Chapter 14

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"Kazutora-kun! Hi, can we walk together?"

Takemichi still waits for Kazutora, smiling and saying hello as always. This guy really doesn't know what fear is. Kazutora doesn't say anything and walks past him. Takemichi, disappointed and crestfallen, loses his smile, but just then Kazutora's voice rings out.

"Buy me a can of drink."

Kazutora doesn't look at him but keeps walking. Takemichi immediately perks up and runs after him. So there is some progress, right?

However, another problem appears. If there is progress, what should he say next? Takemichi buys the drink for Kazutora and then stays silent, sometimes glancing at Kazutora as if wanting to say something, sometimes fidgeting nervously. He looks so annoying. Kazutora thinks, wondering why he lets Takemichi follow him. Maybe it is because Takemichi's dejected look reminds him of abandoned puppies? Kazutora makes a comparison in his mind. The puppy would have golden fur and fluffy hair, its eyes always shimmering pathetically. No matter how cruel you are to it, it still clings to you. Both pitiful and contemptible for enduring such mistreatment.

"Say what you want to quickly, it's annoying, you idiot," Kazutora can't stand it anymore and speaks first.

Takemichi is startled, his actions stiff and stammering. He hasn't prepared for this situation, what should he say? With his friends, it is easy—just chat about boy stuff, play after school, eat something. But with Kazutora, he doesn't know what to do. Maybe take it slow.

"Um, Kazutora-kun, let's go to school together tomorrow."

"Do you and I have the same route?"

"I can wait for you at X Street; you pass by there on your way to school, right?"

"Did I say I wanted to go with you?"

"But you only said we don't have the same route; you didn't refuse me, did you?"

"You like to argue?"

Kazutora raises his hand, intending to hit him. Takemichi just closes his eyes, ready to take the hit. Seeing this, Kazutora gets even more annoyed and doesn't want to hit him anymore. It feels like he is abusing an animal.

"Suit yourself, I go to school early, if you want to wait, that's up to you."

"See you tomorrow then." Takemichi happily says goodbye to Kazutora.

Go to school early? Only a fool would believe that! Does Kazutora seem like the type who enjoys being a good student? as he goes to school, from afar he sees a fool nodding off in a squatting position by the roadside. Many people passing by point at him and laugh.

Kazutora squints his eyes and looks, how long has this guy been waiting that he's now asleep here? Kazutora doesn't want to acknowledge knowing him, intending to walk away, but after a few steps, he gets irritated and turns back to kick Takemichi, startling him awake.

"You idiot, you can sleep here too?" He says angrily.

"Ah! You're here! Sorry, haha, I rarely wake up early so I'm a bit sleepy."

Takemichi wipes the drool from the corner of his mouth, explaining sheepishly.

No matter how he looks at him, it's really annoying. Kazutora turns and walks away. Takemichi quickly runs after him, chattering.

"Kazutora-kun, have you tried the egg soba bread at school? It's delicious, I'll treat you at lunch, okay?"

"Kazutora-kun, do you like reading any manga?"

"Kazutora, do you want to hang out this weekend?"

Kazutora feels regretful. He doesn't know if this guy has any ulterior motives, but he already feels bothered. And Kazutora doesn't respond to Takemichi at all. But when they get to school, Takemichi still waves goodbye enthusiastically at him as they part ways, as cheerful as ever.

At lunchtime, Kazutora has no intention of letting Takemichi treat him to anything, so he wanders off somewhere else. When he returns, he finds an egg soba bread and a milk carton on his desk.

"Is Hanagaki-kun pursuing you again?" The same girl from yesterday asks.

Kazutora looks at them with annoyance. He doesn't want to eat, and doesn't like it anyway. Did he agree to buy it for him? He throws it away under the girl's disdainful gaze. But she doesn't say anything, after all, that guy is terrifying. Poor boy.

After a week, Kazutora agrees to let him follow, partly to see what his intentions are, and partly because he suddenly has someone to run errands. Kazutora orders Takemichi to buy this and that, accepting it if he likes it, and discarding it if he doesn't. If Takemichi disobeys, Kazutora deals with him harshly. The feeling of ordering around and tormenting a Touman member is quite satisfying.

And Takemichi endures it all, making his friends furious, scolding him a lot, but he just keeps smiling.

During lunch break, while the group is at the vending machine buying drinks, his friends scold him again. For over a week, Takemichi has been like a madman, following the person who bullies him without resisting, which really annoys them. If Takemichi didn't stop them so forcefully, they would confront that person, no matter how dangerous he seems.

"Maybe I'll punch you to death, Takemichi," says Akkun.

"Touman will be ashamed because of you, Takemichi," says Yamagishi.

"Man, you have a good position in Touman, Takemichi, why do you want to be friends with that guy so badly?" says Makoto.

