chapter sixty-three

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"just you being here is enough of a gift."

Bailey Jones
two months pregnant.

Back in Los Angeles, with only Shawn. We decided to let Brooke with our parents since we left for only two weeks. The time to say goodbye to our offices and explain everything to them.

"Babe?" I heard Shawn from upstairs as I yelled him that I'm in the kitchen. "Still eating?" He asked as I nodded and handed him a plate.

"Yeah, I was craving of these." I said showing the pancakes with maple sirup. "I'm carrying a Canadian baby who wants pancakes." I said making my fiancé laugh.

"You will amaze me every time." He smiled. "So glad that you're are going to be my wife." He told me as I pouted and tried to fight back the tears.

"Stop! You know I'm a emotional mess." I said as he tried to not laugh. "I'm sorry baby." He stood up and gave me quick peck.

"Ready to see your old office?" He asked as I sighed. I wasn't that happy to go there but I felt very guilty to leave Emily alone. "Since, you made this face I take that as a no." He laughed lightly.

"Do you think we see my bump in this skirt?" I asked spinning on myself as he shook his head. "You look perfect, and those skirts make you incredibly sexy." He said biting his lip.

"Okay, do you want me to drive you to your office and then pick you up for lunch?" He asked as I nodded. "Yes, thank you." I answered

Shawn drove me to the office, I kissed his cheek and got out of the car. I took a deep breath and walked in the building.

"Morning, Mrs.Jones. Glad to see you again." Said Monica.

I walked over her and hugged her. "God, I missed you Monica." She chuckled but hugged me back.

"I guess, I missed you too Mrs.Jones." She smiled. "Come on! Call me Bailey we know each other for almost four years!" I exclaimed as she nodded.

"What a beautiful ring, Bailey." She said looking at my rock. "Shit I forgot, please don't tell anyone." I said taking off my ring.

"I won't." She said smiling. "Mrs.Mendes." She chuckled lightly as I rolled my eyes.

I walked in the elevator and checked me in the mirror. Do I looked okay? Do I looked pregnant? Or do I looked totally disgusting?

"Morning Bailey." Said Michael next to me as I jumped lightly. "Sorry I didn't want to scare you!" He laughed. "You look flawless."

I blushed and looked away. "Thank you Michael." I smiled lightly. "It's been a long time since the last time I saw you." He added as I nodded.

"I worked on another project and I'll tell you about it in the day." I said stepping out of the elevator. "See you later, then."

This familiar smell, coffee. I missed this, the way everyone was smiling as soon as I stepped into their level, the way they whispered cause I appeared out of nowhere after almost six months of missing. I knew that some of them were really happy to see me and others were not. Who cares?

I heard screams coming from my office, it had to be Emily. "Bossy, Em?" I said as she looked up and smiled, I looked over the employee who looked relaxed on my arrival.

"Bails!" She squealed, "I missed you." She exclaimed as I laughed and hugged her. "You forgot about me!"

"I don't." I said. "I wanted to call you but I couldn't. I was really busy." And I was busy, she nodded.

"Tell me everything!" She yelled like a child as I sat and started to tell her everything. Everything I've been through, the fact that I was leaving LA for Toronto and all. "Wow, so you're pregnant?"

"I am." I answered as she squealed in excitement, I told you : a child. "I'm so happy and surprised." I said looking at my stomach.

"How long?" She asked looking at my bump. "Two months." I answered while she smiled like crazy.

"Emily, I-I want you to come with me." I said, her eyes opened wide. "To Toronto?" She asked as I nodded.

"You don't have to but think about it." I said smiling. "I have to go I have a meeting with the employees about everything."

She nodded. "Glad to see you again, Bails." She told me. "Glad to be here again, Em." I answered smiling as I stepped out of the office.

I smiled to myself and walked to the room. "Hey everyone. Nice to see you again." I said smiling. "If you are here it's because I can trust you and I really love you." I said laughing as they chuckled.

"So, why this meeting?" Asked Michael as I looked up and instantly smiled. Michael was working for me since the beginning, he always believed in me even if I wanted to quit everything.

"So, I've been away from the office because I was mostly working at home, I realized that I needed to spend more time with my daughter and also my boyfriend. I spent a lot of time in Toronto which led me to this meeting. Most of you must know that my boyfriend is Canadian and that my family live here." I smiled. "I had a meeting earlier in the month because I wanted to turn Toronto into our headquarters. So that's what I did." I told them as they nodded.

"So, if you are it's because I want you to come with me to Toronto. Of course, it's not an obligation, you have until next Monday to think about it." I added. "I know that it is a hard situation but I promise it will worth it." I smiled to them as they nodded.

"Thank you so much for listening." I said as they all clapped their hands and smiled to me. It felt good to feel loved by my employees because I didn't want to look like a crazy boss that yelled and looked mad every day because I was not like that.

"May I ask a question?" Said the brunette sitting at the opposite of me. "Sure. Go ahead."

"Are we going to be pay better?" Some of them gasped as I nodded. "Of course! I'm making you move to LA from Toronto, you are maybe going to give up a lot so of course I'll pay you better and the post there will be more interesting." I said to them as they nodded and smiled.

"I have a question." Said the red hair, which was beautiful. She looked absolutely stunning. "A-Are you pregnant?" She asked

I smiled and shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe." I told her as she pouted. "You will see, Mrs.." I looked for her name as she chuckled. "Mrs.White." She answered and I nodded.

Everyone left but Michael stood here and looked at me. "Hey Michael. Are you okay?" I asked as he nodded

"Perfect. Are you pregnant?" He asked as I smiled widely but nodded.

"I am, yeah." I answered as he smiled and hugged me.

"That's amazing!" He told me as I pulled away. "I'm sorry I shouldn't hug my boss like that." He apologized, what a nice man I almost forgot how he was.

"Michael, we're friends. Plus, how is Thomas?" Yes, he was gay but I had noting against them, and Michael was pretty funny to me.

"Perfect, what about we see each other tonight? So I can tell you about my love life and you can tell me about yours." He said with a little smirk.

I meant, why not? It could be fun. "Sure." I smiled to him, he stood up and left the room leaving more than happy.

Okayyy, update of the day!
I'll update tomorrow or tonight if I don't sleep lol.

Hope I didn't do mistakes :)

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