re my only exception and I can’t really resist you, Shane. I wasn’t joking with Ciara before, I really want you.” Emmett stared at my eyes; his were beautiful. “I wasn’t a saint before, I was a damn player and I even cheated on my fiancée a couple of times. Oh well, not big deal, I think she did the same. When you are in that system, it’s hard to resist temptation.”

It hit me pretty bad hearing him saying those things, I didn’t expect it and knowing he cheated on someone he called his fiancée...I didn’t like it, it scared as it scared me the thought of Emmett as a player. But I could see him now being an arrogant and confident tool and making women and girls fall for him. I stiffened a bit, though; I didn’t want to be played with.

“Shane, relax.” He ordered with firm and husky voice. “I’m not playing with you, if that what you’re worrying about.”

“How should I know? Why should I trust you?” I fired back. And hell, I realized I was behaving bloody jealous. Fuck. I was jealous and I felt hurt from what he told me.

“You’re right, but I am telling you the truth, brat. I have no intention of playing with you and hurt you. This you can trust.”

“Why? Why me?” I was being stubborn, I know and I was playing with fire here.

“I don’t exactly know, but I won’t hurt you.” He was sure of what he said and that made me feel better, but still insecure and hesitant. I liked him too much for my own good.

“Em, don’t...I mean, please don’t...” I didn’t know how to say it? Did I even have the right to ask him not to cheat on me? Were we exclusive? I couldn’t stand the thought of him with someone else, it pained fucking hard, it made me angry and wanting to tear apart that other person, no matter who that bloody person was. And it scared me, fear of losing Emmett.

“I won’t do it, Shane. I’m not going to fuck around or see someone else. Do you understand it? I told you I am willing to stay here and not run away, to be here with you and see how things go. Why should I look for someone else? I haven’t done it in three years, Shane. Why starting now?”

“Because you said yourself it was your old self, your real nature.”

He sighed and moved his hands up to my face, placing it on each side, pulling me to his face.

“Shane, not everything of my old self was good. You somehow stir it back, my challenging and controlling self, the one that likes to be in charge, wants and likes to be in the centre of the attention. And, I lust for you, I honestly do and I’d be lying big time if I were to say I am not worried about that...I hope my old self will not go further. I wasn’t proud of everything I did. But I swear, I don’t want to hurt you; in this you can trust me.”

Every word he said had such a deep and firm tone, calm and confident, his eyes never left mine and spoke together with his voice. He wasn’t saying that just to say it. Emmett really meant to be with me and not hurt me. I felt a fecking lump form in my throat. What the hell was wrong with me? Fuck, I was too happy and I feared to be this happy, because I have never been allowed to be this happy and I was afraid I’d lose it.

I was damn afraid.

I really was a bloody brat.

I shivered and closed my eyes.


“I’m scared, Emmett.” What the hell was bloody wrong with me? Why did I just bloody admit it? What a tool I was.

“Open your eyes, Shane and tell me why you’re scared.” His voice was calm and warm, but demanding and so I did as he said.

“I’m bloody afraid, because I’m fecking happy for what you told me and so I’m bloody scared that I’ll lose it, that I’ll lose you, because I have never been this happy in my life.”

His eyes widened and I didn’t know what he was thinking about. Did I just mess everything damn up? They burned with many emotions and feelings, studying mine. He closed them for a second and I felt lost, I needed them. He took a deep breath and reopened them. Still burning and blazing.

“See, you’re brat.” He joked and I snorted. “I know what you mean and that’s why I told you I won’t hurt you, Shane. Not intentionally.”

I nodded.

“Will you tell me more of you, Em?”

“Yes, I will, but only if you’ll tell me everything of you.”

“I’m not sure you’ll like to hear everything...”

“I don’t care, I want to know every single thing of your life and past. Is that clear, brat?”


I leaned down and kissed him; I physically needed to feel him, needed to forget for a while everything and lost myself in pure and hot pleasure. Emmett picked my mood at once, because he deepened the kiss and slammed my body closer. His tongue twirled with mine, and our chests slicked together, now hot and sweating. His scent wrapped around me and lured me to follow him, making me bolder and more aggressive. I needed Emmett. I freed my legs and straddled him, riding his strong hips. Our erections brushed each other, craving to have more.

Emmett broke the kiss.