Takemichi stays optimistic and not angry at all because he's been following Kazutora for over a week and hasn't seen any approach from Kisaki. Chifuyu also reports that Baji hasn't made any unusual moves either. Takemichi thinks that if this continues, he might really prevent Kazutora from joining Valhalla. If one day Kazutora accepts him, then he could work together with Baji and Chifuyu to soothe Kazutora's emotional turmoil.

But his friends still complain a lot.

"Kazutora-kun isn't really a bad person, guys. I truly want to be friends with him," says Takemichi.

Takemichi does this for Touman and also for his own desire. In the future, Kazutora will be much better, treating others kindly and genuinely caring for them. So, Takemichi is being patient, hoping to meet that Kazutora again.

Takemichi doesn't know much about Kazutora's past, but he knows that Kazutora has been deeply hurt, a child with a broken heart. After causing Shinichiro's death, he became even more twisted, with distorted and crazy thoughts to protect himself, afraid of having betrayed Mikey. He has truly been in great pain and loneliness. A person both to blame and to pity. Takemichi is very afraid of the current Kazutora, but if he gives up, he's scared the past might repeat itself, that he will lose someone, and that Kazutora will live in torment for the rest of his life.

"The senior girls said that guy threw away everything you bought him."

"I know."

"He doesn't intend to be friends with you; he just sees you as an errand boy."

Takemichi feels a bit bitter, but he smiles and nods.

"Damn, you're so helpless."

"Haha, trust me, one day when he really accepts me as a friend, he'll treat me well. So don't tell anyone in Touman. If I know, I'll handle you."

"I don't want to hear it, idiot. I might get high blood pressure because of you."

"Go back first. I'll give water to Kazutora."

"Screw you."

In a corner of the nearby hallway, Kazutora is deep in thought. He wanted to know the intentions of this person approaching him, so he often watched him. But why does he always hear, "I want to be friends with him"? Is there really no other motive? It's not because Baji asked him, or because Mikey sent him to cause trouble? Is there really an idiot in this world who wants to be friends with their bully? Kazutora feels confused again.

Kazutora heads back to class as the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch break, and finds a can of soda on his desk. As usual, everyone in the class expects Kazutora to throw it away. The girl who once told Takemichi to stop giving things to Kazutora looks on with the most disdain. Yet today, she is wide-eyed as Kazutora drinks the entire can.

For over a week, Takemichi has been using the excuse of being busy to skip martial arts practice with Baji. Partly to spend time with Kazutora and partly to let the bruises on his face fade, otherwise, it would be hard to explain to others. Today, Kazutora arrives at the school gate earlier than usual. Takemichi hasn't come out yet, so after some thought, Kazutora decides to wait. Takemichi hurries out, fearing Kazutora has left. When he sees Kazutora waiting, his face lights up, and he runs over excitedly.

"Kazutora-kun, are you waiting for me today?" His voice doesn't even try to hide his joy, and his eyes crinkle with his wide smile. Kazutora squints at him and clicks his tongue.

"Let's go home."

Kazutora can't sleep all night, so he wakes up early the next morning. Lost in thought, he goes to school an hour earlier than usual. I'm crazy, definitely crazy, Kazutora thinks angrily to himself. Passing the spot where Takemichi often waits for him and nods off several times, he slows down a lot, not wanting to see what he's expecting. But unless he stops, he'll still go where he needs to go.

Kazutora suddenly feels tense, his heart beating faster than usual, and his steps become heavy. Almost here, please don't show up. But contrary to his insincere wish, the familiar figure is still there. The blond-haired boy who has been following him for two weeks is really waiting there, at a time when hardly anyone wants to get up early for school or work. The chilly morning air makes him shiver a bit, and he alternates between standing and sitting by the roadside, sometimes yawning sleepily. Yet, his waiting posture remains very patient.

Kazutora stands in a daze for a moment. Is this feeling... being moved? Can he even feel that way? No! It can't be! Kazutora denies the warmth he feels in his heart.

Takemichi looks toward the road where Kazutora usually appears and is surprised to see him standing there.

Please! Don't smile! Don't make that face anymore.

Takemichi breaks into a radiant smile, as bright as the sun. Kazutora can feel his heart skip a beat. Takemichi runs toward him with that beaming expression on his face.

"Kazutora-kun, you're going to school so early today, almost an hour earlier."

"You... always wait at this time?" he asks hesitantly.

"Actually, today I came a bit earlier than usual, haha, but lucky, right? You're early too."

Damn it! Kazutora turns around. Takemichi doesn't understand why but stays silent, not daring to touch him. Suddenly, Kazutora tilts his head back and rubs his face.

"You haven't had breakfast yet, right? What do you want to eat? Consider it paying back for the things before."

"Yeah, let's go to school. There's a lot of good food there." Takemichi is surprised but feels more joyful. Could it be that Kazutora has accepted him?






Sorry for keeping u guys waiting without announcement, I've post a schedule for posting chapter on my profile, pls check it.

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