Chapter #3 The Journey begins ( part 2.5)

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"after what happened with it with the news man, lieutenant Anderson is now trying to make sure that his fellow comrades & soldiers to keep themselves alive. But, felt pretty worried about the morale of the men around him, even the wounded."

Lt. Anderson: [ sitting down on the ground & reading the map, stopped reading the map & looking at the men & the wounded] ' Spc. Louis. Do you think that we are doing the right thing here?'

Spc. Louis: ' to be honest with you sir, we are doing something that absolutely right & we are trying to stop them from spreading so much blood and Carnage in this country, even every part of the world.'

Lt. Anderson: ' thank you, Louis. I truly appreciate your help and having everyone fighting along side with each other. I'm truly grateful and proud to lead you, Guys. '

" As the American forces are taking a break from the firefight, SSgt. Dukeson is writing a letter to his family & after he finished writing his letter, he putted it away & place it inside his field breast pocket jacket."

( Next day, May 18. Heavy Rain)

" American forces are trying their effort of climbing up the hill, but, the heavy Rain & the muddy ground is the troops a harder time within their objective while being under fire by the Enemy."

Lt. Anderson: [ climbing up the hill as much as possible, but kept sliding down due to the ground being muddy] " gosh darn it. This absolutely terrible and..."

" As Lt. Anderson was about to say something, then he saw two American soldiers were shot badly & realized that a shooter is attacking from behind them."

Spc. Louis: [ turned around & saw the Enemy soldier hiding down on a fox hole, I pulled out a Grenade & pulled out the pin & threw it where the shooter is at] " die!! You freaking Rats!!" [ The grenade exploded on the fox hole & killed the shooter]

" After specialist Louis finished off the Enemy shooter, then he resume on climbing up the hill while being under fire. Then, A Soldier came to aid the wounded soldier which his name is "Doc" Johnson, A medic Specialist that was shot somewhere within the right side of his body."

Lt. Anderson: " Jackson! Doc's been hit!" [ Kept on climbing up the hill within the Mud & Rain, also under Gunfire] " Jackson, try to help him out, while you guys try to stay alive, understood."

" then, Pfc. Jackson started to climb up towards to Medic Specialist Johnson. Once Pfc. Jackson have already reached to Johnson, he tried to get Johnson's arm & opening his sleeve & pulled out a syringe of morphine & place the syringe carefully to Johnson's arm & use it until it's empty. After that, Pfc. Jackson tries to get Doc Johnson."

Doc Johnson: " Nooo!! Diggs?! Please stay with me." [ Trying to awake up my friend.]

Pfc. Jackson: [ trying to get His friend, but realized that he's dead] " Doc! Diggs is gone, I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do!"

" Pfc. Jackson & Doc Johnson got themselves into cover & waited for the fight fire to stop, Lt. Anderson and the rest of the American forces kept on climbing up within the rainy situation, even the muddy ground and Enemy fire. But, the American forces try to get up from the ground, ended up sliding down from the muddy surface & Some of the American forces have already reached within a small piece of the enemy territory."

" As soon the American soldiers sees one of the NVA soldiers are trying to carry his wounded comrade, one of the American soldiers shot the NVA soldier that was trying to help his wounded comrade, then kept going up on the Hill & taking out any remaining resistance."

( 26 minutes later, after the firefight)

" After the firefight & stormy rain, two Airborne soldiers are trying to comfort their dieing Friend while trying to cover him from a incoming medic helicopter to get the  wounded out of the battlefield while giving them supplies for the Airborne soldiers."

( The video will be the piece of the words, but minus the Racist stuff & foul language. Unless, you want to watch it as a uncensored version)

Lt. Anderson: " alright, man. Let's get you straight." [ Sees Pfc. Jackson and giving him a fist bump while taking care of Doc Johnson]

Doc: " hey, Jackson....see you at home." [ Giving him a fist bump] " he's Alright blood. I don't feel a thing. I am boo Koo doped up."

Lt. Anderson: " hey, Doc. Now, come on now. You owe this to yourself, Alright."

Doc Johnson: " Black Jack... won't be happy... till he gets all my people... Killed."

Spc. Louis: " Hey, how are you going actman, how are you going to act?" [ Place both of my hands on his shoulders softly] "you're going back to the real world."

