Allistar - Woodly Wander

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After Running away from the City, Allistar, Lawrence, Charlotte, and the others Went to the woods to Hide from the Cats, and they Tried to find a living space, but none of the places they visited were suitable to the Dogs.

Finally, They saw a Cave, where the Dogs can live in, and It has enough space. so the called it their home, and When they all got settled into their new Home, Allistar help train the Dogs become fighters.

Allistar- "Alright, when a Cat comes at you, and Has its claws in front, you Dodge, I'll be the cat, Now, DODGE."

Some of the dogs dodged the attack, but some did not, so Allistar taught them what to do if they couldn't dodge the attack.

Allistar- "Alright, if you can't dodge, then, Just bite their nearest leg to your mouth. Let's try again, shall we?"

After the training that day, Charlotte went to Allistar.

Charlotte- "Hey."

Allistar- "Oh, hi."

Charlotte- "Thanks for teaching them, they really need it."

Allistar- "No problem, but what about you and Lawrence? Don't ya'll need training too?"

Charlotte- "Oh, no we don't. We trained ourselves, so we can protect ourselves, but not them, We care for them. They're like, Family."

Allistar- "Oh, I get what you mean, I have a family too, but let's just say, that they're chaotic."

Charlotte giggled at Allistar after him saying that.

Allistar- "Y'know, You are pretty, like, the Sunset, With its hints of Yellow, and Orange, they remind me of you."

Charlotte- "Aw, thank you, You're so sweet."

Just then, Lawrence went up to the two dogs.

Lawrence- "Hey, Charlie, Allistar, we need to get some food, and water for our group, so we have to hunt."

Charlotte- "Okay, Lawrence."

Allistar, whispering to Charlotte- "Charlie?"

Charlotte- "That's his nickname for me."

Allistar- "Oh, okay."

Then, the 3 dogs went to Hunt for food. there was an abundance of Food, like Mice, Shrews, Birds, and Rabbits.

When they were done with their hunt, It was near dark, and they tried to go find a river, but they could not smell their scent, and they could not see anything. 

Instead, there was a Fog, covering everything, but this was no ordinary fog, this was something else.

They were then found by Owls, who were about to attack.

Allistar- "What is the meaning of this?"

Owl- "That is our Food, that you are carrying right now. Give it to us, and we won't hurt you."

Lawrence- "What do you mean, yours? We hunted it, It's our food!"

Charlotte- "Exactly, don't try us, we will add you to the Pile of food that we have if you do."

Owl- "Owls, get them."

Soon a whole Parliament (A group of Owls) surrounded the Dogs.

Charlotte- "Alright, we warned you."

Owl by Owl by Owl, they Killed, and defeated the owls one by one. Soon, only 5 owls remained.

Allistar- "Are ya'll gonna surrender now, or are ya'll dumb enough to stay around?

The owls then flew away, and the 3 dogs went on.

Lawrence- "That was kind of Unnecessary, don't ya'll think?"

Allistar- "Who knows."

They soon found a river, and Rested for a bit.

Allistar, marking the Tree near the river- "And, done."

Lawrence- "Huh, done with what?"

Allistar- "I just had to mark the spot, so that when we try to find it again, we won't forget."

Charlotte- "Huh, that's actually smart."

Allistar- "Exactly... wait, Actually? What is that supposed to Mean?"

Charlotte- "Nothing Allistar."

Soon they went back to the group to get them to the river.

After that, they went back to the Cave, and they were ready to sleep, but then, they saw a beautiful sight.

Fireflies roaming around the night sky. It was so beautiful. As They watched, Charlotte laid her head on Allistar's body, as they both were curled up, and sleepy. As Allistar was about to go to sleep, he saw Lawrence, and softly moved Charlotte, and went to Lawrence.

Allistar- "Hey, what are thinking about?"

Lawrence- "Allistar, I know that you're developing feelings for my sis."

Allistar- "Okay, So?"

Lawrence- "You two look nice together. If you're going to be with her, don't break her heart, I will hurt you if you do."

Allistar- "Uhmm... okay, but how do you know that-"

Lawrence- "I saw you flirting with her. It's cute when you two are together."

Allistar- "Hey! Don't be calling me Cute."

Lawrence- "Okay, 'Night Man."

Allistar went to the spot where Charlotte is sleeping, and cuddled with her. They slept the Night away.

After that Day, Allistar, Lawrence and Charlotte kept on helping the Crew with fending for themselves, and everyday, they kept on coming closer, like a family.

(Sorry if this feels rushed, or Boring, I just needed to make way for something, so stay tuned. Thank you.)

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