Chapter 6 (🔞)

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⚠️TW: R18
Okay..this chapter...contains a lot of adult scenes.
If you feel uncomfortable, feel free to click back or skip to the next chapter.
Happy reading!













Halilintar woke up with a tremendous headache. Not only the head, the whole body feels so heavy to move.

His eyelids felt heavy to just open, he felt very sleepy.

After a while, Halilintar's consciousness had begun to gather. He turned and surveyed his surroundings.. The room has a classic white-golden nuance with minimal items, this is his own room.

His brain slowly tried to replay the events of last night. He and his son went on an excursion to the playground..after that..

After that... What happened?

Is he..sleeping?

Halilintar tried to lift his body and felt his neck being choked tightly by something that pulled him backwards, this made him startled half to death and fell back onto the bed while trying to get up.

Halilintar's hand reflexively felt his sore neck, and that's when he realized that there was something coiled around his neck.

Something like an iron dog collar was tied tightly to his neck which was connected by a long chain attached to the edge of the mattress.

His fear was heightened when he realized that both of his legs were also tied to the end of the connected mattress with an object coiled around his neck, making him completely shackled in his own bed.

'Oh my God! My children! Where are they??' he began to panic because he did not feel the presence of the six twins.

Worries enveloped him, How could he not? He woke up in his own room, bound by these things without the presence of his children. He was afraid that something bad would happen to his children.

"Errghh.." Halilintar tried to forcefully pull the object wrapped around his neck, but instead of letting go, the object pulled him even more until it made his throat suffocate even more.

Halilintar's movement stopped when his ears caught the sound of footsteps approaching his room. Not one, not two.. but more than that. The footsteps echoed so much that it was impossible for him to tell how many people were out there.

A moment...

The fact that he was in his own room...his children who didn't know where he was, the sound of many footsteps made him have one assumption in his head..

If you think about it.. who can enter this house other than...

His eyes widened at the awkwardness that seemed to slap his face.

When the door opened, his fear increased and his vision began to glaze over knowing that what he had suspected had really happened statement.

" finally woke up, father..." Gempa, who was walking at the front, approached Halilintar with a smile on his face.

"I panicked that I thought I put it in too much so father didn't wake up" Taufan behind him chuckled "thank goodness father is fine"

The six twins walked over to Halilintar who immediately shrunk his body on the edge of the bed, trying to avoid his six children who looked ready to eat him alive.

When he felt the weight on the bed increase, Halilintar closed his eyes tightly and hid them in the folds of his hands. He didn't dare to move, didn't dare to look.

'Please.. if this is a bad dream, let me wake up..'

"ohh, father... why are you afraid?" Gempa moved closer and touched Halilintar's shaking shoulder.

Halilintar immediately brushed Gempa's hand away and away from him.

"This is father's room, you know, doesn't father like it here?" he said in an innocent tone made for him, Halilintar wanted to cry.


Halilintar's hair was suddenly pulled forcibly to make him look up. His ruby ​​eyes widened in shock, tears started to fall down Halilintar's cheeks because of the extreme pain from his hair being pulled roughly and it felt like it wanted to be pulled out.

"look at us, now"

Halilintar's gaze slowly turned to look at the six twins, his whole body trembling with fear. Six.. or maybe the five twins smiled with satisfaction to see it.

"good.. if father is nice, we won't hurt father anyway"

Gempa whispered softly then released his grip on his father's hair, he stroked Halilintar's head before pulling him to lean on his shoulder.

These were not the six twins he knew as his children.. they were monsters. His son would never do something like this to him. Halilintar still wanted to believe that this was just a bad dream.

His hands were untied, but Halilintar was too scared to move at this moment. Instead of moving, to speak he hesitated. Afraid that they will do something out of the ordinary.

Sure enough, Gempa's hands began to fondle one side of Halilintar's exposed thigh, giving him goosebumps. Only then did he realize that the lower part of his body was completely bare without a single pair of pants, and the only thing he was wearing at the moment was the white oversized hoodie he was wearing last night.

"w-why..?" Halilintar asked softly, Gempa tilted his head and smiled as if amused by his father's chaotic expression at this time.

"Because we really love father," Gempa replied, chuckling.

"And besides.. father must be punished for playing without us"

Halilintar's vision widened as Gempa showed a video from Solar's cell phone. The video that has been kept well by Solar and is a secret that only he and Hali know only.

The figure of Halilintar, who is so cool and calm, appears to be masturbating with a ball-shaped vibrator, shyly inserted by Halilintar himself.

Even though it wasn't obvious that his virginity had been taken away by a toy, the object succeeded in bringing Halilintar to climax in the video.

"but it's okay, because today we can finally take our part"

Taufan, Blaze, Ais and Thorn approached Halilintar and began to sit around him on the bed. He was still trying to protect himself but the strength of four people was much stronger than one person. With ease, the four of them pulled Halilintar's legs and forced him back into a supine position.

"W-what are you guys..d-don't!" The father struggled as hard as he could when those hands began to push aside the hoodie he was wearing and fondle his exposed chest.

It was like getting an electric shock when their fingers brushed against his nipples. Halilintar winced, he kept moving his body in the hope that the hands that were touching him would be released.

But instead of being released, Thorn and Blaze who controlled the game immediately squeezed the father's nipples strong enough and made him scream in pain.

"Shut up! Thornie doesn't like being rude to father, but if father keeps fighting, thorn won't hesitate to break father's neck!"

