Chapter 9

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"It's fucking nonsense!"

Takemichi indeed doesn't want to hide anything about his time travel from Chifuyu. In fact, Chifuyu was the first person he told about it. They are sidekicks, after all.


"Are you going to mooch off my lunch?"

Chifuyu returns right at lunchtime, complains about being hungry, and then shamelessly eats his lunch.

"Don't you think I won't starve to death if I wait to eat until after you finish telling your story?"

"Who told you to guard the sacred hour?"

"Well, let's get to the point, the future you're talking about really pisses me off. I can't believe Mikey-kun would turn out like that. Baji-san will die, I don't know how I can live in that future."

"Kisaki is the root of all this. Even if he dies, the nearest future result is good for everyone except Mikey-kun. I also don't know if it's considered good for everyone without Mikey-kun. Anyway, this time I return to prevent him from harming Mikey-kun's loved ones. That way, Mikey-kun's dark self will no longer appear."

"Let me tell you, about Pa's friend's situation, now I just realize, how could the police show up at such an isolated place and arrest them? Was it you?"

Takemichi nods slightly. Actually, it is because of Touman that he dared to do something he had never dared to do before. Even now, he still thinks it was worth it, but guilt is inevitable.

"I caused a few small robberies, then tied up some thugs or drunks nearby to draw the police's attention. I kept watch there until Mobius made a move, then I called the police, and because they were patrolling nearby, they arrived very fast. It's a shame that Pa got beaten up pretty badly, but it's much better than last time, his girlfriend wasn't harmed at all."

"You can't even fight properly, how can you do that kind of thing?"

"I used an electric stun gun."

Takemichi pops a bite of rice into his mouth and replies nonchalantly. He sold some of his favorite things to buy it, and now it is in the box.

Chifuyu almost drops his food out, the kind guy that he often scolds as stupid can do such things? But no! What a surprise? He even ran out to block the knife, time to time returning to the past, his courage can't be small. Besides being shocked, Chifuyu finds the person in front of him really extraordinary.

Takemichi this time doesn't tell Chifuyu in detail what he had been through, how he returns to the past, but with the basic information, Takemichi's tearful eyes, Chifuyu understands enough that the journey must have been both difficult and painful. Takemichi gave up his happy future to return to the past again, to start over so that everyone could be happy. Looking at Takemichi who always smiles, who is also silly and a crybaby, who would know that this person has sacrificed so much for the future of others.

It's really... still stupid after all.

"You said that we were sidekicks before, right?"


Chifuyu extends his hand towards Takemichi.

"Let's continue being sidekicks then. This time, you and I will prevent Baji-san's death, and then we will create a better future for everyone together."

Takemichi is again moved to tears, indeed sharing with Chifuyu makes him feel lighter and much stronger.

"Change your hand, you idiot. How can I shake hands with my sore one?"

"You're so fussy."

The two shake hands and laugh.

Since Kisaki doesn't have the chance to join Touman this time, Baji doesn't need to go undercover in Valhalla anymore, so it's hard to guess whether the target this time is Baji or Draken again. It's unclear who Kisaki will incite Kazutora to target. Baji is also a target to watch out for, because of Shinichiro's death, Baji always feels guilty, he always hopes Mikey can forgive Kazutora and Kazutora can escape from his psychological shadow. So it's really hard to know what Baji will do to make that happen. He even risked his life last time to change it, so who knows what else he can do.

"That Kisaki guy is insanely talented, isn't he?"

"Yeah! Ruthless, calculating, and cunning."

"But he died once and now you don't intend to kill him."

"If I can stop Kisaki from killing someone this time, I don't want him to die either. Murder is a moral issue, and I don't want to be like Kisaki."

After Kisaki's death, Takemichi's body trembled uncontrollably. Kisaki's death has become one of Takemichi's nightmares, and he often dreams about it. It is a true nightmare. That look of fear and despair...

