Ch. 21 (Part 2)

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Hi dear all :-)) Sorry for not updating the second part these past days, but here comes now and hope you'll enjoy it very much... Let me know!

Thank you so much for your comments, messages and votes, it's always a pleasure to read them, they really make me happy.. Btw, Shane says THANK YOU!!!! for the birthday wishes and invites you all to join the party!!!

On the right another lovely banner azer90 made for me and for this specific chapter, thanks hon!!

Dedicated to all of you, to Shane and Emmett's fans...and in particular to GTDavii, thanks for your comments dear and hope you'll enjoy the chapter!

Now...let's the party begin!



“I swear, another shop and I am going to kill you.” I snapped at Ciara that was about to drag me into another one. She stopped, scanned me from head to toe and back and then dragged me inside the bloody shop.

For fuck’s sake! Why had I agreed to go shopping with her on my birthday?

This was about to kill me. She had bought already 4 bags of clothes for herself and forced me in a full one for myself. Not exactly my cup of tea. I had no choice, because Ciara could be crazily loud and embarrassing when she was determined in something and I wanted to avoid her hyper scenes inside the shops. Well, I know I’m just complaining while my friend bought me a birthday present, but it was something that always made me uneasy, because I never had anything to reciprocate with. Ciara and Enna wouldn’t hear any of it, anyway. Roman was the only one that seemed to understand it and respect it, but obviously wouldn’t say anything to make sad or the sort his “angel”.

Yep, her birthday present wasn’t only her, but of Enna as well. I hope Roman stayed out of this; Emmett had already given me a bloody i-phone and CD. Emmett...I already wanted to see him and I have been out for what? About two hours? I shook my head, there wasn’t much to do about it, I couldn’t wait to see him and hoped the shopping and the clothes will make me look enough tempting to convince him to come with me friends and I.

“What do you think of this?” Ciara chirped and showed me a short black dress with lace and a sort of long tail made of tulle in some gothic style. She could dress weird sometimes, believe me, but she would look grand in that.

“For you?”

“Nope, for Enna. Of course for me, Shane-babe. You won’t let me buy you anything more and I am having such wonderful time now with you.”

I chuckled at her blinking doll-like eyes and at her baby pink lips and hugged her. She might be weird and loud, but she was my friend and knew Ciara loved me.

“So you like it? Should I wear it tonight?” She winked and went in the changing room.

“Ciara, no girls are going to be there, so...”

“I know that, but your friends will be there.” She took off the dress she was wearing and chucked it over the door, letting it hang there. “And your boyfriend will be there...”

Emmett? What about him?

“What do you mean? Hands off, he’s mine.” I growled and she threw the door open giggling and looking like some dark fairy. I gave her a crooked glare and she jumped on me.

“Shane-babe, can’t see I am just teasing you? I like girls and anyway, your very hot boyfriend clearly has eyes only for you, so relax.” She pulled back and admired herself in the mirror. The black dress was quite a contrast with her pale skin and almost white platinum hair. I realized I just snapped at Ciara, a 100% loud and proud lesbian. Brilliant, Shane.

“It’s just that...still can’t believe what he asked me, well, what he told me to do this Thursday.” I thought about that afternoon and at his words, at his reaction and then at the way we made love on the couch. Bloody hell, it all still seemed a dream and was still afraid I would wake up and see again that stinky pigsty and those knackers I got as family.

“But he did and now you’re together-together.” Ciara began to jump up and down like a little kid clapping her hands, and then she spotted something, skipped over there, grabbed it and showed me another shirt. Not another fecking one. “Try it, try it, try it..” She chanted.

“Ciara, that’s enough, seriously.” I protested, refusing to let her buy me something else. “I don’t need so many clothes, amn’t a girl.”

She rolled her eyes, clutched my arm and shoved me in the changing room.

“Try it. This colour is perfect for your eyes and I’m sure your hot boyfriend will like it.” She giggled and winked. Urgh, crazy girl.

Defeated, I tried the shirt and bloody promised myself to never let her drag me out for shopping anymore and Em could suck bollocks if he had a problem with that. We went for more shops, because Ciara needed shoes and then a new bag and then I threatened her to have a break or I’d fecking throw away all of her new clothes. So we stopped at Starbuck’s for a cappuccino and I was getting hungry and thought of getting a muffin, but she slapped me hand and said.

