Chapter 15: I Promise

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Allie's POV:

When the three of us reach Carrie's front door we're out a breath. Why did they feel the need to put barbed wire on the fence? So rude. Anyways, when we reach the door I quickly knock, hoping I'm not too late to stop the boys from doing anything stupid. Then Carrie opens the door.

She looks less than thrilled to see us. "Hey." We say with nervous smiles on our faces. "What are you three doing here? How did you get over the security gate?" She asks. "Uh, teamwork! Do you have a band aide? The barbed wire's new." I laugh. "What do you want?" She asks. I freeze.

I can't exactly tell her why we're really here. "Uh...just thought you should know that Allie's band is playing at the dance tonight." Flynn says, thinking quickly. "Now you know." Julie says, smiling. "You guys are acting weirder than usual." She says. 

"Probably because we're thirty. Can we come in, for a glass of water?" I ask. She just rolls her eyes. "If it'll make you leave faster. Oh and don't break anything she says, letting us in. I can't believe that worked. I thought for sure she was gonna slam the door in our faces. 

Once inside we set to work looking for the guys. "Where are you?" I mumble to myself. "I'm right here." A familiar voice says behind us. I freeze and the three of us turn around to see Nick sitting on the couch. "Nick. Hey." I say, shocked to see him here. 

Don't know why I'm so shocked, him and Carrie are dating. "Hey! Glad you're here. We wanted to tell you that Allie's band is playing at the dance." Flynn says. "Oh yeah. No I...I saw your post." He says. "These girls bothering you babe?" Carrie says, showing up with the waters. 

"No, just telling us about the dance tonight." He tells her. "Right, Allie and her hologram band are playing." She says, handing us the waters. "How did you learn to do all that hologram stuff anyway?" She asks me. I freeze for a second. 

"Uh, you know, the internet. It was really the guys who came up with the idea. One of them's a tech guy." I say. She nods, satisfied with my answer. She walks over to Nick and sits down beside him. "What do ya say babe?" He asks, smiling at her. 

"Sure, let's check out the hologram show." She says. "Great. Um...I'll make sure all my buddies are there." He tells me, grinning. I smile nervously and nod. "Ooh, how exciting! That's a lot of people staring at you." She says. I blush and look down. 

"You girls remember where the door is, right?" She asks. "Yeah." I say, purposefully spilling my water. "Oh, I am so sorry, I'm such a klutz. Just let me clean this us and we'll be on our way. Towels in the same place?" I ask. She nods with a tight lipped smile. 

I hand Julie my water and head off. Once I'm out of sight I head up the stairs. "You guys better hope I don't catch you up here." I mumble underneath my breath. Luckily I don't find them up here. When I reach the bottom though, I see them mooning Mr. Wilson's helicopter out back. 

I gesture for Julie and Flynn to keep them occupied while I go talk to them. I quickly go outside while they're standing up. "So, did you all have fun?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Ok, you'd do the exact same if he stole all your songs." Luke tells me. I shake my head. 

"But you have new songs, with me. Isn't that enough? The best way to get back at him is for this band to do well. To do that we have to play at dances, then clubs-" "And tours, I know." Luke says, stepping forwards. I sigh. 

"I'll meet you guys at the school. Remember, we go on at nine. Please don't be late. There are going to be a lot of people there." I tell them. They all nod. "We got it, alright? Don't worry." Alex says. I nod and look to Luke. He's the most angry at Trevor. He offers me a smile. 

"I promise, we'll be there to rock those kids faces off." He says. This causes me to grin. "Good, I'll see you guys later." With that I head back inside and grab a towel from the cabinet. Once I clean up the water Julie, Flynn, and I exit the house. "Did you talk to them?" Julie asks. I nod. 

"We're all good. Now, we have to get home to get ready for tonight." I say. She nods and we head home. When we get there we say goodbye to Flynn and head upstairs tour separate rooms. When I get up there I go immediately to my mom's trunk. 

Julie and I each got a trunk full of mom's old costumes when she passed. I open it and start to dig through all the clothes. I quickly find a flower print crop top. It's perfect. I take it over to my own closet and dig through. I quickly find what I'm searching for. 

I take out my sheer black button up. I quickly put the tops on, leaving the button up unbuttoned. I leave my pants and quickly change out my shoes to something more dressy. One that I done I go over to my vanity and take off my beanie. 

I quickly curl my hair and do light makeup on my face. When I go to reach for my beanie again I freeze. Then I pull my hand back. Smiling at my reflection I stand and leave my room, heading over to Julie's. She's just finishing up when I knock. "Come in!" She calls. 

When I go inside she turns and grins at me. "You look amazing Al." She says. I smile back. "You too Jules. Mom's stuff?" I ask. She nods and point to my floral top. I nod at the unspoken question. We go sit on her bed and I begin fixing her hair. 

"You know, mom would be so proud of you." She tells me. My hands pause for a second before continuing on with what they're doing. "I know. She would be proud of you too. You're an amazing pianist Jules." I say. 

"Never been as good as you, but thank you. That means a lot to me." She says. I quickly finish her hair. "Wow! This looks great Al!" She says happily. "Of course." Suddenly both of our phones ding. We look at them. "Flynn. Come on, she'll be waiting for us." She says. 

I nod and together to two of us head out. Let's do this. 

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