Ch. 24 (Part 1)

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Good Sunday afternoon to all of you! Finally I am updating this story and I am sorry for taking longer than expected..

Hope you'll enjoy it, Jordan and Alice arrived in Dublin and now the last issues will be faced..Jordan has an idea for Emmett, but what does Em think of it? This is part 1 and part 2 will come in few days :-) Let me know what you think and thank you very much for your messages and comments!!!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to xxJozyzz: thank you dear for your message and support!! xox

On the right a picture of Jordan :-)



“Em...ahh....fuck...” I was about to go out of mind here and he simply smirked and deliberately traced the length of my throat with his hot tongue slowly, while even more slowly but strongly pounding inside me. “You bloody...ahh...teaser..”

“Hmm, to hear you like this..”

Arrogant tool.

I managed to grabbed his forearms and shot him my best provoking smirk, then slowly began to rotate around him, letting one of my hands slide from his arm to my thigh, up my hip and slipping on my pulsing member, stroking it while challenging his stare. Emmett kept still simply looking at me and I decided to play lewder, seeing how that affected him immediately; he growled and in a blink snatched my wrists and pinned them above my head, leaning down for a voracious kiss that silenced my crying and moaning when he began to penetrate faster and harder, each time deeper, each time sending me closer to craziness. I tried to set my hands free and after struggling, he let them go; I nailed his back and wrapped my legs around it, having him breaking the kiss to hiss and groan in pleasure. I matched my pace with his and after few bloody hard thrust we came so fecking insanely that no doubts our neighbours heard us.

I was breathing hard and Emmett rested partially on me avoiding to crash me down with his weight, because even though I had muscles and all, my body sure wasn’t as big and muscular as his. Em softly brushed my collarbone with his nose and the hair tickled my face. I heard his content humming and felt his fingers travelling up and down my side; he wasn’t completely sated, that I knew it very well, but we didn’t have much time left. His sister and friend were arriving in few hours and we needed to arrange the apartment, since Emmett refused to let them stay at a hotel. I think it was the right decision and I had a mix of curiosity and anxiety rolling inside me; I was eager to meet them and beyond happy for my boyfriend, but at the same time I was tense and slightly afraid...It’s true we met on Skype, but we were now going to meet for real.

“Hey my sexy devil, don’t over think or analyze anything, you hear me? You already met them and talked with them and you know Alice is crazy about you. Jordan likes you, too, so..” He had guessed my thoughts.

In these past two weeks we had grown closer and more intimate and Emmett often didn’t need me to tell him what was on my mind, he would understand just looking at me. I never had such a relation or bond with anyone else in my life, not even friends that would understand me that well. Not even Enna and Roman would guess by just one glance.

“How do you always know what’s on my mind?” I asked honestly curious.

“I feel it Shane, don’t know exactly how to explain it, it’s a feeling, a shiver running down me and telling me how you are.” He had rolled on his side and was now looking at me resting his head on the palm of his hand. He was tracing imaginary lines on my chest and abs, smiling. “And really, you don’t need to be nervous, because to be honest, I’ll need you for sure. I am calm and compose now, but this won’t last long, believe me.”

“I think you are the one not needing to be nervous, they both love you, Em. It’s going to be grand.” I moved on my side and pushed him flat on his back, to lay on him. “And I’m honestly bloody curious to hear more about you, especially from Jordan.”

He rolled his eyes and snorted, and I sniggered at that. He had confessed a couple of days ago that he was nervous about me knowing more of his past and he used to be, but I didn’t see why he should be nervous. I bloody loved Emmett to a point I couldn’t see my life without him, to a point my own life couldn’t make sense without him, and I knew almost everything of him. We both had our difficult and dark past and I couldn’t care less about it; he knew everything of me and strange enough, after telling him all of that shit, I felt relieved, I felt like being born a second time.

“Em, I told you I don’t care how you behaved in the past. Who bloody cares now that you had been a playboy. Are you still one?” I challenged. He gave that usual smirk and pulled me down for a kiss.