“No-no before dinner. What a bad kid.” Her index finger moving in front of my eyes as to say “no”. She was way far than crazy.

“I’m starving, flea.”

“Ahhh...” she pierced my eardrums and the two persons sitting beside us shot a quite amused look. Bloody hell, very funny indeed. “Don’t call me flea like my brother.”

“But I’m hungry.”

She jumped up and grabbed my wrists, almost making me spill the cappuccino.

“Are you seriously fecking out of mind?” I coughed and wiped the spilled drink from my mouth.

“What time are your friends coming over your place? Because look at the time, it’s already over six.” She showed me her neon-pink watch and I cursed loudly, having this time the persons laughing at me. What was so funny about? Couldn’t give half bullock. It was late, for fuck’s sake. We left the mugs there, grabbed the bags and ran towards the bus stop.

“Where are you going?” I asked her when she hopped on the same bus.

“Want to say hi to Emmett.” She smiled and blinked her long lashes. I chuckled at the idea of how that tool will react to her.


Ciara talked no-stop about a girl she went out with two days ago and swung the bags around like a school girl with her school bag. Seriously, to think she was older than me. Finally we reached Emmett’s place, which was going to be my place, too ... right, I was really going to live with him and I realized the entireness of it when the key opened the door and his words bounced in me head. Next week he planned to go and change my address of residence. The key I had wasn’t mine, but Emmett’s, but it still gave me quite a feeling, freely opening the door of his apartment.

The apartment was quiet and dark, and that was strange, because I thought Em would be at home. I went to switch on the light in the hall, but that fecking bulb decided to not work right now. Just grand.

“Em?” I called, but didn’t hear any answer.

Where the hell did he go? I wanted to see him and he went out? Why? Was he going to be back soon? My friends would be here soon.

“He is not home?” Ciara asked, looking around. I didn’t answer, just snorted something, because I thought I’d see his face as first thing once back home, but he wasn’t there.

We walked to the living, to leave the bag there and then...

... FLASH!!!

The light flashed suddenly on and a loud and cheerful chorus of voice wished me happy birthday.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANE!!!” The chorus cried out in one voice, along with clapping and whistling.

My eyes and mouth shot wide open and I stood there frozen and looking like a mental cod for some time, staring at the people in front of me and not understanding immediately what was going on. Then me brain decided to start working and my eyes registered the situation, having me now closing my mouth and almost shaking.

I couldn’t believe my own eyes.

They were all there.

Enna, Roman, me friends from school and soccer, Sean, Donal, Michael, Cillian and Liam. Then two friends of Ciara, which I met few times at Enna’ place and then ... Emmett. He was behind everyone else, simply smiling at me and looking as if he was enjoying this, looking at me as if I meant ... don’t know what, but something big. A gigantic cake with the shape of a soccer field was on the table and on that were twenty candles and some wrapped boxes around, which I fecking knew must be bloody presents. The whole room was decorated with balloons and letters hanging from the ceiling with written “Happy Birthday Shane”. Ok, I knew the balloons came from Enna, because he loved that stuff. Sure not from someone like Emmett.

I swallowed down hard, my heart beating crazy and felt something forming in my guts and going up to my throat. Not now, I wouldn’t allow that, not in front of everyone. I sort of shook my head at myself and then at them. What could I say about that?


Bunch of tools.

They had organized a surprise birthday party for me. For me.

A surprise birthday party for me.

I shifted my eyes once more to Em and he smiled sweet and then winked. I didn’t know what to say, because I didn’t expect any of this. How did they know where Emmett lived? Wait a moment, who organized all of this? My look searched again for Em and for his smile. Another wink, now his usual egotistic smirk. He did it; he organized all of this. I stood there like an idiot and gazed speechless at them all. Seeing my state of surprised and shocked mind, they all jumped on me hugging and ruffling my hair and avoiding the lump that was forming in my throat to bring me in damn tears. This was all so overwhelming that my head spun crazed. A bunch of people jumping on me and bloody hell, I almost fell on the floor. Well, Roman kept standing aside, clearly not the type to join this madness and Emmett stood there all god-like, dressed up like some fecking hot model, grinning and smirking now in his usual self. Tool.

