Chapter 3

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In the past, Mikey and Draken would have taught Kiyomasa a lesson on July 7, 2005. Takemichi is waiting for that day; he doesn't just simply want to seek revenge on that guy again. Takemichi goes home to check his savings, which isn't much. He looks at the items in his room, thinking he should sell some to buy a few things.

"Takemichi-kun, have you been lacking sleep lately?" Hinata notices Takemichi nodding off in class, so she asks.

"I'm fine, Hina-chan."

Today is July 7th, and Takemichi is taking a nap to regain strength because he will fight Kiyomasa today.

"Takemitchy, check yourself. If you don't feel okay, I'll help you out. I'm afraid you won't be able to beat Kiyomasa," Draken advises him like a mother hen caring for her chick.

"That would be embarrassing," he objects.

"It's okay to lose. I appreciate your determination," Mikey also teases him nonstop on the way.

These two guys!

When they arrive at the underground fighting venue, memories flood back to Takemichi. He remembers the first time he met the two of them. The scene is quite impressive and frightening in Takemichi's memory. Everyone bowed respectfully to them, appearing truly powerful. Takemichi had been in similar situations when accompanying them, witnessing the bowing scene multiple times, but he never gets used to it.

They arrive right in the midst of the battle, and the whole crowd seems to tremble with fear upon seeing Mikey and Draken. Some curious glances are directed towards him, accompanied by murmurs filled with curiosity.

"Who's the guy with the president and vice president?"

"Don't know, seems strange."

Kiyomasa quickly steps forward, bowing his head to greet Mikey and Draken. However, his not-quite-90-degree bow is once again met with a painful kick from Draken, the sensation even stronger than the last time.

"Since when do you think you're so important, Kiyomasa? Bowing to the president, yet you dare to bow lightly like that?"

He doubles over, clutching his stomach, while Draken then turns to Takemichi and winks.

"Huh? Don't tell me this was on purpose because of me? Cheating!"

Takemichi pulls a foolish face. Draken sees his silly demeanor and chuckles, then ruffles his hair. Since when did Draken develop a hobby of patting others' heads? Takemichi furrows his brow helplessly as Draken messes up his already unruly hair. Draken seems to enjoy this, while the onlookers are wide-eyed in surprise. Who is this guy? Being so familiar with the vice president like that?

"It seems like there's some fun fighting going on here, huh?"

Mikey speaks from the center of the courtyard. The crowd immediately pales.

"Kiyomasa, you seem to enjoy making money from underground fights? Or maybe you'd try fighting yourself. Today, I feel like placing a bet."

Everyone is astonished, unsure of Mikey's intentions. Kiyomasa and his group are trembling even more.

"Today, I'll bet 100 million yen that Takemitchy will win against you," Mikey declared.

Oh, the familiar yet unfamiliar scene. Takemichi wants to scream out. Who is the one just mocked for predicting that I would lose? And now, he's placing a bet of 100 million yen on me.

"I'll also bet 100 million yen on Takemitchy."

Don't add yourself, Draken. Takemichi jerks his head to look at Draken, but he just shrugs as if to say, "I believe in you, man." Takemichi is speechless.

As for the others, they are looking at those two with incredulous expressions that say exactly four words. "They've lost their minds."


"Wanna fight or not?" Kiyomasa wants to object, but Mikey cuts him off.

That guy is dissatisfied, but upon observing Takemichi's feeble demeanor, he feels a sense of smugness. Well, how could he possibly lose to this guy? Ha, underestimating him, huh?

The fight begins without any cheers or shouts, as nobody dares.

"That damn guy! I don't know who you are! But if I beat you to death, don't blame me."

As soon as he finishes his sentence, Takemichi swiftly lands a stunning blow on his face.

"You talk too much, Kiyomasa," he says, successfully provoking him into madness.

"Takemitchy punches so weak," Mikey lounges comfortably with chin in hand, watching the amusing scene.

"When will Takemitchy ever win fighting like that?" Draken stands casually beside, equally at ease.

Takemichi in the middle of the ring feels helpless.

At that moment, Kiyomasa also launches an attack on him, going berserk with a series of punches. Takemichi can only grit his teeth and endure the blows. His strength is still very weak; he knows it. Since he returned, he has been training rigorously, but how could his fighting abilities improve significantly in just a few days? However, he has accumulated a lot of experience from numerous battles with Touman in the past. His endurance has been honed, and most importantly, his spirit refuses to give up. Takemichi continues to absorb the hits; he can't retaliate, but he is waiting for his chance. His only strength in a fight is resilience; when the opponent exhausts themselves, they are sure to reveal a vulnerability.