“It’s only you for me, Shane.” He rested his head on the pillow and stayed silent observing me. “God, I’ll never get tired of gazing at you, brat. You’re so gorgeous...” I should have been already used to his compliments, but I still wasn’t. Nobody ever complimented me honestly like Emmett did, words coming from his heart and not from hidden aims. “Hmm, no need to feel shy, because let’s face it, you’re everything but shy.”

This time it was me rolling my eyes and I had no idea how, but I found myself on my back caged in his strong legs and arms. He teased my neck and gained soft moans when I felt his teeth on my skin.

“Em, we need to get out of this room or we won’t make it on time.” I tried to explain.

“We have hours ahead of us and Alice’s room is ready.”

“But we haven’t arranged everything else and Jordan’s room isn’t ready and...ahhh...” Bloody hell, it was impossible to reason with him when he was in the mood, which was basically every single day, if you know what I mean. Not complaining, though. Making love to Emmett was incredible and left me every time deliciously tired and feeling complete and sated and craving for more.

“One more time, brat... One more time and then I promise to prepare everything and do as you say.” He murmured in my ear, teasing me with the tip of his already hard length.

“You doing as I say? Me bollocks, Emmett.” He smirked on my earlobe and tugged within his teeth and I just moaned out shamelessly, knowing I was about to lose it.

“I promise, Shane.” He pushed himself up on his palms, sent me a dark and hungry glare and flipped me on my stomach so fast he got me gasping in surprise. His tongue ran my back from the small to the nape of my neck and I arched at his touch. “So, one more time?”

Did he really think I could have resisted him? No bloody way.

“Stop teasing, tool.” I growled and we lost ourselves in the no-idea-how-many-times personal heaven of pleasure.

I piled few t-shirts and put them in the drawer and then folded away a couple of jumpers. I just finished the laundry and I insisted in doing the ironing; it’s true he had a woman coming over every week to tidy up and clean, but I felt bad doing nothing, so today I managed with that. We had bought a new closet, bigger than the one he had and it was now divided in two, but my part was quite empty, since I had few clothes and most of them quite rugged. I asked Enna to find me a job for a couple of months, because I wanted to plan something for Emmett’s birthday and he took me in his salon. There wasn’t much to do, but I cleaned around, managed appointments and calls; Em didn’t protest or argue, for the simple fact I was there with Enna.

“Hey, how is it going?” He leaned on the door frame and smiled. “Jordan’s room is ready and I did some weight lifting. Now I’m hungry.” The way his eyes glinted set me on fire. Bloody hell, it was quite hard concentrating on a my job with him only wearing a loose pair of sweatpants and a tight white tank top, revealing his muscles glistening with sweat.

“Hungry for what?” I asked back, biting my lower lip and eyeing him with sudden burning desire.

“Shane, don’t tempt me now, because I might just take you till tomorrow morning.” He took a couple of steps and stopped in front of me. “And we don’t have the time now.” I chuckled at his annoyed tone of voice and drew him down for a sweet kiss. Better to cool down our moods.

“Can I cook something this time? You never let me do it.”

“That’s because I enjoy preparing meals for you.” Em rested his hand on my face and brushed our lips tenderly few times. “And now anyway we don’t have the time, we have to drive to the airport in two hours. Let’s just make steaks and salad, given we both need proteins.” He smirked and snaked his arms around me.

“Wonder why we need proteins.” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Going to shower?”

“Yeah, definitely. Want to join me, brat?”

“Emmett...if I join you we both know how it’ll end up and I already had one. Go on and I’ll make the steaks, you can trust me with steaks, don’t worry lad.”

“I trust you with everything, Shane.” There it was. Emmett was actually a playful person, not the grumpy and lonely lad I met the first time, but then out of the blue he would say such intense and serious thing meaning them and chaining me with a stare that would hold gravitation. Just like now.

“Same for me.” I murmured. He smiled and lifted my chin to kiss me tenderly.

“Going to shower, see you in a bit.”