But a tool I loved.

An arrogant and bloody handsome and caring tool that organized this for me. I knew it was him that planned everything, I just knew it.

More pressing in my throat, more swallowing down hard.

“Oh Shane, look at your face, we really managed to surprise you.” Enna locked his arms around my neck and pulled me closer for a hug and then kissed my lips in his usual affectionate way. My eyes shifted anxiously to Em and he smiled, but could see something quickly flashing in them, something that immediately fired hundred of melting and overwhelming emotions. “Happy birthday! We love you so much, Shane.” Enna twitted in my ear and hugged me more.

I snap out of my shock and hugged him back.

“You’re all a bunch of twats, but ... thank you.” My voice wasn’t exactly firm and stable.  

“Hey man, happy birthday.” That was Michael that almost chocked me snatching me away and hugging me neck with his damn arms, messing my hair. The other guys thought well of seizing me from the legs and arms and began to throw me in the air and back.

“You bloody cunts, let me down.” I cursed, while laughing, but terribly afraid they’d let me drop on the floor.

“Guys, move away, we want to hug Shane, too.” A friend of Ciara protested and the lads put me down, for being then snatched away from three crazy and hyper girls. It probably was better being tossed in the air.

Ciara giggled and tickled me and her two friends, Emma and Sinead, suffocating me in their arms and long neon-coloured hair, giggling like kids.

“It was so funny to drag you around for shops, knowing what was going on here.” I eyed my friend about to say something, but didn’t know what. They all knew and I didn’t even sniff a damn hint. She burst out in her tinker-like laughing. “Yep, yep...very funny, Shane-babe.”

“Very bloody funny, doll. How about cinema next time? It’s less tiring than following you around for shopping.” I playfully snorted.

They let me go and Roman simply hugged me tight once and then looking at my eyes said.

“Happy birthday, Shane. As my angel said, we love you very much and you’re family for us.”

“Thank you, Roman.” He was right, because I thought of them as my real family.

The lads decided to play some music from Emmett’s stereo and the crazy brothers decided it was time to eat, but not the cake, which was coming only after dinner. Not a bad idea, I was still starving. Roman smiled and went to help his man. I then gazed at Emmett, still standing in all his magnificence and hotness, smiling and smirking, looking at me with shining and blazing eyes. I haven’t still said a word to him, haven’t hugged him or anything and he had let go first all of my friends. I didn’t know what to do. He took a step and cupping one side of my face with a hand, he drew me towards him; he gazed at my eyes and smiled more, his other hand now on the other side of my face. That bloody lump now threatened to let them spill and I bit my lip to prevent it. He leaned down and rested his lips on mine.

“Shane, happy birthday.” Em kissed me softly and studied my expression. I wanted to thank him, to tell him how much this meant for me, how crazy he was, how nobody else ever did something like this for me, how... how.. It was a mess of thoughts and I had no idea how to express them. “You don’t need to say anything.”

He had guessed what was going on in my head. I threw my arms over his neck and kissed him senseless, closing my eyes tight to kick them back. Emmett’s hands slipped on my hair and his lips devoured mine. He took easily dominance and I lost completely myself in the kiss. We pulled away after I had no idea how long, simply because I needed to look at him. His arms went on my back and pressed me on his body strongly.

“So, surprised, brat?” There it was, that arrogant smirk and bloody hell, how much I loved it.

“You did all of this?” I whispered.

“Enna helped me out and contacted your friends and then decided what to cook. He likes that.” His fingers were slowly caressing my back. “Well, he brought the balloons, too.”

I laughed loud, I had guessed right; those wouldn’t match at all his personality.

“I thought so.” I admitted and he winked. Our forehead touched and so did our lips. “I .. I..don’t know how to say it, Em.”

“Then don’t say it, Shane. You don’t have to say anything, just tell me if you are having fun or not, what you want to do and what not...that’s all.”

“I never had something like this, Em. Never...this is the best birthday I have ever had.” And the reason mostly was because he was there with me. “I simply want to be with you tonight.”

“I want the same and I want you happy and having a time you won’t forget.”

