The night to forget

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The night was cold, Toby walked down the street under the light of street posts. He did his job, he killed the guy, his ax was still thick with the blood of his victim. Drip, drip, drip, leaving a line of blood, puddles left from the rain that night stained scarlet with blood. Clouds covered the sky and he was alone, time to collect his reward, the guy should be at the old bridge. Toby continued to walk to the old bridge to collect his payment, sirens in the distance told him that the cops had found the body, "Lousy hiding spot I chose." he said smiling under his mask and shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets and whistled a happy tune as he walked, his ax hanging on his back by a strap. When he got to the bridge his guy was waiting, "Well, you did it Toby. Good job, and as I promised here is your money." he said and handed Toby a small pouch of coins, Toby shook the pouch, "Five coins. You promised ten, I don't like liars Slender. You know I don't." Toby said with a little command in his voice along with some pride. He smiled slyly under his mask, "Come on Slender. Pay up or i'm done doing your dirty work for you. You can't afford to lose me right now can you?" Slender looked at him, "No. Here is the rest of the money, now if you don't mind I do believe you have another job to do before the night is over." he said and tossed Toby another pouch with five coins. Toby grinned, "Pleasure doing business with you Slender. And I do have another job. You'll pay me fully right, other wise i'm not doing it?" he made sure to sound sly this time instead of respectful, Slender just nodded agreement and faded into the shadows. Toby set off on to do his job, "Man, Slender is so uptight. It's like he's scared of being seen outside of the shadows." Toby continued to walk, sirens sounded in the distance and grew louder by the second. "Damn it! I can't believe they found me already. Well shit." Toby started to run to a dark ally for cover, he waited in the shadows until the sirens had passed and been long gone, "Good thing I was turning down this street anyway. They went the wrong way." Toby crept out of the dark and back into the light of the street lamps. He whistled a soft tune as he walked, the night was starting to grow pale and gray, the air around him changed and he could smell his next victim close by. "I guess she came out for an early morning walk, lucky me." Toby said out loud as he swerved in the direction of his victim. Not to far ahead he could see her, she wore a purple hoodie, black skinny jeans, black converse, and a yellow head band to hold back her long brown hair from her face. He crept up on her, just when he was three inches away from her and about to kill her, she spun around and grabs his wrist. She bent her knee up and smashed his arm onto it, he dropped the ax with a big thud and fell on his knees. "Damn it lady! Why did you do that?!" he asked loudly, "You were about to kill me and I don't like death that much so... I'm not easy to kill." she said with a hint of anger in her soft voice. Her brown eyes shown with courage and strength, Toby knew that this target would be hard to kill. "Well. I guess this is going to be fun." he got up with his ax, stood with his head down then looked up quickly, his eyes shining with a darkness and insane look that the girl's eyes showed a little shock. He threw himself at her and swung, over and over again but no matter how many times he swung the girl would just dodge it. She threw out one of her arms and gripped his wrist again before his ax could reach her head, stopping it dead swing. She didn't do what she did before, instead she grabbed a big rock from her hoodie pocket and smashed it against Toby's head, her left eye had turned bright yellow. Toby went limp, she let go and he fell to the ground, his vision went blurry and then black, he was unconscious. When he woke up he was inside. He lay on a couch as a girl wiped his head with a wet cloth, it then soaked up with blood. "Ugh... Where am I? Why does my head hurt so bad?" Toby couldn't remember what happened and then, oh, the girl treating him was the girl he was trying to kill a little while ago. "Relax. I know who you are, Ticci Toby I do presume. The killer that killed the one guy last night. Man, to take orders from someone and do their dirty work for them is just messed up. I felt bad for hitting you in the head and I brought you here to help." she said before he could ask the question why he was where he was even though his mouth was already open to ask the question. He sighed and rolled over so that his back was facing the girl, "My name is Alli if you want to know, not that you need to know." she said calmly. Toby turned back to Alli, "Sorry for trying to kill you last night. I was just doing my job that's all.

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