We were now standing at the arrival area and as much as it pissed me off to admit it, I was a mess of nerves and tension. I kept eyeing the monitor and sighing and then looking around; thank God Shane was here with me, simply being beside me and holding my hand, talking about little things to distract me. The flight had been delayed and we ended up waiting for more than an hour here; I was about to liquefy in sweat, I swear it. I haven’t seen my sister in over a year, aside from Skype and I couldn’t wait to see her and hug her and talk with her for hours, like we used to do when I lived in the US. I missed my little mouse, because she was my sun...well, now she was one of my suns. I peeked down at Shane and he felt my glance, because he tilted his head up and winked at me.

“How are you, tool?” He joked and tiptoed to reach my nose with his lips.

“Nervous.” I admitted.

“Me, too.” I groaned and he laughed.

Right, I wasn’t nervous to see my sister or having her meeting Shane or whatever you might think. She loved my man already and I was honestly eager to have them meeting in person and tell her everything that happened in these past days; so no, for that I was excited. I swallowed down. I was nervous about seeing my friend, Jordan that haven’t seen in almost 4 years and that represented all I used to be; well, part of what I used to be. How would it be to talk to him and hear his stories about our old team, about the NBA season, about his career? I wasn’t going to make it a taboo, that’d be stupid, but it wasn’t going to be easy. Shane was with me now and it all changed, but my passion for basketball hasn’t changed and I was nervous to face it now, almost afraid. Jordan never thought of me as a loser or a piece of shit for what I had done, he never thought I betrayed him and that was beyond words, but how was going to be face him now? One thing was to face him via Skype and one thing was to face him in person.

I sighed and Shane tugged me down, placing his hands on my face.

“Em, stop freaking out. Tell me why you are so nervous and tense? Are you afraid of something?”

I reflected a moment on his words, staring at his beautiful jaded eyes. I shook my head and hugged him tight. I was afraid of the past now coming back and weighting on me; not that I feared for my pathetic self to come back, that was gone and forgotten and all thanks to my brat. What I feared was to face my past life that I pushed away, trying to forget, trying to hide it a remote and dark corner of my mind, doing my best to deny it even if dwelling on the remorse of it every single day. It wasn’t easy to explain what I exactly feared, because it wasn’t logical and I think mostly it was to face now my past and confront it. I never really confronted as a mature man should do, never; the only chance I got was when I told Shane everything. That night I felt so much lighter and talking to my brat made me feel a little freer from the heavy and hurting chains of my unforgivable mistake.

“I’m afraid just to face and confront my past and my unforgivable actions.” I admitted.

He slipped his arms around me and hugged me strongly, without saying a word and then he pushed back and looked at me with determined and intense eyes.

“Emmett, I think it’s good you finally meet with your friend and with part of your past, because you need to let it go completely and forgive yourself. Your sister and friend didn’t even need to forgive you and you know the reasons; you made a mistake and already paid enough for that; life actually owns you bloody big time. Please don’t go back to that dry and distant Emmett,’re the only one now that has to forgive yourself and it’s about time.” His words pierced me deeply, not in a painful way, but in a soothing and warming way. They gave courage and strength and made me remember how lucky I had actually been. And he was right...about everything.

But life had already paid its debts with me, as he said; it sure did if now I was here with Shane.

“I’m not going back to that pathetic self, Shane. It’s gone for good and you know that.” He smiled and pulled me down for a scorching kiss.

“Hey, they should be here anytime, now.” I gazed at the monitor and yes, the plane had landed many minutes ago. “Now, be the usual arrogant and full of yourself tool, ok? That’s the real you and the one I love.”

“Thought you loved everything of me.” I teased him, now smiling a real carefree grin.

“You know I do, but that conceited and I-am-the-best and controlling sides of yours are simply my favourite, lad and they’re bloody arousing.”

“Shane, don’t tempt me here.” I growled.

“Oh, isn’t that your sister?”


I snapped my head and indeed my sister was walking through the sliding doors carrying a small bag and then stopped looking back. My head began now to thunder in my chest and sent me deaf and my mouth dried up worse than a desert. Someone popped from the sliding doors and it was my best mate, carrying all the bags and grinning in his usual way. I froze for a moment not knowing what to do, then my sister and I spotted each other and a huge and crazy smile rose on our faces. Oh God, how much I have missed my little Alice.