For him, Kisaki is a bastard with a touch of greatness. Talented, intelligent, and persistent, even if twisted. He truly loves Hinata and does everything for her, even though he eventually went mad and destroyed everything. Anyway, in that future, he's still better than a coward who only runs away like him.

Despite the hatred, witnessing the death of an acquaintance is never easy, especially when that person even calls him a hero. He truly wanted to confront him for longer, and now that chance comes, this time he must beat him up until he wakes up.

Chifuyu notices the change from contemplation to determination in Takemichi's eyes. He knows that Takemichi is thinking about the evil guy he just heard about, he always cares not just about his friends but also about his enemies.

Takemichi, he's carrying too much on his shoulders.

"When will the battle with Valhalla take place?"

Chifuyu's question interrupts Takemichi's train of thought.

"The last time was on October 31st. A week before that, Kazutora-kun came to see me, but I guess there's no reason for him to now."

"Complicated! I think we should tie Kazutora up so he can't show up in that battle."

"I don't know where he is now, and if he's with Valhalla, there's no way we can catch him."

Whatever, they still don't know what to do.

"Forget it, I'm going home now, it's late, I'll think about it later, my head is overloaded with information right now," Chifuyu complains.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out, I'll come to your house to see Peke J next time."

"Are we really that close?"

Takemichi kicks Chifuyu in frustration before sending him home.

After that day, Takemichi stays at home for a few more days before returning to school as usual. Many kids recognize him and bow their heads, saying things like "That's Takemichi-san, he saved Draken in the battle against Mobius," with sparkling eyes full of respect. This reputation needs to spread further, and he needs to become even more important.

On the weekend, Takemichi wants to fulfill his promise to go out with Hinata, but the day before, Draken calls and says he will treat him to as many fries and hamburgers as he wants as a thank you. Takemichi considers refusing Draken's offer because he wants to go on a date, but then he thinks it would be great if he invites Emma too and all four of them go on a double date. It would be fun and boost both couples' relationships. Draken agrees, but instead of going on a group date, Mikey shows up the next day.

"How could you guys go out without me? That's not cool at all!" Mikey says with a pout.

Everyone just laughs it off, well, if it isn't a group date, then a group outing is just as good. The three guys let the two girls choose where to go. Emma and Hinata hit it off well and both liked the same café that's said to have great drinks and pastries, so they all head there together.

"Perhaps I'll treat you some another time," Draken keeps reminding his offer to treat him to fries.

"Haha, it's okay, we will have many more chances to hang out together"

"Don't forget to count me in, okay?" Mikey comments.

Draken keeps asking about the wound on his hand. He knows it's out of concern, but it makes him feel weak.

"Takemitchy, don't let yourself get hurt like that again."

Mikey looks at his hand, his face unhappy. Although he knows that it is inevitable for thugs to get injured in fights, Mikey feels really sorry when he sees Takemichi injured. He doesn't like this at all.

"My brother is just worried about you, Takemichi-kun."

Emma also adds when she sees her brother showing a pout, while Takemichi just smiles awkwardly, saying nothing.

"Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm not that weak. It's just a small wound."

Takemichi doesn't understand why Mikey and Draken take his injury so seriously. He's fighting better now, but before, his face and body were always bruised and battered, and everyone thought it was truly normal.

"But Takemichi-kun, please be more careful. Don't put yourself in danger. Everyone will worry about you a lot. Hina doesn't want to see you get hurt either."

Hinata gently advised him. His girlfriend is really wonderful. Takemichi feels a happy warmth inside, but in fact, his happiness is already fully expressed in his voice.

"Haha, I know, I can't promise, but I'll try my best."


Takemichi gazes at his lovely girlfriend and smiles warmly at her, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

The pink atmosphere filling the hearts of these two lovebirds makes Emma find them adorable and giggle, but also jealous. She wishes Draken would accept her feelings soon. She glances over at Mikey and Draken, she is a little stunned, for some reason, even though they show no expression, Emma could sense they are not happy. Especially her brother, his dark eyes are not normal.

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