The people above watch the scene of Takemichi being relentlessly punched by Kiyomasa, silently thinking that Mikey and Draken must be out of their minds for placing bets and letting him fight Kiyomasa. Is there any hope of him winning at all? However, despite taking numerous hits, he still hasn't collapsed – quite resilient. Meanwhile, the president and vice-president of their group remain calm as ever, continuously taunting the very person they bet on.

"Takemitchy, your fights are so boring, can you even do it?" - Draken.

Fighting's that boring, yet he still bets a hundred million on that guy.

"Do you need my help, Takemitchy?" - Mikey.

That's cheating! Oppose it!

"If you two aren't going to cheer properly, then keep quiet," Takemichi yells.

Is that guy sick of living?

"Haha, keep it up, Takemitchy," Mikey encourages.

He's even laughing?

They are seriously thinking even if Kiyomasa wins or loses, will he be able to live peacefully with these two?

They think today's shock is enough, but then a scene they never imagine unfolds. Takemichi, enduring the barrage of blows, seizes an opening from Kiyomasa. He continuously punches the abdominal area that Draken had kicked earlier. Kiyomasa, in pain, bends down, and Takemichi immediately climbs behind him, locking his neck tightly. He struggles, but can't shake Takemichi off. After a while, he exhausts his strength, his eyes widen, and he slumps down. Takemichi uses the same method that has won in the past. Though taking several punches, he feels proud. He raises his fist to signify his victory, then turns to laugh with Draken and Mikey. The two look a bit surprised at first but soon break into smiles and approach.

"Seems deceiving, yet quite impressive. Real victory there" - Draken.

"Great job, Takemitchy" - Mikey.

Draken drapes his arm over Takemichi's shoulder, while Mikey holds his head and ruffles his hair. Their proud demeanor resembles parents seeing their child win a competition. Truly, Takemichi is feeling that way.

Alright, they give up. Today, they can't witness any more shocking scenes. The guy they often call Red-kun hurriedly rushes out, seemingly wanting to kneel down, his body trembling as he bows low.


"You're the one who organized this with that guy?"

Mikey, who was smiling just a moment ago, now asks him seriously, and he dares not answer.

"Can you afford 200 million yen?"


"You filthy scum, dare to disgrace Touman with such pathetic fights like these." Mikey kicks, and he immediately flies in pain.

"Now, you owe us 200 million yen, what will you do, huh? Any opinions, Takemitchy?"

Mikey turns to ask him.

"Either pay now or be expelled"

The act of betting, though unexpected, surprisingly favors his purpose. He wants to expel this wretched person, not only because of his actions affecting Touman's reputation but also to prevent any future troubles for Draken. Ultimately, it will be the first step for him to build his own reputation in the underworld.

"Who do you think you are? Daring to suggest the president kick us out."

One of Kiyomasa's gang members angrily steps forward, forgetting the presence of the two terrifying figures. And what he receives in return is a powerful kick for that action. Draken stands in front of Takemichi, extending his arm protectively.

"Who do you think you are to raise your voice here?"

Draken looks at him menacingly, his voice cold, and his terrifying face intimidates the other guy for a moment. However, when he turns to Takemichi, his tone becomes gentler and more considerate.

"Takemitchy... expulsion is a serious matter, can't be impulsive."

"Draken-kun, be a bit firm, these guys won't back down. We need to set an example for other Touman members, right?"

Takemichi speaks earnestly, his tone determined and uncompromising.

"Alright, Mikey, expel these guys."

Draken takes only a second to think, then decisively states it as if he had never uttered the words "Expulsion is a serious matter, can't be impulsive." The group falls into contemplation, questioning when did their vice president learn to change his stance so swiftly? It is totally not okay! Where does that little brat come from? He is weakening their vice-president too much.

"Hmm, so you two have said that. Well then, listen carefully. Kiyomasa and his crew will be expelled from Touman. You guys might not have to pay the 200 million, but I know whoever dares to bother Takemitchy, I'll break you all apart."

Mikey declares decisively, putting an end to the spirits of those present today. They've had enough shocks for one day. Let them go.

After that day, rumors about someone close to the president and vice president of Touman spread widely. This guy isn't just casually close but has the influence to persuade the president of Touman to expel an entire group of members, a highly influential figure.

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