I ran towards her and hugged her so tight that she coughed, then slipped my hands around her waist and lifted her up in the air, spinning around like we used to do when we were kids. She began to laugh and dropped her bag to hug me back.

“Metty!!! Metty!!!...I missed you so much, brother!!!” She giggled and twitted hugging me even stronger.

“Alice, missed you, too!” My voice was quivering with too many emotions and I squeezed my eyes to push them down; I was a grown up man and now way in hell I was going to show tears.

We spun around a bit more and then we both stopped because our heads were getting dizzy. Alice jumped on my neck and kept telling me how happy she was and she missed me and how much she loved me. I saw Jordan stopping right in front of me and smirking in his confident and amused way; man, I missed that bastard, too, and it just broke down on me now, having his face right there.

“Emmett dawg, it’s been a damn long time. Now, let me kick yar whitey ass, ok?”

“Right, if you can make it.” Alice giggled at us and let go of my neck, beaming at us. I knew she was studying me and I knew she guessed all of my thoughts. My heart was racing even more erratically now and didn’t have idea what to think about all of this. Was I nervous? Was I afraid? Was I going mad? Was I... who gave a damn. I was just happy to see them.

“Missed you, Jordan.” He heard the tone of my words and knew they were sincere and serious.

“Miss you, too, mate.” He put the bags on the floor and engulfed me in a strong hug, patting my back. “Man, ya changed a bit, know that? But in a good way.”

My sister kept looking at us and the smile on her face irradiated to all of us; she took my hands and bent on the side, looking for something behind me. I turned my head and saw Shane standing there and simply observing us, with an obvious warm smile. I automatically walked to him and dragged him with me to meet Alice and Jordan; he was slightly nervous and I think I could guess the reason. My arms went around him possessively and proudly and pulled my brat against my chest. He relaxed on me and gripped my hands.

“Alice, Jordan, now you can finally meet in person Shane, my man and my boyfriend.” At those words Shane strengthened the grip and then Alice literally threw herself on him. I took a step back to look at them.

“Shane, we finally meet for real.” She had her arms around his neck and Shane kept a moment frozen there, but then reacted and hugged her back. “So happy to meet you and so happy you’re with my brother and you guys live together. Thank you for taking care of him.”

“Well, thank you for being happy for us...” I chuckled because seeing my brat behaving shyly was quite a rare sight. Alice pulled back and seized him with her bright and ever smiling eyes, her hands on his arms.

“Shane, you look even more handsome in person.” My brat widened his eyes and groaned out something.

“You two really are brother and sister, but bloody hell, you look absolutely beautiful.” Yeah, my sister was indeed beautiful and I checked my friend’s stare. He sensed it and sent me an apologizing nod, but there wasn’t much to do about it.

“Alice, will you let me meet Shane?”

“Oh you’re right, Jordan.” She giggled and stepped back.

“Nice to meet ya, Shane.”

“Same for me, Jordan.” They shook hands and I could tell my friend liked my boyfriend and was curious to know more about him.

“So, how is the arrogant master doing? Still the same? Did he teach you something? Cause dawg, I wanna play a bit with you.” He asked talking fast. Shane burst out laughing and all the tension and nervous was gone.

“He’s still the same, but much better.” Shane winked at me and I shook my head. “We didn’t have much time to be honest, but he taught me something.”

“Right mate, we have some more news and we had two intense weeks. Shane and I now live together and well, how about we go now?”

“You two live together now?” He began to laugh in a booming sound and many people turned around to look at us. Right, Jordan could be the loud guy, believe me. “Do I need earplugs during the night?” I rolled my eyes and wished to strangle him just for what he said in front of my sister.

“Jordan...” I warned him and he just kept laughing like an idiot.

“You won’t need bloody earplugs, lad. We’ll be quiet and silent.” Shane joked and I saw my friend widening his eyes not expecting such an answer.

“Awww...Shane I love you.” Alice hugged him another time and we all left the airport.