“We are done with the talking, right brat?” His voice was restrained and getting more husky. He wanted me, too.

“Bloody done.”

He smirked dark and sinfully and then suddenly slipped his hands down my shorts and boxers and pushed them down. Then they went back to my ass, gripping it with his large and rough hands, fondling it and feeling it with his fingers.

“Hmm, I like your ass, is just perfect.” He groaned and I moaned, grinding my cock on his. I wanted so bad to be with him.

“Then don’t wait.” I slipped up a bit and stroked his erection with my ass. He groaned louder. “Just do it, take me, Emmett.”

“Shane, I told you, not now...” What he had in mind?

His eyes were darker and more wicked, completely smouldered with lust. His fingers stroked my entrance and I panted arching my back. My hands went on his rock like chest and savoured his muscles, his sculpted abs. I pushed down, one of his fingers thrust inside; I moaned and slipped my hands on his shorts, wanting to tear them away. He retreated his finger and his hands went on my back, slipped up on my neck, then fisting my hair.

He loved to be in charge, he said himself, and he was used to that.

Emmett bent my head and attacked my neck with his hot mouth, sending me to hell. Pleasure was building up in me and I felt my dick pulsing in want and pain, begging for release.

“Em, stop teasing...” He held me there when I tried to move, gripping my hair stronger. He jerked his hips on mine and another moan left me. I was so close. What a bastard he could be sometimes.

“Shane” he breathed in my ear, one of his hand grabbed mine and led it between us, to his impossibly hard member, brushing mine. “I’m really hard and I fucking want you.”

His and mine hand stroked his shaft together. Shit, this was insane.

“See? We want you, brat.” He smirked dark. “Your mouth, Shane; take me in your mouth.”

It was basically an order, but bloody hell, the way he said it.

I moaned hearing that, because it was insanely erotic and hot.

I did what he asked and slipped down, his hand pushing my head down to guide me on his erection, standing there big and ready for me. I threw down his shorts and underwear and immediately took him in my mouth. Fuck, he was really hot and hard. I bobbed my head up and down a couple time, sucking with hard lips, my hands on his thighs. He jolted his member deeper.

“Fuck, I love this, Shane.” He groaned, pushing my head closer, my hair tangled in his strong fingers.

I sucked him harder and let my tongue twirl around, liking to taste him, because he was smooth and his taste was a complete turn on for me. I licked him up and down and then concentrate on his tip, passing my tongue all around, teasing it with my teeth and stroking with my hand, in the meanwhile, hard. He growled deeper and told me to take him deep in my mouth. Bloody hell, I was leaking just hearing that.

I took him impossibly deep and sucked him hard while I kept him there.

“Ahh...” He panted, throwing his head back on the pillow.

I peeked at him and his face was contorted in wild desire. He really was enjoying this. That made me smirk cocky and made me feel in power, liking the idea to drive him crazy. He grabbed my hair harder and pulled me up, shooting me a crazed and scaring dark glare.

I gulped, he had the same face he had this morning, the same expression, the same look.

 “You know what Shane? Now I want to try it...” He smirked.

Fucking hell, Emmett was crazy. I did as he said; it wasn’t exactly the time to argue with him, especially when his mood shifted on this level. He pushed me down on my back and loomed over me.

I heard him chuckled satisfied and softly moan in his throat. His hands grabbed my thighs and caressed my legs, looking at me entirely.

“You are the most sensual creature I have ever seen, you have no idea how dangerously you arouse me, Shane. You’re beautiful.” He murmured and then went down on me.

Bloody hell. He teased my tip, as if he was testing something.

I was at the verge of bloody insane excitement. My heart was about to break free through my chest, my breath was getting faster, my body waited for a painful bloody long second, in excruciating anticipation.

Then I felt him and I moaned like hell.

His tongue explored and tasted everything of me. I shoved my hips back, not anymore in control of my body and actions.

“Fuck, Emmett...” He smirked and then slipped his tongue lower, tasting more of me. Fuck, he was insane.

I was out of mind, because he was engulfing me completely, his lips sliding me inside him deeper, and his tongue travelling my entire shaft. I felt sweat roll down my neck, it was the same for him. I had no idea how long I could last. This was out of mind.

How the hell he knew how to do this? He was fantastic, he was sort of following my rhythm, but more hard-line. Bloody hell, I was so close and the way he twirled around and took me deep in his mouth was about to make me burst really hard. I never experienced something so high and overwhelming, and from someone that was straight till last week. Hell, maybe he was still straight, with me his only exception.