Lt. Anderson: " you're going back home, Man." [ Looking at Doc with care]

Doc Johnson: " I'm just what the world needs... Another Minority with a limp."

Lt. Anderson: " now come on, Doc. You stop that Stuff. We'll all equal here, no matter what." [ Trying to make Doc feel that we are all equal and that we are here for him].

Doc Johnson: " I'm not omitting you, Blood. We're all no good... Minorities on this hill. Blood. And Soul. Types. But we are going to fool them this time, aren't we?"

Lt. Anderson: " flipping A Man. Flipping A." [ Smile at Doc Johnson]

Doc Johnson: " we've been up that Hill... Ten times... And they still don't think we're serious. Who are we?"

Spc. Louis: " Hundred and First."

Lt. Anderson: " Screaming Eagles. Man."

Doc Johnson: " freaking Buzzards." [ Made a small chuckled]

Lt. Anderson and Spc. Louis: [ chuckling from What Doc Johnson said]

Doc Johnson: " Take the Hill. And thoses rats back in the world... Can never take that from me." [ Feeling cold and not feeling well]

As Lt. Anderson and Spc. Louis still with Doc Johnson, Lt. Anderson sees that Doc Johnson is fading away from living.

Lt. Anderson: [ sees Doc Johnson is about to die] " Hold on man. Hold on man. Now, you hold on there, Doc. Hold on Now."

" Doc Johnson is already dead after that, Lieutenant Anderson and specialist Louis hugged around to their fallen friend and weeping softly as they did while a another helicopter came landing down."

( Day 19, at the base camp)

" Lt. Anderson and every American soldiers are resting for the final battle for this tommorow. As they do, Louis is holding a Bible book as a memory from his grandparents since before joining vietnam war. Then a American soldier was telling his story while the rest including Lt. Anderson and Spc. Louis as well, are hearing his story."

( This is what the soldier said about his life at home and his reason)

" After they've heard his story, they knew they'll never ever forget about home and it made feel better that they've have each other's back and follow along side with them. Then, Lt. Anderson looks up at the hill and knew it's going to be a final push, but still worried for everyone within the company and how much more lives will be lost."

( Day 20, sunny and windy)

As the American forces are make their push against the enemy once more, Lt. Anderson took cover right next to a soldier who was trying not to get shot and felt frighten. " Trooper. Listen to me: I need you to remain claim and try not to lose focus, alright?!" Said Lieutenant Anderson while trying to make the young soldier snap out his fears.

( Watch theses video to help you visualize the scenes and making the story more understanding)

The young soldier started to relax and trying not to let it get the better of him, so he got his M16 A-1 and open fire at the enemy Forces. While, Pfc. Louis putting the M79 Grenade Launcher away and pulled out his M16 A-1 Rifle and open fire at the Enemy soldiers while climbing up the Hill without getting hit.

" Cold Steel, this is 6-1. Fire mission Over. Cold Steel, this is 6-1. Fire mission Over." Said Sgt. Harold while trying to hear them from all gunfire and yelling. As he still contacting them in Radio phone, then, a mortar strike two soldiers, but one of them survived while still trying to request a Fire mission. " sergeant? Sergeant, Your bleeding badly." Said the soldier while giving him morphine from Harold's loss of arm. " Oh God." Said Sergeant Harold while not realizing about it until now.

Meanwhile, Lt. Anderson & some of the American forces are still trying to Climb up the Hill, but then, they stopped advancing & see a soldier walking cover with blood, the Wounded soldier was pointing at the left side of the hill from behind with his knife. Then Lt. Anderson went to catch him & trying to comfort him while some of the soldiers are witnessing Lt. Anderson trying to comfort the bloody wounded soldier.

The bloody wounded soldier was trying to say something but couldn't & ended up slowly dieing after that while Lt. Anderson place the Dead soldier down softy. Then, the American forces resume their mission & trying to stay alive within the battle. Then, two American soldiers stops & sees an American soldier dead from the floor trap with spikes within the hole.