While we walked to the car, my sister went ahead talking with Shane about many things and Jordan kept behind and I knew he wanted to say something.

“Emmett, I might be a clown sometimes and I’m sorry about that, but you really look different from years ago and I can’t even begin to tell how happy I’m for you. The kid there must mean a great deal for you.”

“Shane is not a kid; he’s twenty years old and way more mature than I am. But you’re right, he means a lot to me; actually I love him.”

“Master Johnson is in love?” He stopped and studied me. “Yeah dawg, you are freaking in love.”

“Does Alice know?” I asked him suddenly and he knew what I was talking about.

“No, haven’t said a word to her, not tried anything, thus you can relax man. I...I don’t exactly know what to do and don’t think she reciprocates my feelings.” I shifted my eyes to my little mouse and thought about his words. Alice hasn’t noticed his feelings and that was true, but I wasn’t sure he was right about the unrequited part.

“Jordan, needless to say how much I love her and that if anyone will screw with her, he’s going to pay badly, but you’re my best friend and I trust you. You should talk to her, whenever you feel ready.”

“Dawg, Shane changed ya a lot.” He swung an arm around my shoulders. “Thanks, Emmett.”

My friend tried to avoid talking about our old team and teammates, about his career and basketball in general, but I realized I missed it and wanted to know everything, suddenly in need to hear about my past life. Being with Jordan didn’t bring back any sad or hurting memory, only the realization how much I missed basketball just as game and not for what it represented back then, not for the crowd, the cheers, the lights and acclamation, but simply for the pleasure of playing it. He brought back nostalgic feelings and I understood how that old and empty part of me was far gone.

When Alice and Shane concentrated on cooking something, I rested down and just looked at them, impossible to tear my eyes away; they were clearly having the time of their life and they had immediately bonded. Shane was enjoying my sister’s company and her outgoing and solar sweetness and I knew how he was feeling right now. On the other hand, Alice liked my brat like a younger brother and she was thrilled to finally be able to interact in such a way with the person I loved.

Jordan sat with me and I thought it was the good occasion to talk to him and let him know he didn’t have to keep quiet.

“Jordan, you don’t need to avoid the topic, seriously. In all honesty, I want to know how they are doing.”

He kept silent for a moment and scratched his chin, gazing at my sister.

“Some are the same assholes of when you left and some others begged me to tell you how sorry they’re for not having enough guts years ago to back you up. They miss you, Emmett and after you left, we had a hard time in the season, needing to readjust to the pressure, the media, but your leaving. You were the best there and you still are the best, injured knee or not, you still are. Have you ever thought about going back?”

“Going back to what? Where?” I asked him arching my brows.

He perfectly knew it was impossible.

“To US man, and to basketball. You can still give so much to it, believe me.” I snorted and shifted uneasy on the chair. Good thing Shane was busy with my sister and didn’t hear this conversation or see my face now.

“You know I cannot go back and there is nothing I can give to it. Nothing. You think I can play with this knee?” I pointed my wrecked knee and shot him a questioning glare.

“That’s not what I meant; ain’t that stupid, mate. Know ya cannot play anymore at that level and how your knee is fucked up. I meant as coach, you would be one of the best out there.”

I turned my head and stared at him as if he had grown two heads. Me a coach? Was he out of his mind? Did he forget what the press and media said about me and how the public reacted to the scandal?

“Man, are you shitting me? You really think they would let someone like me, someone that had been caught positive at the doping test and got almost addicted to be a trainer? You lost your mind.”

“It’s old story man and who hasn’t made a mistake? You did a huge one and so what? You need to let it go, Johnson, because you can still be out there and teach those idiots some real basket. You had the pretty press conferences telling how sorry you were and condemning what you did, right? People cared just for that and believe me; they had forgotten all of it. There had been two more cases when you left and not because they injured their legs or anything, simply because they weren’t good enough.”

“My family sure hasn’t forgotten about that.” I said drily.

“You really care about them?” He fired back.