Hearing that come out of Thorn's mouth seemed to stop Halilintar for a moment due to shock. Thorn, the child he had known so innocently and spoiled, said such things?

"nnggh..a-ahh.." the moan he had been holding back came out when the two wet tongues touched the two protrusions on his chest, giving him a strange stimulus that he had never felt before.

Seeing his father's reaction, who was trembling with embarrassment and pleasure, made Thorn and Blaze even more excited. They started sucking and sucking the lust of the two round nipples and made the father's sighs even more so.

"Your sighs are so melodious, father.." Gempa from the side caressed Halilintar's hair which was already wet with sweat. He gave affection to make his father a little calmer, but his actions only made Halilintar tremble even more in the midst of his fear and frustration.

Stimulation after stimulus that Halilintar received slowly began to erode his defenses. What's more, Taufan's and Ais' hands also explored his smooth, unprotected thighs so that the stimulation he got multiplied.

The screams and moans that came out of Halilintar's mouth started to get uncontrollable when Thorn and Blaze started sucking and leaving some lovebites on the father's body, which honestly felt pain mixed with pleasure because of their sharp teeth.

"S-stop....e-enough.. haahh.."

Halilintar faintly swayed. But of course the five people who had been blocked by their passions didn't heed it, they instead chuckled seeing Halilintar's face which was bright red and sweating because he was desperately holding back the feeling of tightness in his lower part.

"the best ahegao face" Gempa praised while stroking Halilintar's cheek.

"I thought father hated it..but how come it's already wet like this?" chuckled Taufan when he saw Halilintar's manhood was already pointing straight and dripping precum, even though the stimulation they gave was not much.

"P-please.. let me go.." pleaded Halilintar with a pitiful face, his ruby ​​eyes were so beautiful filled with tears and provided the best view for his children.

"It's not that easy, dear father..." Blaze smiles "Father must be responsible because it makes us wake up too" The four people in front of him immediately took off their clothes and left only their boxers with something protruding from the inside.

Halilintar himself was surprised to see the bodies of his children who were quite athletic and muscular, including Thorn. Far different from his own body which tends to be thin.

Gempa also did the same and showed a body that was no less good than his four younger siblings. He pulled Halilintar to lean against his chest, so that his father could feel Gempa's chest muscles.

"Besides... father don't want to stop if it's already wet like this... right?"

Gempa's hand began to move up and down to shake Halilintar's manhood which had been held up straight. His fingers gently massaged it and he could feel it getting slippery because of the pre-cum that kept coming out of the manly head.

Thorn and Blaze, who had only been watching, also brought their faces closer to their father's manly head. Their tongues played skillfully to provide extra stimulation to Halilintar's manhood who was already twitching. Meanwhile, Ais and Taufan spread Halilintar's legs and showered his inner thighs with small kisses.

"nggggh....d-don't..ahh.." Halilintar sighed without stopping. It had been a long time since he had last felt a warm, tight sensation when his cock was being stimulated.

He desperately tries not to get aroused because after all they are his own children, but the stimulation they give really erodes his defenses which are now much weakened.

He, of course, has never masturbated don't knows how it feels, but this time it is much different because it is his own child who is doing it. Instead of being pleased, Halilintar felt disgusted with himself for not being able to fight back.

The longer they played, the faster their playing tempo made Halilintar start to convulse with pleasure that seemed to electrocute his body and brain. It didn't take long for Halilintar to reach its climax due to stimulation he's been receiving ever since.

"I-I.. aahhh!" Halilintar sighed as he released a white, fishy-smelling liquid that sprayed Thorn and Blaze right in the face.

The three twins who managed to make Halilintar come out smiled with satisfaction. Thorn and Blaze immediately licked up the remaining liquid that had spilled onto Halilintar's thighs without the slightest disgust.

"I didn't expect our father to be so sexy and erotic~" Gempa licked Halilintar's blushing ears, not even giving Halilintar a chance to rest after releasing him. He again stimulated his father, a sign that their game was not over.

"Father..look here.."

Halilintar slowly turned around and closed his eyes as Gempa kissed him voraciously. He pressed the nape of Halilintar down so his father couldn't escape, but even without being held back, Halilintar, who was already lying limp, wasn't strong enough to fight him, he could only surrender to his current situation.

"nghh.." Halilintar groaned when Gempa ended their kissing session. Gempa's eyes shifted, glancing at his youngest brother who had been standing far from there without any intention of getting closer.

"Solar, are you sure you don't want to join?"

Solar turned his face the other way and shook his head. His eyes closed and tried to restrain himself from interfering. Even though it was undeniable that his face was red and his 'thing' had started to wake up just by witnessing his father being treated like that by his siblings.

"I'm being generous..." Gempa said while hugging Halilintar's thin waist.

Solar gasped when he saw his own pants which really felt damp and wet because of the pre-cum seeping out, blocked by his own pants. He bit his lips, meeting the gaze of the limp Halilintar.

Halilintar was really tempting him now. Ruby eyes ​​who looked sadly at Solar, his face was bright red with lips swollen and flushed from the kiss earlier, his smooth body which was perfectly exposed with lovebites everywhere, his two rounded nipples, and don't forget the white liquid that also adorned his body.

"come here and ruin our little father, Solar"

This scene will be continues in the next chapter. If you found any mistakes, please notify me 🙏

To be continued.

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