" Oh God, we need to get out of here, Sergeant." Said the American soldier while the Sergeant was slowly feeling broken but he didn't. " We will win this & make sure that we take that hill." Said the Sergeant while Checking his ammo for the M16 A1. Then, the American forces kept on climbing until a Enemy soldier appeared from a hiding spot & stabbed an American soldier with his Rifle Bayonet. As that happens, another American soldier sees & shoots the NVA soldier until a another one appeared out of nowhere & shoots the American soldier while Lt. Anderson was shocked & ended up using his helmet to hit the enemy soldier hard on the enemy's jaw & fell to the ground.

After that, Lt. Anderson puts his helmet back on & pick up his M16 A1 while moving up the Hill. Meanwhile, Spc. Louis was still Carrying the M60 & opened fire at the enemy forces. The American Soldiers are almost finishing the fight. Two hours later, the Hill was taken.

Lt. Anderson, SSgt. Dukeson & Spc. Louis couldn't believe that 75% of American soldiers are either dead or wounded within the Campaign. " I truly can't believe that a lot of young boys died in such massacre." Lt. Anderson said softly while holding of the Dog tags of Fallen soldiers.

Moments later, a Huey Helicopter was Landing down on a open landing zone & the helicopter was slowing down the wind blades while two American officers are getting off the helicopter & went to find someone. Lt. Anderson sees this while the two soldiers are with Anderson. " Looks like things are getting interesting." Said SSgt. Dukeson while two American officers are going towards Anderson & his two members.

" I'm Captain Johnson & this is Lt. Bullock, we are US Marine special forces known as MAC.V.SOG. You're Major had assigned you & your two best men for this assignment within the SOG team. Your objective is rescue the wounded Marines & get them out from enemy forces." Said Cpt. Johnson while Bullock looks at the Three soldiers.

" Yes, Sir. We'll get the Job & make sure that they get back home safe." Lt. Anderson said calmly while looking at the Officer. The American soldiers gave Anderson a new issue M16 A1 with M203 Grenade launcher while Spc. Louis gets the China Lake Grenade launcher. " Theses are your new weapons, also, SSgt. Dukeson: you're Getting the M72 LAW launcher for this assignment." Said Lt. Bullock while saluting them. The three members did the same for their CO.

Once they got their new weapons, they've went boarding the Huey helicopter & the helicopter started up while the pilot made sure everything is full of fuel & loaded for their weapons. Then the Huey helicopter lifted off the ground & went to rescue the wounded Marines. Meanwhile, Four marines are protecting the wounded Marines from behind the cover while enemy forces are trying to kill the Marines. " We must hold this position for the evac helicopters to arrive." Said Sgt Richardson while firing his M14 rifle on the enemy soldiers. A Corpsman was making sure the wounded are not in critical condition & keeping them alive while being under fire from enemy forces.

Then suddenly they've heard two Huey Helicopters arriving the area & shooting down the enemy forces while the other one was Landing down to the ground & that gave them to evacuate the wounded while Lt. Anderson & his two members are assisting with the situation. " Get the wounded out of the area!" Said Sgt. Richardson while the two Marines are getting the wounded Marines inside the Huey helicopter. Once that's done, the Two Marines went inside & taking them to American base.

The first Huey helicopter finished off the last remaining enemy forces & landing on the ground. " Thanks for the assistance, Lieutenant. I'm truly grateful that you guys got here." Said Sgt. Richardson while heading to the Huey helicopter while the Corpsman & the two soldiers are heading inside the Huey helicopter. " Likewise & it's great to help out with the Marines, Sergeant. Said Lt. Anderson while boarding inside the Huey helicopter.

Once Lieutenant Anderson & the four members are inside the Huey helicopter, the helicopter lifted off from the Ground while the Troops are holding on. " I'm Sgt. Richardson & this is Corpsman George." Said Sgt. Richardson while Corpsman George wave at Lt. Anderson & his two soldiers. Things were going smoothly until a flash of light appeared on the Huey helicopter where Lt. Anderson & his two members including the Two Marines.

( The exact light, except it's during day time)

While that's happening, the bright light took the whole helicopter with everyone in it. But the other Huey helicopter wasn't taken but witnessed it. " Holy...! Where they go?!" Said the Marine while the other one was surprised as his friend. " I truly hope that they're safe." Said the second marine while the Huey helicopter was still flying back to US Base.

( End of Chapter 2.5)

[ Part 3 will come soon...if you're still interested it]

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