I considered his question and rested my eyes on Shane; he turned his head and smiled at me. I returned it and winked. No, I didn’t care anymore about them and to be honest, didn’t miss them anymore. They were lost and that I knew it, but it was mutual; only Alice was now my old family and Shane was my new family. I never told him, but my parents did exactly what his did to him: they disowned me and to be frank, I was relieved now they did it. Our ties were completely and definitely severed. Was I sad about it and did I expected apologies? No, I wasn’t sad and couldn’t give a damn about their apologies; first I knew they would never apologize, not my family and even if they did, would that solve anything? No, it wouldn’t. Shane was right when he said they left me in deep shit and judged me from their clean and nice spot, without ever trying to understand me or help me. They hadn’t let go of me when the scandal blew out, but way before, after I had that accident. So, that was my dear and beloved family. What a joke.

“No, I don’t care anymore about them and for me it’s like they don’t exist anymore.” And those weren’t lies. He clasped my shoulder and he knew I was telling the truth.

“Good to know that, because they behaved like the worst scum and they don’t deserve your sadness. You made a mistake and paid bitterly for that, you should now consider my words.”

I shook my head, there was no way I could go back to the US and become a coach. It was out of question.

“No, it’s impossible for me and ...” I looked at my brat. Living Shane? Impossible, I couldn’t make it and what would he think about living his country and his friends? No, that wasn’t an option.

“Give it a thought, man, don’t say at first it’s impossible. Nothing is impossible for Master Johnson I-am-the-fucking-best.” He grinned and tilted his head towards my man. “Maybe you should ask him, maybe he’ll agree with me, you never know until you ask. And do you really plan on having a long term relationship with him and maybe sacrifice your future chances? Does he worth it?”

His words enraged me to no end and silently growled and shot him a hard and burning stare. How dared he say something like that? Being with Shane didn’t mean sacrifice my future, it meant building my future.

“Jordan, do not dare utter such thing another time or I might forget you’re my best friend. I’m not playing around with Shane, I love him and I want to be with him and he’s my future, is that clear?” I growled, now gripping his arm about to snap it. He studied my face and then a clown-like wide grin plastered his face.

“Dawg, you have never been this serious about someone. Sorry, I was just messing with you, to test you and your feelings and man I want to be the best-man, deal? But wait a moment, you can’t get married here, right?”

I stared at him and just blinked. The bastard, he had played with me and succeeded in that, knowing how my temper and ego worked, but what the hell was he talking about?

“The hell?” I blabbed out.

“Oh please, it’s just about time, I know that, because you had never been this serious and determined about someone; even that ex-fiancée you had, were you really in love with her? You would have left her without giving a second thought about it, am I wrong?” I shook my head unable to answer. “See? Told ya.” He winked and got up and went to check on Alice and Shane, leaving me there still blinking and slightly pissed at the fact he had managed to foul me.

My eyes went on Shane and my friend’s words played in my head. Going back to the US? Did I really have another chance into my old world? I had no idea right now, because it seemed impossible and anyway, I couldn’t make it without my brat, that I knew it. What would he say about that? I exhaled and let it go. I stood up and reached them, snatching my brat away for a possessive hug, needing to feel him this close. His eyes scanned me and detected something; therefore he stretched up and brushed my lips, murmuring something.

“You ok, Em?” I stared at his beautiful eyes and sank my fingers in his back. Was I ok? I smiled.

“Yes, I’m ok; we just talked about few things.” He made a puzzled expression and I shook my head. “Don’t worry, everything is grand.” He snorted and smacked my shoulder.

“Hey love birds, is dinner almost ready? I’m starving here and the food on the plane was terrible, I’m telling ya.” Jordan interrupted us and winked at me.

“You’re the last person entitled to complain, since you haven’t done a thing.” Alice stuck out her tongue and we all laughed at that. “Go and set the table.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He mimicked an army greeting and went on his task. I chuckled and realized how he was gone for my sister; she had him eating on her palm.

“What’s so funny?” Shane questioned, still in my arms.

“My friend and my sister.”