“Oh believe me, I’ll never forget this.” He pressed our bodies tighter and felt his hard muscles on mine, his lips touched mine and his tongue briefly made me moan in his mouth.

“That was the plan.”

Something flashed between our eyes and when I turned my head, Ciara and Emma were there with a camera. They clicked a button and took another bloody picture.

“Ciara...” I snorted, moving away from Emmett, but he didn’t let go and caged me stronger.

“Shane-babe, you guys look so hot together.” She chirped and I eye-murdered her, but Emmett chuckled and moved behind me, slipping his arms around my waist.

“Having fun Ciara?” He asked her amused. I snapped back and stared at his face in shock. He winked at me and whispered something in my ear, brushing it with his warm lips. “She helped me out as well.”

“Very much, Emmett.” She took another picture of us, Emmett hugging me hard and brushing his cheek on mine, then went on taking pictures of my friends.

“Emmett, can we play this?” Sean asked waving a CD.

“Sure, go head, just be careful.” My eyes went from my friend to him and then back again. He was talking normally to them, nonetheless didn’t miss the subtle warning there and neither did Sean, but I think my friends liked him, otherwise they wouldn’t act that relaxed. Em arched his eyebrows and tilted his head. “What?”

“Nothing, can’t believe what I’m seeing.” I teased him.

“Me getting along with some Irish punks?” He smirked and bit my earlobe, having me shiver in his arms. “They’re not bad and their accent is understandable and I can see they’re good friends. Plus, it’s all for my brat.” He turned me around and I seized the lapels of his blazer and pulled his mouth on mine. Emmett, I love you to lose my mind. That was only in my head, but there the thought shouted so bloody loud that left my ears ringing. We exchanged a long look, simply softly smiling and then he took my hands. “C’mon, let’s help Enna in the kitchen.”

Enna and Emmett had made so much food that we all ended up being completely full. Everything was delicious and then they made me blow on the candles on the cake, cut it pieces and told me to shut up once the lads handed me over their presents. Thank God they decided to go for little things, like CDs, DVDs and the like. Ciara threatened to run over me with a slice of cake and then Emmett threatened to kick her out if only she dared to start something with food in his apartment. Roman laughed and so did Enna. Em pulled me closer and sat me on his laps. I noticed how he and Roman talked together civilly, without getting at each other’s throat, simply exchanging few words. Well, they were still standing all big and tall, their muscles showing up, but that would never change.

He also talked with my friends, about sport and music and they asked him stuff about the US and I was a bit afraid he might not like that, but he answered without a care and kept running his hand on my arm or on my leg, never breaking the contact. Then Alice called via Skype to wish me happy birthday and she met Enna and Ciara and they immediately got along well. Emmett simply smiled and shook his head.

“Your sister is incredible.”

“I know, it’s impossible not to love her.” He smiled at her and then they said good bye and she promised to call me tomorrow to chat longer.

“I think you’d like to change, Shane-babe. The night has just begun.” I eyed Ciara not understanding what she meant and then I saw how Enna and Roman were smirking, lost in their blissful hug.

“What do you mean?” I asked suspicious.

“My little flea meant we are going out and drink and dance.” Enna giggled and then I understood why they all were dressed up so fecking well. “We are going to The Dragon.”

I widened my eyes and snapped them first at me friends, all of them completely straight and then at Em, not sure he would like the place. It was a gay club. The lads shrugged at my face and said to relax, not a problem for one night and Emmett smirked.

“Hmm, I’d love to dance with you tonight, brat.” He grazed my neck with his nose and I bit my lip to not moan when his lips ran over it. “Hmm, very much..yes, very much. C’mon, let’s go change.”

Enna and Ciara pulled me away and dragged me in Em’ and my bedroom and sat me on the bed.

“Let’s see what we have here.” Enna brushed his long hair behind his shoulders and studied the clothes in the bag. “Hmm, I like this one, what you think?”

“Oh yes, he’ll look absolutely hot in that shirt.”

I rolled my eyes and slumped back, sighing and deciding to give up and let them do whatever they had in mind. So they handed me a white shirt and a new pair of washed jeans, and I wore that thinking about sweet revenge one day or another, but all in all, I was having fun. I put back on my black Converse and refused to wear something different and finally the two brothers gave up. Enna styled my hair with gel and bloody hell, he made a fecking brilliant job.

