Allistar - When it Begins...

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As a Puppy, Allistar was a troublemaker, making Messes, running outside, and chasing his siblings.

He was the 5th oldest of the bunch. He, and his siblings, in order of age, are:






Alvina  (Vinnie)



Allistar liked some of his siblings, but some, he disliked.

He lived with his Parents, (Millie, and Willie), and his Owners, the Harstons.

There was Harris, Hope, Julie, and Oscar.

Mr. Harris Harston was never too fond of Allistar. He always hated his Mischievous ways. He always locked him outside, to where He had to sleep on the Grass.

But, one day...

Opal- "Wake up, idiot, time to get up."

Allistar- "Get your Stench off me, Opal. Man, for a Dog named after something so beautiful, You sure are-"

Nixon- "Don't you Dare finish that sentence, and Opal, get off him, and Go eat before I bite y'all two."

Mason- "Hurry up, or else I'll eat all of y'all food, and I know that you don't want that happening."

Allistar- "That's why you are The Fattest Pup here, or in this Case, the world."

Willie- "Children, stop fighting, come down here, Now. "

Today was Monday, also known as-

Allistar- "Wash Day!? Please tell me that this is a Dream."

Norris- "Sorry Brother, but the Calendar, does not Lie."

Opal- "Oh, and dear Brother, remember What Owner Harris said?"

Allistar- "Ugh, If I misbehave one More Time-"

Opal, interrupting Allistar- "You'll be Sleeping. Outside. For A Week."

Just then, Millie ,Vinnie, Olivia, and Worra came down the Steps.

Millie- "Good Morning, children."

All the puppies say Good morning to their Mother.

Meanwhile, Harris, and Hope are talking.

Harris Harston- "Allistar better not cross me this time, honey."

Hope Harston- "Honey, he's just a Puppy,  he doesn't know any better."

Harris- "He does know better, he just won't act better."

Hope- "Give him some time, and be easier on him."

Harris- "Fine, but if he goes 1 Inch out of line-"

Hope- "Calm down, I'll go get the children up. You go get the Dogs ready for their bath."

Before the Bath, Allistar goes to Worra, who is currently on the Girl's side of the Attic.

Allistar- "Hey Worra, How are you doing?"

Worra- "I am fine."

Allistar- "That's good. Just checking, because-"

Just then, Opal and Vinnie entered the Attic, only Opal had a smirk on her face.

Opal- "Well, well, well, if it isn't Troublemaker, and the Runt."

Allistar- "And if it is the Ugly Brat, and Her Follower, then both should leave before I Scratch their Ugly faces clean off."

Vinnie- "Hey, I am not her Follower!"

Allistar- "Yes You Are."

Opal- "And Please Allistar, You are younger than Me."

Allistar- "And you are Uglier, Dumber, Crazier, and Weaker than me, So?"

Opal- "That's it. Say One More Word. One More. I Dare You."

Allistar, even more mockingly than normal- "Say One More Word, Please, Try me Wimp."

Opal- "That is It."

Opal Jumps on Allistar, and they have a huge fight. A swing at an Eye, a bite on the Leg, a Snarl, Growl, and a Pounce. Finally, Opal and Allistar's fight has Stopped. They both have many Injuries. 

Allistar- "That is what you deserve. Now leave me, And Worra alone."

Opal growls at the Ruffed up Allistar, Before leaving.

Before Vinnie can Go with her Older sister, Allistar says the Following.

Allistar- "Alvina, Please don't be like Opal, be kinder, okay?"

Vinnie, just leaves, turns around 1 time, and Leaves.

Mason- "Allistar, It's your turn to take a Bath."

Allistar- "Ugh. Okay, coming"

When Allistar went Outside, He was preparing for the worst, for if he Misbehaved...

Harris- "Allistar."

Allistar looked at Mr. Harston, while shaking.

Harris- "You better not screw up, Allistar."

As the pup went in the tub, Allistar saw something that shook him to his very core.

As he was getting bathed, he saw himself, tied up by vines, and an Alligator right about to attack. Just as it had reached Allistar, he yelped, and ran from the tub.

Harris Harston yelled Allistar's name in anger, but the Puppy did not care.

As Allistar looked back, he didn't realize that he was on the middle of the street, But then-

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