Chapter 19: Tía Intervenes

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Allie's POV:

When we get back to the garage we set to work working on the song for tonight. Alex counts us in and we start.


Marchin' on proud
Turn it up loud

Cause now we know what we're worth

We stop abruptly when Luke poofs in. "Whoa, Allie." He says, shocked to see me. "Grab your guitar, we've got work to do." I tell him, smiling softly. He stares at me in disbelief before grinning and grabbing his guitar. He walks over and stands in front of me. "What made you come back?"

"I remembered how important music is to all of us, and we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too." I tell him. "Thanks." I smile and nod. "Alright boss, where we at?" He asks. "Oh, one more thing." I say. He turns to me again. "Happy birthday." 

He looks shocked, but then glances towards Alex and Reggie. He smiles back at me and then takes his place. "Let's go from the pre-chorus." I say. They nod and Alex counts us in again. After practicing I tell the guys I'm going to get ready before heading into the house.

The entire time I'm humming the song we're playing tonight. When I get to the kitchen Carlos is going everywhere, taking pictures while Julie is sitting at the counter doing her homework. I give her a questioning look and she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him. "Looking for those orb things. I'm telling you, this place is haunted. Every time I open my laptop it's on some rock music sight. And you know that's not me. I'm all about the rap." He says. I just smile and shake my head. "Reggie." I mumble.

"I'm just trying to protect the two of you." He says. I sigh and head towards the living room. "Oh, I'd be careful in there. Dad has that look on his face like when google maps tells him to turn on the wrong street." He says. My eyes widen. I wonder what could be that bad?

Slowly I walk into the room. He stands in front of me, arms crossed. "Care to tell me why you missed the first three classes today?" He asks. Oh no. "I'm sorry, I just over slept at Flynn's house after the dance. Besides. There was nothing going on in those classes anyways." I say.

I leave out the fact that I had a calculus test, but he doesn't need to know that. "It won't happen again, I promise." With that I head over to the couch and sit down. "Ok, but if I know you missed class, then it's only a matter of time before-" The door swings open. 

"I came as fast as I could! Alessandra, I will not let you fall into the gutter of life." She says. I flinch at my full name. "Tía, I'm fine, I just over slept. And dad and I already talked about it." I say, putting on a smile. 

"You are far for fine sobrina. I called your teacher today and she said you missed a calculus test." She exclaims. I flinch and turn back to dad. "Nothing going on huh?" He asks, angry now that he knows I lied to him. 

"Dad, I'm so sorry, but I talked with my teacher after school and she said it's perfectly fine if I take it tomorrow." I tell him. "This is where you punish her." My aunt says. "I know. more going out on school nights." He says. My eyes widen. "But dad, tonight-" 

My aunt cuts me off by clearing her throat. "And go to you room. a book. calculus." He says. I stare at him is disbelief. "Go, now." He says. I sigh and head up to my room. My aunt is really pushing it. 

When I get up there I sit on my bed and grab my song journal. I like to doodle on it sometimes. There's one last empty spot and I know exactly what to put there. I quickly draw a cupcake with a candle on top. Like the cake Luke's parents shared this afternoon. 

When I finish it my phone dings. I put my marker and mic down before picking up my phone. It's from Nick. It's a picture of a 70s dancer with his face cropped on. I laugh and text back 'lol'. Suddenly there's a knock on my door, but when I look over the hand is on the inside. I smile. 

"What are you guys doing?" I ask. Reggie pops his head in. "We're being classy." He says. I grin as he's pulled back and Luke steps in followed by the other two. "What are you still doing here? We go on in twenty minutes." Luke says. I look down. 

"I lied to my dad so I'm stuck in my room all night." I explain. "Yeah, but we were just at the venue. I mean, it's packed. Like, VIPs, managers." Alex lists. "What are we gonna do about my aunt? She's right downstairs." I say. 

"You aunt." Luke scoffs, walking past me to my window and pushing it open a little. "You're not taking the stairs." I look at him in disbelief before it morphs into a smile. "Ok, let me get dressed. I'll meet you guys there." I tell them. Reggie and Alex poof out immediately. 

Luke sends me a grin before poofing out as well. I smile and wonder over to my mom's chest. I open it and look through the clothes. I don't know what I want to wear. Then I see something out of the corner of my eye. It's a white and black lace dress with a single matching glove. 

I pick them up and grin. Perfect. I quickly change and put on some shoes before going over to the mirror. I curl my hair and pin two pieces back before applying light make up. Once I'm ready I look at myself in the mirror and grin. Show time. 

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