“You look so hot, Shane-babe.” Ciara giggled beside me, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

“I agree; you look absolutely hot and damn tempting.” Emmett leaned over the door frame with his arms crossed, his eyes travelling my body hungrily and burning in desire, then he halted a moment and we locked gazes; his softened a bit and smiled sweeter. Under his stare I really felt hot as he said.

Enna giggled and then dragged his sister out of the room, leaving us alone. Em walked towards me and then blocked me there, between his arms, his hands on each side of the sink; he leaned down on me and rested his mouth on my neck, nibbling it. My arms shot around his back and I found myself breathing harder, grinding on him. Emmett growled and his tongue ran from my neck to my lips, and then pulled away.

“Better if we go now.” His eyes said it all, burning mine. I swallowed hard, because now I was bloody craving for him.

“Guess you’re right.” I just murmured.

The Dragon was packed tonight, but Roman had booked a table for us and so we didn’t have any problem. We had every sort of drinks there and I knew a couple of me friends would end up bloody wasted, just like Ciara’s friends; they first bought two bottles of champagne and we drank it in not time, then cocktails, but I tried my best to not mix, since I knew how bad that could be. Emmett never broke contact with me, always beside me and touching me, with his arms or hands or legs. We drank together a cocktail made with champagne, which name I had no idea and then slumped back on the couch, looking at my friends. The lads were having a great time and really liked Emmett, you could see that by the way they freely talked to him and the fact they addressed him friendly.

Then I ran my gaze to Emmett, my boyfriend, my man. Bloody hell, what a view he was.

He was wearing dark grey suit pants and a silky black shirt, leaving open two buttons, letting me admire his strong neck; he had also a black blazer, but now it was left on the couch, inside here it was bloody hot. I looked at his watch, made of solid and shining steel. I liked it and it suited him perfectly. Em felt my stare and tilted his head on the side, his fingers now caressing the nape of my neck.

“You look gorgeous, Shane. Never saw or met anyone as beautiful and sensual as you.”

He leaned on me and inhaled deeply on my neck. That made me shiver strongly and my hand shot on his thigh. He let his lips taste my skin and my grip grew harder, now my other hand clutching his rock-like bicep. When I felt his tongue, I moaned and I thanked God the music was blasting fecking loud, covering that. I was about to go and straddle him, but I found a bit of control and tried to cool down, not an easy task with his lips and tongue on my skin.

“Emmett..” I whispered. He smirked on my neck and pulled away.

“If you lads had finished flirting, how about going and get a couple of shots at the bar? Our treats, tool.” Liam stood up and grinned at Emmett. “Up for that, man?”

Em stood up and smirked back.

“Hope you can hold it decently.” I chuckled, he really would never let go of a challenge. He turned and laced his fingers with mine, pulling me up. “What do you want to drink?”

“Anything but tequila.”

“Fine, then. No tequila.”

Liam and the lads had a hard time trying to pay with Emmett there, but somehow managed to get a couple of rounds. We had four rounds of vodka and fuck, Em looked like he was drinking water.

“That’s not fair, you’re bigger, that’s why you hold better.” Cillian whined, clearly about to be wasted like hell.

“You’re a sore loser, lad.” Donal laughed, still apparently sober.

My head felt way light and I could feel the alcohol in me burning and giving that carefree relaxing sensation; I felt hotter and hungrier for Emmett and his hand possessively grabbing my side had me bloody hard. I slowly grinded on his hips, purposely rocking my hard-on on it and he tightened the grip almost painfully, slamming me even closer. His hand ran on my ass, inside the back pocket, and folded it full hand.

“Shane, want to dance with me?” His hot breath on my ear almost sent me to hell. I was so bloody hard and hot, I wanted him like crazy, wanted to push him down, tear away his clothes and ride him until I could no longer move, him loving me like the animal he was in bed. I loved that, I craved for that. The alcohol burnt more and hotter and I found my hand crawling in his front pocket, wanting to provoke him more, harder. He seized it and stopped it. “Let’s go dance.”