“Oh right, they would look bloody good together.” No surprise he had noticed that, he was sharp and clever. “You’re not playing the part of the scaring and controlling brother?” He provoked me, nibbling my earlobe. sexy devil, always tempting me.

“No need, he knows me too well.” I had to suppress a groan when I felt his tongue slipping inside my ear and his hot breath caressing my skin. “Shane, you’re so going to pay for this later...”

“Is that a promise?” He challenged me, rubbing his sensual body on me.

“You bet, brat.” I almost growled.

He pulled away and flashed me that usual cocky and trouble-maker smirk, his eyes dancing with dark and hungry lights. No, I couldn’t live without him and not simply because I desired him like crazy, but because I loved him with all myself. My friend had been right: I had never been serious in my past, never really loved someone to the point where I could be willing to throw away everything for that person and he was right when he said I would have left my ex-fiancée without a second thought. And I wouldn’t have cared about that, not one bit.

But Shane was that person, the person for whom I’d throw everything away.

“Before I forget, Em...Enna sent me a message earlier and he wrote me he can’t wait to meet your sister.”

Right, when I told them my sister and friend were coming over, he sprang up like some sprite on sugar rush and clapped his hands saying we had to have dinner all together. The arrogant bastard naturally agreed with him, as if he wouldn’t, and I had to promise we would make something together; I hoped they’d spare me from that loud and hyper doll, but wasn’t so sure about that.

“Alright, maybe we can invite them over on Friday, bet Jordan is going to have fun. Do you think also his sister will come?” Please say no.

“Ciara?” He chuckled and stretched his arms long and then wrapped them around my neck. “I don’t know, Em. It’s up to you; I know you don’t quite stand her.”

“It’s not that I don’t stand her, it’s that she’s damn loud and hyper.” I sighed and rubbed his back remembering then she helped me out for his birthday. “Fine, let’s invite her, too.”

“Love you.” He simply murmured on my lips.

I went to answer back, but my friend came over and interrupted me.

“Johnson, leave yar boyfriend alone for at least a minute and tell me where the hell I can find glasses. Man, need to get used to this mushy and oh-so-in-love Emmett.” I smacked his head and he stepped back mimicking to dribble the ball between his legs. “Which way, master?” He tried to fake an exit on his right, but I saw through that and then he turned back and went to pass me, but I stopped him and stole the invisible ball and made a perfect three points.

“Can still see through that, Jordan.”

“Dawg, how is that possible? I can never fake with you.”

Alice looked at us shaking her head and then ordered to get ready for dinner. She dragged Shane away and went back talking about I had no idea what.

“By the way, you’re going to meet his friends.” I casually told Jordan and he handed me the glasses from the cupboard eyeing me curiously.

“Don’t tell a bunch of brats..” He joked.

“Nope, they’re nice, well, one of them is quite an arrogant bastard, but...they care for Shane.”

“Then is your kind of man.” He winked. “Emmett, how comes Shane’s so young and already living with you? What about his family?” I see, Alice didn’t tell him much and preferred to give us the choice if saying something or not.

“His family is worse than mine and they don’t care. It’s not my place to tell you his story, Jordan, but believe me; he’s better off without them.” He looked at him and shook his head. My friend had a wonderful relationship with his family and his parents always treated me like another son, thus it was hard for him to understand such things.

“I see, well he’s lucky to have you and I mean it.”

I looked at him and saw how much he has always valued me and loved me as friend.

“Jordan I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for this long, I really am. I’m glad you’re here and thank you for never giving up on me.”

“No biggie, Emmett. I can only try to understand what you went through, it’s normal you wanted to stay alone, sorry couldn’t do much for you. But hey, now we are and I’m glad about this, too.”

He smiled and then shook his head and I chuckled; I knew he wasn’t good with serious and sappy speech, so I patted his shoulder and nodded. We had already left everything behind us.

During dinner Shane and Jordan talked a lot about basketball, well, my friend talked no-stop about the team and rules and many other things and then asked Shane about his friends, because he was curious to know more about him. He clearly didn’t spare us his oh-so-tactful humour, but my sexy devil couldn’t care less. They were tired and we decided to stay at home and when it was around eleven, Shane wished us good night and went to sleep; he had school in the morning and I had to take few days of permission from work. Jordan followed Shane after half an hour and now it was just me and Alice.

