a locked chest in the ocean

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I still remember
The day i fled to Germany
How relieved i have felt
Or lowkey gleeful
That i have left the love of my life behind
All those ridiculous feelings
Of love ,lust, and affection
The inconvenient ones
Shoved, locked in a chest
Dropped in the ocean
my plane had flown over.

I still remember
the lust
Confusing feelings
Palpable heart
Beating fast whenever you're close.
the jealousy
Made me wanted to claw into your chest.

Thousand words of love
I have written
Or maybe more
Our fleeting glance
Grazing hands
Heated press of flesh
I always know you never return.

I still remember
How liberating it was
To flee
To bury the love i have had
In you
Thousand and thousand miles apart
Knowing it would never return
That we will never meet again
(If i'll be careful enough)
That years from now on, i would hear
That you have wife and kids
And i can
Bury the love i have into you
And free to carry on my life.

Knowing that my love is there
Just not returned
Somewhere in the depth of ocean
And would not be found.

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