He deep throated me and I was done. I grabbed his hair really strong and pushed him even closer, jolting up my hips; now tingles and spasms of overwhelming and crushing pleasure travelling my entire body.

Oh fuck.

I lost it.

“Em...I’m coming...”

He growled to shut me up and gripped my hips to rule them.

Then I couldn’t control anymore and I came so bloody hard. The view of him down on me was my second undoing and I screamed a second time his name, arching my back impossibly hard and fisting his hair. Bloody hell, Emmett was incredible.

I crashed back on the bed, breathing hard and panting, trying to calm down my heartbeat. Emmett came closer and studied my eyes, smirking dark and inviting. He looked like he had great fun.

“Already tired, brat? How do you plan to resist my payback?” He challenged.

I growled annoyed at his tone and pulled him to my face. I licked his lips and then grinned provoking.

“Not tired in the least, sham.” I rolled us over and rode him.

He smirked in pleasure.

I drew the entire chest and abs with my craving tongue, loving his warm and firm skin, wanting to taste everything of him. I teased a bit his nipples, for the pleasure of hearing him to say this.

“Shane, stop the teasing, you know what I want.” Oh, I bloody knew well what he liked it.

But I teased him a bit longer, he groaned annoyed and I knew I was playing on thin ice, it wasn’t very smart to challenge him in this position. But I just liked his unpredictable hot side.

He growled in pleasure when I wrapped my lips around him and deep throated him at first, now bobbing hard and slow, to prolong the pleasure. His growled aroused me to no end and I twisted my tongue around more, tasting him with almost desperate desire.

Emmett had such a muscular and perfect body that it was impossible to not want to touch him. My hands went on his thighs and felt their muscles, tasting them and exploring them, craving to have more. He liked it, because he took my hands and guided them himself. Emmett was a hot devil with burning eyes and mood swings.

I wrapped my lips stronger down to his tilt and slid up tasting the entire length, slowly and hard. He groaned wilder and louder.

“More, Shane...more..” Emmett clawed my hair in a blink and jolted deeper in my mouth, jerking up his hips.

I just teased a bit more with my tongue and he moaned, telling me how amazing I was, and came hot and long. I loved to drive him insane and crazy.

“Ahh...this is fucking awesome.” He groaned, resting his head back on the bed, his eyes closed.

We both slumped back, panting hard and still feeling late tingles of pleasure teasing our limbs. I moved close to him and laid beside.

“Shane, this was amazing.” He said, stroking my arms with his warm hands. “You have a dangerous effect on me...I need to keep it cooler.”

“Why? You don’t need to keep it cooler...I loved this.” I admitted.

He smirked satisfied, liking to hear that.

“Me too, brat.”

“Em, how did you know how to ... you know?” I asked. He grabbed my wrists and slammed me against him.

“I didn’t know, I just did what you have done this morning...guess you liked it, considering how you moaned and moved.”

What a cocky and full of himself tool he was. But I liked it.

“Well, you liked it, too.” I snorted.

“I did.” He flashed me a heated look. “Be careful, I still have to make you pay for tonight.” I gulped for what would come. He brushed my lips with his, kissed me for a long sweet minute and hugged me tight.

“Shane, I’m tired and partially satisfied, we should sleep.”

“What do you mean partially satisfied?” I didn’t like to hear I didn’t satisfied him completely. He guessed my thoughts, because he smirked playfully and smug.

“It’s not what you think, brat. You’re amazing.” He kissed me another time. “What I meant is that I want more, but not now.”

I flashed my best provoking smile, liking to hear that, and then nuzzled his neck.

“I can’t wait to have more, Em.” I honestly said.

He chuckled, grabbed the duvet that had been tossed aside and threw it over us.

“Night, Shane.” He pecked another time my lips.

“Night, Em.” I softly whispered.

We fell asleep stark naked in each other arms and I felt like being home. The idea scared me again, but I decide to tune off the fear and simply drift in a sweet dream lost in his strong hug.

Author's Chit-Chat:

As I said, I tried to make a softer version, which I hope it was soft enought.

You liked it?

Next chapters we'll learn everything about their past. Emmett is slowly going back to his old self..but not so easy and fast..

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