“So, you realized what I was talking about that time, right?” She asked resting her head on my laps.

“Yeah, I did.”

“And?” She insisted, clearly wanting to know every detail.

“And I told him and it’s the same for Shane. Don’t worry little mouse, I’m truly happy with him. Two weeks ago we met with those pieces of craps of his relatives and signed the agreement, so now he is completely free from everything and legally living here with me.”

“I saw the names at the door and I think it’s wonderful. I never saw you so carefree and smiling around a person you claimed as partner; with Shane you’re another Emmett, I mean, the same old Emmett I love, but not anymore concentrated only on yourself. You’re actually totally concentrated on him and I can tell you two are deadly serious and I really like Shane.”

“I can see that, Al.” I smiled and paused a moment. “Was I that bad years ago?”

“No, you were never bad; you’ll always be my big brother. I am just saying you finally become more human and your old arrogance is now more belligerent possessiveness. I can tell he’s the right person for you and he’s been able to bring out the best of you, the warm, sweet and playful sides you wanted to keep only for yourself.” Alice eyes gleamed of millions of sparkles and she brushed my cheek.

“Thanks, Al.” We kept in silence for a while and then she broke it with a question.

“Did Jordan ask you about going back and thinking about becoming a coach?”I massaged my temples and exhaled.

“Yes, he did, but you both know it’s not possible and I can’t go back to the US, not now anyway.”

“Mett, nothing is impossible and what he said is true, people forgot about it and had some asking me about you, saying it was a pity you had to leave it.” She paused a moment and searched my eyes. “I am sure Shane and Jordan already told you and it’s not the first time I say it, but one more time won’t be bad. You need to let go of your past, completely, the way you let go of our family. Just think about it, that’s the only thing I ask you to do, think about it and talk about that with Shane, because I know you cannot leave him or stay without him.”

I didn’t say anything; today I had too much to deal with at once and now I didn’t want to think about it; saying something wasn’t impossible didn’t make it automatically possible. That I knew too well.

“Enough about me, little mouse. Tell me about yourself.” She winged her brows and twisted her nose. “Don’t make that face, little sis; you know what I am talking about. What about Jordan?”

“What?” She gushed out, suddenly sitting up beside me. “What do you mean?”

I wasn’t sure about that, but she behaved in a certain way around him, nothing too catchy or loud, simple little gestures and I wanted to know if my guesses were right or not.

“You like my best friend?” She widened her eyes and blushed madly. God, gotta be a joke, seriously. “Alice?”

“Don’t tell him anything, he doesn’t know that.” I chuckled and shook my head; my friend better move his ass and do it soon. “Promise you won’t say a word.” She showed me her pinkie and I had to repress my sudden fit of laugh. I hooked her finger with mine and promised to keep my mouth shut.

“Promise, little mouse.” We then both yawned and decided to go to sleep. “Good night Alice and, thank you.” She knew what I meant.

“No need to thank me, because I want you to be happy.” She hugged me and kissed good night.

I walked to the bedroom and opened the door. Shane was breathing quietly and he was probably already asleep; I removed my clothes and walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and did a quick shower and then silently slipped into bed, wrapping my arm around him and spooning him gentle. I inhaled his scent, the warmth of his skin caressing mine, and nuzzled his neck; he mumbled something incoherent and turned to face me, snuggling his head on my chest. Well, I’ll fulfil my promise another day, now we both needed to sleep.

"Good night and sweet dreams, my brat." I whispered on his hair, softly stroking his back until I fell asleep.

Author's chit-chat:

So, what do you think about his friend's words? What Shane would say about that?

Sadly enough, have to say that this story is approaching its end...don't ask me how many chapters, because I don't know to be honest, but I can tell you is about to be concluded..

Next chapter is part 2 and we'll have Alice and Jordan meeting Enna and Roman and a glimpse of Emmett's talent. Coming in few days!

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