The lads preferred to stay at the bad and we walked to the dance floor, Emmett’s hand closed over mine, protective and domineering. A guy stopped me, not noticing Emmett’s and my hand locked together, and crawled too close, having me stepping back and pushing him away. He crawled back and Emmett pulled me behind him and seized the guy’s shoulder. Bloody hell, that must had been painful, believe me.

“How about you get the hell out of my sight? He’s my man; get the fuck out of here.” He hissed to the other one, which shrunk back and gulped nervously. The twat stuttered something and vanished from there.

“The bastard got some damn guts for trying to pry on my man.” He groaned visibly annoyed. I slipped my arms over his neck and kissed him long and hard for hot minutes. When we pulled away both of us were breathing heavy and restless. “You better never leave my side, Shane.” I smirked and licked his lips, slowly and provocative.

“I won’t, Em, only want to be with you and ...” I ran my lips from his neck to his ear. “and I want you bloody crazy tonight.” He growled and let his hands slip in my ass. “Let’s go dance, Emmett.”

The music was loud and the lights a mix of dark and white, blue, green and purple flashes, dancing around and melting with fake smoke and the crowd. Many eyes were on my boyfriend and their looks were bloody shameless. Emmett squeezed harder my hand and pulled me closer. We stopped somewhere on the dance floor and we let the music led us. His hands clasped my hips and hauled me pressed to him. Bloody hell, he was as hard as I was. Our gazes locked in a mix of lust, burning desire, sweetness and craziness. My fingers ran on his arms and his on my ass; he shoved his leg between mine and controlled my moves and dancing, having me dance at his pace. We kept our eyes locked and slipped my hands around his neck, grinding on his leg. One of his hands moved on my neck and our mouths and tongues connected hungrily and lustily.

We danced and made out at the rhythm of the music, now slow with very low basses and sensual sound, now faster and enticing, firing up the desire and breathing with its beats. He kissed me so bloody hard and deep, his tongue possessing mine and twirling around aggressively, like his lips and the grip on my body. I melted on him, grinding more and giving him more access. We were one fluid and hot body. I broke the kiss to look at his eyes, which blazed and burnt with that butterscotch controlling light, now even stronger.

“I love your eyes, Emmett...they always make me feel hot, desired, wanted...they fire me up, they are bloody scaring when mad, but at the same time so arousing..” I confessed.

He kept his intense stare on me and then smiled, pressing our foreheads together.

“Do they tell you how much you mean to me? That I’d gladly go to hell for you? That you are my light and fire, Shane?”

Did they tell me that much? I stared back at them.

They did and I nodded. He smiled and slowly stroked my lips with his.

“Shane, don’t leave me. This time it’s me asking you this, don’t leave me; keep staying and living with me, because I wouldn’t be able anymore to be without you.” His words echoed in me and in my veins, sending crazy all of my senses and feelings, making my heart beat at bloody insane speed, my head spinning, my guts knotting. And there it was again, that lump in my throat and this time I couldn’t kick them back and they blurred my vision, me cursing at myself in my head. Em tenderly kissed them away and smiled. “Don’t cry, Shane, please.”

“Sorry, it’s just that...I don’t bloody many emotions, so many..” He silenced me with another kiss, this time harder and deeper.

“I understand what you mean, brat. I understand you...but just smile for me, ok? I love when you smile.” To prevent more tears, I slammed my lips on his.

He loved when I smiled.

Those words danced and shouted loud in my head, making it spin faster.

He loved when I smiled.

We danced more and impossibly close, with his hands around me protective and never letting go. It felt all like a dream, but I finally realized it wasn’t a dream, it was reality. Emmett was real and right here with me, he was my man and we just began to live together. This wasn’t anymore just a dream. I shook my head and looked up at him and grinned out of mind for the feelings burning inside me. His grinned even wider and led us dance more.

I spotted Enna and Roman and believe me when I say they sure were a hot and sweet view at the same time. Enna sensually and tempting moved in his man’s arms, never leaving his eyes, never looking away, wanting to enchant him, but at the same time telling him how deep was his love. Roman caged him in a strong and shielding embrace and bored his eyes in Enna’, following his sensual moves and pressing him closer, drinking from his gaze. They were silently communicating and they looked beautiful.

I wasn’t anymore feeling that empty sensation inside me while looking at them, praying to find someone that would make me feel the way they felt for each other. Now, in Emmett’s hands, under his intense and scorching gaze, I felt I had found it and it felt bloody incredible, something to such extent that had me high and drunk of emotions.

The lads joined us after a while and we all danced together, but Em never let go of me and I never let go of him, needing his touch, needing his presence.

This had been the best birthday ever and I knew I’d never forget about this day and about what Emmett did for me. 

I slumped back on the sheets, feeling them cool on my hot and sweaty skin, panting hard and feeling amazingly sated. I spared a look at my clothes, tossed around the room along with Emmett’s. As soon as we closed the door behind us, we lost ourselves in our desire and barely made it to the bedroom, tearing away our clothes and hungrily touching and kissing each other. We made love hard and wild, Emmett the hot and untamed animal I loved, but I hadn’t been less of it or calmer, probably even more out of control. He had me roll on my side and let his fingers slowly caress my back, staring at me in silence.

“How do you feel?” Em asked.

“I feel amazingly incredible.” He smiled at that and pecked my lips, then sat up and reached for his night stand.

“I have something else for you and before you open your mouth or think about anything, just shut it.” His eyes were quite clear on the matter and I just rolled mine. Emmett chuckled and pulled out a big envelope. “There, open it.”

I studied the envelope in my hands and shot a quick glance at Em, who was simply smiling his best arrogant smirk. I shook my head and opened it and saw inside it a bunch of keys and some papers. My hands immediately grabbed the keys and I stared at them with an idiotic grin plastered on my face.

They were his apartment’s keys.

“Your apartment’s..”

“Our apartment, brat.” He corrected me. “Now you have your own ones and you can move around as you please.”

“Thank you...” I whispered. I had my own keys and he said it was “our” apartment. Our and not only his. I pulled him towards me for a kiss, but he broke it and told me to look at the papers. So I took them out and my eyes almost popped out of my face. Bloody hell. Was he insane? I shot back my gaze, about to say something, but he arched his eyebrows as to say to shut up. “Emmett...this’ argh, you’re such a tool.” I snorted, punching his arm. He chuckled. Tool.

In my hands were all the necessary papers for getting my driving license and he had already paid part of it. I couldn’t believe it.

“Emmett, seriously, this is..” He ran his hand in my hair and drew me to him.

“Shane, it’s barely half of it and that because I know how you feel about it. I just want you to be able to start it and I saw how you enjoyed driving when we went to Galway. You can begin this summer, when school is over, and I am sure you’ll find a job just to pay the remaining part and that’s it, brat. I told you already, now you live with me, now you’re my man, boyfriend. What do you say? Did you like your birthday?” Em smirked clearly knowing how much I liked much I loved it.

“I did and you know it, arrogant tool.” I grunted playfully, having him laugh. “Thank you, Em. Thank you for everything. It’s as you said, I’ll find a fecking job and pay for the remaining part. You bet I will.”

“That’s good to hear and good to see you are getting less annoying with these things, accepting them less stubbornly.” He smiled amused and winked.

“Do I even have a choice in the matter?” I provoked back.

“No, you don’t.” He said assertive and final.

I placed the papers on the night stand along with the keys and then grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down on his back. My legs straddled his sides and our eyes burnt together. His words echoed back in my head and sent my blood pulsing faster, like my heart. I felt his hands travelling on my thighs, wanting to possess them and I leaned down on him, wanting him to possess me, entirely and completely, wanting to melt with him.

“Emmett, I’ll never leave you, because I wouldn’t be able to stay away and without you, it’d be bloody impossible.”

I let my lips and kiss speak more for me and let them communicate my deepest feelings. Em kissed me back in such a deep and intense way that left me breathless, left my head spinning dangerously and my heart beat crazy. He pushed us up, sitting for a moment and soon I found myself under his muscular and hot body. His lips never leaving mine and we kept them fused in a scorching trance, our tongues and bodies avidly tangled and dancing together, until dawn.

Author's chit-chat:

How did you like Shane's birthday? He had quite a surprise and Emmett sure tried his best for his brat.. and Enna helped a lot :-D He had very much fun actually..

Ok, next chapter is coming really soon!

Thank you again for the bday wishes to Shane, you all made him super happy!

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